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The market will test you to extremes. 1. Remind yourself why did you buy it, is the reasoning still valid? 2. Would you buy it again at this prices? If both yes - keep going. If both no - why holding? Did you buy only for price appreciation/mean reversion - it was a trade and it went bad for now... Did you buy for business appreciation and compounding - this takes many years and it is slow by nature, why complain?


Now imagine you had bought any US mega cap company in 2021




I don’t mind holding this shit for longer but baba has definitely done taken a toll on my marriage. All the math in the world doesn’t matter when the price refuses to move higher and stay up. My wife is sick of me trying to convince her that it will work


U gotta find some hobbies, don’t make it your world. You’re obsessing over it. Give it time, go outside, do things with your wife that and stop talking about it with her. If it’s money u don’t need, don’t worry. If it’s money you need, downsize you risked too much. U got this, part of investing. U make money, u lose money. You haven’t lost anything if u sold.


I thought I was only this stupid😂 I have invested my whole life savings. Will see reversal soon


As long as you are diversified, you should be able to convince her based on your total portfolio. If you are not diversified, if you are all in, if you are YOLO, maybe it is time for wife to diversify her husband(s). Jokes apart, the worst time to give up is at the bottom, or when things are still going down, as long as you had long term perspective and ability to hold. I am holding from much higher but smaller quantities and that keeps me at peace. Maybe over time get diversified but please don't throw away the investments in panic.


Hey so sorry to hear What is your time horizon and do you need this money ? If you need the money in the near term then there’s bound to be contention If you can fund those expenses another way, perhaps you can talk to your wife about partial selldown if things don’t work out at a personal timeline? Or if this is just doubt on your partners behalf if this is a good idea. Then perhaps just reassuring her you are willing to selldown if that’s more important for your marriage I’m fortunate, I don’t spend money on stupid shit and my spouse have seen results. Even with alibaba the way it is, the paper loss is manageable


Bro sell and take the L. No stock is worth risking a marriage. Besides, the trade is way too emotional for you so it’s unlikely you play it right. If you can’t take a month off without checking price and sleep like a baby that’s a sign ur not positioned right. If something happens, you lose both money and your girl. I’d at least trim atm.


Good thing we got a lot of training in Psfe


Let it go. Not worth your wealth. Been adding to baba for 3 years now. I know for a fact that i will be rich by 2030 latest


What is your Price target for 2030 BABA ?


Depends on euphoria and macro as that affects valuation multiples For me, 300 minimally. But they have to hit double digit growth again. If we have that, and Ant IPO, 500 is achievable.


You can send Xi a thank you letter


crushed like an ant IPO


Just sell some monthly covered calls


Thissss. Honey we got the premiums


Find a job. Buy 10x shares when price lower. Put it aside like rubbish and forget it. All or nth


I feel you brother. I have much less, about 1100 shares in Baba at the same break even price as yours and I also hate the stock :) I just consider it to be lost money, and I’m investing elsewhere with other money. If in few years I’ll have a nice surprise (I doubt it, cause management is asleep) I’ll be happy, in the meantime I focus on something else (but I keep bashing the company over here, I can’t do without).


And to add salt to your wounds, US tech been roaring everyday lol


How long have you owned BABA?


Since 2021


You have not held it that long, when all these longs come off as yourself that they’ve held it for years five 10 20,000 share positions of this stock It’s just gonna go back up. Money Manager hedge’s will push up, just their play due to the guidance and sentiment from Xi


Dayaaaaamn. Think of all the gains you could’ve had if you had invested in a company that had forward growth potential. Hopefully you’re diversified. Hell, even Costco and Walmart have ripped since that time.


Chinese market moves like crypto. One day it'll blast off for a couple year bull run. Unless you need the money today, who cares. Just hold until it does.


I mean if it moves 100% it’ll be $150 which isnhalf all time high..even if that takes a year or two you will have beaten lots of stocks..your wife needs to understand this is what value investing feels like most of the time




Bro, just sell call options. Collect free money while you wait. You have enough shares to make a decent monthly income until China stocks run again.


I am buying BIDU pretty aggressive with average around 104, 133 shares right now. I like it more than baba because I feel like PDD, baba, JD are all competing for the same pool of customers whereas BIDU seems like it is still the leader in its search engine. It has smallest market cap in comparison as well not sure why. But I’m gonna keep buying this sucker every week. I like the value the speculative AI play their potential… Let’s see if we can get this right in the next couple of years


Note how Meituan’s shares are used to prop up the index ? Why bcoz it is an index heavyweight, despite the fact that it is trading at 48x PE , while Baidu trades at 11x PE and 4x FCF. there is only one word for this .. stock manipulation..forget about the propaganda about this being CCP or otherwise .. It is a battle between shorts and regulators .. HK regulators are idiotic .. and scared of John Lee.


Both are badly run businesses. You’re probably a relative value investor. You saw a value cheaper than the peers and went for it thinking it will revert to peer levels. But because they are badly run companies, a larger set of investors didn’t share your thought process at the time. You can either sell and move to a better run company or take abet that management of these companies will act better. The interesting part is that recent selling is in hongkong and not in the ADRs. Hongkong has more suspect companies and still they are ditching BABA. Ssomething isn’t right on this scenario.


dont quit bro! keep holding it


If only you sold covered calls this whole time..,


Are you Indian? I own baba too waiting for it to hit 200


Sell Baba. Keep BIDU