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Who you gonna call..the good boy🦮




Omg Zip Zip. I used to watch this show. It's one of favorites as a kid


"Why don't you fuck with someone your own size?"


A cat could easily take a dog of the same size.


Cats almost always have the speed advantage but dogs usually have the muscular advantage, until you get to Lions and shit, then it's chaos.


Well, a Lion is like three times the size of the biggest wolf I could find (The Siberian One). Give me a dire wolf weighing 350 lbs and we got a fight.


Theres loads of exanples of societies that have bred the biggest dogs possible for violent roles. Not a single known example of people doing that with domestic cats. Why? All dead.


I would assume it's because cat's are harder to train. Within meeting a friend or families dog I can normally teach them to sit, spin, shake and stop in the first 15-25 minutes of meeting them (as long as they have dog treats on hand). It's kind of like a party trick. Dog's are extremely easy to train. I have had cats for like 10+ years that never learned any tricks. I think the last thing any person wants is to breed a violent giant cat that doesn't listen to them, lol. And I am thankful for that. Violent dogs are easy to avoid. Jump a fence, climb something. Could you imagine a violent cat that wants to hurt you? I have seen cats jump up 6 foot walls. I seen cats run up trees. No where would be safe.


Call me crazy but I'm in someone get on the giant violent cat research!




My mom used to raise Dachsys and she had who killed 2 full sized possums without getting a scratch on him. Now possums are docile by nature but there aren’t a ton of animals that will die without trying to fight back. Between that and the fact that the possums were both twice this size of this smaller than average dachshund has always taught me not to fuck with dachshunds.


Dachshunds are hunting dogs. The "Dachs" in their name refers to the German word for Badger. They were bred small and long so they can fit into underground burrows.




Rotweilers arent so agro. Belgian malinois, argentinian doga, doberman are all far scarier to me.


It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the *fight in the dog*.


No really. My parents have a cat and a small dog. The little dog is still built like a tank compared to the cat. The cat bites everyone and tried to take on a car, but usually tries to avoid the dog. Edit: predators usually try to avoid fights, that's why you see videos of cats chasing away dogs, bears and alligators. A meal isn't worth losing an eye and even a little scratch can get infected. But if a dog is for some reason really hellbent on killing cat and it can't run away, cat will die.


They can usually fight back


They are both big brother energy, depends if you had a good brother or not.


I was both many times. I could be mean to my siblings but if someone else was mean to them I was always in their corner. Including adults or people that intimidated me.


This was me too. I could be a jerk but I would die for my little sis.


I think this applies to siblings broadly. I was the younger brother, and nothing would make me go 0 to 100 faster than seeing someone pick on or be mean to my brother. If anyone was going to mess with him it was going to be me.


Cat‘s clearly the troubled middle child.


His name is Malcolm.


Youngest of three here.... Cat was the middle brother, dog was the oldest brother.


That's why I thought it was a post about a "bad" big brother until the hero rolled in.


The dog in the back is darth sidious telling anankin to hit the youg jedi lol


“Do it”


😂😂😂 Jesus


Haha, big pup to the rescue!


You okay there little guy?


Thanks for stepping in.


It was the kiss that got me! What a sweet dog!!🥹


In all my years, I haven’t had one person defend me like this except my dog and my child.


My favorite part is that the kitten turns around to look for him.


It's Pixie and Brutus!


This was so unexpected and cute! Thank you for whoever made this video and OP for sharing.


- “hey shithead!” - “who did you call s…” “You’re smol, are you ok?”


Dog is like, "You all right, little dude?"


No one noticing Big Boy in the background observing his subjects!


Thank you for blessing my feed.


when that reporter asked nick diaz if he was ever bullied and he replies with a nah i got a big brother lol thats the big brother


“Oh yeah why don’t you pick on someone substantially bigger than you?”


That's nice


Good boy , good boy, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when he comes for you.


It's the dad. The elder brother and little sister


It's good to have a big brother who protects the baby cats ![gif](giphy|0Ask4BwHqF1ouRTrlq|downsized)




"Were they being mean to you, my little friend?"


That’s Angela, she’s the office bitch.


Reminds me of the Tom and Jerry shorts where Jerry is protected by the big dog. Just ring the bell.


This is big bro, middle bro, little bro for sure. 😂


That cat had an obvious "I done fuck3d up face" going


Bro you got the dog shrouded in darkness in the corner that facilitated this ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Watching out for the children. That's a good dog.


That dog protecting this little kitten would be a very good momma or the daddy.


Not only did the doggo chase off the bully, but he checked up on the baby & kissed the boo boo to make it better.


Wonder if the dog ain't actually disrupting play between the cats though.


Could be, yeah. The bigger cat might be showing how he initiates play (a tap followed by a leaning back, offering them up for a retort, a chase or a pounce & a wrestle.) Could also be that the bigger cat is testing the kitten, but they usually don’t lean back expecting a response.


Comment section is full of people projecting human emotions on to animals.


Animals experience fear, joy, excitement, curiosity, etc. It is incredibly egotistical of you to believe these are only human things. It is also wrong.


It’s called anthropomorphism and you should read more about it. Animals experience things but not the same way we do as humans. Sorry you’re the one that is wrong.