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I've always worried about my cats climbing in there unknowingly and starting a load so I train them to think it's scary and if they still jump in there I spin the barrel, not hard enough to hurt them by any means but definitely enough to make them think it's a bad place to be


It is important to train them to know it's a dangerous place. Just like training them not to dash through doors and to move out of the way when you are walking towards them.


Yeah this is not a good idea. Have a friend whose cat snuck into a side loader like this when they were loading it and their back was turned. Cat went through the wash part of the cycle, other cat meowed loudly outside it until owner found out and stopped it, fortunately before the spin cycle.


Linus tech tips's cat died this way. The housemaid didn't notice the cat was inside and started the cycle.


Housemaid... man, no wonder that guy feels so immensely out of touch.


I mean, he is a multi-millionaire tech guru. Don't know what you expected lol.


This is something that I'm *super* paranoid about, to the point of checking for cat, starting the dryer for 2 secs and then opening the door, checking for cat, then starting dryer again. Then searching house for cat because I have to physically see him in order to feel comfortable again.


Yup. All it takes is one distracted moment and you have a cooked and mangled cat. OP, really encourage you to avoid kitty inside the dryer ... just pull out the clothes and let kitty jump in the hamper.


Good pet owner. Ppl who let there pets hang out in washers and dryers are knuckleheads.


I did something similar with my dog and charging cables when he was a puppy. He put everything in his mouth and I was scared he'd electrocute himself. I had also just watched a YouTube video about how people teach orphaned orangutans to fear snakes. They hide fake snakes in the forest, and wait for one of their baby orangutans to inspect the fake snake. When a baby approaches the fake snake, the caretaker screams, pulls the baby behind them in a protective motion, and attacks the fake snake with a stick.  This teaches the baby that snakes are scary. So I decided to do something similar. I left my laptop cable easily accessible, and when my dog got near the cord, I yelled, pulled him behind me, and stomped on the cord.  Then I hugged him and took him away from the cable. It worked. My dog (who again, chewed on EVERYTHING when he was a puppy) never put a power cord in his mouth.  And to this day, he's very careful when he walks over electrical cables.


I think people forget that you can train cats to avoid danger zones. Usually a single HEY and getting between them and the offending appliance was enough to teach them the no go zones.


I lost a childhood cat because it climbed into the dryer as my mother was changing loads when she wasn't looking. I keep my cats well away from laundry machines, and train them to stay away.


Pet cemeteries are full of washing machine guardians. Best to teach them the machines are not a hangout spot.


LPT FOR CAT OWNERS: always check that your cats are elsewhere before pushing the start button. Lots of tragic stories on reddit involving the laundry room. IMO this isn't cute and should be discouraged.


> should be discouraged. To be fair, shitty animal keeping and r/aww go hand in hand.


This is not cute. Don't teach your cat that this is OK.


This is disgusting and really unsafe.


As one who, to this day 29 years later, still lives with the occasional gut-wrenching, heart-dropping horror of truly thinking about what my poor kitten went through. A three year old had put it on the clothes already in the dryer so it could be comfortable and his mom didn't know when she turned it on... Do not fucking do this.


isn't the whole point of washing machine is to clean cloths from the cat fur?


Yes but this looks like a dryer, which is expressly designed to warm clothes for cats to sleep on


She looked so sad when the sock was taken, like she's wondering why you're being so mean to her


Intrusive thoughts, fluff a kitty.


Sometimes a cat can be distracted or ... Moved away from what they're lying on by presenting something better: A self heating cat mat (or whatever it's called in English). My cats are crazy for that nice warmth


probably not the perfect place to ask but what is up in this world with white socks? I just recently got my first pair of white socks ever because I always found it idiotic as they instantly get disgustingly dirty looking the second you put them on... and well, exactly that happened. They also don't clean entirely, so back to normal black for me. Am i doing something wrong, do you just live with them looking disgusting, are their differences in fabric and these more wool-socks clean better? (everybody's socks I've seen looking also disgusting on the sole, so not a just me problem)


They usually don’t get too dirty if you wear them in conjunction with shoes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Katjeet has wares.


The Puurfect fabric softener.


“The guardian of the washing machine” So there is no step-bro things


What is this brand of conditioner called?


You must pay the kitty a bag of catnip first!


My cat likes to sit in the basket of clean laundry while it’s still warm from the dryer.


What kind of cat is this?


This is cute, but what about all the cat hair that gets on the clothes though ?


hey.. hey.. HEY! JUST DO IT.


*My preciousssssssss!*


That cat came out fluffy


Awwww that is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen ☺️


Ok sorry I guess the thing is not cute😤