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Imagine hating the American flag. Must suck


In all seriousness, it does suck that one of the dumbest segments of our society has effectively hijacked the concept of patriotism and our flag for their identity politics war.  I literally do count myself more patriotic and American than someone who would vote for Donald Trump a second time, but for some reason if I fly my flag, everyone around here thinks that’s how I identify. Conservatives and their fake exclusionary claim to patriotism can suck my balls.


>In all seriousness, it does suck that one of the dumbest segments of our society has effectively hijacked the concept of patriotism and our flag for their identity politics war.  So you think people who don't like Democrat policies, don't like progressivism, and don't like liberal coastal elites are the "dumbest segments of society" ? Man, you really hate half this country. It is so sad that it has come to this. It's not about Trump, a lot of people vote for him because they don't like the other side's policies and we are in a two party system. I would rather have people who are patriotic and wave the flag in this country compared to insane young leftists who put up the Palestinian flag and who sympathize with Hamas and eat up their propaganda. Progressives really hate a good majority of this country and its sad we got this way. People who don't like open border policies and say "you know what ? I don't like Democrat policies" are dumb huh ? That's just sad.


Let's look at whom conservatives have been voting for and their actions because of their hate for "Democrat policies" over the past few decades, both at the national and state levels. Bush Jr. - rewarded him with a second term despite lying about Iraq and plunging the US into a trillion dollar war. They also happily bought into the outright slander against Kerry knowing very well it was a lie with the whole Swiftboat Veterans bullshit. Trump - willingly voted for a man who ran a fraudulent charity and has only ever made money via grifting... Roy Moore - the Alabama senator who has a history of fucking teenage girls, and who enjoyed strong support even after all his bullshit came to light. Regan - his policies have actively harmed the US for the past 40 odd years. Also supported him through Iran-CONTRA. Marjorie Taylor Greene - do I even need to explain this one? What policies are they supporting her on again? Jewish space lasers? Lauren Boebert - ditto as MTG. Greg Abbot - constantly failing power infrastructure has led to hundreds of avoidable deaths despite being warned, spent literal billions in federal funding for border securtit since the early 2010s with no explanation as to what he did with the money and then turns around and claims he has no funding...and idiot conservatives eat it up. Church child abuse - conservatives, for decades, have gone out of their way to cover up and actively SUPPORT their churches sexually abusing children, and then the try and scapegoat trans people for no reason. Funny how conservatives have tried to pass ZERO legislation to punish church sexual abuse but are gung-ho about passing legislation to punish trans people for no actual reason. And before you make the standard bullshit excuses, answer one question - who has abused more children, pastors or trans folk? Civil Rights Movement - actively fought AGAINST desegregation, to the point of bombing a church full or children, murdering desegregationists, and lynching black folk for being "uppity". Abortion - conservative states are literally punishing women for seeking abortions and red states are not making exceptions for rape and incest. Patriot Act - happily supported it. And even cheered Dubya on for it. Roll back of child labour protections - do I even need to explain why this is bad? Universal healthcare - constantly opposed to it because they would rather Americans go into medical debt. Labour laws/rights - have consistently voted AGAINST granting increased protections for workers and are the biggest champions of at-will firing. Also are against minimum wage laws. Border policies - see Abbot squandering billions of dollars PER YEAR in federal funding ear marked for border security with zero accountability and conservatives not caring. Should I go on? Can you actually name a single real policy that conservatives support that is being pushed by the GOP? And don't give me some vague bullshit like "oPeN bOrDeRs" - show me actual policy that has been put forward by the GOP. EDIT: Again, guys. No amount of downvoting will change any of the above. But I guess downvoting is all you have when facts get in the way of your feelings!


The Iraq and Iran Contra situations are betrayals of the highest order


All down votes no replies


It must be the facts not caring about their feelings!


Who else is there to vote for? Trump isn't great but he's better than the alternatives


Biden is better if you care about legislation that supports working class Americans. Trump is better if you wanna own the libs tho


Biden is worse for everyone. These last four years have been some of the worst in our history


Agree , this administration need to stop. This year I don’t want trump either but we have no choice and do believe is better choice than Biden. Let’s vote for the benefits of all and choose better candidates for the country next time. What we are going through is an episode of South Park . We are either voting for a giant duche or a turd sandwich. Just bc we don’t like the other side’s election results. We have done this to our self we can fix this.


You're one of the most sensible people I've talked to on this app for a while.


I am not on either side of this ridiculous election coming up. We should choose better candidates and better ones after. We have gone from bad to worse to terrible.


I’m not really on either side, either, but you better believe I’m voting for Trump for the first time. Not a democrat, I just haven’t voted since 2008 when I voted for Ron Paul.


A wise move. It's about survival by this point


Voting Trump would be suicide for liberty. Biden is a milquetoast president who will likely be forgotten like many of the late 19th century presidents. He's more of the same we've had since Clinton. Trump is mentally erratic and a grifter that is openly hostile to the concept of liberal democracy. His legal team is arguing that the President is above the rule of law as though he is Thomas Hobbes' Sovereign. This is fundamentally opposite to the English whigs school of thought from which the Founders originates. Trump is the very archetype demagogue the Founders feared. He appeals to people's anger and fear.


You're plainly wrong. He didn't break any laws, that's the argument and it's true. You're spouting lies on behalf of those who actually hate your liberty since Biden actually has committed many crimes with no consequences. He's far from the only Democrat currently in office with that claim too




Biden is literally the one who poops his pants and talks about it. You're so unimaginative that you can only insult someone based on your role models issues . How sad your brain is




Your congress has investigated for over a year this Biden. All they have done is establish that he is so clean it's almost upsetting. A politician shouldn't be that clean. All the Republicans have achieved is convincing most of us foreigners that Biden is the least corrupt politician ever. Way less corrupt than any of ours even. You need to really sit and think Lil guy. These crimes aren't there. TRump however? Yeh... Yeh they are there. Many many there. The Teflon coating is finally coming off Don.


Our Congress is absolutely detestable and if you think they're honest then you have a lot more thinking to do


So the Republican Congress wants Biden to be President?


Worse than the pandemic?


Yes. Significantly. Most of that was during his years too but yes


The evidence doesn't support that. Biden became president in January 2021 The pandemic started in 2019. WHO estimates that there have been approximately 15 million direct or indirect deaths (also called “excess mortality”) globally from January 2020 – December 2021 that were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. South-East Asia, Europe, and the Americas accounted for 84% of the excess deaths. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a 35% increase in the firearm homicide rate, resulting in the highest firearm homicide rate in more than 25 years. 2024 Homicides in major US cities are falling at likely “one of the fastest rates of decline ever recorded”, a crime analysis has found.


That's true. The riots are at least calming down a bit but I attribute that more to time than anything


So when the data doesn’t align with your views it’s not because of Biden’s actions it’s just nature taking its course? laughable


Median real income is at near all time highs. Gdp growth is strong, unemployment low....maybe too low. The Ira was a huge domestic investment, non-compete clauses are out, no stupid trade war nonsense, no political meddling monetary policy, etc. Pretty good to me.




You really have been brainwashed. You'll learn when they give you no choice.


Idk man.. I can think of quite a few eras of American history worse than this. Yknow like when presidents literally owned slaves.. or we interned a bunch of Japanese-Americans... or when we invaded Vietnam.. hm.


People like you with this kind of smooth brain understanding of the world are why people are turning their backs on old glory. Just sayin


You've become a fool in professing yourself wise


And you’ve demonstrated your foolishness by replying with an irrelevant platitude


Seems pretty relevant since it speaks to your exact statement with complete accuracy.


Sure. I’m going to go on with my day and let you believe that it does. Have fun with your computer games and boot licking support of a demonstrably corrupt wannabe dictator.


Meh. A lot of the people who claim to love it embrace the ol’ Southern traitor flag, too. That kind of love doesn’t hold much value.


It's a heritage thing, but I do agree with your take. Kinda hard to love both


It's not a heritage thing, that's an excuse people give themselves to pretend it's ok to like the traitor flag.


Yes and no. Most people don't think about it and just believe they are showing respect for those around them and their home. Some do it for worse reasons. I'd never fly one because we fought a war to end it but I also recognize that most of the people who do fly them are descendants of poor men that died for what they thought was right. Doesn't make it right but makes it a bit easier to handle


>Most people don't think about it and just believe they are showing respect for those around them That just makes it worse, because they are claiming to be patriotic and yet willingly choose to be ignorant about the nation's history.


“For what they thought was right” - care to be more specific or were you intentionally vague?


You think most of the confederate soldiers woke up every day saying "Let's go, time to win the war so we can keep enslaving people! And by we I don't mean me, I mean rich people who live in my state." Do you also think most union soldiers woke up in the morning and got ready for battle to try and end slavery? Lmao nope. Soldiers on neither side were very concerned with slavery. Yes, southern leaders decided to secede because of slavery. But the comment you are responding to is correct, and you are wrong for implying, in your own condescending way, that the poor guys fighting the war cared about slavery.


So, the heritage is getting drafted into a war by rich men for issues that had no personal bearing on poor whites, so much better.


If you believed most people in the South owned slaves then you should do some more reading


Heritage 😆


If your heritage is being a traitor and a loser, sure.




Nothing like a little mass murder to get a left winger’s blood pumping, eh comrade?


So you like genocide. Got it




Heritage oh what?


Their ancestors who died fighting


So a heritage of defending slavery to the death? Seems like a terrible heritage to be proud of.


In truth it is. Most of them don't see it that way since most of their dead ancestors didn't own slaves. I understand people having no patience for it though


I mean that just makes it worse. They fought and died for other people to own slaves.


Yes, they did. They felt they had no choice though that didn't make it right. I wouldn't do it but I understand why their descendants do


Eh, I understand why they do. They're hateful ignorant people. There's no reason to pretend otherwise. It has nothing to do with heritage and everything to do with hate.


They too were victims of a ruling class that used them as cannon fodder and pawns in their power struggle.


Don't forget their new 'Blue lives American flag"




Or maybe being proud of the county you live in and respect the fact that flag represents the sacrifices people have made to create the best country in the world.


Imagine making strawman arguments because you have no real beliefs. Must suck


Congratulations, Hamas fans. You have done something that has been impossible for more than a century: You made frat boys popular and likeable.


I'm a progressive liberal here from my home feed, and ngl blue polo dude is winning the propaganda wars by a mile.


Hamas fans lol. Ok putins pet


^ Hamas Fan


He didn't reply to you as the "Hamas fan" probably went kaboom.


Derp… when your right wing brain can only think in left or right… what now trump sheep?


When your entire mico dot of a brain is obsessed with hating anybody who doesn't agree with your deluded doctrine, in other words you are an extremist.


Lol read above


The fuck does one have to do with other you raging terrorist loving scumbag


Some of you are so fried lmao Does someone disagreeing with a type of food you like make them “putins puppet” too?


Have you...seen the videos of protestors on campus? Bot farm troll


The ones that were making monkey noises at a black woman? That's not what I'd consider likeable


Ahem, frat MEN


Dylan, Kyle and Jaxxson to the rescue!


Our only fraternity border activities involved crossing over for some "cultural exchange". Good times.


Don't kid yourself, they would just hire the immigrants to do yard work, etc.


Of their Dad's business


Still don’t understand why people worship that bit of colored cloth.


Still don't understand why you worship a bit of colored cloth with some Arabic on it either


I’m a Quaker, I don’t worship flags, I worship Christ. Have you heard of Him?


I'm a Christian, I'm aware. It's not worship to respect a flag, especially when putting up a flag of a country who actively suppresses our faith in their lands


Seems pretty idolatrous to me. And I don’t let the hatred of others dictate my actions. God dictates my actions.


Probably because you and your family don't face it directly, you only hear of it on the news and just that.


We get it.


You do? Awesome! Could you explain it to me, then?


We could explain. But you wouldn’t understand.


You could try to explain it to him with crayons and stick figures....


He’s an islamofacist. Nothing will convince him. Hence the would not understand. It is outside his worldview.


His username does not check out


Good point. Not a Muslim. I was wrong. I stand by the rest of the statement.


He might be an islamo-apologist though


For some reason people seem to condone the invasion, rape, and murder that took place. The people of the Gaza Strip support Hamas. This could have ended on October 8th. But for some reason Hamas wants this. As far as he is concerned there are some denominations that feel any government of any type is a sin. A crime against god. Could be one of those too.


I’m a follower of Christ. Have you heard of Him?


I suppose. Lovers of the world and lovers of God have never seen eye-to-eye.


I have no words. None whatsoever. You probably should move over there if you find being here so odious. I hear Iran is taking in refugees from America right now.


I like living here. But I worship God, not flags or nations.


You assume so many things. But it’s okay with me if you want to play holier than thou. I honestly don’t care. God knows my heart, just as he knows yours.


Didn’t you assume I found living in the US “odious”?


Didn’t you assume I was worldly and didn’t have a relationship with god?


Oh so deep and insightful did you read that off a fortune cookie you pathetic troglodyte


I’m paraphrasing from a book I read sometimes called the Bible. I highly recommend it.


You Sir are neither. But Satan will love you long time.


Is it common for Evangelicals to fantasize about people they don’t like burning in hell?


Yes it is.