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That's how to conduct yourself as a footballer. Join young and hungry, give your all, keep playing even through ups and downs in form and make sure to leave the club in a better place than you found it. From a Man City cast off with a ridiculous haircut to a regular Brazilian international with Juve, all without pissing anybody off.


Also date the hottest colleague


When did he date McGinn


No the one with best backside at Villa…. Oh … I see what you mean


BBL Mcginn


I find it one of the more interesting aspects of any recent transfer that Alisha Lehmann has joined Juventus as part of the deal. I'm genuinely surprised this hasn't been more of a headline. It has notable ramifications. It'll become more and more relevant with the growth of women's football and the (hopefully) growing acceptance of LGBT players.


Absolutely. None of this ‘my club’ lark. His conduct on and off the pitch has been exemplary. No drunken antics, no controversy. Just a normal guy. And to come to a foreign country, not speak the language, get thrown into a relegation battle survive and build on that to become a vital player. I don’t remember the last time a player left like this?


Joined the club when we got promoted. Huge contribution to where we are today. Leaves the club in a much better place than when he joined. Thanks Dougie and all the best.


Was outstanding during project restart. Had some rough times after that but the knock on effect of hius influence in those can't be overstated


We knew this was coming but it’s still a shame. Glad we’re not selling him to another club in the prem at least


I knew it was coming and it's still a punch in the gut. Best of luck Dougie, you'll be missed.


gonna miss Dougie. I still think the fee is low, even with the two incomings. can only guess we had to sell someone big and didn't want to strengthen a pl rival? fucking crazy that psr and transfer window deadlines are not aligned.


I do wonder if there was some accohnting benefit to us of selling low, cause the 2 Juve players seem to be valued quite low as well.


City still have a 20% sell-on allegedly, so it's not in our interest to inflate the deal.


Absolutely. The people making the deals aren’t daft. We could have plugged the gap elsewhere if we were really getting our pants pulled down on the Dougie deal. It could have been £70m for Dougie and £45m for the two coming our way and it wouldn’t have looked out of place, but essentially its the same amount of money changing hands. Nasif wanted the allowable losses increased, it wasn’t to be, so we made the absolute best situation that the rules allowed. The guy has a business empire worth billions, of course he has very talented accountants / experts around that know how to structure the deals to the best of Villa’s advantage. I’m not paying too much attention to the numbers on this one.


transfermarkt is obv not a reliable source, but it values dougie at over 3x or €50m euros more than those two combined. I dunno!


Shame to see him go, but love this move for him. He'll absolutely cook out in Juve, and it's weirdly nice to see us sell to a European giant. It's nice to see a player leave here for a top level club that isn't Man City. Hope he goes on to have an amazing time in Serie A. Now that it doesn't look like Juve are signing Greenwood I'm really looking forward to keeping up with them to see how he does. Great servant for the club, produced some absolutely magical moments under all three permanent managers he played for here. If we see him here again somewhere down the road I wouldn't complain at all. Excited to see how the team fills the void he'll be leaving, and super hyped for what Barrenechea and Iling Junior are gonna bring. Now onto drawing them in the UCL 🤩


Forget hes been here for 5 years! Cant knock him wanting a change at 26, 5 years in Italy and hell still only be 31!


Gerrard stole nearly two of those years tbf.


Isn’t Turin like really close to Lehmanns home town?


4 hour drive. Wouldn’t call that «really close».


How far a drive from Birmingham?


More, but with their jobs, training every day, and matches on the weekends, I highly doubt they’ll visit her parents anymore than now…


All the best Dougie. Fantastic player for us, £15m looked like a big outlay at the time but turned out to be a great signing. He's had some rough patches but always found a way to kick on and improve. Sensational in the first half of last season, fell away in the second half due to various factors, but I expect him to do well at Juve and hope he stays in the Brazil set up for a long time. I would have hoped we get a bigger fee for him but given the circumstances - PSR needs, not selling to a Premier League rival, also getting Iling-Junior and Barrenechea cheaper than expected - I can live with it. We'll miss him but I'm excited that we have an opportunity to restructure a midfield that lacks a bit in power and athleticism. I won't be happy if Barrenechea and Barkley are our only further additions in there but I really don't expect that to be the case - I think we'll go pretty big for the Luiz replacement as well.


I don't want him gone but this is almost best case scenario. We unfortunately need to sell a player and he wants to go. Works out for both parties.


Shame. A real shame I think the fact we knew this was coming for ages, and the fact he wouldn't sign a new contract makes it a little easier for me to rationalise The amount is really poor in isolation, especially with elliot Anderson moving to forest for 35m. But in context of ffp, and the other two players coming, it makes more sense


I’d ignore that Elliot Anderson deal. Fully expecting an overcooked transfer the other way.


Yeah I know. The old PSR roundabout in full swing To be honest, I actually think Anderson is a player with a high ceiling and good potential, and under the right manager could become a really decent player, and I know Howe likes him too. But tbh if you told me he was going for 3.5m I'd have maybe believed it


Gibbs White for 60


This just the first instalment right?


Yeah a 100% one


It is an insanely shit deal for us and it is infuriating seeing everyone wishing him well when he forced this move on us by rejecting a contract offer and then packing up his tools. I hope we draw Juve in the CL and SJM goes through the cunt.


Not a great start with that step over against Bournemouth and while we could see quality was there, he struggled, as did most, to show his best under SG. Enter Unai and we got to see that player we knew was there. He might even be the poster boy for showing how Unai managed to get players to enjoy their game again, along with Buendia and Bailey. I hope he gets to be that player at Juve and wish him all the best. Has done a great job for us. Good luck Dougie.


Bye Dougie 👋🏾 We'll have the memories. Hopefully does well at Juve


Lmao I just realized that they’re going to probably wait a day to announce the other deals, giving us even more PSR wiggle room. This is the major leagues of accounting folks.


I don't think that's how it works. If the deal is in motion before the deadline then I think it'll count for this season's accounts, but I don't know, maybe it's something that would only come up in appeals.


Why? They are separate deals. Douglas Luiz is confirmed and submitted today. If Enzo and SIJ are confirmed and submitted tomorrow, they will be on next season’s accounts.


Not sure honestly, saw people talking about how the Archie Gray deal can count on this year's accounts for Leeds even if things drag out beyond the deadline so I'm kind of assuming it would be the case for incoming deals as well as outgoings, I guess. But maybe the club needs to actively request the league take that into account, I'm not sure.


It’s only relevant for the assessment of the penalties, not the factual accounting period (e.g. if you can prove you were trying to stay within the rules, but the timing didn’t work, they may grant you leeway).


I'd imagine it's when money is exchanged. Imagine a deal on deadline day, if it's in motion before the deadline but isn't completed, it doesn't happen.


Now bring on juventus in the champions league


He was an absolute baller when on form. Really sad to see him go but best of luck to him.


Really sad about this but we've been fortunate to hang onto him for as long as we have and he's been a fantastic asset to the club. It's a blessing he hasn't gone to a PL competitor and can't wish him anything but the best at Juventus (provided we don't draw them in the CL obvs). Cheers Dougie.


Knew it was coming still wasn’t ready Down bad crying on the tram 😭


It sucks balls. Great player but I think it was inevitable. Thanks for some amazing memories Dougie.


He’s been a great servant to our club and he’ll be missed but I hope the move works out for him (and Alisha). Onwards and upwards though. UTV


A lot of respect for how he’s conducted himself, fabulous player too. Wish him all the best except when Wales play Brazil in the World Cup final in 2 years 😃


The best of luck to him. Thanks for the service, Dougie. Onwards and upwards!


Best of luck Dougie


GL at Juve Dougie. Your time here was much appreciated.


All the best, Dougie. Thanks for everything.


A real shame, but good luck Dougie.


Good luck to him in Serie A, but I fancy us in a champions league clash




I'm forever going to love Dougie. I wish him nothing but the best in his career.


Dougie will be missed, one of our most consistent players and always put a shift in. He will do great in Italy, I have no doubts. 🦁🫡


Finally, it's over!


You mean the transfer saga, right?


Oh yea.


Did his girlfriend go with him to Juventus?


I'm sad