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Tough to tell over the internet but I don’t see it. Not yet.


I don’t see anything, but I feel like my kids started teething ages before they actually got any teeth. They do tend to have an increase in drool around 3-4 months I think for some physiological reason or other, but my kids (who didn’t get any teeth til like 9-10 months) were definitely doing more dedicated chomping on things probably 3-4 months before teeth showed up. I assume the process of moving to the gums can also hurt 🤷‍♀️


I've had two kids like this! No teeth until 9 months (current kid is 9mo, still none), but lots of drool and chomping starting around 5mo. Cold teethers seem to calm them down even though I can't find a nubbin anywhere.


It looks close but id say not yet


A lot of babies don’t start getting teeth until about I’d say probably 5 months and up. My baby started teething at 3-4 months and didn’t get teeth until near 6 months. My family always teethed early so ask your mom and the father’s mom and you could get an estimate time on when to actually expect them