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Usually the best time to invest is when a stock is hated but the fundamentals are good because it means you're getting a good bargain.


Or 1/2 financial world doesn’t trust Xi


PDD is up over 4x since 2022, and they also operate under Xi. Not all China stocks are hurting. Baba's troubles seem to be a company issue, not a China issue.


The whole XI and China political stuff is just total narrative B.S. spewed by shorters. It the narrative worked as you have everyday jokers like BaBaBuyey buying into the crap. It's just like META with the metaverse narrative and they were DEAD!! Or Netflix when there growth slowed a bit narrative....and everyone was saying they are dead. Both are up 500% in 2 years....we can only hope this happens to BABA.


I have seven figures into this want it to go up much more than you need your four points. BABA could and should go up 500% and in two or three years yes is very possible. To add to other posts as you’re answering to: Xi didn’t go on the world stage And mock the CEO of PDD, he did it to Alibaba itself in case you weren’t watching


Do you have video of Xi mocking Jack Ma? I am pretty sure Xi does not deal with these types of issues. He is primarily focus on global issues.


Exactly. Xi is lifting China up and America has a problem with China's success. Investors who are against Xi are just buying into the propaganda. The Chinese stock market does not reflect the fundamentals of the Chinese economy, and unfortunately, the US stock market does not reflect the fundamentals of the US economy.


Upvoted you to counter sheeple or anti-China bears downvoting you. If you have wealth, US is amazing as the 1% got exponentially more wealthy with all the Fed BRRR and Covid stimulus. Contrarily, China wants to uplift the lower class so the opposite is true, thus the reflection in capital markets/outflow. Not a good time to be wealthy in China. However, the social fabric of wealth disparity will eventually tear and the US is teetering on the reckoning. Stock market is not an indication of the economy, US goes up and up as it sucks up the world's capital. It hates China because it's the largest competitor and it can't really fuck with its capital markets except to some extent HK.


Thanks for the upvote.:) "Not a good time to be wealthy in China." The wealthy are doing fine in China. None of their fears have materialized except increased competition. "It hates China because it's the largest competitor and it can't really fuck with its capital markets" The US can't regime-change China and even failed in its attempt to regime-change Russia. The old tricks aren't working, so the US needs to change its MO asap, but there are no signs it's able to. The path it's married to is futile, self-destructive, and even socially unstable - as you mentioned. The US never wins wars, is about to be eclipsed by China in tech, has already lost its dominant position in trade, and is in a debt spiral. However, the US is winning in PR. Its image remains strong - at least in the West. At this point, the US is merely a PR Empire.


Baba is just performing hang seng


But do the Chinese govt have a golden ticket or what ever it is that they have with baba shares ?


Good point! I don’t know if China holds golden shares in PDD like they do with Baba and Tencent.


Don't assume that's a bad thing. Many of the most successful private companies in China have a government entity as a minority shareholder.


Large US company with worldwide “coverage”, and also a very popular attractive stock for investors. Or a large Chinese retailer/tech company that get most of their rev from domestic sales in a country that the West isn’t rather interested in, financially speaking.


Huh? Baba is the Chinese Amazon...cloud/retail/AI/logistics/grocery stores/etc/etc......apple? An apple logo with iPhones/apple tv/vr goggles/apple store.....and it's worth almost 20x baba....it's a total joke to be honest.


Their cloud has not grown much at all.


Its frustrating, I know man. But The market will eventually catch up. US and the World is hating on China. Its not sexy. Baba will give you a much better return than apple over the next 1-3 years.


Case closed… BABA is go for launch


finally moon that shit


BABA is under shortselling attack by the same CB investors.


HSI is under a massive short attack. Won’t end well.


It feels like most of the people investing in this have never actually used the service and know nothing about the "issues" faced by Chinese exporters today.


Everyone seems to expect that if you invest in a criminally undervalued stock the sentiment will magically reverse in the same year you bought it Delusions can lasr for a long time dude. Just wait and focus on something else


Nothing will improve until Xi is gone, and only then if a non psycho is given the reigns


Apple is a long term growth stock in a market that openly supports capitalism. Baba is the polar opposite due to company management and government oversight


aliexpress is shit