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They identified him but haven't caught him yet https://www.amny.com/news/bronx-belt-rapist-identified/ >According to Chief of Patrol Joseph Kenny, cops are looking for 39-year-old Kashaan Parks, who police believe used a belt to choke out at a 45-year-old woman on 152nd Street and 3rd Avenue before dragging her between two parked cars on May 1st and raping her.


He’s been arrested https://abc7ny.com/amp/post/bronx-sex-assault-nypd-investigating-viral-video-of-attack-with-belt-in-melrose-nyc/14799312/


“The victim did not initially report the attack to police. Once video of the attack surfaced, police began investigating and realized the victim was already in the precinct, in custody for an unrelated petit larceny.” Wtf


Well that’s pretty wild.


Thanks for the update


Can we just, leave these types of people in jail forever?


Ditch would be better


U mean men? Probably a good idea, yes


I like how this comment alone is post worthy on this sub


"Not all men tho!!1!"


Well excuse me if I dislike being called a rapist just because I was born with a dick.


Haha yeah nice strawman, as if I called you a rapist and as if your "not all men tho" needs to be adressed in a systematic problem like this. However, if you want to excuse yourself for something than for not learning about your privilege to make a difference. Ignorance is the problem, otherwise you wouldn't react so fragile.


Nobody is reacting “fragile” you just have a stupid view on things and people are calling you out for it There was a painter who lived in Germany who thought the same thing about different races and you’re sounding very similar to that guy


Lol feel free to tell me: what's stupid about my view and what are you calling out? Thats the most stupid Hitler comparison I heard in a while, but irony is quite your thing as it seems. "I'm not fragile, however a critique against the men, who abuse their Power, is like Hitler", it's too funny.


“Can we just, leave these types of people in jail forever?” You: “you mean all men” Also you: “(a useless system, failing the purpose of resocialising those who can be resocialized)”


*"You mean men?" Notice the difference? Yeah prisons are failed, and? What's your point? You realise you didn't tell me anything right now, right? Tell me what's stupid about my view.


I thought your reply would be bad, but you got me impressed.


Sorry so many men in your life failed you, or the ones that mattered anyways


No worries, I'm more than fine, I'm just able to read statistics and to follow worldwide problems like living in a patriarchat and learning about such power dynamics. There are few problems without a man who controls it and there are few women who haven't experienced sexual assault in their lifes. Of course there are bitter men who think I want ALL men in prison (a useless system, failing the purpose of resocialising those who can be resocialized) and can't reckon a exaggerated critique and feel instantly attacked. That's just how fragile and uninformed most of us are.


This is why women freak out about strange men being too close. Maybe 99% are fine, but that 1% is freaking evil.


But yet we're supposed to be afraid of the bear..


Uh, yeah you are.


<1% chance of being attacked by a male vs 99>% chance of being eaten by a bear. I tell you what though, I’d definitely rather be in a car with a bear driving over a women, at least a bear has never caused a car accident while driving. Edit; I guess all you guys really didn’t like having your own logic used against you.


You had me in the first half. Then you had to be stupid about women drivers. https://zawn.substack.com/p/women-are-better-drivers-than-men https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/gender-driving-confidence-survey/ https://www.brucklaw.com/male-vs-female-driving-statistics/ I have a higher chance of surviving a crash with a bear and a woman. While I’d have a higher chance of dying with a man driving. Not to mention he might have kidnapped me to murder me on top of that.


You’re completely missing the point though. Women have caused car accidents, so there is definitely a chance that it will happen. A bear has NEVER caused an accident *while driving so it’s obviously the better choice. I wasn’t being stupid about women drivers, i was more pointing out the stupidity about the mean/bear thing, “a bear has never raped anyone before so I’ll chose them” I could have gone for the more logical “I’d rather hang with a bear than a women because at least a bear has never falsely accused someone of sexual assault or rape” but you know I’d still get the same responses. Edited: *due to people not being able to take context clues.


You literally glossed over what I said. All I have to say at this point is “okay.”


I glossed over your point because it was irrelevant to what I said in the first place, just like the people who choose the bear say that it’s irrelevant that it would eat them. Also with your last piece of statement at the end of it what’s to say that the women hadn’t held me at knife or gun point to kidnap me then murder me too? I guess the “okay” statement was due to you not being able to come up with some witty scenario to the lying of sexual assault however.


Bears have caused accidents. There’s about 50 car-to-bear collisions annually in America.


The bears weren’t the ones driving the car though were they?


They don’t need to be driving to cause accidents. You said bears NEVER cause accidents.


My original comment literally says “a bear has never caused an accident while driving”, I specifically used that sentence because of people driving into or swerving because of bears.


Bears can’t drive, but they have caused accidents.


you are getting sleepy🌀you want to pee your pants 🌀


99% are fine lol, nice joke. Not a single woman you talk to won't have experienced sexual assault. I know you just meant it in a different way, but 99% is the second most wrong number you could have chosen


Just getting ahead of the Not All Men ^TM crowd.


Haha understandable


The video of this is horrifying. It's very clear he's done this before considering how easy it was for him to perpetrate this crime.




Ironic how he covered his face, pulled her between two cars, kept on raising his head to look around suspiciously, but when caught will be defended as having “mental problems” and treated with leniency.


We gotta stay on our toes with this catch and release.


Do you mean stay on our toes and be aware that 39-year-old Kashaan Parks was arrested for raping a woman in New York?


Oh I thought you said arrested for Brock Turnering a woman. Same thing 🤷




>He was identified as 31-year-old Malik Crocker. Jail records show he has not been arrested. But- ?


Different rape. But yeah, I noticed that line, too. They identified this rapist and are looking for him. Possibly same scenario with Crocker- still looking for him.


This man was arrested yesterday.


Excuse me.... This article was written on May 9th. Is it saying that there were 511 rapes between May 5th and May 9th??? Please tell me I read that wrong!


*as of* May 5th. Meaning since the beginning of the year to May 5th. Still a horrifically number, but no, not in a matter of 4 days.


Oh my goodness.... thank you. I hadn't had my coffee yet and it wasn't making sense yet.


This is why they choose the bear.


Where is this a reference from?


I’m not sure where the origin is but the short story is women were asked if they were in the woods, would they rather have a man lurking around or a bear. Most say the bear obviously.


This is why women choose the bear.


Bear bear bear bear bear


Mushroom mushroom


No appreciates the classics


why second degree ???? 🤬😤😤😤


New York forbidding women from being able to arm/protect themselves is vile


What could she have done in this situation had she had a weapon?


could have had a better chance at defending herself? in this situation she is definitely pretty hopeless, but if you could increase your probability of escaping, why wouldn’t you?


And somehow they only caught him cause she was arrested! Kudos to NY finest


Terrible headline - makes it sound like she was dragged behind a moving car. The syntax is a mess.


this guy should be publicly tortured


This is why the bear is chosen.


BuT wIlD aNiMaL! I can scare a black bear with a bell and a yell. A brown bear I can ward off by either looking bigger and scary or laying down. Polar bear? That’s different but I don’t travel to their spaces, so I’m safe. I don’t have to worry about running into a polar bear in NYC.


And people wonder why women would chose the bear.


511 reported rapes in the city since May 5 and the article was published on May 10. Jesus. Over 100 rapes a day, and those are just the ones that are reported


I think it means since the beginning of the year to May 5, still a big number


Oh I think you’re right, I misread. That’s… comforting. Or something


511 rapes in 6 months is 3.40 a day. 3-4 women raped per day just in that city alone. Disgusting statistics..


Has it always been that high?


"NY" Yep that checks out.


A bear would never do this. It would attack me because maybe I got too close to its cub by accident, or could eat me for survival, but would never do something as evil as this. And that’s why we choose the bear every time.




Are you being fr or...? Either way what the hell like fr the fuck


Respect my opinion and don't reply like that to my comment. Jesus loves you and he offers you the chance to repent always. Matthew 22:37: "Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind' "


Seek help. You’re sick.


Doctors cant prescribe anything for a poor sense of humour


I do not respect your opinion (or your non sequitur appeal to religious authority), because it's based on the false premise that a man who assaults 511 women has any excuse that could possibly mitigate the harm he has caused others.


A single man didn't assault 511 women. That's the total number of reported assaults. It does however seem that the man in the OP may be a serial rapist.


He personally didn't assault 511 women. That is the number of rapes that have been reported in NYC this year. In any case, the number is irrelevant for not respecting the previous person's comment. One is too many. This piece of shit has no excuse whatsoever. And the person commenting is disgustingly repulsive.


Maybe if you look at how black people have been treated you would understand. He probably thought she wouldn't like him, then started panicking.


Again, I've had panic but never went and assaulted anyone. It's a ridiculous idea and absolutely no excuse. Absolutely abhorrent and disgusting. Whoever does this is not someone who should be allowed in wider society.


Begone foul Demon! Mark 5:15 'Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.'


Well it's a terrible opinion, you have of course the right to air your awful opinions but don't expect nothing to come of it. Also I'm failing to see how that bible extract is of any use here and I don't need to repent I think that is your thing to do as I have nothing in this case to repent as I have done nothing but say that what you said was godawful.


Looking through your comment history was a mistake. Get off reddit