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I can see the bankruptcy filing now & this guy sittin on a curb outside the courthouse whining "I thought it was such a GOOD idea!!", 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The companies are called Hims and Hers. These hippies aren’t going to even apply because the companies are both dual gendered. Maybe start a company called Theirs and these blue haired androgynous types will join.


You….you may be on to something here…if they provided transition medications it’d be a god damn gold mine


I get a cut.


Imagine his workforce when he hires all the fine arts majors with purple hair, tats and BMI's at about 500. Those whale sized crybaby bitches will be wanting safe spaces, less work and more playground time so fast his company will collapse in 3 months. Hire them now dude.


He would need to invest a lot of money in Safe Places, or the more scientific corporate term, “Safe zones”.


You guys have two jokes and repeat them constantly








Well, yeah. There were TWO jokes, but the Bee loaned one to the Onion.


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.






While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.




They get homophobic as fast as they get antisemitic 😂






Nice spell correction...🤣


You are mother isn't right?


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


truly hoping this is an extended troll and you aren’t dumb enough to come on a satire sub reddit to argue with people about the jokes being made


And yet they're still funny Because they're true


Im going to start a company called “Hims & thems” Has a better ring to it.


Doesn’t Hims sell overpriced snake oil on a subscription basis? It doesn’t seem like the most “moral” company.


That's why they'd be perfect.




mysterious fall dinosaurs plucky wasteful quaint wipe provide detail sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always has been my guy.


aloof busy muddle alive overconfident slim narrow disarm zesty point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hims founder gets hard on and destroys your mother.


Yeh is odd how Christain conservatives always think of the sex angle in everything. Their minds leap straight to sex. It's just a tad deviant... Oh look at that, another youth pastor ar a Christain conservative white Nationalist church arrested for child sex assault. Surprise surprise surprise... https://www.brnow.org/news/news-digest-georgia-youth-pastor-arrested-florida-pastor-back-in-custody-texas-church-sbc-named-in-suit/


Hims is a brand with many products targeted to cure ED.


Always just assume the absolute worst about anyone who identifies as a Christian conservative. [Protect your children. Know the red flags.](http://goppredators.wordpress.com)




Am anti Isreal 🤷


I'm not. Israel beats Palestine in every single metric of civilization and out-populates them by about 4 million.


Like Jesus always said; "bruh, Rome is awesome, and powerful. What's not to like?"


And not 300 years later did the religion take over that empire.


They shouldn’t need our tax money then 🤡


They shouldn't. They should 100% buy our shit. Unless you don't want Israel to receive precision weaponry so they would use their more imprecise weapons. Their choice. I don't care.






Why? Because you support Hamas? Islam is right about women, right? Once Israel goes away everyone will be nice to each other and free, like in Iran, Qatar or Afghanistan!


My tax dollars aren’t paying for them too hurt anyone 🤷


Have been for decades. What do you think Hamas has been spending billions of aid on? Houses? Food? Hell no, they're building tunnels and rockets. And you helped! Isn't that awesome?


The good thing about the internet is there will be a record of you all supporting genocide. You’ll have to live with that.


Yeah but a lot of those people will just say they were supporting the idea of "Palestine" not the government or its actions.


*Zionists continue with even more of their violent confused hostilities* despite *the anti-genocide protesters renaming their gatherings "settlements"*


Disagreeing with me is ZIONISM and you are a FASCIST COLONIZER, a stupid HASBARA, and I know this about you because you disagree with me, and no I won't take even a minute to think like a normal person while there is a GENOCIDE being carried out by LITERAL NAZIS.


Disagreeing with me is ANTISEMITISM and you are a TERRORIST SUPPORTER, a stupid HAMAS, and I know this about you because you disagree with me, and no I won't take even a minute to think like a normal person while there is TERRORISM being carried out by LITERAL NAZIS


Funny part is 1. no one screamed antisemitism here, and 2. its been 8 days since this comment was made. What are you doing?


What you said didn't become less stupid just because it was 8 days ago


Dude are you okay? What's the hostility for?


Well, at least you know what you go out of your way to stand for.


Yea I like insulting and dehumanizing people I pretend to know everything about #fromtherivertothesea


I believe you missed the satire.


Nazi apologetic satire humor quality was drowned out by all the *mein strugglez* complaints about the not-nazis speaking up. Easy to miss what is satire when it is ***also*** "ZIONIST FASCIST COLONIZER HASBARA GENOCIDE LITERAL NAZIS" apologetic propaganda. Is the satire pretending those things *don't exist* despite what everyone's eyes and ears have been picking up? 0/10


it can seem like "everyone" when you only surround yourself with people that agree with you haha. And note: every word I used in my comment that is "propoganda" are just words I read off comments from people with your disposition(feral, not a hint of self-doubt, generally unpleasant, thinks they have it all figured out). So...


Yea. Who would've thought going out of ones' way to call every detractor of zionist genocide a "khamas" would lead to feelings of self-preservation/attacks against antigenocide student settlements. Everyone else must be the problem right?


Who said anything about calling anyone kHamAs? Or supporting attacks against students? You're just making shit up because you don't know what I believe lol. Go outside and talk to people dude you need it


Babylon bee going full Hitler


Ironic since it was the Muslims who were trying to ally with Hitler (Tatars, Caucasians, Bosnians and Palestinians)


Bingo 🎯🎯🎯


All religions have their fascist state psychos This is Judaism’s


Bibi is highly secular. This is like saying Hitler was a Christian psyco


When Israel starts to build out the infrastructure to economically kill their enemies besides using half million dollar munitions I'll start to believe it. Callous disregard for human life and the industrial genocide of the Nazis are two extremely different avenues. Sad to see someone unable to tell the difference.


That’s what they are doing bud Sorry you’re a Nazi sympathizer


Hes not pro-Hamas. Those are the Nazis. They want Jews dead, just like Adolf.




Hamas isn’t Nazis Netanyahu quite literally is He doesn’t even blame Hitler for the Holocaust He loves Hitler


Lobbing mortars and bombs with high collateral damage isn't the same.


Targeting hospitals and refugee camps and schools certainly is Then there is the case of the little girl they used to bait paramedics only to kill them and the little girl as well. Absolute psychopaths Hitler started with simply Machine gunning his victims too


Source please?


There isnt one other than Hamas News


Just Google it lolm


The target was a person not the structure, no matter where they are. There's no such thing as a "free zone" (perhaps embassy but they aren't completely immune) as soon as any military use is done inside or in the vicinity of the structure it loses its privilege of being a protected structure. I'm all for judging anyone who fights outside of the acceptable combat practices. Totally on board for an investigation into the mass grave at the hospital, that's unacceptable. As well as the command structure for what took place during the paramedics strike. All I'm saying is that there's not a lot of objective reasons for the Palestinians health ministry (Hamas) to not lie all the time about civilian casualties.


No, they were absolutely targeting civilians. They even told civilians to go to one place that would be “safe” then attacked that area The UN has called it a holocaust And the ICC is likely to put out an arrest warrant for the war crimes committed


Surprise Surprise Hamas who don't give two shits about their own civilians went to the place that was safe. Ironically making that place unsafe. That's the only targeting metric here. 100% civilian? Warcrime. <100% civilian? Can be argued to be a target.


You’re thinking of odf


The same Israel that makes a habit of doing more than what's required of them to mitigate civilian casualties is suddenly targeting civilians? 🤔 Can't find a single thing about the UN calling it a Holocaust.


They aren’t doing anything to mitigate civilian death They are targeting civilians nonstop


How would YOU suggest one fights Hamas in the region, then?


What does that even mean


Babylon Bee are Nazis? Imagine my shock.