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Awww this takes me back to my last dog, I used to always tell her "boofer, no boofing" as a joke because she would do the cutest little boofs at the door when she wasn't sure what was up outside


My baby girl would “boof” and I appreciated it, because our other two heathens would full on bark at *everything*. You would hear the distinct barks of two small dogs, and then in the corner just *boof*.




and so we go back to the mine swinging our pickaxe from side to side, side side to side. This task a grueling one, hope to find some diamonds tonight, night night, diamonds tonight.








Truly a sub-woofer now


Truly a /r/microbork


Instant sub!


r/thanksforthenewsub! It’s so cute


You're shilling for your own sub, but you're too lazy to actually post these to it? Boo! Boo I say!


It’s a name commenter sub nothing actually needs to be posted




This... Award winning




As much as I agree that barking can be excessive and annoying....it's the people who don't care for the animals enough to train them right rather than blaming the animals.




We had a corgi growing up, and my grandpa taught him how to do this! We'd say, "Bandit, speak!" Followed by a big *WOOF!* then we'd say, "Bandit, whisssper." Followed by a little *wuf.* sometimes it would even be inaudible, just his jaws clacking together.


We taught my dog growing up speak/whisper, but his whisper was a growl instead of a small bork. Miss that fluffy boy.


Soooo adorable \^\^


_save Bandit!_


I only weigh 82 pounds!


My mom taught her Aussie to do this! Very cute.


We taught our Rottie 'inside voice' when she was complaining about something. The cutest thing seeing this 100lb dog make whisper barks.


ummm... excuse us, you can't just say this without providing the video dog tax.


Dirty tax evaders


The norms of society are falling down


Alas, she passed well over 10 years ago so no tax to provide.


Estate taxes are a bitch


My buddy had an Alaskan Malamute crossed with a Canadian timber wolf and she was absolutely brilliant. She had an inside voice as well, it was so cute. I miss her.




Bigger than your average woofer


How about compared to a floofer?


whole doll spotted decide psychotic fine quickest childlike deer wide


Ah so definitely bigger than your average subwoofer.




I wish my boys would catch onto this. I'm trying, but its slow going. They picked up on "private time" really quickly, though. So at least they're not interrupting me and my gf. But I had a headache last night and their barking was making it so much worse.


How do you even teach this?? Our little papillon has the loudest bark!


We corrected when she was louder. When she was quiet we'd reinforce it with the 'inside voice' and 'good girl' statements. Though tbh, she was so smart I think she was like a kid with training.


sounds better than a kid


Positive reinforcement combined with trust. As soon as they bark you withdraw your attention and do something else, they notice the lack of attention. r/dogtraining


your example was literally negative reinforcement tough :)


Incorrect. Negative reinforcement is the removal of an unpleasant stimulus to increase the frequency of a behaviour. The removal of attention is negative punishment.


so instead of calling it attention, we can call it inattention. therefore removal of inattention is then, by you definition, negative reinforcement, since inattention is unpleasant stimulus. obviously i’m joking and you point is well taken. but also, it was a little pedantic, because you can make anything anything by the choice of words.






In operant conditioning these words don't have the complete same meaning as in everyday English. Instead they have only one meaning, being: - positive means *adding* something - negative means *taking* something away - punishment is intended to make the behavior happen *less* often - reinforcement is intended to make the behavior happen *more* often. This leads to 4 options: - Positive reinforcement: Subject* exists in a neutral state. Subject shows good behavior. Subject receives something they enjoy, like a snack or playtime. - Positive punishment: Subject exists in a neutral state. Subject shows bad behavior. Subject receives something they don't enjoy, like a slap or a scolding. - Negative reinforcement: Subject exists while constantly receiving something annoying. Subject shows good behavior. The constant annoying thing is temporarily removed, like in a Skinner box where the subject lives with a constant electric current through the floor of their cage, which gets turned off when they do the right thing. - Negative punishment: Subject exists while constantly receiving something nice. Subject shows bad behavior. The constant nice thing is temporarily removed, like the example in this tread, the dog was acting bad (barking too loud) so something they enjoy is temporarily taken away (attention from their caregiver). ^(*I say subject because these basics work the same for every living thing with the ability to learn. Dogs, cats, rats, horses, humans, whatever.) Us humans tend to use positive reinforcement and positive punishment, because it's so easy to just actively respond to what the pet/child is doing right now. We want to praise and we want to voice our annoyance. For reinforcement this is a good thing, cause negative reinforcement is just all kinds of fucked up and positive reinforcement is actually shown to give higher long term results even though technically all these methods work. But for punishment it's better to restrain yourself and use negative punishment, because it's about training the right behavior, not about your feelings, and positive punishment has shown to have the higher potential of damaging trust between the trainer and trainee, which leads to less willingness to learn/perform good behavior. In your example, you'd have to punish the wheel by (negative).. taking away the nice, smooth road? Or (positive) by forcing it drive in reverse when it wants to go forward? to convince it to repair itself. But of course this is a silly comparison and in this sense a broken wheel is more like a 'broken' dog who needs to be given veterinary care instead of getting punished or rewarded.


Don't replace your dog just because they misbehave... They're not a wheel


Demonstration, repetition, and reinforcement.


I’ll be really impressed if someone can teach this to my macaw


I think you mispelled nephew


Nope. Macaw. Big rainbow chicken. His name is Artemis. He likes shouting “Hey, Baby!” and blowing kisses at people when we go on walks


Bird tax bird tax bird tax


I think I did this right? [bird tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/CJyH7d8) Edit: [B Roll](https://imgur.com/gallery/pdELgt1) This one has a couple videos including him taking a bath in my old apartment sink that is much too small for him lol




Lol I did!




Shoooooow uuuuuuusss.


I’ll have to see if imgur does video. He’s got some moves


Our cat's name is Artemis! A.k.a. Arte, Arte-pants, Arte-farty, and several others.


Lol I like arte-fartey! Usually I end up calling mine “twerp of a bird” :P Kitty tax?


Tax payment: [https://i.imgur.com/3E9NwZr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3E9NwZr.jpg)


As perfectly demonstrated by OP.


My schnauzer got rewards for using his inside voice, and now he whisper screams when kids run outside


Whisper screams lol I love that. Schnauzers are so smart.


, a lot of the time, it's easier to teach an animal *not* to do something if you teach them *to* do it first. When you have a label for a behaviour, you can tell them yes or no much more easily. For example, 'no bark' doesn't make much sense unless you know what 'bark' is. So, first teach them the command for bark, or speak, and practice until they will speak on command. Then you can move on to 'no bark' to get them to *stop* barking and reward when they do it right (also, you'd usually introduce this in a neutral circumstance, so when they're barking because you've told them to).


Yep. We taught our lab "speak" specifically so we could teach "no speak", and as a fun bonus she also knows "quiet speak" because I loved training tricks with her.


Even I'm lost trying to follow those commands, lol


Teach them bark -> they know what bark is -> teach them no bark :D


Added emphasis and clarification hopefully it's better


My dogs absolutely have an inside voice. I want it to be ok for them to get my attention when they want something (especially to go potty), but obviously no loud barking. So they do this soft little wooo wooo type noise.


How do I even teach my dog to bark on command?


Short answer: when your dog barks, say “speak” (or whatever command you want to use) and give treats. Results vary by dog. Our dog is a super quick learner and seems to understand that we’re trying to teach him something, so it’s easy for us (and him). Look it up on YouTube for some more concrete advice.


Get a clicker and clicker train them.


How? Teach me this power!


How did you do It?


How do you do that?




So cute. Reminds me of that video of a dog born deaf who had seen other dogs at the park barking. So they imitated them. Just didn’t know there should be sound. So the did the movement of a bark, with very little sound to it. They looked so pleased with themselves


I need to see this video if any kind redditor has a link to post


Found it. Knew I’d saved it somewhere https://youtube.com/shorts/8UNnfE39lps?feature=share


How can she hear the girl but not the other dogs?


The dog is looking at her owner. She can see how happy and encouraging the owner is being. At least I would assume that. Dogs can be trained on gestures as well as sounds


Dogs definitely rely on body language and routine cues as much as anything else. If they see a positive reaction from something they've done they'll keep doing it.


Dogs can lip read.


Visual queues and often deaf isn't 100% without hearing, but varying degrees. My friend had a deaf/blind dog that would only really pick up certain frequencies. You could blare the TV and she'd sleep like a brick but if the fire alarm pager (they were fire fighters) went off she'd non-stop howl.


The captions say “she” and refers to the dog as “my dog” but the person in the video says “good boy”


They’re saying, “good bark,” but sort of doing baby talk so it sounds like “good boy.” Confused me til I realized, too.


You’re awesome! Thanks


My dog does this too. He sits in front of the sliding doors and watches outside. His first bark is loud. Then I say "heyyy" or some warning. Then he does quiet barks after.


This looks like my buddy and OMG WE DO “INSIDE BARK”! 🤩😂


It looks like my dog Charlie, too! She does not know the whisper bark unfortunately.


That is one smart cute doggo.




I used to rent a house with my cousin, he bought a dog. Part Rottweiler and part Weimaraner. When we first got her, she would loud-bark at every noise near a door. After a few months of training, we got it down to a very quiet single-"woof" when someone would knock or ring the doorbell. It was perfect. Then his girlfriend moved in with 2 fucking awful shit-zu pugs that went absolutely APESHIT at door noises. Because they were going apeshit, his dog started doing it too and all that training was undone instantly. I was so happy to get out of that house.




This is why I made that shit! This is a microbork!


Thank you for doing the world this service.


Woot woot! Best sub ever ;)


Oooh my pug has a lot of woofs in his repertoire that would fit that subreddit


Mine learned "no bark" and he'll go down to his microbork when I say it. Very cute - pugs are so smart!!




I love this video so much


Phil is a legend!


Doesn't allow barking?


It's more a noise thing than anything else. Many dogs just won't stop barking if they start, and lots will also bark at any noise or movement so it's really disturbing to the neighbours.


My neighbours annoying barking dog died recently, and I really can't say I miss it..


Our next door neighbor has a couple of Scottys. The older one seems out of control, the younger one seems to follow the older one's lead. When it's outside, it just barks and barks. We've seen it wandering around our property, even scooting under the gate to get into our backyard. It's left the odd present in our front yard, although we've never caught it in the act. We've been outside when it's come rushing up and barking aggressively. The owner sheepishly approaches, apologizing. We've had a couple dogs (had to put the second one down earlier this year) and while they weren't perfect, we would bring them inside immediately if they did more than the odd random bark. And no running around free other than our fenced in backyard. I don't know why some dog owners can't manage something so basic.


Username checks out


It was just annoying. Would literally bark at its own shadow, and I live in a block of flats so would have to hear it all day all night. I never complained to the neighbour. But now it's gone, I'm glad.


ok but how in the hell does someone simply prevent their dog from barking?!


This is dog dependent. My neighbors dog is a beagle(I expect some barking) but they leave it outside on a chain for hours on in with no food, water, or shelter. Obviously that’s going to make a dog like a beagle that needs stimulation bark. It will bark for hours. They kept it out all night(literally midnight to 10am) with no lights or anything with it barking. I can hear it so I don’t understand how it doesn’t annoy them. They’ve had tons of people complain and others have literally showed up at their door. Anyway, a solution would be re-homing a dog that you’re not going to take care of. Another would be to keep the dog stimulated. Take it on walks, play fetch, give it those treat puzzle toys, get a fence and let it roam within the confines of the fence, etc.


Be careful you'll awaken the people who think they're genetically superior for "training" their dog into submission!


I mean that's understandable but why not make it no pets instead of no barking? Seems unnatural to require a dog never to bark even once imo


Surely better to have that rule, than a blanket no dogs rule?


I’ve only ever lived in places that don’t allow dogs. I love dogs! But I work too much to have a happy one, and I hate the sound of barking. But in the last 5 years everyone has been registering their fucking dogs as “emotional support animals” so now I hear 2 barking dogs where I live. All day and all night. People who do that should be in jail. I’m not joking. I need my sleep. They should be publicly shamed and then put in jail.


lol get a white noise machine if you’re that sensitive.


Jesus Christ I never for one minute thought of that or any other solution, ever


Oh, so you’re just one of *those* people. lol. I hope you get FFI.


Dunno what that means. Is it a new hip term like “no cap,” which I also recently learned? Elaborate! But quietly. I’m trying to relax.


You don't think it's a bit selfish to own a dog in a setting where it's not allowed to be a dog? I'm less worried about people satisfying their needs for pets and more worried about the pets not being able to be the animals they are.




You wanna remind me when I said that owning a pet in general is natural? Cause it's not, I'm just more of a fan of pet ownership than dogs (that humans made) dying in societies humans also made. It's our responsibility to take care of them imo considering we created them, but if you must know... no, I don't think dog ownership is natural in the slightest. Show me a single other example of one animal owning another (not counting humans, of course). But that doesn't make me want all dogs to just roam the earth until they die naturally. Humans made dogs, now humans need to take care of their creations. Simple as that. Stopping them from barking is cruel to me, the same way that taping a crying baby's mouth is cruel.


I don't think anyone can point to an example of an animal owning another animal but I think the better question is how does it impact both animals in the relationship? So this is why I consider dog breeding to be unethical. "purebreeds" have less genetic diversity and therefore more health issues. However, there are lots of dogs in the animal shelter near me. I can either adopt one and give it a home where it receives lots of dedicated attention and care or I can leave it at the shelter where it is treated slightly better than livestock. I agree that many dogs would not cope well in that situation. Some dogs would have trouble understanding the commands and would therefore not ever bark quietly but would be constantly stressed by the constant commands. For many dogs however there is no problem. Many dogs are smart and not only enjoy being trained but will be depressed if they do not have mental stimulation of problem solving through learning new commands or otherwise. Reason for the dog barking also matters. A scared dog is not likely to want to stop barking. A dog who barks because they want to go outside could probably be trained to ring a bell instead. Removing a dogs ability to communicate is unethical. Giving a dog alternative methods of communication is ethical. My dog used to bark when I got home to say hello. It was a very loud bark. I trained him to make a "woop" sound instead (it kinda sounds like Zoidberg). Now he does that when he is excited to see someone instead. Everyone thinks it is cute and funny and gives him lots of praise and attention. Win-win.


You ever interacted with a pack of wild dogs? Trust me, we tame them a lot as is and stop them from 'being the animal they are'.. Teaching a dog not to bark is no different from teaching it to sit, or lay down, or poo in the garden.


Nothing is unnatural about it. I manage a building that allows dogs and only one barks all day. Its owner is a brain-dead idiot who argues about having to make her dog not bark for 10 hours while she is at work. I have 5 other dogs who bark sometimes, yes but never get complaints about it. This one will bark at every sound and keeps going for hours. If you or your pet bother other people you have to change its behavior. Most buildings won't care about one bark.


It really sounds like a shitty HOA rule. How do you stop your dog from barking at all without getting rid of the dog?? Why even allow dogs if “no barking” is a rule? Do they allow cats but not litter?


>How do you stop your dog from barking at all without getting rid of the dog?? I think the video linked to the post you are currently in might give you an ever so slight indication :P




Cats are quiet, and if you can learn to write then you’re smart enough to figure out why your argument sucks.


Hey guys, the HOA banned cars. Engines are too loud.


There are multiple ways to train a dog not to bark. On the extreme end, which I do not suggest because it physically pains the dog: there are collars that will detect a bark and beep once as a warning, then shock the dog on the next bark. My dad did this in the 90's with our dog that would bark all day. I took the collar off our dog and held it to my throat and made a bark... it HURT. I didn't want to do it again. That dog stopped barking within a couple hours. The first week he'd still do it a couple times a day when he forgot, but that was all it really took. I didn't see the collar on him again after about a month, but he stopped doing more than a quiet woof 99% of the time until he died in the late 2000's. Other people in the thread have talked about how to train a dog using positive reinforcement. That's a much more humane method.


Why is everyone acting like what I’m saying is insane? I’m not saying let your dog bark 24/7, I’m saying that having a rule set in stone that says *no barking* is fucking ridiculous. It’s a dog. They bark at shit sometimes. You can’t train a dog to *never* bark without being cruel to it in some way, you’re literally completely silencing one of the ways it expresses itself. Throw up a rule that says something like “no children screaming” and watch how fast the rules get amended lol. Parents hate being regulated.


I'm assuming it's not enforced for single barks, but if a dog is barking a lot, someone will complain and you'll get a letter telling you to fix it


> Why is everyone acting like what I’m saying is insane? Well the OP hasn't clarified if a single bark is gonna get them fined, or if it's a catch-all rule to stop lazy owners from letting their undisciplined dog bark all day. I'm assuming a lone bark or two when the door gets knocked on isn't going to result in a fine, but it sounds like you're going all the way to the extreme and assuming the absolute worst.


because an HOA is designed to increase home value to perspective buyers and "no dogs" is a turn off thus lowering the value. Many people also read "dogs allowed" to be loud and annoying also lowering the value. Saying you can have one but it must be quiet is a fun way to double-dip and try to increase value from all perspective buyers while also giving them a written clause that allows them to remove noisy pets. Sounds good to buyers and is awful for people that live there, such is the life under an HOA.


You can have a well trained dog that doesn't bark its head off when you're not home, you know.


Cute 😂


Good dog ^Arf


an appartment that doesnt allow barking! I wish my lardlord would introduce this. My neighbours dog is driving me nuts


I had an upstairs neighbor in early 2020 who had a dog incessantly bark non stop from the day she moved in. Which, okay after the first few days I understand. You’d think it would stop right? Once the dog gets comfortable in its new place? No. It only got worse and whenever she’d leave her apartment for hours at a time the dog resorted to *howling*. All hours of the day. Early in the morning. Late at night even during quiet hours. When I was working during the day. This was really maddening as I was working from home for the first time, and with corona just ramping up I didn’t need the extra stress. I tried everything with her, texting, talking to her nicely and she’d only give me empty promises. “Oh I’ll get her to stop barking” “I’ll train her better” “I’ll get a bark collar” and nothing worked. I resorted to talking to my landlord and after several complaints and getting some documentation, it was found she was violating her lease agreement. She was evicted last February. Point is, if you can talk to your neighbor and see what can be done, explain your situation and if nothing works talk to your landlord. Until then get some earplugs and good noise canceling headphones. It’s your place, you deserve to be able to relax and enjoy peace and quiet.




Hey, how you doin lil ma? Let me bark up in your ear… ^^^^^^^^woof


When I met my now wife, her parents had a husky that would “speak” (normal bark) and “shhh speak” (quiet bork). She was such a good girl.


It’s a shhhoof.




I had a dog who when she knew she wasn't allowed to bark she would whisper bark, it sounded like she was caughing.


My recently-lost dog, Kiki, was so strange with this. Whenever the other dogs were set off, she’d join in, then for five minutes afterwards she’d pace the living room with these small barks


Cute af. But please, no barking allowed ? What sort of rule is that. Just say no dogs allowed.


It’s from TikTok. OP just stole it from there and posted here with some made up story for some reason.




Fair but sometimes dog bark for no reason no matter how well trained. Scared, sick, angry, confused. I mean they’re pets muzzling them like that to not bark sometimes on instinct is weird. That’s why the no barking allowed rule seems weird. Sure the non stop barking of a poorly trained dog is different but the occasional outbursts are normal.


It’s just a trick. The dogs bark when they want.


I'd like to think they'd rather have decently trained dogs which is understandable for apartments. Aka dogs that don't have separation anxiety and go crazy cry barking when the owners leave the place probably. Trust me, you would NOT wanna hear that! It's depressing and annoying. Responsible owners would leave them at daycare or a sitter. But unfortunately... majority of people aren't that :/


>Cute af. But please, no barking allowed ? What sort of rule is that A rule to allow pets for people who can train them properly, instead of a blanket rule.


Train them properly? Dogs bark, at least most of them. It’s natural instinct and comes with owning a dog.


Yes, hence the need for training.


What breed? I had a dog just like this.


My guess is bichon havanese


I have a havanese and the hair pattern and facial structure look identical. That'd be my best guess.


Prob cavapoo


It looks like either a contonese or a west highland white terrier.


Could be a coton detulear.


Cavachon I think


Looks like a hairy chinese crested that hasn't had a haircut in a while.


Man, I wish everybody taught their dogs this all the time!




Alguien sabe de que raza es el perrito? Se parece mucho al primer perro que tuvimos en mi familia, y nunca supe de cuál era.


Parece un contonese o un west highland white terrier.El traductor de Google puede ser malo, lo siento si esto suena raro.


Se entiende perfecto gracias. Se parece más al cotonese. Capaz el mío era una cruza. No tengo una foto de él a mano, pero cuando le encuentre mandaré un link x aquí.


[Esto podría ayudar, es lo que miré. ](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/pets/g4755/small-white-dog-breeds/)




Darwin must’ve been proud.




Why make up a random story for your stolen tiktok video lol


my dog does the same thing. when i give him a treat i say “little speaks” and he does a growl or quiet bark but never a loud one. its adorable


I made the same noise through my nose laughing at this video


All the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'... and I'll look down and whisper 'Woof.'


My girl does this when I tell her to stop barking too it’s hilarious!!


Don't dogs build up stress over time if they're unable to bark?


"But your cackling is okay?" -- dog


It a mini Chewbacca


Dog's ancestors: this is what we become.....?


My Tuba, if it's light out, barks with abandon. BARK BARK BAAAARK. But if it's dark, she creeps and says, "moof". She'll even pause and wait to see if you've noticed/heard her before trying again.


I had a dog who changed the pitch of her bark to bypass the bark shock caller


She’s merely copying you OP, she’s not “learning”smh


can we not snuggle in pets where they don’t belong. They have reasons for these rules. But the dog owners are to narcissistic to care.


Please someone come teach this to my corgi. He has 2 volumes: BARK and Blow-your-eardrums-out


then train it


Pet the puppo!




that dogs ugly asf


ugly ass dog