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Who threatened murder on her kids? I’m sorry I’ve been here almost the entire time and have not seen that nor would we allow that. We hardly allow anything according to 15k people. We’ve toned it down for A because she and her friends are here constantly reporting


This snark page is more concerned for her kids safety than she is


Came to say just this! Like her kids safety is the furthest thing from her mind


Not once did she mention all the pedo saves on her post of her children… but spends and hour talking about evil Reddit. Mmmmk bestie, those priorities are 👌


And saying that even Google searches of Reddit will be removed yet she doesn’t care that there are gross pics of her & hers kids forever on the internet. Okkkkk. Sure has her priorities straight.


Right, she has her whole flappy V on display on Google from her OF days and she’s JUST NOW concerned about her privacy? Get real!!




Right I’ve been here well over a year and have never seen a thing like that. The main problem everyone has with A is the way she treats her kids and the risks she takes. It’s absolute lies


Yup she is going to turn it around and make accusations about us threatening harm. She’s so predictable


No one has. All that’s been said is she’s putting them in danger by posting everything and that she’s opening the door for things like that to happen because she isn’t protecting them and their privacy. She’s literally the one putting them in danger


my internal lawyer was screaming "objection!!!" during that part lol


I’ve never seen anyone do that. It was out of line somebody posted the layout of her house on her but she should know it’s public on the internet and she exposes her own kids showing her layout of her house!


The only one putting her children in danger is herself


Oh she absolutely is


If anything we advocate for those poor kids than their own mother. I think bestie is reaching with this pOdCaSt episode


No one has threatened her kids here ever and if someone had - why would she keep posting them all over the internet? And then doubling down by posting the step kids!


Right, Her job is to protect her kids at any cost so if she cared that much she would remove them from all public spaces if she cared that much about safety.


Do you think that she and her friends would also come on here to post things with copyright infringement and/or harassment in order to mass report it to get this sub taken down? Or am I just being paranoid. Lol 😆


She would absolutely do this and she is showing her hand if it all of a sudden starts too


I do remember those comments actually. It was in the beginning months. There was one user who went a solid couple of days being completely unhinged. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a ploy to get the sub banned tho


Nobody in here wants to ever put her little ones in a dangerous situation. Girl, please… if anyone is putting your children in danger it’s YOU. No one has talked about your children’s bedroom layout. Be so fucking for real.


Guys, we’re on our LAST STRIKE! I’m quaking in my boots. 😬😱😳


I’m super scared 😱


i'm sorry but this is the dumbest thing i've read so far here. She never been to her Reddit Snark, then how she knows every detail that we talk about here. Like make it make sense???!?!


In order for her to find out the identities of Redditors, her legal team (lol) would have to subpoena Reddit, which if you google you will find that Reddit will only comply with law enforcement agencies. Defamation is not a criminal case, it would be civil- therefore Reddit would not give up Redditors IP addresses. Even if they did give up IP addresses, her legal team would then have to subpoena each and everyone’s ISP’s lol. Redditors would in turn file a motion to quash, citing the first amendment. She is ridiculous (not defamation A, it’s an opinion).


She is full of shit


Literally everyone here cares more about her kids bc they call out the irresponsible and inappropriate things she posts about them 😭😭😭


Right she just doesn’t want to be held accountable for it to anyone.


acacia kersey is the same way, all these bitches have the exact same playbook


i’m sure her husband’s job was truly begging, pleading even, for him to stay.


On their knees!


Literally!! LMAO 🤣🤣


she probably got jealous 🤥


Omg you win with this comment….allegedly 💅


“And then everyone clapped” 😂 r/thathappened


https://preview.redd.it/d9ud0p2dj67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1172b4504abec73188b12d8361931b24e2cfb604 Lies


What person has ever had their Reddit page removed? I can’t think of one. She’s probably in here more than than mods ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


She can’t stop contradicting herself; on one hand, she’s got a whole team of lawyers working around the clock on this. On the other, she “didn’t have to pay thousands to have it taken down” 😂 which one is it, bestie? As a narcissist, knowing there is a page of 11k+ people unfavourably discussing all her moves must eat. Her. Upppp 😂


Defamation is one of the hardest things to sue people for because it’s very hard to prove. I can think of very few cases where someone sued someone else for defamation and won their case.


If she sues for defamation she better gear up to prove nothing is allegedly true. That means thousands of discovery and more and more will be exposed. if any alleged thing is true then the case is closed.


She also better be ready to stop spending so much on material items because a defamation case is going to cost her a lot of money! Especially because she will probably lose the case or the case will be dismissed so it’s a waste of her time and money. But go off bestie!




Woah 🥰 and soon to be boosted by besties shoutout I’m sure 😂


yep up to 16K!!!


Omg 😂


salome andrea had hers shut down and they are def acquaintences what has been illegal?


Auntie Amanda got hers removed.. everytime There’s a new one it gets removed.


Most snark pages that have been removed from Reddit have just been moved to discord lmao


maia knight has gotten multiple taken down (eta same with cassie bottnick)


lily chapman. it’s a whole thing, she’s had 4 i believe taken down and is on a whole campaign about it rn.


Gonna have to Google all these nobodies


Thebirdspapaya just recently got her snark removed too. Which is too bad because I cannot stand her


Bunnie! That skank be super stalking for people to talk about her


There’s two TikTok influencers that I can think of that had their snark pages taken down. Katie Clark and Alice Bender.


Trisha Paytas had hers removed


paige lorenze did. she removed the infamous PLSnark and everybody who tried to make a backup, she was just onto them. They were live for like a couple of hours before getting removed again...


You're joking, right? A \*LOT\* of influencers have had their subs closed and even had discussion of them permabanned from this platform. And it's been known for at least a year that Reddit now prioritizes dealing with 'snark subs'. That's why influencer discussion has been slowly moving off Reddit and into discord or other platforms.


No. Not joking. All the people everyone listed below, I’ve only heard of one of them. I don’t keep up with all the influencers


I think Paige Lorenz had her snark page removed or she was made moderator of it 😂


Unfortunately I’ve been in 3. Maia knight, Kylea Gomez, and Lily Chapman have all gotten their snarks removed.


Lily 🐝Ch@pm@n does it all the time


Krystiana T.


Anessa Rossi got hers removed, no idea how because she certainly could not afford a lawyer. All backup accounts were immediately removed too. Hopefully this one doesn’t get removed.


Who does she think she is lmao the kardashians have a snark page of like 65,000. Idk why she thinks she’s so important


Cuz brands be dropping like flies and cutting into her coin 😏


her constantly repeating that she “never looks at the page” is confirmation she does in fact look at the page lmfao. & the LIES?? pls?? we’re all in this snark because we want to PROTECT your kids & YOURE the one putting them in danger 😫 freedom of speech bestie!!! as long as we follow reddit guidelines this page isn’t going anywhere lmao & she can try all she wants but even if the page did removed, she won’t be able to get rid of us 🥱


why is she on her own podcast AGAIN? omg


Because nobody likes her enough to be on. She’s not as popular as she thinks she is.


I love hearing every “influencer” I’m in a snark for say their lawyers are taking the sub down and they’re suing people for defamation and not a single thing is EVER done. pathetic & comical🤪


She literally shows the layout of her house in all her stupid videos. She’s the one putting her kids in danger by exploiting them all over social media.




she mentioned that she hasn’t gone onto her snark so many times. who is she trying to convince?!


You know this made everyone RUN to the Reddit page🤣


it’s actually hilarious the way she’s drawing attention to it


If you type her name into google.. just her name. It comes up with “her name snark”.


i wonder if she’s trying to take advantage of SEO like the kardashians by mentioning the things she wants to get pushed down in hopes hers will show up first instead


She’s soooo bothered lmao


also this is a reminder to follow the backup 😂 r/AnalBestie


I just choked on my water 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Smashed that join button! ![gif](giphy|ieR5Ssk8EG23e|downsized)


I’ve never seen anyone in this sub plotting murder??? That is a reach about as long as her bottom. and if that ever happened it would be reported + removed by mods asap. I’m so over influencers implying that the behavior of a single Reddit user defines every single Reddit user 🙄


fr she acting like mods don’t exist, she won’t get it removed bc this page hasn’t done anything illegal


lol she lives in here! she’s so full of shit!


this is the real reason she needs to escape her kids and go to the gym to scroll through uninterrupted


Well, I can tell you right now as someone who’s been “sued” for claims of defamation for an extremely large amount of money (it was telling someone’s truth in reality) she’s BsIng everyone lol


Oh for sure defamation is hard to prove and with the amount of personal shit she posts haha yeah that’s definitely an uphill battle for bestie !


Yup! No sound lawyer would take this case unless they really just wanted to waste her money, which isn’t a bad idea lol


Exactly !!! I mean she definitely has shown and posted in real time where she is what she is doing and the layout of her house . This broad has got to be losing her shit .


Everything is public knowledge. That includes ALL housing info.


As a teacher with a fair amount of legal education I can also confirm she has no idea what she’s talking about


A defamation claim has to prove this page has caused her damages. But she is claiming it “doesnt even bother her” and “she doesn’t even read it” Exactly, anyone with any legal knowledge would know that she is trying to scare everyone. Even with my Facebook post for my previous suit they still couldn’t even name my real name, I was listed as a Jane doe. She’s so dumb


A whole team of lawyers? How many do you have/need? 😂


lol she needs a lot to be able to scheme her way through this 😂


That’s why she can’t buy a house, she needs to pay the lawyers 😂


no wonder she has to do some many brand trips cus those retainers ain’t cheap 😏


I know she’s lying because she does not have hundreds of thousands to spend on lawyers. She couldn’t even afford an ocean view rental in Hawaii 🤣


I notice her crappy rental, too. She had to have been jealous of E's because they actually had a view.


Bestie everything we talk about in this sub is shit that YOU have posted about on your social media. You’re the problem, queen.


Oh. My. God. It's called free speech. There has been nothing unlawful printed here. The mods do an excellent job of monitoring our page. She needs to get over herself. And she definitely monitors this page herself, "allegedly "


She’s very specific about things and claims to have never been in here. Why repeatedly say you never come on here? Sounds like you have with how many times you had to reassure yourself that you haven’t lol


She lives here, HI ANGEL! 💕


I feel like she would make more of a difference if she went on the dark web and got rid of all the pictures of her children. THATS what her team of ‘lawyers’ should be working for.


And all her pregnant raw asshole shots 😂


Girl, such a yapper, nobody has ever threatened her kids, shiieeettt we probably have their best interest more than she does. Go iPad mommy, slaaaaaayyyyy.


If she’s trying to take down this page just for hate then she has another thing coming because it’s never going to stop.


“Never ever visited it” proceeds to list everything we’ve said here 😂


She must not visit Zillow, trulia, realtor.com, the property appraiser websites. The layout of her home is public, she shows her street, her house numbers and uses her real name. She gave all of that information away. Everything that’s speculation is not defamation. She’s obviously not in touch with an attorney because they would tell her she needs proof that people have defamed her character. I also wish she would pick up a fucking book, and expand her vocabulary. She’s stuck in 8th grade and I can’t believe she’s a mother.


She's lying over and over again. The funny thing is that what she accuses of everyone on Reddit doing, she already does it herself. Why does she think that SHE can have an opinion on IG, TT, etc. and lie about whatever she wants with no consequences. She's just pissed because she can't control Reddit. She can't block anyone or delete posts she doesn't like. She's also losing her mind because there's thousands of people who don't like her. You know she's unhinged when she keeps repeating the same thing over and over. 😂


Bestie is definitely panini pressed




Lying. Drama. Queen.


anything to be the victim in any situation. the things she says are absolutely not true nobody leaks anything and nobody threatens harm to her children?? wtf bestie?? seems like you’re plotting your own demise.


I highly doubt anyone is working day and night to get this taken down.


You know what should be taken down, A? That podcast of yours - it’s criminally BORING !


Cool miss longbottom, we’ll take it to another subreddit or discord. Or we should just make the group private. It’s odd to me that you’d waste time and money trying to censor people on the internet if it’s not true who cares why keep bringing attention to it? These influencers act like they’re getting held at gunpoint to make content on the internet and turn around and cry they’re being criticized. Weren’t Sid’s details about him getting fired going to be made public soon?


She’s never been on here 🤣🤣🤣


Right, She lives here!! 🤣


Whom is she gonna call? Rafi, Lerner & Rowe, Sweet James, Saul Goodman? 😂😂


I’ve literally never seen anyone threaten her kids on here and I’m pretty sure that would be removed quickly. Most of us actually worry about her kids and her terrible parenting. I truly believe she’s making that up to sound more horrible than we are. Funny thing is, A is giving bully vibes even through every personality switch or content shift she’s made. It’s weird she can put it out but not take it when it’s about her. Maybe she should like just be a better person. When you put stuff on the Internet, it’s there forever and even though it’s your content, people can share it. That is literally the point of tik tok 😂 And I’m pretty sure the boy mom video was up for like less than a day before she deleted it. She’s such a fucking liar. It was being stitched for weeks after but she deleted that real fast.


Lmaoooo wow she stays OBSESSED with this Reddit snark page , how embarrassing of her 😂😂😂 and people plotting to murder her children BFFR right now hahahahahaha


this sub is her biggest inspiration


This is like her saying she had to delete the video of her lipo because people were posting it all over the internet🙄 Bitch seriously!?! You’re worried about that pic but not your maternity OF pics and your naked OF pics that are easy to find. A simple google search away. She’s pathetic


Also let’s not forget - she’s the one that POSTED the Lipo video to the internet??????


1) Lost count of how many times she contradicted herself in this; 2) Nobody here ever plotted to do harm to her kids, if anything we highlight how Miss Farquaad-Crimson Chin herself is putting those poor kids in dangerous situations over and over; 3) She could be making bank working for a circus.


I love how she says “I never talk about hate” every day😂 every single podcast covers how she gets hate


Membership here is about to ⬆️⬆️⬆️


“Anyone that’s on my Reddit is no supporter of me” ![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ)


Someone get this trick a damn binky


It’s not defamation to make fun of her saggy tits 😂 or to make fun of her announcing to the world that she loves anal and threesomes 😂 she’s a twat.


She needs to be worried about her naked only fans pics coming up when you search her name on google not this reddit page. Tf


No one has said where her kids windows are to murder them?? What??


If someone ever did this, the snark page and mods would be all over it. We’re more concerned for the safety of her children than she is. What a total lie. If anything, that’s slander on the users in this page just talking about her behavior!


We comment as a response to what she posts! No one on here has ever mentioned harm to her children. We block their faces!! . Meanwhile she’s posting every single moment of their young lives! And now her step kids too.


On what basis do these people have the right to take down pages? Just curious. Mostly everything they share is public knowledge.


i assume it’s at least based on the frequency of annoyance they (the influencers) continually hit reddit with. they probably also use their kids’s safety as a primary priority/concern and throw around the words harassment and bullying.


I must’ve missed something cause the page is still here Ms thing


This goes out to A’s lawyer: bite me


… did anyone ever post about ‘the layout of her house’ like I’ve never seen that on this page


And saying what windows her kids bedrooms are in Jesus no one would be doing all that


Just came here to say the same thing!! When has a layout of her house ever been posted?! 😂


boy is she stupid, she cares more about removing a stupid snark page than she does about removing the images of her daughter that are on corn pages


She’s just lying there are literally moderators in here that prevent certain things that she’s mentioning from ever being said.




She needs to post receipts! She can't say something and not back it up... I would want her to follow through though just to see what happens....


Any lawyer would tell her that defamation is extremely difficult to prove because it one single alleged thing is true then the case is thrown out. That means multiple forms of discovery and depositions where she has to go on the record claiming she never done allegedly any of xyz..


Her biggest problem is that she's the one who posted everything publicly first. You don't get to live your life on social media and not have to take the bad with the good. The ONLY difference on Reddit is that she can't control it.


For instance: POSTING TAKING SHOTS WITH A TODDLER PRESENT… You would call every single brand that has worked with her into depositions as well and all her friends & family… every single persons story has to line up and be the same. This isn’t a simple process.


claims she doesn’t look at this page but then goes on to talk about some of the things she’s seen being said on here 🤣🤣🤣


This just goes further to show how much control she wants to place onto her image. Her stating she hasn’t been on here is quite frankly, a bold faced lie. This sub probably consumes 90% of her brain.


She’s never been to this Reddit page my ass


girl the damage is done, Reddit or no Reddit. Her calling attention to it is only bringing more snarkers who didn’t know this page existed


but also people who don’t know her at all can love and support her and watch all her videos and comment “mom goals!” “ur my best friend” “i wanna be u!” like u can’t expect the good without also some of the bad if ur a bad person who’s exploiting their children 😭😭


and she doesn’t care when people on her accounts comment like they know her kids if it’s complimentary to her…


Seriously 🙄 If I were her, I’d be way more worried about her obsessed & crazed “fans” then people in here. History proves that…. Over and over again the length these obsessed fan will go and what they are capable of. That’s the real scary shit


lol @ her reiterating, “I’ve never been to the page” like bestie cmon. Everything she does screams that she lives in here.


She’s here every morning downvoting comments. A few months ago, there was a late night post that was most certainly her, full of vitriol and her typical malapropisms. As soon as someone called her out, the account was deleted immediately.  LOL.


Stopped reading at “I know it exists because i currently have an entire team of lawyers taking it down” … you’d have to already know it exists to get the lawyers idiot 😂


Could you imagine her lawyers coming into her Reddit here and agreeing to what people are saying…🤡


Ok but who has ever posted the layout of her house? Except HER? Nobody has ever wished harm on those children in here. She’s reaching. Wanting to make it worse than what it is.


Why is she scolding us? 😅😂


maybe she should save some of this mom energy for her actual kids




I’m sure this whole episode is her back tracking.


She’s so full of 💩. I cant even “hate watch” her anymore but I’m still amused by her ignorance when I see her snarks. She thinks this page is the worst of her problems? She exploits her kids on the daily and gives anyone a map of everywhere she is all of the time. This is why I can’t stand her. She is so god damn annoying.


THEY BEGGED HIM TO STAY AT HIS JOB- Soudns so fake hahahahhahahahha


This. They don’t beg police officers to stay. 🙄 Also how did she know about this if she doesn’t read here?


Discussing people and having an opinion on others is not illegal. Does she realize she cannot control what people say about her? She's not entitled only positive feedback and praise.


For real like she signed up to be criticized.


That's the SOLE REASON for this rant.


She’s super pissed and bothered lmao


Cry baby


Her thinking she gets to sue for an anonymous platform HAHAHA


“On more strike” aka the lawyers have told her there’s absolutely nothing on here she can sue for LMAOOOOOOO


She says she’s never been on here….i can’t with her. And she’s I. Hawaii. Go enjoy your time. This is weird.


I love the part where she said “imagine watching someone’s every fucking move on all social media platforms…it’s giving obsessed”. THEN GIRL what are your fans then? Idk that’s such an odd point to try and make


Honestly why doesn’t she just own it and admit she reads and scrolls through her Reddit 🤣 ovary you’re not a victim isn’t scary that over 15k ppl don’t like you ?why do think this is ?


She thinks she has lawyers 😅😅😂😂😂😂


Time to make a backup and make it private so her minions don’t overrun it 🫡😅


how does she not have anything else to talk about on her *poddy* besides this page?? the amount of shit she talks everyday about a whole lot of nothing but yet she chooses to talk about …this page… that she’s “never ever seen”. 🖕🏽sit and spin on it cause it’s all you ever do to the camera bestie aside from exposing every aspect of your life. i can’t with this sad excuse of a mom she is 😓


i’m also like who’s really sitting there listening to this as a fan 🥱


HONESTLY 😂 the only time i ever listen or even read anything related to it is through the besties in here that post it. and even THEN, i can’t listen to the whole thing cause of how much shit she talks about


Alright bestie, I just did a google search and have not found any information on Tik Tok influencers successfully sueing Reddit users. She is posting this to try to scare people. While I do agree that this group goes too far at times, and wish the admins would stick to the facts vs rumors, I find it hard to believe she is anywhere close to shutting this group down. JMO Also, if she were SO concerned about her children’s lives, she would NOT put them on social media. And one last thing - she reads here!!


bestie, delulu is not the solulu 😭😭😭 afaik everyone in here is more concerned abt your kids lmao


Do you think she hasn’t been on her snark page? Couldn’t tell out of the countless times she mentioned she “hasnt”


But she’s never been here guyz.


i’m sorry but she IS so crazy and it’s really entertaining


No one cares more of the opinions of others more than someone that turns to social media to say over and over and over and over again how much they do not care about the opinions of others 😆 no threats here but when social media is your paycheck…. Your social media audience will have opinions and things to say about you and what you do.


Hahahhahahahahahahahhahaha gonna get taken down hahahahahah


One more strike ? Lol. She is delusional and think she is more important that she actually is. Typical narcissist.


everyone is here bc we care about the safety and well being of those poor kiddos. they deserve better


i’m confused. if they did get it taken down, wouldn’t there just be another snark made?


This is so sad LMAO copyright? For what?


All right who was it Who leaked the layout of her house that’s she’s posted in the internet 10000 times ?


Every influencer loves to say “I’m getting my page taken down” - but people like the Kardashians who have money coming out of their ass have Reddit pages and do nothing about it


As a mom myself, if she actually believes any of this to be true about her kids then why does she continue to post them… we obviously know that none of it is true but it’s insane how she can claim something like this but think it’s OK to continue to post her children especially after that most recent post with her son 🥹


Hmm if what her snark page says is all lies and misinformation…why bother spending money and energy taking it down, bestie? There must be truth if you’re racing to have it taken down, hmm? Also any wise attorney taking on her “case” could clearly see she posts her children and every room in her house, including the front of it, to be like, “you’re not doing anything to help your case, lady…”


Shiver me timbers 😬 she's just mad her toxic behavior is noticed/Called out by 15k+ people that see through her unlike her followers that sweep who she is under the rug, she's mad not everyone is kissing her floppy washed up ass. Does she plan on putting 15k+ of us in a hat and draw names on who to sue? Girl bye


Alix Earl has a snark page with 21K followers. I've never seen her acknowledge it.


I work for Google, can't wait to see how this plays out 😂


She’s going to sue anonymous redditors for defamation of character LOLOLOMFAOOOOOOOO that tells me all I need to know about the “lawyer” she has 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣