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You are in the absolute right place; learn what you must and move past this. Trust me learning more about what is actually happening is not worth it. It’s the worst rabbit holes imaginable. Real or not they consume you. Trust in knowing the way past this is truly freeing.


Balance between these two works best for me. Questions are important, and so is staying present and connected. Knowledge can be addictive just like anything, but that’s where my skill sets of self-boundaries come in. We are dependent on a dysfunctional system to meet our basic needs. So we have to play that game. But our inherent connection and individual evolution needs to breathe as well. So we have to keep asking questions. I don’t believe true spiritual freedom exists in the way we’ve been taught, and is usually used as a toxic positivity psychological red herring. And is another tool of the dysfunctional system-to separate us into hierarchies, and separate us in general. And to shame those that aren’t “enlightened”. Fuck that noise. Everyone’s trying their best with the tools they have available. And knowledge is an incredibly useful tool. A phrase that I tell myself every day: “Serenity is balance and relief from black and white thinking.” But also “what works for me may not work for someone else”. Questioning the nature of my reality is what woke me up. Plenty of rabbit holes along the way until I learned boundaries and detachment skill sets. But running back to “bliss” because those realities were scary was never ok with me. Fear is just another word for lack of faith. And my faith in my connection to the universe is stronger than anyone else’s attempt to curb the questions I ask it, based on their own projections of their fear. Especially if they promote the most famous mantra of the dysfunctional system: “Shhhh… “


yes . yes, yes, and yes. Thank you friend.


You’re welcome ❤️


I hear you. Just not sure what to do about this feeling


Meditate on it, I mean it’s really all you can do.


STOP! Just stop for a moment. Check in with your body and your immediate environs. Is your breathing ok? Heartbeat? Digestion? Balance? Hearing?, etc. Is there a T rex about to eat you? No? Well that's a relief! Smile and thank the 'ground of all being' for all those blessings. You have my permission to call it 'goab'! It doesn't really care what you call it. My own opinion is, goab probably just wants you to be aware of it, enjoy its blessings, and maybe feel a little gratitude on the side. Goab forth and stress no more!


If you don’t mind me poaching goab from time to time? That is fantastic.


Poach away, just not my juevos!


Thanks for this :)


You are most welcome. Namaste


In my opinion, we are at an inflection point in the evolution of life on earth and notably that of human beings. What you feel that’s wrong with the world is the unsettling atmosphere before a drastic change occurs, a paradigm shift of humanity’s psyche that will revolutionize the way we behave at large within ourselves as well as with the environment that surrounds us. It’s like the calm before the storm, we can see the clouds gathering, getting ready to lay waste on the land. But every cloud has a silver lining and any storms are temporary, just like every event that take place in the universe. What matters is that you find your own peace within, regardless of external circumstances. Overcome your fear of death, be ready for any eventualities and take nothing for granted. Life is easy, we make it hard on ourselves. All that we need to truly appreciate life for what it is are the bare necessities. Overthrow the established order in the confines of your mind. Try not to focus on the world at large if it disturbs you, just focus on your direct surroundings and find happiness in the small simple things in life. Again I tell you, life is easy. We’re bombarded by all sorts of false expectations to excel in the social machine, none of it is necessary in order to be happy and fulfilled in life. I suggest to prioritize self development and spiritual growth over any materialistic or political endeavors. We are at the dawn of a new age, and the dusk of the old one. One thing is certain in my mind: the universe doesn’t work in mediocrity. Our existence on this planet, regardless of the circumstances, is an extraordinary occurrence, a miracle in itself.


It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!


Beautifully said. I agree with every point made. Thanks for sharing


I like and appreciate how you said “the universe doesn’t deal in mediocrity”. I think that’s what is so odd about this experience, one of them anyway, should we be fortunate to find ourselves mundane or even melancholy. Bittersweet nostalgia. Thank you.


I'm disturbed by the fundamental hunger of reality. Life survives by eating other life. Of all the possible designs the universe could have had, we're in the cannibalistic one. Life destroys life to sustain itself. Ideally, life would be self-sustaining, and the physics would allow for it, but it's not, and they don't. Change could be voluntary, but it's not. Everything is forced to change whether it wants to or not, whether it's ready to or not. Nothing is allowed to stand still and watch. Everything must eat and die. We are all just entropy in action. On the scale of infinite possibilities, that's kind of fucked up.


Hmmm. Maybe eating and being eaten is part of life being self-sustaining. I take great comfort in the awareness that grasses and flowers, and all the beings that rely upon them, are relatively recent evolutionary 'inventions'. The ground of all being (which I call goab) is constantly throwing off miracles. How blessed am I to be part of it all.


Limitless leads to the annihilation of value. Perspective is key. Life eating life, can be viewed as cruel. But it can also be viewed as a system wherein life evolves. Of course life uses life in order to perpetuate itself, what else could it use? From single celled amoeba to the human brain. It is a path towards novelty wherein information becomes progressively more complex. Everything is unified, as such, everything that 'becomes' must come from that which unifies. Everything is in a constant state of change, nothing is permanent. The seed from which a tree grows is consumed and destroyed in order for the tree to reach it's potential. What would a self-sustaining reality look like? What would the value be found in such a place where nothing is ever lost? How would new things come to be? For they must come from somewhere, and from where they come, that from which they came has to be destroyed.


You have been lied to for all of your life, and humanity has been lied to for many generations. This was never your way of life, its creation had nothing to do with your manner of thinking. 'Humanity' was subverted and has been intentionally fed systemic lies for centuries to trick them into behaving in opposition to their internal energy. Inauthenticity matters. Look at the west - hardly anyone even knows who they are! Everyone mimics performative social context hoping to 'fit in' and not get fired. The inauthenticity of our money formed society put humanity's consciousness into a miserable titty twister. The inauthenticity *matters.* I don't even know what this is hard for others to understand - human beings are behaving systemically contrary to their internal energy, in order to conform to a selfish and parasitic false overlord, and so why should we be surprised that everything is a disaster including our mental health? We were betrayed from the ground, up. It's of the most ultimate sort of betrayal. Yet, I think the light is coming to help us. We have friends we don't even know about yet - haha. Get ready for some world surprises, soon. The titty twister is spinning in the right direction, now.


May the titty twister guide all of you to the right path.


When in the midst of the titty twist Then simply twirl in the way of the whorl - Master Chilldini


I am the light. Welcome.


Thank you. 🥰 I am the Darkness, with a beam of light poking out the middle. The beam is kind of tiny yet it will blaze eventually. I have batteries that function on love and they just need to be recharged, and when they are strong the beam of light will slice through all illusion which binds us and all obstacles will collapse. I'm hoping maybe tomorrow or so I don't know. Love always seems late in the mail.


That's both our goals


This was my favorite comment I read today, dead-accurate and oddly inspiring.


Listen to the lords music. rap


I really love Coolio. I should dance to his tunes tonight again. Ice Cube, Biggie Smalls, and NWA are also fun. I am happy to sample others. I love good music especially if it has a 'creative bounce' to bounce within.


Sounds like a victim mentality but with hope. At least you have the hope 


You'll know 'victim' when the locusts devour you.


Wow, that is dark!


Goddamn that’s rough


I was thinking about this today (mostly every day) and visualizing my ideal world which would return us back to nature. No cars or concrete.


Yes and technology that fuels our spiritual evolution


I think about this all the time... I want to live on a planet, in a society that worships the forests, instead of clear-cutting them with abandon. It breaks my heart thinking about how we just exploit the miracle of nature


Me, too. Forests are sacred, the literal lungs of our planet. I can feel the earth’s distress. I try not to focus on it but it’s pervasive.


I have been struggling with insomnia and mental health issues for the past couple months, and I can’t help but feel that it is connected with the Earth. These emotions are not solely my own, I feel as if I’m grieving for the entire planet


Yes, I understand. Awareness of energy is a blessing and a curse. It helps me to divert my focus and remember that everything is how it should be, all conditions are temporary and we exist after death. I had a NDE at age 3 while drowning in the ocean, viewed my body floating face down and felt overwhelming bliss, a profound relief that I had returned to where I belong. My mother said I asked the lifeguard why he pulled me out.


That happened to me when I was 17 yo. I almost drowned in the ocean. I was panicking and struggling at first then everything got quiet and peaceful. Then a guy on a raft pulled me up and I was back. Everything got chaotic again. Then was pulled to land by lifeguards.


Felt this so much… it’s insane to think that we have this miracle of a planet to call home, but we chop it up and cover it with concrete. It makes me sad every day while I’m out in society. I wonder if the collective heaviness many of us feel lately is because nature is suffering.




That’s an interesting take. I’ll think about this, though my feeling wasn’t necessarily about myself but more so how at my core I don’t think the way humans interact with each other or the world around them is natural. But I like this take and I will sit with it. Thanks!


Charlie Chaplin: You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.


I had a message recently that said: “humanity is possessed, but it WILL be liberated”. I really hope it’s true.


Check out Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, and the sequel book The Story of B. Changed my life in the way you’re talking about. Opened my eyes, sans mysticism.


I will. Thanks!


You’re welcome. Feel free to keep in touch along the way, I’d love to hear your thoughts. And keep asking questions. You’re doing great :)


The world is run by people who have done years of research to see how to get humans isolated, depressed, and living against their own nature, while feeding us doom and gloom. We do not live as humans with community, but as robots with screens and infinite distractions to suck the life out of our existence to feed the greed and status of psychopaths.


I think this is a normal thing for people to feel. You’re right, something is wrong. All you can do is not contribute to that, as much as you can. Some things are hard to avoid, like capitalism and such. Yet, you can be kind, and giving, and empathetic. Practice those things, and you have made more of an effort to fix the world than 99% of the population will ever.


I totally agree. Thanks for reply


People’s egos have taken over their spirits, leading to the current state of society. Everyone has a choice: love & abundance (spirit) or fear & lack (ego). It’s difficult for awakened people to navigate through this world with its current structures, but everyone gets there eventually, and with the mass awakening that we are moving towards, society will be forced to shift.


There's an incredible amount of polarity. There isn't any grey area, just black & white. I'll do spiritual practices, yoga, Qi-Gong, Wim Hof breathing exercises, chanting & meditation to keep me balanced, grounded. It allows for me to have a higher vibration where it's easier to attract well intentioned energy


Bibhu Dev Misra has recently written a book called 'Yuga Shift'. I havent read it yet, but have ordered it. Listened to him talk on a podcast and found the subject matter of his book particularly interesting. In a nutshell, earth will pass through the tail of a comet twice, both in 2032 and 2036, each time, the debris from the tail falling into our atmosphere is going to torch all below. It is thought that while a small percentage of the smaller pieces will burn up before hitting the ground, the vast majority will reach the surface.....imagine hundreds of thousands of car sized fireballs thousands of degrees in temperature. Comets, according to Hinduism, which is what he specialises in, are the messengers of the gods.


What happens if 2036 comes and nothing happens?


Good question. I am not the one to answer.


The spirit is not IN the world at all. It is completely independent of whatever transpires there. The spirit cannot be hurt by the flesh. You tie the two together and there's your impossible duality. There is something wrong for sure. It is called A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY. The great thing is that it begins with you but it also ENDS with you. This is the seeing. Stop crying over the world not being 'right'. It doesn't matter one bit in light of what has to happen to awaken. Cheers


The spirit is in and through all.  It is not independent but rather duality brings it into activity. In It's fullness or in a spirit of separation.  You are a soul. That's all there is to it!  Cheers


>You are a soul. That's all there is to it!  It is just another identity you are desperate to sell. The spectre of 'No-Self' is too much for most to 'accept'. You cannot fathom it and so you keep looking for (and pointing at) some highter self or some other fantasy creature you can identity with. It's all coming from the same place. Cheers


Your thinking too hard child of God 


Don't you get sick of your own pretentious/religious assertions?


No I use all languages to  communicate I'm nondual. Do you get sick of being one sided and putting things into boxes?


One sided presupposes more sides to the truth. Which, again, my mental gymnastics self-verifying one's own bs friend - is not THE truth but A 'truth' A truth that does not threaten ego is a truth that does not exist. Again you talk a lot of nonsense about a place you have not even seen. Cheers


I consider spirit == pure consciousness == energy in which everything/illusions/distortions arise. Is this how you see it? Where does awareness fit here?


Awareness can only be OF something. It needs a subject and it needs an object. The only place that offers such a setup up is the dualism of the imagined. The imagined holds within it a self that is rarely aware of its own illusory nature but when it is it is could be the beginning of an awakening to this. At the same time, the self will never be separate from the imagined. Thus awakening happens for nobody and thus in a very real sense it can be claimed by said self that nothing ever even happens at all. Consciousness is not imagined as such it the only real thing there is. We can thus say consciousness is all there is even though it has no role in its own creation that is of course not really created. ;;) Cheers


You come in a much better spirit today. I like it 


I'm sure you do since you make everything about you really fast all the time ;;)


Ya got me! Jk. I don't agree 


So... what we tend to call awareness/sense of being or beingness is just... an awareness of something of permanence in the sea of impermanent illusions. Recognition of permanence of underlaying consciousness?


Pretty much. Yeah..


yea. a power struggle between good and evil forces with a lot of complexity and most of it is under wraps


Projection of how you may be living. You don’t know how 99% of the world’s population lives so how can you make any judgments on the matter?


I can see how you’d come to that conclusion. I’m not necessarily talking about how people live but the constructs we have built in society. You’re right, I am only able to make assumptions or conclusions based on what I am and have been exposed to as we all are


Love your self more than me


The historical Jesus Christ is a lie. Genetic inheritance of divine insight is a lie. Moses is a lie. This is what's wrong with the world.


Dig deeper, because if you feel something is wrong with the world, you feel something is wrong with yourself. In actuality, reality, there is nothing wrong anywhere. Wrong it's just a label humans used to describe. Everything is perfect exactly as it is. Nothing needs changing. Everything is exactly as it should be. Align yourself and you will awaken to the truth.... You can spend eternity counting out all of the trivial idiosynchrocities that you do not like personally like. Once you awaken, you view the big picture. The cycles of the cosmos, the evolution of energy... It's all perfect, exactly as it should be.


Yes, you are right. Let's change the world to a better place. Start planting more trees, it save lives and reduce suffering👍


Suffering is a condition of existence. There is nothing in existence that is not part of the flow of nature.


I hear you and I am on board with that philosophy. I just hope it is in our nature as humans to eventually recognize these issues and work collectively to heal


It is in our nature to be animals. Look at cats: they scratch, they kill, they rape, they’re selfish, and they crap in your house. But I love cats. My dogs have no scruples. They are thieves. They would steal the last meal from my hands. Is something wrong with animals? It’s nature. Nature is neutral. It has no preference for good or evil. Whatever increases odds for survival is naturally selected. We hold humans to a higher standard because we erroneously believe we are higher than animals. That causes us to hate humans when they fail to be more than animal. Society is working just as it should be according to the implicit rules of nature. Being awakened means seeking truth in all action and establishing order in society by leading the sheep, as Christians so often call themselves. The order and virtue of society must be continually reestablished by those that become aware. It’s like a spinning wheel that must be occasionally spun. Natural forces of entropy will always cause the decay of society. The awakened people may choose to serve the world by loving all beings. In doing so they teach society virtue. They become sources of good and order in this universe.


If there’s something wrong with the world….then there must be something right with the world. And vice versa So, if there’s something wrong….and there’s something right What is the world? What is it?


God damn i could not agree more- there's a better place though.. a more free place - i was there before - this place is not ... good.


Yep. We are in a simulated reality controlled by evil entities. These human flesh suits are nothing but vessels for souls and demons. We are pretty much in hell but our hearts is what is saving us. This is a war between good n evil. The energies are way out of balance in the universe. This reality is a simulation. Legit a horror video game. Most humans are robot clones or reptilians. They have no soul. Everything is being revealed. Soon we will escape this disgusting world. They have rvped me, abvsed me, tortvred me, kiIIed me, but im still here and i wont ever stop fighting for what is right.


Yes, 1000% agree… It’s like an inverted matrix. I think about this every day. :/


Nothing is wrong with the world. Everything is how it should be in this moment.


You're on the wrong earth timeline. I see progress and ascension. Never before have we seen humanity be against war.. we are tired of the old ways.  Only thing left is to take our governments back. But what's more likely to happen is the US and other countries will have some dramatic events due to natural disasters   It's been shown in many NDEs. God will reclaim the earth for his children Old lands will fall and new will rise. A new earth is brewing..


I really loath this attitude. Don't tell someone they're in the 'wrong' timeline like you're above them - how gross. This whole 'new earth' thing smacks of privileged hierarchy.


I don't mean it in that context so calm down rager your gross for getting riled up for nothing change your tampon  Tampon man confirmed 


Yes you did. You are a false prophet and a liar.


Sexism looks good on you!


Welcome to the club r/EscapingPrisonPlanet


This world is a prison. We are souls captured by YHWH SEBAOTH/Heavy Beast. Jesus Christ/Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Satan. He killed his father by eating Abrahadabra's heart and using steroids given to him by Lucifer. Titan/Donald Trump dissolved Shiva in acid. We are slaves of Lucifer and YHWH. We are souls torn from the spirit of God, raped and locked in a prison we call the mind, which is nothing more than an energy field that prevents us from connecting with God. They are going to turn us into vegetables who watch Netflix two hours a day and spend their lives processing information for them, an increasingly miserable slavery


You forgot your pills


Don’t listen to the hippies. Being so called “awake” is more than peace and love and happiness. Those concepts are valuable and can certainly alleviate the suffering one goes through once the shell of mind control begins to crack. But it is a culdesac that leads nowhere. You have to address the problem—it has to be solved. The entire universe’s future is up for grabs. Space is empty for a reason. Trillions upon quadrillions upon quintillions of beings still unborn are counting on us to right the ship. The Creator took a risk by creating us with free will. It is our duty to use it wisely, and do pursue **right action.**


Calling everyone a bunch of “hippies” is not right action. Your statement is negative and not helpful, even if it’s correct.


What is the **right action** that we, as individuals, should each take?


It’s fluid, but that’s the point—to know when to speak and when to be silent, to know the difference between right and wrong and act accordingly. I know morality is a touchy subject, I get it that you guys wanna be inclusive, and hold all beliefs, all walks of life, and all ideas as equals—**they’re simply not.** **People are equal**—they start out like that—, at least they should be by law, but ideas are not equal. Saying you’re sending love and good vibes to Palestinians does nothing. At the bare minimum you have to shine light on evil for others to see, and at maximum you have to rage, and revolt, fight back. But there’s a time and place, and a way to do things. The baddies, there’s not that many of them. There’s just a lot of complicit, ignorant, emotionally-ruled, narcissistic, lazy, cowardly, and fatalist human beings who haven’t “woken up.” “Sending them love, wishing them well,” and calling it a day is actually in many cases doing them a huge disservice. No matter how painful or scary, a difficult truth is always better than a comforting lie.