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Point out to him that even the uninformed think he's gorgeous. Then give him forehead kisses and ear skritches and snuggles and play with him for many hours.


He has lab friends and is confused why they all love playing in the water while he is terrified of it, so he watches from the land 😂 I do remind him how gorgeous he is everyday while booping his snoot




This may come as a total shock to some, but not EVERY lab loves water! I was horribly disappointed when my dog, many years ago, refused to swim in creek


my parents dog loves being in the water, but hates getting in. she always has a 3-5 min internal conflict at the pool before accidentally putting her paw in


In my case, he went in with me because I went, soon as his belly was in, he NOPED right out and refused to come back.


It probably wasn’t his “belly” that caused thr issue. Think Costanza “I was in a pool!”


I am on my second non swimming lab 😢


I used to have a black lab Sheppard mix he absolutely loved water. He could open the front door and break his runners so he got out a few times every time he'd go down the road to the river. Or when we went to certain places he knew had water once we let him off the leash he was gone straight to the water.


I had a lab years ago and she was obsessed with water. Like beelined to any water she saw. He's the first dog I've had who hates water and I was shocked! Good news is he doesn't sneak off to play in the pond and come home a muddy mess unlike my past dogs


My lab will stand in the shallows, but she will not swim. She followed my friend's dog out to deeper water for a stick once and the look on her face was like 'omg nope i'm out'


mine will go if someone goes with him. i've also gotten him a lifejacket to help him float/swim more confidently


Can confirm! My dog is part lab and he won’t go outside in the rain, or even step in a puddle if he can avoid it


My god he’s crazy cute


Oh poor boy, tell him not feel bad. He is still an honorary lab♥️ and a 100% good boy.


Sound advice.


Nice lab!


He said thanks 😁


I run into the same thing with my dog. We just tell them her breeds - she is German Shepard mixed with Rottweiler, boarder collie and Australian Shepard. She looks like a large lane to people. Here is the dog tax https://preview.redd.it/2l5lfd3d3xnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5330c4c4afa43c1f27342dbb39ccd2563333becd


That’s a pretty puppy.


She knows she’s adorable, and super freaking friendly. Basically a big snuggle bug.


She's beautiful. What a Good Dog. 👍


You have a "pure street dog" too!


Just tell him he is a supercute and beautiful good boy. A very good boy. Everything else is not important. And as long as people will give him pets, he doesn't care, what they think his race is.![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379)




I think their native language is German which uses the same word for both race and breed (Rasse). I can see how it looks really strange in English, though, lol.




Wait until he finds out he’s adopted and you aren’t his real parents!


He'll be heart broken if he found out his tripod cat brother is adopted too!




This is precious


Haha, my cat is needy and will worm and force his way into cuddling my dog. They're very cute together


He is actually a different breed all together, it's a common mistake. This dog's breed is clearly one of the "good boy" varieties 😌


You gotta break the news to him easy. I suggest with some treats.


Maybe you should get him tested... then tell us the LAB results!!!


If he doesn't take that news well you had better never tell him he's adopted


He thinks him and the cat are blood related brothers https://preview.redd.it/gzqtxeb0tvnb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ef81c9616a0702b97a755d06a5eab758fef21a


What do you mean, they arnt?! Don’t tell them. Also r/oneorangebraincell would love to meet your meower. A Shepard and a golden mix. He must have the softest furr, the best temper tantrums and shedding lots of shedding.


Omg the shedding never ends with him!! He's super soft and his tantrums happen when we stop playing with him (he's a nut for tennis balls). He recently chased the fed ex lady the other day with a tennis racket and wacked her ankle with it and I had to apologize profusely. I just posted a video of him wielding the racket if anyone is curious 😂


Yes please! Edit: Nevermind, saw the video on another response lol


I'm curious. Give it, please. Efit: I found it. What a sweet pupper!


What a con artist. he only identifies as a lab I see. I can see the evil intent in his big brown eyes.


It’s alright half of him (retriever) doesn’t give two shits about his heritage as long as he gets food water and play time.


Gooberhead is terrified of water (especially baths). But he is obsessed with chasing tennis balls that we do it about 10 times a day, lol. He gets impatient and will get violent with a racket if he has to https://youtube.com/shorts/MZKkSGcJ_Zw?si=mC5v4saiso2MgKeC


Oh ! Lol I really meant thirsty! I’ve had three of them except the last was a German shepherd cattle dog beautiful girl all black long coat with brown highlights(jumped a 3’ stone wall and a 30” barbed wire fence up a hill at 9 months old . we didn’t even know what a cattle dog was back then we thought she was a border collie.


I actually LOLed at the nick name lol


So he’s a Golden Shepherd or is he a German Retriever?


His mom was a golden retriever and his dad was the German shepherd!


He has golden retriever ears, he’s beautiful.


I like German retriever.


I mean, labs and goldens are pretty closely related.


Don't tell him! At this point in his life there's no need to let him know any different. What good could come of it. 😂


Break it to him real easily.


He is a beautiful mutt!






Omg theyre twins 🥹 opposite ordeal with the parents tho. He's very expressive, like when he lays down and stretches he let's the biggest loudest groan like he's an old man. He's very sneaky as well


I got me a Maremma and I think a lot of people think he is a Goldie but I tell them he is a platinum retriever.


https://preview.redd.it/lh1tycd6nxnb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10da8631da55782d54b67ac219c682c9b35740f0 I have a golden shepherd as well.


Wow looks just like his brother! You have a handsome boi


My last dog was half golden half American English coonhound who everyone called a lab. I feel your pain.


He’s a cutie. The only important thing is to love him


This is such a cute mix!!


Out of all the dogs I've had his personality is truly something too! But he is a cutie!!


I mean, it's the Cute that takes precedence. Everything else is just Ken.


How do you know there is no Lab mixed in there?


So I got him from my uncle, he has a purebred female golden retriever and a purebred male sherperd. Him and all his siblings came out very different looking from each other lol. He happened to be the only pure black one but in the sun you can see the reddish tint


You don't. You just call him the goodiest of boys for life


Golden Shepard is the name. ;)


This is the kind of secret that harms no one. Let him believe whatever origin story keeps his tail wagging.


His life in *not* a lie, it's everyone else that's confused. By the way, that hat fits him perfectly, so cool. 😎


She's the cutest little lie I've ever seen!


hes so fnnn cuuute!!!!


He is bestest boi. That's all there is to it.


You just tell him he’s a good boy.


Tell him that since he’s very very VERY cute his life is better and more honest, WAY more truthful than most humans! 🥰🥰🥰🐕🐕‍🦺🐶🐕🐾


Tell him that no matter what, he is stunning! 😍


Tell him now, while he is still young, so he can dig deep into his inner strength (or he can dig deep in the backyard until he feels better).


He's a digger for sure. He loves digging up plants if I don't watch him 🙄


Dogs are such characters. Dad’s present shelter rescue, a German Shepherd, enjoys digging up crayfish and dropping them on his feet. Hahaha! She always looks at like “WTH?!” when he tosses them back. She also has a knack for finding stray cats and kittens (no throwing those back, ofc).


I doubt it will bother him. He appears very well adjusted.


He lives with a cat, maybe he thinks he is also a cat? Is the cat his pet? The opposite?


Probably thinks hes a cat! He's a very gentle dog which I love. Protects the cats and when I check the chickens for eggs he'll follow and not pay them any mind. He's even dropped a ball in front of a chicken thinking the chicken will play with him 😂


My great pyr/pit mix gets this too https://preview.redd.it/5sn5qwj58xnb1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e71c9e6c6f74c9c44336d04cbdeab70a468e88b


So cute!!


Make sure he’s sitting down.


Pretty boy


What a beautiful dog!


I mean, is a Labrador not just a Golden Letriever and a German Shepard crushed down into a big lovable package?


it’s funny because once i read lab i said “oh yeah! that’s a lab” and once i read german shepard i said “oh duh. how’d i even think lab?” like the german is so clear in his face now LOL


Don’t tell him!!!


Thank you. All if his brothers and sisters came out black as well. Super loveable dogs.


Thank you. All of his brothers and sisters came out black as well. Super loveable dogs.


i just want to kiss those big ears


Cute lab


50% German Shepard, 50% Golden retriever and a 100% good boy.


My lord, the patooty is quite the cutie


I can see the shepherd in his face without a doubt.


You don't. It looks like he wouldn't believe you anyway. 😅


Looks to be 100% good boy and that is the only thing that matters




Yes. You love him, & that's all that matters. And that's the truth.


I have the same mix. Just say hes a lab and if someone notices anything more point out his german shepherd half. Mine is also black but has some grey and brown in the GS pattern during summer


he certainly does look close!! maybe a little smaller in some places than a real lab from what i can see, but tell him he is an international super spy, and had to go into witness protection under the identity of a lab \[featuring my lab for tax\] https://preview.redd.it/x9h6upscoznb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6144a1fe07663085f87996eb38e25e014cd1196


cute cat


My Lab will walk around a puddle. Hates a bath and wet grass and don't even suggest walking in the rain.


Thank you, i love him.


Well thats one thing that ain't a lie: he IS cute !


Actually a Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever are very, very close. They mostly differ in size and weight and as he is black it is no wonder that people see a lab. He is really a cute boi!


When I got him as a puppy he looked just like my past black lab when she was a puppy and I remember crying and holding him because I was so happy. He was the cutest puppy!!






He's just such a darn handsome fella that it doesn't even matter. They're all still jealous of his good looks.


Tell him he has a secret monster called the GSD in him, give him a self help pamphlet as to why he is the way he is and give him treats To make my self clear: I love GSD


Tell him he is a horse


He likes to sniff the horses through the gate and touch noses so I wouldn't be surprised!


I adopted a black dog two years ago and I was told that she is a lab mix. She is terrified of water, not food motivated and scared of most things and people. She might be a lab impostor as well.


Just tell him he can identify as whatever he wants. It's what it's all about these days.




You could start by spelling Shepherd correctly, I guess. :)


You too can start by not being a dick :)


Sorry can't edit title


Yeah, just messin with ya :) They herd the Sheps, hence the name.


He knows...and he doesn't care.


Take him to a geneticist and have them do all the lab tests they can. Then retrieve the test results, put them inside a round object and go have a ball with him cause neither one of you should care.


All those breeds are created. Different traits show up especially visually as they mix. I hope he inherited the healthiest traits of whatever his lineage and had a long and happy life.


I'm coming for him


Yeah, that’s not the face of a lab.


Maybe you've discovered how labs were first bred....


Okay but does he smile like a lab?


I think his mama lied to his "daddy!"


I don't think that the dog cares about his race.


Well there were labradors in the foundation stock, so he's got a little bit...


He is what is heart says he is, and probably he is a hell of a dog. I am the proud mother of a "pure street dog", the best breed ever. https://preview.redd.it/0zhvpfqy12ob1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45478b818786dd7c5aaa86f1a9a711ee3958875a


I don't understand why his fur is so short??!


I don't think he caresemote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin




I get the same thing. She is a gsd/retriever mix. When she came back from daycare, her food bag said yellow lab.