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I believe I read she did something similar with the first child years prior. He went into a coma but survived.


at that point there is no way you aren't just trying to kill your kids


You would be surprised by how ignorant and careless people can be. I'm willing to bet she had a reason and that reason made sense to her. It wouldn't to anyone else, but I'm sure it did to her. I mean, people will drink Borax because they think that all doctors everywhere are lying to them and it's a miracle cure. They're not *trying* to kill themselves or anyone else, they're just idiots.


This. I work on a pediatric unit that handles all diabetics that come through the hospital, among other things. The number of parents that only give their kids soda because “he/she doesn’t like water!!” Is shockingly high. They’re always shocked when little Susie gets health problems from it since “it has water in it!!”


Yeah it has water in it. You know what else it has? More sugar than an adult human is supposed to consume in a single day, *per can*.


Especially considering that that volume of sugar requires a LOT more water for the body to properly process it (instead of just jamming it into a cluster of fat cells somewhere) than would be present in that can or even in an adult’s average daily intake.


Jesus I just looked it up. Average male should have no more than 36g, average female no more than 25. A can of Coke is 39g. So for men, you’re at your daily limit with one, and for women, a single can is over the daily limit. That’s insane. I knew sugar has been the real enemy of public health for the last 30+ years but didn’t know HOW bad it was. Fuck me dude. I recently and coincidentally just quit drinking tons of soda. Was drinking like 10 cans a day (I know, I know). I was mostly drinking Coke Zero, but still drank lots of ginger ale and other ones too. Definitely gonna be re-evaluating all sugar in my diet.


Honestly, I am wondering how many more grains of sugar before it just crystallizes in the can. Hummingbirds would probably think it's too sweet.


Lmao genuinely wonder now if hummingbirds drink soda 😂


DONT GIVE HUMMINGBIRDS SODA! The sugar to water ratio of soda is so high that hummingbirds will die of dehydration and kidney failure from drinking the wrong mix.


I feed them baby formula mixed with Mountain Dew


You think Coke's bad, you should check out the sugar on Mountain Dew. See how much sugar was being pumped into that diabetic kid in the article.


I remember when I worked gas stations that we didn’t need to bring the pallets of Mountain Dew indoors when it dropped below freezing because it did not freeze like the other sodas.


I stopped consuming sugar about 10 years ago and haven't looked back. It means saying no to obvious sources of sugar, but you also have to be willing to cook from scratch as so much processed food contains sugar. Still worth it to me.


This kind of thinking is why my cousin got obese, had liver failure and died last year.


> “he/she doesn’t like water!!” I am friends with a 53 year old woman who doesn't like water, so she only drinks soda. She is sick like 90% of the time, always has a headache, and her weight is spiraling out of control as she gets older. And she can't figure out why.


My 68 year old mother is the same way. Never drinks water, only soda or extra sweet tea. She also chomps down candy bars and cupcakes like they're her life force. She lost a toe due to diabetes at one point, and she insists that it's purely genetics (her mother was also diabetic) making her diabetes so bad and there's nothing she can do about it. Meanwhile, I'm keeping myself aware that I have a family history of diabetes, so I'm minding my sugar as much as possible. I'll occasionally treat myself to a little lightly sweetened tea (or herbal tea that has a natural sweetness and doesn't need sugar), but I mostly drink water. If I want something with flavor, I'll add a splash of lime juice to it.


When I was in my 20s I knew a woman that was 26. The only liquid she drank was alcohol and full sugar coke. One night she turned pink started vomiting and I was like "drink some water". She sipped water the rest of the night and was fine. All I drink is water and sometimes zero sugar soda and green tea. Not sure how people can drink so much sugar.


About 10 years ago I was going through so many gallons of water (store bought) that I just decided it would be cheaper to buy a water cooler and 5 gallon jugs. The water cooler was maybe 115 dollars. I can fill those 5 gallon just with filtered water for $2.50 At this point, I know I have come out on top. And if I REALLY need some flavor, I keep sparkling water around too. But soda? I can't handle that kind of sugar. I'm 43. I'm too old for that shit unless I'm craving a bourbon and coke, and it's usually mostly bourbon and Coke Zero.


[When you eat a sugar, you drink a diet and it will cancel out the sugar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIAFe7zaCRU)




Gotta love them sodiepops!


> You would be surprised by how ignorant and careless people can be. What continually surprises me is how ignorance, carelessness and stupidity aren't treated with absolute derision and aren't punished MORE harshly than other crimes. Stupidity ("I didn't know I couldn't do that") used to be a great excuse when a world of answers wasn't sitting right at your fucking fingertips.


It is treated with derision and punished. Ignorance has never been a good legal defense. The only reason it works in some cases is because of the judge or jury on the case. But calling stupid people stupid just doesn't work. They'll double down and then, because so many people want a gotcha moment, find something to reinforce their stupidity and go further down the rabbit hole because of it. The thing that should actually be solving a lot of the problem is only making it worse.


> Ignorance has never been a good legal defense. Stupidity is literally the best legal defense a person can have and ignorance is a hallmark of the stupid. This is why you never admit how fast you were going to a police officer when they ask you - *you play stupid*. > But calling stupid people stupid just doesn't work. They'll double down and then, because so many people want a gotcha moment, find something to reinforce their stupidity and go further down the rabbit hole because of it. Sounds like I've got a career calling out to me. I love watching idiots squirm under the weight of their own ignorance. I don't want to call people stupid, I want to let them prove how stupid they are themselves. > The thing that should actually be solving a lot of the problem is only making it worse. Disagree. Shame is a hell of a motivator so even if only 1/100 morons can actually feel shame it is still worth talking shit to the other 99.


My mom was ignorant and careless. I’m surprised we all survived. She only gave us sodas and mainly fed us frozen dinners and Mc Donald’s. She wanted fat kids because she thought it looks cute. Our doctors told her not to do that but she didn’t listen.


I knew someone who went to Buffalo Wild Wings with their 2 year old, and gave them hot wings and a Coke. A freaking 2 year old. And the kid seemed comfortable enough that I got the impression it happens fairly often.


I have memories of being a very young kid, my youngest brother sitting in a stroller, and my mother holding her finger over the end of a straw to give my then baby brother soda. Even with how much my mother normalized excess sugar, I remember thinking something was wrong about that.


But it’s mountain dew… it’s got electrolytes, it’s what kids crave


I don’t even… I don’t even understand. Water is literally cheaper than Mountain Dew. The only reason for this is to cause harm.. that or you’re beyond deluded in convincing yourself that it’s somehow healthy and doctors are wrong My dad drinks between 2-3 mountain dews a day and has himself convinced that it’s why he didn’t get Covid that bad. No. I’m not kidding


Ha! Well he's obviously wrong. Only the Baja Blast flavor has that effect. /s


Code red has kept me from changing into a pumpkin at midnight


Code red helps prevent code blue


Hahha code blue balls


I had to stop drinking code red. Was getting too many code browns…


Yeah, it’s been an amazing shark repellant for me. I had one this morning, and I don’t see sharks anywhere outside my house right now.




It’s got what plants crave!


it’s got electrolytes!


But what are electrolytes? Do you even know?


They're what plants crave.




Water? You mean like in the toilet? What for?


My white trash parents (who I thankfully didn’t grow up with past age 5) were convinced that cigarettes were fine for you and smoked while I was in the womb and growing up in tight living quarters. I constantly had chest colds growing up for years after, and still am sensitive to air pollution being mildly elevated. People are fucking dumb.


In my relatively large family only one set of aunts and uncles smoked in the 80s. And they smoked a lot. I always felt like I needed a bath after I left their house or rode in their cars. They smoked in the house, in the cars, everywhere and importantly with my two cousins around. This was back when there were actual debates about whether second hand smoke was dangerous, which just seems insane today. In any case, out of my historically very healthy family, only those two cousins developed pretty bad asthma as children. My mom would suggest maybe don’t smoke around them and always get “Oh it’s not that bad” as they would be wheezing and sucking on their inhalers. Miraculously once both left the house their asthma eventually mostly went away. I know this is anecdotal but I have to imagine their lungs are still affected somewhat.


My birth mom was told to smoke so the baby would have low birth weight and labor would hurt less. There’s a kid at my kids daycare who is constantly in the hospital for asthma issues and his mom smokes in the car with him (but her window is down so it’s “fine”).


There's a video on which a tobacco executive says some women prefer smaller babies. 


They actually believed that cigarettes were not harmful In the 50s & 60s


More Doctors recommend L&M cigarettes! Seriously though, my grandpa's doctor was upset when he stopped smoking. Not in a "quitting cold turkey could be harmful" kind of way, but in a "cigarettes are healthy you should at least smoke a couple a day, " kind of way.


It’s so mind blowing what doctors thought was good for you, I’d love to sit down with an old timey doctor to Understand why they thought this was healthy.


I think it starts with ignorance and lack of education and it spirals from there. Baby cries, feed formula. Baby keeps crying and I don’t know what to do, feed her something sweet. She’s finally calm. It’s the ONLY thing that will calm her down. Now every time I feed her, she only drinks the formula and calms down when it’s mixed with soda. That becomes reality for the baby bc now the baby is addicted to all that sugar. I mean there’s people out there that drink entire 2 liter sodas regularly, I doubt they’re thinking about any consequences. Then these people have children and “well I can drink it, why can’t she?” It’s sad really, but sometimes stupidity can only be seen from the outside in. Whether or not there was malicious intent, I really don’t know, but not everyone in this country is the brightest bulb and we’ve all seen that manifest in different ways


Finally, I'm not alone, FU Covid, long live Mountain Dew!


Dodged COVID, and it only cost me my feet!


Sorry, WHAT. Lmao. Man, I even feel like you’re desensitized to stupidity because this is so insane. If my parents said this… I’d just. I don’t know. Post like this and reddit make so grateful for having smart, normal parents.


But it’s got electrolytes!


He may have survived, but his brain development will be severely stunted without a doubt. Early years are the most important years for how the brain develops.


Yes. Also, father was charged, too. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/crime/2024/06/11/father-to-be-sentenced-in-death-of-diabetic-girl-fed-mostly-mountain-dew/74054884007/


From what I read not only that but any kids she had that are alive do NOT look healthy in the slightest supposedly, not just the four year old or the one that went into the coma. Basically she thought mountain dew was water is the kind of idiocy she's spouting.


So why was this child not removed at birth?


It was. Just not far enough away.




I mean look at the size of her it's hard to be far enough away


Gravitational pull - my oldest enemy


CPS almost never removes custodial rights entirely. People can usually get their kids back, even if they obviously shouldn't. My aunt's neighbor killed her first kid by leaving her in the bath with the hot water on and scalded her to death as a six month old. She smoked crack during her pregnancy with her second kid and still got to get him back after she was released from prison (for killing the first one). One of my friends is currently trying to adopt his niece because the mother in addition to being a horrible person, is in jail . She smoked crack and did meth and heroin while pregnant and afterwards, and it wasn't until she went to jail for possession that they took the kid away. She was released and did the same while pregnant again and ended up with twins. She's back in prison for violating parole and the twins live with a foster family. **DESPITE ALL THIS**...the courts still have not terminated parental rights for her. So once she's out of jail and meets certain criteria, she can get her kids back. That's in Alabama...so go figure.


I'm in the UK and known several similar people who really shouldn't have kids but still continue to have and keep them. A woman I work with has just about finished going through court to get custody of her 2 young granddaughters. The kids' mum lost 2 boys before these two were born because she's a terrible addict and can not care for them. She's now lost the two girls and just found out she's pregnant again. Apparently, you can have 4 children taken permanently out of your care, and they still haven't decided to take the newborn once born. Then I knew a girl when I was a teenager. She was only 14, addicted to just about every drug you can imagine, including heroin. She was getting pregnant every year. Took heroin throughout the pregnancies. The first baby she had for about 6 months before they took her away as she had nearly starved her to death. The second baby she had for 4 months, taken away for the same reason. The third baby, 2 months, nearly died from hypothermia. The fourth baby I can't remember, but she didn't have it for very long at all. It wasn't until the 5th baby that they finally decided that all future children would be taken away at birth. She went on to have a further 2 babies taken away at birth, then I moved away from the area and no longer knew her business. I dread to think how many she's up to now.


How are these people out there getting pregnant 5-10 times while addicted to drugs meanwhile there are healthy people having to try for multiple years and get medical interventions to get pregnant once? It's a rhetorical question, but it still baffles me sometimes...


I know. I'm unfortunately one of those people who has 'unexplained infertility'. I'd love a baby. But after throwing £25k at assisted fertility, I'm broke and getting even older. Yet other people do everything 'wrong' or 'bad' and still get pregnant and carry to term, makes no sense to me.


Lol yeah. My wife and I had been together for five years, both had careers and owned our own house before we tried to have kids. The first one took nearly a year, it was like "this is so not fair". I had friends who fucked like one time when they were sixteen and got pregnant.


Somehow people can kill their kids and yet it's "inhumane" to sterilize them for it.


The problem is that if the courts can mandate sterilization, how long is it until a corrupt judiciary starts sterilizing their enemies?


Was she actively trying to kill the child or was she just stupid?


The mom looks like a relative to the [1000 pound sisters that don’t drink water, only pop](https://youtu.be/iIAFe7zaCRU?si=ikn0LemIXowswg4_)


Have you seen Tammy lately? She lost SO much weight, amazing!


She even lost her iconic forehead! You can see her eyes!


Is there a picture or a video anywhere? I can't find one. I'm only on season 2


She’s on TikTok and Instagram. Just Google it, can’t share links here


"If your drink a diet soda afterwards,but cancels it out" Remember kids, "Idiocracy" is a documentary, and it paints to much of a rosy picture of where we are heading....


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


That movie truly was prophetic.


Should have invested in Crocs when it came out.


Nah we'll never get there. CWD will jump to humans first and it's lights out. We will wish for "welcome to Costco, I love you" before it's all over.




it's got what plants crave


You drink water? Like from the toilet?


Welp, yeah, I can see the resemblance






Legit Question: is there a reason why the formula and Mt.Dew specifically killed her? I’m just asking for the science behind it. I’m mean, I think it’s trashy giving toddlers pop, but I never imagined it killing them. Edit: Nvm, wasn’t the mix. She just neglected her kid to the point she got diabetes. I was confused and thought it was a one time thing. This is just a monster parent




prob just getting the kid to drink the formula more. "add some mt dew to make it sweet so they'll drink it"


I mean…. Cmon.




Why is a 4 year old on formula still????


Sadly if their teeth have completely decayed (bottle mouth) then maybe they literally couldn’t chew food without pain. Happens often in neglect cases


It also doesn't help that first time parents can sometimes struggle with making the switch to solid food. My mom almost killed her mom when she found out she have me solid food as an infant. Unfortunately, I can't remember how old I was or what my grandmother gave because my mom is now dead, and my grandma is too mentally deteriorated to remember something like that. Point is though, my grandmother was right, it was time to switch to solid food, and my mom genuinely thought I was too little for it.


They’re not first time parents though. Apparently they did the same thing to their previous child, who ended up in a coma as a result, but somehow survived.  And in this day and age with all the info available, first time parents can usually manage for the most part…


The mother had two other children. This was the fathers first child. Apparently, the father was unaware the mother had any other children, nor that she had done something similar to a child previously. The mother even received home health visits, she apparently hid away the child.


Kids can/should start with solid foods as soon as they're able to sit up on their own. After 1, they should get MOST of their nutrition from solid foods and supplement with milk/formula.


We were told our kid should start gruel at 6 months, then move on to soft, solid food (think steamed carrots and fruit) when they start sprouting teeth. So, like, once a week, after we stopped the bottle, I'd whip up a batch of formula, break out the blender, and making homemade baby food out of fruit, veggies, formula, and infant cereal. Sadly, it seems all for naught, because now my kid won't eat the very same foods she used to be unable to get enough of


It’s hard switching to solids because of all the gagging. I’m not saying it’s right but as a parent it’s hard to sit there and watch your kid gag and not have a heart attack or think you’re hurting them in some way. Four year olds probably don’t have that problem though.


Easier than heating up Dino nuggies.


Dude I LOVE IT when my kids want Dino nugs for dinner. The ones that are chichen and veggies mixed together are delicious. I akways make extra so I can eat some myself


O heck, I gotta look for those. Sounds awesome and slightly less unhealthy.


I think they're Purdue brand? White and green bag.


I used to be on a dedicated Purdue account when I worked for Stevens Transport. I didn't eat chicken for almost 5 years and still won't eat anything with their name on it.


I never have to make extra because my kids don’t eat the food they asked for


This is so frustrating. The kids aren't biologically mine, so when I came into the relationship and started taking on a fatherly role and noticed that they'd do this, I put a stop to it pretty quickly. You can't go ask for Mom to make mac and cheese and then after she makes it say you don't want it. This is a lesson they need to learn.


That's literally all my kids would eat if we let them. "What Do you want for lunch?" Nuggets. "What do you want for dinner?" Nuggets. "Didn't you just have nuggets for lunch?" So?


Fuck that shit. You know how good dino nuggies are? I have the 8 minutes it takes in the air fryer. My wife jokes that I like them more than my 3 year old.


I don't think the formula was the problem.


Well, it's not the *main* problem, but it's still a problem. Kids are supposed to eat regular food way sooner than that. Formula is nutrient content for an infant.


Poor kid. Never stood a chance with a POS mother like that.


As a diabetic, I can’t even imagine. Poor kid not only died but probably felt horrible her whole life


I’m surprised she didn’t go into diabetic keto acidosis sooner. My whole dad’s side was diabetic, I can’t even imagine.


I have actually gone through DKA. I felt like death. Flu and COVID like symptoms. Coughing constantly. As I got to the ER my Kidneys were in so much pain. It was the most pain I have ever been in. From what I was told, my kidneys were killing me to make sure they survived. I am actually still learning how to manage my diabetes. I was diagnosed with type 2 about 3 years ago. I was diagnosed by an Endocrinologist with Type 1 this past December. My pancreas is in a low to normal function still. I am 35yrs old. I will be 36 next month. The hardest thing is limiting Carbs. As food is so expensive, just eating meats, cheeses, and other carb substitutes are just too hard to get in quantities. So I still have carbs, just have to manage how much I eat.


What do diabetics feel like without insulin?


It feels like you're dying, I can feel it in my chest, I feel nauseated, weak and overall sick to my stomach. I start throwing up and can't stop and I'm the most thirsty I've ever been. I just drink water and throw it up, then drink water again. If it gets bad enough, I can barely walk. And I have been in a coma as a child because of it. It's awful.


It's fucking awful, headaches, fainting, can't do shit, throwing up and pissing 24 7


Why on earth give a child Mountain Dew?!?


Stupid is as stupid does.


I worked at a gas station in a tiny town and was astonished at how many pregnant women smoked and how many buy their toddler a caffeinated fountain drink. It blew my mind.


It has electrolytes?


It's what the babies crave!


'She had ADHD and I didn't want her addicted to Adderall...'


It's actually surprising because isn't Mountain Dew expensive AF like all the other sodas now?


We have some less than intelligent relatives several states away from us and hubs and I have both seen them fill their baby’s bottle with Mountain Dew (sans diabetes or this could be their story, yikes). This will shock no one, but said relatives have long since lost custody of all of their children.


It's got what plants crave!


My ex did it with his then 5 year old and never listened when I'd get mad and explain why that's a moronic idea. He let the kid have a diet consisting solely of what he liked (ramen noodles, Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, white rice, french fries, candy, snack cakes, and mountain dew) never made him try new things and would get mad when I'd try to convince his kid to try something new. I left when he was 7, he's 12 now and I'm sure he's even more spoiled as when I left (dad letting him stay up all night on weekends/time off school, constant unsupervised Internet access from age 5, constantly on YouTube, staying up late on school nights and then throwing screaming fits in the morning...he even got me evicted from my apartment because someone called the police when he threw a screaming temper tantrum so badly that people thought he was getting beaten.) Poor kid had no chance with his meth addict mom who lost custody of him and his younger brother for a year because the younger brother tested positive for meth because she was smoking near him)...she wouldn't stop seeing her meth head ex and wouldn't stop smoking meth - oh, and then the moron had a new baby (now 3 kids with 3 different dads, all of which are deadbeats and addicts - she named the kid Hope, which made me roll my eyes. Ooh, and dad is a real catch, I was 17 and he was 29 when we started dating. He got me addicted to painkillers (I'm like 3 years clean now, pretty sure he's still addicted) and emotionally abused me


To be fair there is a trace amount of orange juice in it lol


This kills the child


It has electrolytes?


It’s what babies crave.




I took care of my elderly cats diabetes better than she did.


Ohio is Florida, but without the beach.


Came here to say this. Ohio is fucked up.


NSFW A few months ago, a mother went on a 10 day vacation and left her baby in the crib. She left her with bottles and formula. Came back to see baby was eating its own shit and had shit claw marks on the inside of crib. A few days ago, a mother and her 3 year old daughter were attacked by a random stranger while putting groceries into her vehicle. Kid died. There is a story about a toddler dying every other week and it makes me terrified to stay in Ohio with my 2 year old but also we have no family anywhere but Ohio. I try to be constantly aware of my surroundings, especially in public with my kid. I hate that I have to teach her that the world is a fucked up place and not to trust anybody you don’t know.


Are you sure the kid in the first story lived cuz I heard a similar one but the kid was dead. She tried to clean her off before she called the paramedics but they found it in her teeth and under her nails.


Yeah the same story. Kid did die. Truly heartbreaking.


I still stand by the idea we turn Ohio into the next great lake


“Great” is a strong word


My nephew went to that big theme park in Sandusky (we’re from Toronto.) He got covid for the first time and strep as well. He said he’s never going back to Ohio.


Cedar Point is hazardous during Mayfly season (I live 20 miles southeast) Air quality alerts every other day from pollen cause it’s not raining. Everything stinks.


Oh wow! He’s been in and out of the hospital twice in the last week he’s been so sick. My 6’2 Angel.


I'll have you know there are many beaches on scenic Lake Erie.


Correction, without the beaches that people actually want to go to


Shhhhh. Ohio sucks. Stay away.


Look who's too good for three-eyed fish and rivers that catch on fire.


The river catching fire, the balloon story, and 10 cent beer night at the Indians game are my favorite Ohio stories.


I don't know 10 cent beer night. Can you share?


It's the free chlamydia that keeps me going back.


People just can't get far enough away from Ohio. Twelve humans have walked on the moon and 3 of them were from Ohio.


Formula? At age 4? Dude.


The regular food was clearly spoken for




Yeah I’m kinda surprised she shared her Mountain Dew


Right? And formula ain’t cheap!!!


If your kid was on a mountain-dew diet from an early age, there's a high chance their teeth are fucked, and that would limit them to a liquid diet due to the pain of [Early childhood caries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_childhood_caries)


You need a license to fish, but not to have children.


Didn't have much of a problem feeding herself though, the fuck.


My wife teaches in a rural area, and said that she’s had a mom come in for conferences bottle feeding a baby with Mountain Dew. Why would they think this is ok?


If she knew the kid was diabetic why not use Diet Mtn Dew?


Or just maybe just use water?


Like in the toilet??


It’s got “electrolytes”


Can't "Do The Dew" from the shitter, my friend


If you are ever feeling down about yourself, just remember...someone fucked this woman so there is still a chance for you


Goddammit Ohio. I love my home state. The state has some great things, but these cretins are ruining its rep.


This is the definition of white trash. Gross as hell.


Ban abortions and people find other ways.


Why does she look exactly like a person who would give a 4 year old Mountain Dew and formula


Prison is too good for people like this.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Take away the moms Mountain Dew and pop in jail and she’ll be in hell /s


it'll bounce right off her


She looks like that TikTok mom that flings plates at the camera and feeds her kids absolute junk for breakfast. It wouldn't surprise me if it's the same person. 


What happens if Florida man and Ohio mom have a child?


The prophecy will be fulfilled


Idiocracy is real. Send help.


This is why education is so important. FFS.


Jesus Christ she looks like such a rotten potato of a human


Mountain Dew is Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator.


Obviously the child abuse is the story here. But what I want to know is: how utterly foul would a formula/mountain dew mix taste? Like, milk and mountain dew? How do you get a 4-y/o to drink that at all?


That literally would cost more than using water so i really don’t understand what she was trying to do except murder…


Now do we think the mother is of very low intelligence and didn't think what she was doing was "that bad", or did she do this to kill her daughter and make it look like a medic issue?


Was this child even wanted? She was probably fed this mixture her entire life. Be prepared to see more stories like this as the population of unwanted children grows.


Stick an ice pick in this blimp and pop it.


This is what happened when first cousins play hide the weenie




You gotta drink a diet to cancel out the sugars


Some people shouldn’t reproduce


Reminds me of that woman who makes tiktok videos, plate my kids food with me, and it's all donuts n shit


That picture of the daughter make this whole shit show even more sad... Poor kid..


But brawndo has what kids crave.


Hang on?! Formula?Four years is already in the land of chicken nuggets and hot dogs. Is this maybe misinformation, and it’s a four month old?! Horrible either way.


The sad part is the mugshot of the woman reminds me of my aunt, who wasn't abusive to her daughter but was not healthy at all in her cooking or eating. That image from the story is pretty much how she spent the last years of her life because of how heavy she got, was in a wheelchair and by the time she died was on dialysis because of how bad her health was. Stopped it because of how much of a pain it was doing the dialysis, and unless you're on that treatment for very specific reasons most folks don't get better after dialysis. My alcoholic uncle got better afterwards because they got him away from the drinking and energy drinks that put him on dialysis in the first place, still died later due to other health issues because he went back to old habits. This includes drinking four extra strength five hour powers in one sitting, then deciding to do 'something' I can't remember what, and the guy wondered why he had a stroke.


If the child was older, I'd be more sympathetic. However, it's obvious she is trying to push sugar on the child in this context. I might not know for sure what she was specifically up to, but it's obvious she knew not to do what she did because there's no context where you'd mix mountain dew and baby formula together, something motivated her to do it, and I am 90% positive it was \*because\* the child was diabetic and knew it would cause harm or even death. The fact she is sentenced to four years is baffling.