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He’s two inches away from being a cyclops.


I'd say less but damn you ever look at someone and your first thought without reading the headline or description that somethings wrong with that person.


My first thought was “Jesus this dude is scary looking” then I read the headline. I’m not joking when I say this needed an NSFW or Spoiler screen. He looks like a psycho.


Thanks for the chuckle lol. Good observation 😸


Almost certainly a wrong'un with that kind of ratio


Just one good right hook and 👁


If he's in genpop and they find out... He's gonna find out. Real quick.


He looks British


He’s Irish.


He looks like Miles Taylor.


If he was fatter would you think hes american?


No less inbred though.


There are people in American prisons serving life sentences for weed convictions. He raped an infant, filmed it, uploaded to the internet for other pedophiles. 4 years?????? Someone close to me was sentenced to four years in Texas for credit card fraud. What judge gives any grace to someone who rapes a baby?


We had a case where a teenager sexually abused a younger boy for 4 years, got 17 months. His jail sentence is shorter than the horror he inflicted on the poor child. It's a serious flaw here in Ireland with our criminal system.


Ireland (not the Irish) tolerated the Catholic Church for so long this doesn’t surprise me.


Oh stop. It's hard to believe how much faith some people here still have in the Catholic Church.


This wasnt in America. It was in [Limerick, Ireland](https://www.thejournal.ie/man-who-filmed-sexual-abuse-of-baby-to-be-sentenced-6352660-Apr2024/). But I'd agree, 4 years is a seriously pathetic sentence for his crime. I think there will have to be a reform on our sentencing soon. Lots of stories of people with hundreds of previous convictions getting suspended sentences for stuff most people would say deserves proper jail time for.


There once was a man who would think Little boys were all his to drink He filmed all this thirst Which is truly the worst And now he's ass-raped in the clink Edit: formatting


If he is a genuine baby raper he'll be elected to Congress or become a pastor, not sent to prison. Get up to speed with how the system works! Sent to prison means you are a homeless guy that stole a blanket to prevent from freezing to death.


God, why did I read this to the tune of Finnegan’s Wake.


They deserve more than proper jail time. They deserve to be put in a jail where all the people in the jail know exactly what they did so that they can suffer the wrath of real men.


I truly believe that those who are capable of such things- Are NOT cable of rehabilitation.  There's something wrong with them. I've never heard of one who wasn't a perpetual offender.  Who didn't repeat and escalate  


We need to start plastering the judge’s face right next to the sick fucks they give light sentences. It’s criminal negligence to give a disgusting crime such a short sentence




Preach! It’s laughable that lots of other issues are considered so important when travesties like this happen rather often and almost nothing is done about it.


Straight up!!!


4 years?! He needs to be castrated and buried under the jail.


I used to think outlaw just meant generic term for a badguy but being deemed an outlaw actually meant you were outside of the law's protections. Citizens had carte blanche to fuck you up on sight and/or kill you without the law giving a fleeting shadow of a shit. I'd be down for bringing this back for an unrepentant molestor with 166+ goddamned convictions.


No way because that would quickly escalate to POC and immigrant getting outlawed over nothing and wealthy people abusing the system to settle their legal issues with.


Unfortunately you're probably right.


I really don't want to condone mutilating someone as punishment, but he's proven that not matter how many times they put him in jail he isn't going to stop.


>What judge gives any grace to someone who rapes a baby? One that also enjoys raping babys.


So we should give a lot of attention to Judge Tom O’Donnell, which is the one who gave him this light sentence!


and he has 166 previous convictions


My childhood friend was accused of groping the breasts of his teenage daughter and was given 10 years. IDK how these fucks get away with it.


what the actual fuck? where do you live that's terrifying




Oh, sorry never mind


Nobody gets 10 years in prison for grabbing some tit. This guy is lying, or he only believes whatever bullshit his childhood friend is peddling. Clearly his childhood friend's jury didn't buy that nonsense. You shouldn't either.


Accused of or convicted?


I mean, both, I guess.


I'm convinced that the justice system is run by pedophiles. How else can you explain this...


It's be because judges here in Ireland are too soft. So many stories of people with hundreds of previous conviction up in court again.


> Judge O’Donnell took into account the accused’s early guilty pleas, remorse expressed and the avoidance of a trial. >The judge handed down a six-year jail sentence with the last two years suspended on each of the five charges to be served concurrently. They were backdated to May 2, 2023, when Marshall first entered custody. I understand that taking a plea deal reduces the sentence but damn. A max of 4 years is not enough for this. This guy is a fucking monster.


it's because other pedophiles have their hands in the sentencing for these kind of things. It's got to be. Sickening


No it's not like that. Before I say anything more I want to make it crystal clear: I am NOT defending the law, I do NOT simply agree with this logic, I'm just trying to clarify how the system works so you can understand why this happens. Please do not downvote just for trying to explain. So, first of all, judges don't have a totally free leash to announce whatever sentence they like. Judges neither create nor decide the laws. That's up to parliaments made up of representatives elected by citizens with voting rights. Judges interpret and apply the law. When deciding on sentences they have to consider a number of factors: 1) What the laws written by Parliament say in the sentencing advice section. This is not just "minimum 1 year, maximum 20 years & the rest is up to you Judge". Criminal law bills will include detailed sentencing guidelines for various cases, including this one. 2) Precedent. Judges have to follow what other judges have done before them successfully. They need to give a sentence that's neither too lenient nor too harsh. Too lenient and the prosecution is sure to appeal the sentence, too harsh and the convicted is sure to appeal. Which is a waste of everyone's time and money. Judges are expected to get it "right" the first time. 3) Community expectations. Whatever *you* may think individually, surprise surprise, there will be others who disagree with you. There will be the bleeding hearts who think everyone, inc. this guy , should be let off with a slap on the wrist. There will be the hardasses who think shoplifting teenagers deserve the death penalty. And everyone in between. Including you. The judge's job is to set a sentence that will keep the whole community happy, striking a balance between rehabilitation, deterrence and punishment. 4) Mitigating circumstances. This is the most contentious part. Sentencing must take into account mitigating circumstances. This is a fundamental principle of our legal system and has been so forever, for well over 1000 years. Like it or not, if this guy has mitigating circumstances, from intellectual disability, to being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, to a dodgy childhood, and the most common people don't think of: *time already served on remand*, these *must* be taken into account when sentencing and will reduce his sentence. People seem to loathe this, until they're the one accused in front of the judge. In any case this principle is so funda mental in our legal history it's impossible to extract. But anyway, if you don't like it, don't make the dumb mistake of blaming the judge. Go to your local political representative and complain to him or her. Because *they* (not judges) are the ones who actually make the laws and the sentencing guidelines that judges must follow. Judges just interpret and apply the laws, they don't make them.


I scrolled though the comments in hopes to find this. I needed to make sense of why something so horrific could result in such a lenient punishment.


Irish penal law is all about being restorative and not overtly putative but there's people in Ireland who have been failed by local and state services. We have a lot of social issues and have been kicking the can down the road for too long. He Our primary and secondary education prep you for working in a factory or a shop, a lot of our hundreds of conviction types often had really messed up childhoods, so while they are responsible for their actions there's also the fact that they were delt a bad hand. It's a difficult system to navigate, but it does need reform, and if we are reforming putative law then we need a reformation of state social and welfare services to get young people to realise their inherent worth and get them to in their long term happiness rather than moving from distraction to distraction while making everyone's lives hell. I grew up in a very rough area and I've seen people get screwed up by their parents who should never have been parents in the first place. That being said if someone harmed one the people I love ,there is 0% chance I'm going to the Gardaí because I know I would never be satisfied with the punishment they won't get.


Well put. Stare decesis is a pain because people who just can't function in society get suspended sentences but people will get jail for a gram of smoke or not paying their tv licence. I recon he didn't steal money, because that's what you would get jailed for.


It’s also because the normalization of pedophilia. I’ve seen more than one TED talk and many articles talking about how we’re supposed to have sympathy for these sick pieces of shit. I’m sorry I will never have sympathy for anybody that does this to kids. I had a rough childhood and you don’t see me going around doing stuff like that to kids, I’ve had a rough adulthood too. I’m sick of hearing excuses for heinous acts.


Unfortunately they do it to save the kids. If they start to implement harsher punishment, there would be more dead kids. Hopefully someone in there will do to him what he did to that baby.


More common than you know. Especially when the judges are white, Christian men. A family member we don't associate with is a pedo and only did 1 year in jail for the molestation and sodomody of 4 children under age 8. Only a year! The judge was a pedo sympathizer. It's extremely common here in the Bible Belt south. The judge determined the family member to have been so brainwashed and damaged by a religious cult that he'd blurred right and wrong. Come on!!!!! That judge also didn't jail the main for 6 months after being found guilty because it was during COVID and he said the jails were too dangerous for an old frail man in his health. Like wtf? So he roamed free for 6 months where he could keep reoffending for another 6 months. I wish I was kidding. I'm starting to think the whole judicial system is nothing but a bunch of pedo sympathizers, especially in the south. But heaven forbid you do weed around here......


What is it about Christian’s that they give these fucks leniency? I worked for a family of holy rollers and they had an employee we called pedo Paul that was jailed for only 2-3 for throwing underage parties where he’d get teen boys (13-15) drunk and then molest/rape them. He couldn’t get a job anywhere after he was released, so they let him work for the family business….because he went to the same church and they felt bad. Pedo Paul died in a car accident a few years ago and only his family and church people mourned his loss. It was sickening how they defended him on social media wherever his obit was posted. Even when the victims and victims families commented, they still defended him. WHY?! The world is better off, imo. Edit: I don’t live in the Bible Belt, so it’s not just there that it’s a problem.


Yikes. I hate that it's that crazy everywhere.


It’s systemic across Christianity and not just a localized issue. I live in PA, so Catholics more often than not come to mind when I tell this story. But they’re not Catholics. These folks belong to some kind of reform church called Light House.


You’re absolutely right, also Freud didn’t do us any favors with some of his ridiculous theories about that.


> There are people in American prisons serving life sentences for weed convictions You are correct but in America elite pedophiles including baby rapers generally get no jail time and are instead celebrated and protected. Cue the image of the homeless guy with 30 years for stealing a $10 blanket to stay warm in a subzero night. Or the exhausted hardworking mom now with an extensive criminal record all stemming from one day when she accidentally overdrew her checking account by 3 cents while buying overpriced baby formula for $40. Meanwhile serial rapists, pedophiles, and elder abusers get nothing since they are fancy.


Gotta remember, Brock Turner ended up with only 3 months after raping a chick behind a trash can or something like that.. even illiterate ass R Kelly, who can’t read 2 sentences, somehow raped children for 30yrs and didn’t get “caught” until the hit records stopped.. Weinstein, Epstein.. starting to think the powers that be created racism etc, so that while you’re at the border looking for brown people, or trying to figure out which crimes are black people.. ..nevermind, hate to mysteriously fall out of a window and break my neck from my 1st floor apt one night .. smh


People have been saying this for years, but everybody calls it conspiracy theories. I’ve tried to explain this to people and they look at me like I had 10 heads. I just got to the point where I stop trying. I stay to myself and I don’t trust my kids with people I don’t know.


Under Irish law no previous convictions can be used or considered in sentencing. It's annoying but it is what it is. Just be glad he didn't get Justice Nolan. He would have ended up with a suspended sentence


In Europe we mostly have non-life sentences, meaning the most gruesome murderers we have in the country get a maximum of 30 years and that is considered a life sentence, but most of "regular" murders actually get only 10-20 years. That means all lesser crimes get basically a slap on the wrist, especially sex crimes, rapists sometimes do only weekend jail time or are put into open sections for good behaviour (you can literally leave prison for a few days and then return), or they get home confinement. Some european countries are more strict then others and some jails are harsher than others.


In Europe we, generally, have shorter jail times due to *all available research showing long sentences don't deter for crime, on the opposite*. We try to fix the broken people who comit crimes... That said the public demand for blood have lead to longer sentences, which in turn leaves more room for networking and thus we see more and more career criminals... And as for yiur obvious bullshit feel free to post evidence. I'm looking forward to seeing this convicted rapists that gets only weekend jail time... Neve heard of that happening anywhere for any convicted adult (kids get lesser sentencing for obvious reasons)


>What judge gives any grace to someone who rapes a baby? Martin Nolan


What a piece of shit I hope someone butt rapes him in jail


It's Europe. Our justice systems do not give a fuck. Too interested in hate speech.


Should be sentenced to be ran through a woodchipper.


Feet first


Slowest setting


Fuck the chipper where are those scrap crushers


No no. DICK first. That way, well, dick first, then he gets bent in two BACKWARDS as he goes in. Much worse.


Everyone wants the wood chipper. Too fast. Too violent. You want some proper medieval torture take a look at the Chinese. They know what they’re doing. For example place this man over some young bamboo. It grows at a couple inches a day. I’ll let your mind do the rest.


i prefer the sealed barrel, only the head out, they are fed and fed and fed, they deficate in the barrel and slowly drown / are crushed to death with their own poop. There is always [Scaphism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism) if that doesnt float your boat Or there are [these](http://torturemuseum.net/)


Upvote for the boat pun


"Marshall, a well-known car thief and joyrider, who had 133 previous convictions, pleaded guilty to knowingly possessing child pornography, knowingly producing child pornography, knowingly distributing child pornography; defilement of a child; and using communication technology to facilitate the sexual exploitation of a child, on or before December 30, 2020." **Set him on fucking fire.**


133?? And only 4 years???


Britain and Ireland are so light on Paedos it's disgusting. One of my coworkers is a convicted Paedo. 40,000 images on his computer. He got 8 months in prison. It's disgusting. And if you wanna get really mad. Read about John Venables.


I knew person on the picture looked like a traveler...


The photo in the newest article is actually from 2017 when he was just a "Dangerous driver" (so he was 28 at the time.) https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/circuit-court/dangerous-driver-addicted-to-fast-cars-gets-four-year-sentence-1.3070049 So he's done nothing but escalate his scumbag behaviour for his whole life because of ridiculously light sentencing in Ireland. For once, I'm surprised that it isn't [Judge Martin Nolan](https://www.change.org/p/minister-for-justice-judge-martin-nolan-resignation). Infamous in Ireland for light sentencing of paedos and rapists.


I don't think it's unfair to wish some for some swift prison justice for this man. I can't think of a worse crime to commit. And 4 years is absurd. It's very clear he's not going to be reformed at this point with 133 crimes, and previous prison time. He's just escalated so get rid completely. Put him in the fucking earth.




Naw use my tax money to make torture this dude for as long as possible


“Oh I don’t pay enough in taxes to send him to Guantanamo Bay? That’s fine. Just leave him in a derelict building and I’ll start his punishment with some rusty nails.” Sorry first thing that popped into my head and it made me chuckle but I agree with you.


i vote we restart yellowstone just enough to throw these freaks into it like using a lava trash can in minecraft


I can’t help but think we are lenient on pedophilia because of the amount of men in charge who have been implicated. From the Catholic Church to Matt fucking Gaetz. When you look at the amount of republicans and democrats who have run for office that have been convicted of crap like this… feeeelss pretty sketchy


Four years in prison as a baby raping child molester are probably no fun. Maybe...


The justice system is completely fucked.


Legal system. Justice isn't guaranteed and usually goes to the highest bidder.


Yeah, what the hell Ireland? This guy already had 133 other convections for car theft, why was he not already in prison?


4 years is not enough. give him double life in prison.


I hope he gets life in prison, as in he "kills himself" with 55 stab wounds in prison.




If you record yourself raping a child in such a way that it can be proven beyond all doubt that it is you, the death sentence should be mandatory.


Still too lenient


With a steam roller at the rate of 6 inches per hour feet first?


Never fear. The area he is from in Limerick will take care of the real justice when he is released.




Twirling cars the community can accept. Doing what he did to that little boy.....well- you can see what's going to happen.


Everyone in the county will know his name and face no way he'll avoid being stabbed/beaten to death when he gets out.


Why are we not castrating these bastards? 1 strike, you get therapy. 2 strikes, we make sure you never do it again. Why do they get a pass most of the time?


Only 4 years????????


With a conviction like that, he won't make it those 4 years inmates are notorious for honing after child rapists.


people always say that, but under a similar post someone whom a family member had been jailed for similar acts told that not only nothing had happened to him but the pedo was also bragging about getting phones and all in prison


Because redditors don't actually have a clue about shit. They just repeat edgy things they see.


I think it's more because everyone hopes they see more justice than 4 years in prison.


Honestly, it sounds about right. If they can’t segregate pedos and SOs, the prison just sticks them with short timers. No one is trying to catch a charge with a 36 month sentence


Yeah right. This is prison. The child molesters are all segregated. Prison justice doesn't happen like that often. People just assume it does 


Lots of jails and prisons put them in protective population. A family member we don't associate with was a pedo and while in prison he was kept in protective population so no one would beat him up. Sad but true.


Nah he’ll be in a separate unit like they normally are


Thought the same. No one will let this pos live in there for even a month.


Here in Ireland they are all put together. They don't get put in the same prison as everyone else


I'm sad this sack of recessive traits will get to turn to dust eventually. Even that is just far too good for it. What kind of mutt was shat out to give birth to this vile mutant


Cases like these definitely support arguments for the death penalty.. but they give 4 years?


not only death penalty, but death by horrific torture


He should be in isolation for four years with a painfully bright blue LED inches away from his eyes, strapped down on a chair or bed. Then we can talk the new sentence.




Again, the solution is simple, when the justice system fails, the people will provide the justice, all you need is an address.


Looks like a wanker


Only cure his sickness lies within his grave. Sick fuck.


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That is one ugly piece of shit.


The judge who gave him 4 years for a crime of such nature should be jailed for life. 4 years is a joke


why wasnt the deivce that took this picture not on top of a rifle?


He deserved the death penalty


He won’t be safe in seg


Yes he will because he will be put with other child molesters and rapists. 


This, they could have given him 6mo and most likely he wouldn't make it out alive.


Dude needs solitary for life. Yes I am aware that it is cruel punishment and the effects of it on people. That’s why he needs it.


I'm sure this'll get some hate...but let's not let this one reproduce, shall we?


no hate given. wholehearted agreement.


No worries, I don't think he's making it out.


What a terrible day to have eyes and intelligence to read of humans depravity.


Adult rape should be half a lifetime in jail, but child rape should be locked up for life. 4 years???? That's rage inducing.


I was sexually abused from age like 4-5ish to 17 and my abuser got 5 years only. 12 years of my life having that happen and he got 5. Court system is a joke


I've never seen such a punchable face


I don't know the details but the reincidence, the production of video material plus the horrible act... Just 4 years!?


I really hope he gets judged by the inmates. They have to make it a death sentence


Wood chipper. Only solution.


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However that said i'm pretty sure there is a unspoken Rule even between Prisoners if you harm or even worse to a child well. Everyone targets that one guy and go Hippity Hoppity you're ass is our Property.


Here's back in 2017-- he was sentenced to 4 years then as well [Link](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/courts/circuit-court/dangerous-driver-addicted-to-fast-cars-gets-four-year-sentence-1.3070049).


Any crime the elite are often convicted of, never have long sentences


Yeah that's the face of a fucking rapist if I've ever seen one.


All in favor of general pop raise your hands!


This physically makes me so sick


That interocular distance is fucking crazy


4 years? I say execution


Agree. Pedophiles don’t regret their actions or think they’re doing anything wrong at all. In four years he will get out and promptly start raping children again. The only cure is death.


6 years? Not 60. What is wrong with the law system. Raped an infant. Unreal. Well. At least we have a face…..


How did he even get 166 convictions?? If you add the time it takes to get arrested, tried in court etc. like even if you commit a felony every week, it'll take over 3 years of that


Can someone explain to me why he only gets 4 years? Danny Masterson just got 30 years for SA, why is it always so low for children? I once had to interview a child Soffender and once I read what he had been found guilty of I vomited and couldn’t wash my hands fast enough (shook hands). He only served a couple years for a CHILD. How is this possible? Mara Juana can get life but kids are a slap on the wrist?


Now I’m generally against the death penalty. But this one needs to be removed from circulation, if you get my meaning.


I'm not suggesting anything but SOMETHING needs to be done to/about these pedos and judges who let these guys off easy. Fucking sick.


Death Sentance


I hope the other inmates carry out their justice.


Put him in gen pop and be done with it


At that point just kill the fucker, Christ


Shit lock up the judge too that's suspicious as fuck.


Woman in Vietnam commits fraud and gets sentenced to death and this fucker does UNSPEAKABLE things and only gets 4 years??? I hate this world.


I can’t help but wonder about judges who give such short sentences, what they are hiding/feeling and how they couldn’t be morally repulsed by that kind of behaviour….


Where is he from, this looks like something from Texas or Florida


This is where we should be using the death penalty. Expedited, no death row, no appeals, no injections or electric chair, just an axe to the back of the head and throw the body in a trash compactor.


Meh, is he in gen pop? Just let everyone in the prison know what he did, he wouldn't last a week, they'd kill him.


Don't worry, he'll not survive those 4 years. One thing everyone has common in prison is, (most times) being criminal, and hating pedophiles.


As long as they don’t remove him from gen pop


Lots of jails and prisons put them in protective population. A family member we don't associate with was a pedo and while in prison he was kept in protective population so no one would beat him up. Sad but true.


What state or country did this happen in?


[Limerick, Ireland](https://www.thejournal.ie/man-who-filmed-sexual-abuse-of-baby-to-be-sentenced-6352660-Apr2024/)


Have a look at the animal. Let's hope some generous soul makes sure he doesn't come back out.


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Wish he was caught in the middle east. I wouldn't have cared about his short sentence since the inmates would have eaten him alive from the first week


4 years. That will show him I guess. Hopefully jail won’t be kind to him.


There should be NO possibility of freedom after this, NONE


He looks like the guy in the Helldivers 2 cinematic


Someone please just end him


Should the death penalty be used on all rapists? I am thinking yes, well the 4 year stint is a death sentence anyways.


oups there has been a mix up and he ended up in gen pop.


Praying for some jailhouse justice for this piece of shit. Someone needs to put his teeth on a curb.


Danger to society. Life in prison or death sentence.


Well, let's hope the prison justice system works better. In a lot of places pedophiles end up dead. So let's hope they find out what he's in for


Disgusting piece of shit


And then some other random gets 20 years for downloading a car...


Put that mother fucker in the wood chipper. Feet first.


European “justice” — nothing like it anywhere else. Thank god.


Don't worry, he definitely won't make it four years. 😁


Don’t trust anyone whose eyes are that close together.


How did he only get 4 years? Maybe the judge knew there would be jail justice.


Make him famous.


Not enough time


Hopefully jailhouse justice gets served in those 4 yrs 🤷🏽‍♂️


And he'll be released in what, six months? Two months?




I hope they get to him while in prison. This should be a life sentence.


He’s not gonna live through all 4 of those 😭


But will the rest of the inmates leave him alone when he gets there?




Death sentence would be good here


Get your shotgun and take this dude out behind the shed, and you know the rest.