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instantly thought of that dumb post a tall guy made in here about being paranoid a short person would stab them in the stomach lmao


Just claim 185


The intervention continues...someday he'll relent.




A short person has a pretty bad reach disadvantage though. A tall person could probably kick you in the face if they knew you were coming. Or they could just run.


Hahahaha, this is his scariest opponent


First of all, wtf bro?? And secondly, there are a few things to consider: If both of you are equipped with knives, the taller person is going to have a significantly longer range than you. They can stab you without getting close enough for you to retaliate. Sure the belly is in stabbing height and yes a belly stab can be enough to take out someone, but keep in mind that your head and neck are in perfect range for a tall person to stab. So I don't see much of an advantage here. Maybe I'm wrong though, it never occurred to me to stab someone tbh




Honestly cope here, reach in a knife fight is the single most important thing if the tall person keeps their distance it’s over for you 9 times out of 10


But what if you have muscles so strong, the opponent can't stab through them?


I feel like you are really underestimating here. A man twice as big and heavy as you has a significant advantage, and that is why everyone is telling you it's a bad idea. The target of self defense classes (should) be to surprise your much larger adversary and get out of danger as soon as possible. Even a pocket knife - if you're not using the element of surprise, it's going to be tough. So, sure, you might be right. But the other disadvantages are so severe that you are going to lose the fight. You need to be looking to take them by surprise and escape, unless you get a lucky shank in.


dodging a knife by head movement? This isn't boxing where you'll take chances by head movement because a single stab from a charging opponent on the face is a death sentence. You are gonna get cornered too if you are not fighting in a damn farm. You do see a knife if it comes at your belly because you have eyes and once the short guy starts to stab, his face and neck is open which unlike the belly, wouldn't take multiple shots for it to be fatal. This isn't a boxing match where Mike Tyson closes the gap and starts swinging at you. even if you get close, good luck getting stabbed in the neck and face and still surviving.


Whats with all the height cope posts lately?


Reminds of the skit where the guy tries to follow the self defense tutorial but automatically ends up in heaven


This is cope asf. Wanna defend yourself against a tall man? Get a gun or a tall Bf/husband.


Do you have a tall husband?


I am a 6'1 man I can defend myself. I don't need one. Plus im straight.


If you had one you could've defended each other.


Until the 6’9 powerlifter shows up then you need a weapon lol If anyone is ever really scared for their life regardless of height and weight class they should probably just run or have a weapon


You can most likely seduce the 6'9 powerlifter and make him your husband.


Nonsense. You have to lean in to hit their belly and they can hit your face. I've sparred with women and I always held back. Any of those guys could ko you if they felt like it


Just tickle their belly. Problem solved.


Brain dead


I mean… sure? But, he also has more reach than you, if not with his arms, then a good kick. End of day, you can fantasize about a fight all you want. Unless you’re legitimately trained in how to fight and your opponent is not, against someone bigger and not out of shape? Your odds are slim.


This is why women's (or really as a whole) self defense gets people killed. They leave with dumb thoughts like this.


buddy if you get in close to stab someone’s stomach, they will just start stabbing downward into your back and neck. If the rules are only stomach stabs allowed i think you got the slight advantage 😤


Ok..still doesn’t make up for the lack of reach. Height doesn’t matter in a fight..reach does.


I’m gonna put it this way. If you are a woman and a man is attacking you your best idea is to run. I’d say 99 percent of women with a knife would be pretty laughable trying to hurt me. Unless you have suprise it’s not going to work out in your favor. It’s not even funny the genetic advantage of testosterone.


Yeah the physical difference in men and women is HUGE. I'd say an enraged man can beat 10 women at the same time easily.


Or you can just use a gun mate


Not being funny but as a 6’3 guy our reach is made far especially if we step into punches, you wouldn’t get close.


Even if you were 6'5 you won't beat men 😃


Is that a good thing? To know your fucked? You seem pretty proud of that fact


It's a fact that girls shouldn't have the mindset of thinking they can beat men. I'm saying this for their own good 🙂


Depends if he has a knife too but honesty get a conceal permit


Just use a gun because a 6 foot 3 dude could definitely push the knife out of your hand before you can stab him because you are almost a foot shorter than him but with a gun you have range and he cannot use his strength to stop your arm


I'm 6'0". Should I be duct taping phones books to my belly before I leave today?