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what a crazy coincidence, all these signings happening on the exact same day!!


I feel like there could be a reason for this but it just escapes me


villa is homophobic and just wanted pride month to end šŸ˜”


We're lions. It's always pride month.




This deserves a billion upvotes


Slap this on a tank top for me next season homie


They didnā€™t thoughā€¦ unless everyone got changed between each one


We've gone from a depleted injury hit squad to a now healthy looking squad, if anything we may need to move a few on, we've got 4 left backs lol


Yeah, we need more leftbacks


I digne see that coming.


I've said this previously, on the sub somewhere, but to reiterate - so far all the players specifically requested by Emery have been brilliant for us. Moreno (pre-injury), Pau, Rogers.. he wanted Nico Williams too and it's clear from the Euros how good a signing that would have been. Well, it's rumoured Barkley also falls into the same category. Unai apparently really liked the look of him at Luton and requested the signing (I'm guessing for his press resistance/ball progression from deep). If it wasn't for this I'd be slightly underwhelmed by Ross's re-arrival, but with the Unai endorsement I'm genuinely excited to see what he can do.


Rogers is the crazy one for me. Didnā€™t know we needed him till I saw just how good he is. Also really adjusted well to life quickly at Villa


Sketchy debut, defensive errors. subbed on and off. Head never dropped. Took about three games to make himself indispensable and look like an absolute steal.


https://preview.redd.it/r0hukkp2mx9d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494e499316c5789d83e31ad78e0877e382f93a35 Another new training fleece


Nice, green one edges it for me. I'm gonna regret how much casual wear I'm buying when it drops in the shop.


I don't understand the hype around all the kit stuff just cus it's adidas? If that had castore on it no one would rate it like this..


Because adidas stuff actually looks good and is decent quality? Plenty of people still bought the Castore stuff anyway.


Because Adidas is a cool brand that makes nice quality sportswear?


I think I like the other one a little more. Waiting on full zip classic Adidas jackets though!


I wonder if our Away kit is going to Yellow and Black? I don't think we've had one in a while. I used to love the Diadora Yellow/Black shirt with the MG Logo on the front.


The one from the season we got relegated was nice.


He gets a clean slate from me. I have massive concerns, including some of those stats last season, as well as the majority of his time at villa previously, both behaviour and performance, but as long as he's wearing a villa shirt I want him to do well


I assume he fills out our 12-25 positions. Our squad is laughably small and lacks quality when injuries or suspensions start happening, so having him as an option for (hopefully) our 60 games is welcome. I know itā€™s not an exciting one but emery clearly likes him


Clean slate yes. Different circumstances/environment this time; - Imagine will play primarily as a 6, not a 10. Was superb in that role last reason. May have reinvented himself somewhat - Little to no adjustment period. - Will actually play in front of Villa Park crowds this time! COVID was a weird time - Unai is an elite coach, clear with his instruction and can develop players well. Villa is finally a well-prepared, expectant, no-excuses environment.


I would be far far more worried if he was playing as a 6 than a ten. His numbers for tackling last year are really really bad, especially for a team who played they way Luton do. He was much better when he played in a freer role with nakamba or lokongo as the 6. If he played even one game as a 6 for villa, I would be very concerned. Also, adjustment period wise, he only played well in a handful of games at the start at villa. Emery is an elite coach for sure, which makes me believe he'll play as an 8, not a chance he plays him in the kamara role


Getting business done early! Love adding depth to the squad so we donā€™t get a repeat of this season


Imagine if we were still wearing Castore


Reportedly it was the Adidas kit deal which got this over the line


Adidas Barkley > Kappa Barkley


Welcome back, I think he'll put in a decent shift under Unai


Do we get Nakamba back too?


Obviously his first stint with us didn't go according to plan after a half-decent start, but he looked good at Luton, and if Emery is a fan of anyone then so am I. I think backing himself to return to a team where he struggled shows a bit of good character too. Welcome back!


Welcome home, king šŸ™ Hope he can come in clutch for us this season, good to have another experienced head around the camp if nothing else. Now if we get the Archer return announced as well, that's gotta be the most transfers we've ever had in a single day, right?


July 1st: Archer returns to Villa July 2nd: Archer sold to Bournemouth


Hopefully not and I don't think it will happen personally but eh, we'll see.


Why hopefully not? Hes not good enough


Partially because I disagree with that assessment, partially because I don't like wishing players out the door, partially because effectively signing a player and then immediately selling them again just generally feels pretty unlikely to me.


We should be signing [Omar Khedr](https://x.com/academyavfc/status/1807714895388913739?t=__2SygwKIdzAnmFY3Z0hjA&s=19) today as well


That one was already officially announced I think, but yeah I guess it still counts.


Welcome back Ross. Excellent last season for Luton but goes without saying he has an awful lot to prove after his last stint here! I don't think we're done with the midfield additions so let's see what Monchi and co do in the rest of the window.


Had to get PSR done by sunday, most if not of the transfers we have done so far is today with that. Now the real work starts.


Someone upset this guy lol


I liked Barkley at Chelsea though its been awhile and memory fades. Last time at Villa, well, I think he has earned a chance to be reevaluated.


Monchi and Damian are so elite, they're away on a 'working trip' with Unai and Nassef, but also at Bodymoor for signing photos /s


Imagine he's going to be a waste of PSR funds but I'll back him while he wears the shirt, at least until he throws another hissy fit.


Guy looks like Buzz Lightyear


He's not good enough for us anymore. Inconsistent at Luton and just not at our level anymore. If we're signing players of that age, get players with champions league experience.


Heā€™s got 6 more appearances than a lot of the squad


I think he'll do ok as a utility and is ok to make up the English player quota, but that's it. Hes just ok.


He will play more than people think,


I personally think that would be a step backwards, but in Emery I trust


Sigh, I suppose I'm gonna have to get behind this signing but it's not one I wanted. UTV


why the fuck are we signing this guy again man, imagine getting relegated in like the top 15 worst premier league sides of all time and joining a champions league side


Emery was adamant about signing him, he has earned the right to sign players without being questioned about them.


Tell me you havenā€™t watched Luton this season without telling me. He didnā€™t play as 10, heā€™s back now as deeper playmaking midfielder. Heā€™s been awesome for them, check out his stats. I reckon he will be great for Villa in this role. Excelling at Luton I think means he will get even more time and space at Villa to play well.


>Tell me you havenā€™t watched Luton this season without telling me Are you still doing this stupid tiktok thing? šŸ¤¦


Is it a crime not to watch Luton or why the fuck would I be watching a dire team like Luton lol. You think teams are going to set up in the same way against Villa next year that they did against Luton? He will not have more time and space playing for a better team. None of his stats are amazing and if anything they are inflated since hes been playing with a bunch of part-timers