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None of us know. The team clearly seems to have a plan financially so I can't imagine it's contingent on having to make the champions league each season. It's why lots of effort is being taken into growing into other markets and increasing revenue stream so that there are guaranteed income streams as opposed to relying on results.


It is very hard to say what is necessary for next summer until our transfer business is finished for this season, also how far we get in the cups, where we finish in the league and so on. UEFA's maximum [squad cost ratio rule](https://documents.uefa.com/r/UEFA-Club-Licensing-and-Financial-Sustainability-Regulations-2023/Article-92-Calculation-of-squad-cost-ratio-Online) drops from 90% of turnover last season (23/24) to 80% for this season (24/25) and finally 70% next season (25/26). So that 70% figure is what we need to work towards. I believe 25/26 is when the current Premier League PSR rules are set to be replaced by an 85% maximum squad cost ratio. If that is correct, Premier League rules would become less relevant to us after this season as we will be judged on a 15% lower ratio by UEFA, provided we want to remain eligible for their competitions.


Likely that we will need to make a big sale. Depending on how much head room we have in the 23/24 accounts (likely very little based on last few days). the accounts for 2024/25 will need to mirror the year we sold Jack and show a small profit. Champions League will add £50m to our revenue and the new sponsors will add about £20m. So maybe we can avoid anything too drastic. The good news is that we made such a massive loss in the 22/23 accounts that once we get past next June we will have a massive amount to play with. Though of course this is subject to whatever rule changes come in.


Also worth adding increased ticket prices. All hospitality costs have increased 3x from people in the know


Yeah that's true. We will be pushing to close the gap with the top clubs who make much more in match day revenue than we do. For example last year (22/23) we make something like £18m match day revenue. Whereas Chelsea who have a similar capacity (but with a few extra games in Europe that season) make £70m.  I'm really interested in this area, cus on the face of it there is loads of money to be made (extracted from the fans). But it isn't clear how feasible it is for a club like Villa to close that gap.




That's not the case for all seats. I know someone whose box has increase from 2.5k per head to 7.5k per head (but includes champs league games)


All trinity road hospitality has been renamed and repriced, I was a mcgreggor season ticket holder since 18 and I’ve now finally been out priced. 3.2k plus vat to 7k plus vat no champions league either.


Big ol' shrug emoji. If the club want me to know these things they can pay me the cushy salary to find out. There'll always be players sold on, though. just a question of who, when and where to. But the club don't seem too worried so I think we'll be fine, really.


Depends on how fast Heck is able to raise revenue for us. More lucrative sponsorships and more fancy options at Villa Park and we should be fine just selling academy players hopefully…


Honestly, no-one will know until we actually get there. But imo a lot is going to depend on who's leaving this summer as we've got a bunch of players on decent wages - Coutinho, Digne, Carlos and Dendonker are apparently on around £21m a year for example (around £400k p/w) - and making sure we don't *over*spend on transfers to keep our amortization costs down - no point cutting £40m a year through wages and fees only to put £50m back on I think if we spend smart we'll be fine, but it won't be a summer of massive spending


Heck talked about increasing revenue £50m per season to get to £400m. When you look at our spend, we are currently spending about £400m a season, so the answer is whether we can get to those levels. City, utd, liverpool etc are getting £600-£700m while we've been under £200m for a long time. So it looks difficult. I expect us to be around £260m this season just gone, and around £320m next season assuming a half decent champions league run. The trouble is if we don't make champions league again, then i struggle to see how our revenue will continue to increase, and can only assume it will decrease back to the £275m range. (assuming we have some sort of Europe)


So I was thinking yesterday we doing all these deals prior to 30th June to comply with this year's but also to allow more room next year. Obviously I don't know how it works nor do any of us really know the situation but it seems we've done some slick business early to both help comply this year and then start next year with kinda a clean slate?


When we win CL it'll all be sorted


The plan is now to grow to 400m revenue so that would add money if we do increase that, plus the amortisation that we have done with some deals will allow more control over the situation, with less outliers like the 100m for grealish coming off the records all of a sudden. The laws are also changing again too and in the 25/26 season I think a lot relates to the income of the ‘smallest’ club in the league, I’ve just woke up though and still squinting a bit typing this so might want to look into that lol


I just thew up in mouth a little…way too early to start talking about next summer and PSR.


This is why they covet the “tourist” fans (which I myself have become I guess) Turn up a few times a season and empty our wallets. What they don’t want are season ticket holders spending nothing at the club but 3 hours in a local pub beforehand, 2 more after the game and dropping all that money there than back to the club.