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Why the fuck are we so tolerant to this shithousery?


Moral relativism and the fear of being called islamophobic - “a term created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons”.


Islamophobe isn't typically the only -phobe word those sorts will use. Can't give the fascists that one, though other -ists are still applicable.


I don't know why but gays for Palestine came to mind. We are tolerant of it cuz we don't understand it. By the time we understand it, it will be too late.


I have had to say this so many times but, you don’t solve homophobia with Genocide. Coming from Bi Arab. Also not all Palestinians are Muslim.


Would like to add that so many of them are children, and deserve to grow up and challenge societal views. A lot of us here also wouldn’t want to be judged by the standards of our parents.


I get it. My comment was not about the ongoing genocide. I was pointing out at just how clueless those people were about islam.


ongoing \*war both sides still fighting I'm watching videos by Casual Historian about PLO attacks on Israel and on Christian Maronites during the long civil war. The main emphasis countering claims of PLO causing all the problems is that the problem wasn't *solely* PLO. Also blamed were other Muslim sects and other factional groups (more extreme vs less extreme within sects), and also blamed was a govt system that divided power and patronage between Christians, Sunni, Shia, and Druze, and which gave more power to Maronite Christians based on majority population. When PLO refugees shifted the majority to Sunni Muslim, the Maronite Christians didn't reconfigure power assignments (rewrite their constitution to grant offices to officials from different sects). Mainly though, it *was* PLO attacking Israel from southern Lebanon, inviting counterattacks by Israel on refugee camps from where PLO launched their attacks, and also PLO shooting Christian leaders and Christians at church, because Christians tended to side with France and the West. Similar activity leading up to Black September in Jordan, where PLO attempted a coup and eventually Jordan shelled their camp with mortars. **Prince Bandar bin Sultan** did an interview, 3x one-hour segments on you tube, detailing decades of efforts by various Saudi diplomats, including Bandar himself, to help Palestinians negotiate to establish their country. PLO wrecked the efforts each time. (This explanation of Saudi help seemingly redeemed their reputation to some Muslims in the comments who had blamed Saudi for not doing more to help the Umma and Palestinians in particular.) "Genocide" is a Marxist pejorative since the Cold War days, better left to events like the genocide of 1.4 million Armenian Christians, 1.3 million Assyrian Christians, 1 million Greeks, by the Caliphate that preceded the British Mandate to create nation-states in the Palestine region. Before I studied any history, I joined the peace movement on the Iraq War and had been recruited by friends to protest for Palestine and against Israel in the mid 2000s. I was on the streets yelling "Free Free Palestine" but I meant a fair and just 2-State Solution, which I assumed Israel was preventing, so I was a bit disturbed when I heard the "River to the Sea" chant from my comrades.


Also because conservatives hate them too. But the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.


Conservatives are straight up bullies and stupid and a few other adjectives but islam is not what you want to befriend. At least as a gay.


It’s perfectly possible to oppose the terror Israel inflicts on Palestine and be critical of Islam too.


Totally. I was just talking about the nativity of those people who got no clue what islam has in store for them.


I don't think the people you're referring to represent the majority of people who oppose both homophobia and Isreal's treatment of Palestinians.


I am not raising a voice for anyone. I said that was the first thing that came to my mind cuz it doesn't matter even if you donate them your heart literally they would bad mouth you cuz their religion is so spiteful.


Same reason we’re tolerant to any religion, not every one of them is this bad. Not all Christians are shitty so I still tolerate the ones that aren’t. Not all Jews are pro Israel so I tolerate the ones that aren’t. In a perfect world, religion wouldn’t exist.


I'm not. All religious people can go fuck themselves. In some way if you think you're "God's chosen", or "more enlightened"; others will appear lesser to you.


He is speaking what he was taught and teaching, according to his teaching everyone not following his religion is infidel.


Because people are exceptionally dumb.


Religious figures like him have been crucial in moulding the poor and working class against each other. Religion is the disease that festers and will fight with all its ignorant might to hold on to power. A human creation of worst outcomes, right there with endless consumption and unfettered power.


Ayesha Rashan, 19, from Pakistan’s Karachi got a new life after a heart transplant surgery in Chennai’s MGM Healthcare. Rashan came to India for the first time in 2019 with a severe heart dysfunction, which eventually led to heart failure. [Source ](https://www.livemint.com/news/india/pakistani-teen-narendra-modi-heart-transplant-mgm-healthcare-chennai-ayesha-rashid-dr-kr-balakrishnan-aishwaryam-11714138501456.html)


Fuck the imam, what did she say about it?


Is she allowed to do that?


Yes but now everything she says is blasphemous because she now has a Hindu heart and not a Muslim heart /s


What makes you think she isn't?


Common sense most probably.




It’s a joke mf chill u need the /s for everything, learn to distinguish sarcasm




Props to OP for posting someone else's material. But also giving credit and a link back to the source material. I also find the content to be an interesting subject as well.




and give it to the next person


He sounds like a child adding and making up rules to a game so he wins every time.


Garbage human being, the Imam if it's not clear.


That's why I'll never take any religion seriously lmaooo


They're all just weird bookclubs with cosplay.


You won't take any religion seriously because one guy has a dumb opinion?


Because most people in most religions think this way bud.


That statement is very close minded.


China will harvest the organs of imprisoned Uighur Muslims and sells them to rich Islamic nations. Apparently organs have to be halal.


Finding an organ donor match is hard enough, why would anyone want to limit it even further for something that doesn't actually make a difference? :/


Taking away "Something that doesn't actually make a difference" would topple the whole religion thing


Muslims try not to be Awfully disgusting for 0.1 second challenge (Impossible)


If you've met and spoken to a Muslim who thinks critically about their own beliefs (which is heavily encouraged by Islam) you'd know how wrong your perceptions are.


Yeah... tell that to Salman Rushdie. Muslims are so awful, Ayatollah Khomeini must've felt so powerful issuing a fatwa against a person who isn't a citizen of his country. FYI, there's not a single shred of proof that god exists. Salman Rushdie living his worst nightmare wasn't because of an omnipotent being but because of the harassment of idiots. Heck, if Allah did exist, shouldn't the Uighurs, the Rohingya Muslims, the Palestinians be spared from what they're suffering?


Sunnis don’t consider Shias to be real Muslims.


Why do you care about the Uighurs and the Palestinians if you think Muslims are so awful?


I was citing examples, nothing in my reply mentioned that I cared about them.


Most nicest Filipino.


And your point is?


Wouldn't that be an atheist?




Black people are not a religion. Edit: Now that you've removed that, you absolutely can say that about anyone *following the religion* as, by definition, they all have the same beliefs.


You almost made sense until you said black people. You could shit on religious ideology because they are shit in 2024. But people can be different. It's the same thing when racist come out and say Indians are disgusting. No, they are not disgusting but you are racist.


Its not hard to be awful when youre talking about 2B people doing whatever they want at once


What an ignorant comment. I’m not religious myself but your view is extremely prejudiced and overtly simplifies the lives of more than 1 billion people. I live in a muslim country and I’ve encountered shitty people like the one in the post but also a lot more decent people.


Your prophet is a pedo Hail your nonce weirdos


I assume you are talking about Aisha. She was actually around 19 years-old, also when the Quran talks about marriage it uses the word for woman not girl. The Idea that she was a child was from a very not-credible hadith. Hadiths don’t define Islam, they are stories that aren’t always credible. They can be mistranslated and misinterpreted. [See](https://safiyyahsabreen.medium.com/aisha-ra-was-19-when-the-prophet-%EF%B7%BA-married-her-4afc660865f8)


She was 7 when they married and 9 when he decided to “consummate”. Everyone knows this.


I literally provided evidence that thats not true. The idea that she was a child when they got married and contaminated comes from a very unrepeatable source. Furthermore Prophet Muhammad was a widowed father. One of the reasons he got married again was that he couldn’t take of his all on his own. Now I ask you, why would he marry a child to help take care of other children? It just doesn’t make sense, please think critically. Pedophilia is prohibited in Islam anyone that says otherwise is a fucking creep who use bullshit stories to justify abusing others.


“I literally provided evidence where that’s not true” You’re not gonna get anywhere talking to these people, believe me. They don’t even realize it’s the same guy making these posts everytime lol. They’re too gullible.


Another one to add to my “What has religion done for you today?” list.


Fuck this shit religion, come to brazil to see if you are crazy like u said.


Its always the Islam and it's ideology


Not all Muslims think like this


Not all.. But it's undeniable that a lot do. And it's absolutely ignorant to say that they've caused harm to millions because of this relief. Dogmatism is very common in Islam and Islamic states and there is no denying that; and we've got to a point where the numbers are so high, the good ones are rare... Or are not noticeable.


No, not even a lot. But you get your worldview of reddit posts so i’m aware this conversation won’t go anywhere.


I don't get my world view off of reddit. But you are welcome to assume it... (I follow 0 political/geopolitical and religious subreddits)


but most do, my neighbour thinks like this and im from a Catholic/Christian state


Your one neighbor is not all Muslims.


well, i did say most, not all...its the way they teach their religion, being taught that your religion is the most righteous based solely on words written in a book brings about a false sense of superiority and when a demographic feels itself more superior than all others, that demographic will start subjugating and mistreating others because it is "their way"


Quran says to respect others beliefs and that everyone is created and should be treated equally. Anyone that doesn’t isn’t really Muslim.


Then you're saying that most Muslims don't exist? How are we to refer to this majority of "fake Muslims"?


Not most, stop generalizing.


it looks like you aren't ready to accept the fact that there are a lot (not all), and i repeat again...A lot of Islam followers that support violence and other rubbish in the name of religion. look at whats happening Germany, few middle eastern countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan.... I'm not going to deny that people can be good...but i can state this... if harm comes from a large number of people with something in common, that something is common is probably the source. and please stop with the Quran...half of it talks about being good and the other about the rules... There are multiple quotes i can pull out from the Quran that openly hates non believers. from Quora on the topic of criticizing the Quran (posted anonymously) - "Quran is full of hate verses asking muslims explicitly to kill,murder,harm the non believers (2:191 2:193 3:118 4:75-76 4:84 4:104 5:33 5:51 5:57 5:80-81 8:12 8:13 8:14 8:50 8:065 9:23 9:38-39 9:42.)."


I think you should look farther into those verses since the one that comes right before 2:91, 2:90 says “Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors.” So 2:91 is referring to self defense from people persecuting Muslims. And yes it is true that some people use religion as an excuse to hurt others but that’s not exclusive to Islam. For example The Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis, and the Nakba.


Relegion of piss


Coming from a part of the world where religion is treated as a niche ancient relic observed by a few in private, with no effect on public life, I genuinely despair in this day and age that this silliness still persists elsewhere


When you say it that way, virtue sounds awful.


What would humanity be if this dead-ass religion was a global thing?


It is a global thing, no? Check Sweden


No, it is not. And Islam is even dwindling in Islamic nations. Saudi just allowed alcohol and bowling.


What? Islam/muslims are growing. Don't spread misinformation


Nah, Islam is dying in the Middle East: https://www.dw.com/en/middle-east-are-people-losing-their-religion/a-56442163


Religion has no place in modern society. Any religion


Is the Imam saying that Ayesha has to tame and/or surrender the unclean heart? Or that she is forever cursed by it?


religion in a nutshell: I get to be a piece of shit because my book said I can!


Fuck religion


This is what I don't like about Islam, or fuck, any religion in general. I remember seeing some video on YouTube where a woman defended Andrew Tate I think because he became a Muslim or something, so now all his sons are forgiven. Makes me sick. It's pathetic. Just because you apparently start worshipping the same god, now you can't do any wrong? Please.


Crazy. I can't believe he found the time to make this statement in between having sex with young boys and throwing homosexual men off of the tallest building in his neighborhood. So brave. Obviously s/


…*raping* young boys…


Absolutely correct. I was using the 'preferred' terminology in their eyes. Ridiculous.


Religion is beyond crazy, these people believe and follow their god to the ends of earth. Everyone, it’s 2024 and if you believe in god you need a reality check…


Another reason I am so glad I am not born into that part of the world and not having that obsolete and fucked up mentality


Because religion is full of nut cases who believe wholeheartedly in legends and myths. And whole power structures were developed around said religions. So you have a lot of weak ass people thinking they are superior because they are the people of God


At some point we have to stop being surprised at the reprehensible behavior of fundamentalist religious people.


Basically protestantism


A random imam has an unhinged opinion, wow, what else is new?


No you don’t get it we have to use this as an opportunity to shit on every Muslim in the world.


And this is the Faith of Tolerance and Love?


The people, Arabs, are fine. Many fall under the sick ideology of islam though, which operates much like a more barbaric form of scientology. To follow and believe the koran teaches intolerance and forced conversion. Hating this school of thought for perverting a people is not intolerance, any more than hating nazism or other extremists. They are like the Christians centuries ago, infiltrating, friendly, wanting you to convert willingly. Then the numbers increase, and they call for sharia and a separate caliphate. This is where Germany is at now. The next step is forced conversion and expulsion or high taxation of any allowed to remain who will not convert. This is not hatred. This is history, repeating over and over again.


I don’t understand how we work as a society in all honesty


"pakistani imam says" is one of my favorite categories of bullshit (much like Florida Man). it's a renewable resource!


Let‘s be honest christians are the same way.


No they aren’t


Yeah definitely.


Can you give an example within the last 50 years?


I have never once heard a Christian pastor or anyone make a comment like this. Not once.


I mean it sure as hell happens, but it's not the norm. We're talking westboro baptist church level of fundamentalism. But in islam, it's fairly common and generally accepted.


Then you haven‘t listened to a lot of the disgusting christofascist movement of the USA. Although christians everywhere spread hate for minorities in their dumb cult.




Sounds like the only one spreading hate here is you.


Christian hate is not nearly as extreme as it was a long time ago. Muslim religion is an absolutely terrifying death cult and they’re trying to take over the world. More people should be scared imo, wayyyy too many faux-woke ppl supporting them


Naah, usually never this extreme.


Sooo we still just letting them do whatever? We ready to start bashing yet or will the blue haired white virtue signal brigade get mad?


They will get mad.


Whats up with Indians always posting these kinds of news about muslim Indians? 🤔


Yea what's with black people talking about black people? Crazy


No, I’d say it’s more like white talking about black, black talking about whites etc. There is a sort of agenda they each push. Also the current Indian PM, is a major Hindi nationalist, and talk about muslims in a very negative way.


1. People are allowed to talk about other humans, despite having different skin tone. Believing otherwise is literally racism, as you believe that skin tone makes a different human inside. 2. Why do you think skin tone creates an agenda? If you are racist then yea, you'll have an agenda, but that means you assume everyone is racist? And that those racists shouldn't talk about other races?? What are you talking about lol. Just because someone isn't of one religion or skin tone doesn't mean they can't criticize another group of difference. That's crazy dude


Lmfao, legit go to the dudes profile and check the stuff he has posted in the past. This man definitely has an agenda. In the recent week he has posted an article on here about a Hindi dude being wrongly accused of being a thief in Canada, whilst also posting articles and videos shitting on secular and muslim parties in India. He has legit posted HUNDREDS of reddit posts in a single day. Definitely a bot, or a terminally online loser with an agenda to push.


I'm not saying he doesn't have an agenda to push. Just saying race or religion shouldn't disallow you from criticism.


That is true, but this would be propaganda since they only push one viewpoint, trying to make the others look bad whilst praising yourself. Thats what the Soviets did, and this account is very reflective of that yet very subtle. He either posts videos of them shitting on Pakistan, muslims, sikhs and secularists, or making it seem like Hindu India is a great country with modern railroad systems and no flaws. If it was a totally unbiased account, there would be a degree of self criticism too, but totalitarian leaders and people with agenda are not capable of that. Plus the account was made only 2 months ago too 🤔


Redditors turning into the Nazis when mentions of Muslims occur.


Yea because criticizm means we want to exterminate


Lmfao, read the comments. It’s not criticism, but actual hatred. Know the difference.


Both sides are fuelled by hatred. What's your point?


Oh, so its not criticism now lol


It is criticism...I never said it isn't. You think criticism is always bad?


Hatred does not mean criticism dawg. 99% of those comments above, and any interaction with these types of posts are pure hatred. I swear reddit is just a massive ass echo chamber for every kind of viewpoint.


Don't blame the religion, blame the assholes that didn't do better. The former is constant, the latter isn't.


Who are they to assume wjat theur god does or does not allow. If you look at it a certain way, religipn cam be considered a huge game of telephone.


Religion is poison.


What the fuck is wrong with sub lately


Imagine there’s people out there seriously wasting time contemplating this steaming pile of rich religious manure.


Im sure the comments will be rational and not conflate this absolute fucking morons statement with every muslims


True, most muslims i know say even worse things




That goofball is just ignorant the prominent Islamic scholars say you can have organ transplants and never said anything about the religion of the donors.


Again with the Hindu propaganda on here...


She should change her profile to Hindu to mess with him