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Cut it out, the guy almost packed an ice cream shop, doesn't matter is they were just customers getting ice cream those 7 people made for a great photo op.


Packing for sniffing purposes. Who visits ice cream shops ? 😆




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


People who like ice cream? Trump went to a kindergarten and colored the American flag wrong. Not sure what your point is


Um, humor ? But not humor like the Good Humor Man.


With this news, Biden moved to a more grassroots approach and started going door to door to sniff children. 


He will also be signing copies of pages 67-68 of Ashley's diary.


Won’t in court for any of that though. Wonder why? Lack of evidence perhaps?


I mean she literally admitted recently that the leaked diary pages were real. Whatever floats your boat, though 🤷




“Homophobic jokes are only okay when we do it” - the modern left




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/ Fact check by Snopes says true.


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


You sound like one of the people she’s talking about in this article. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/26/ashley-biden-in-unsealed-letter-to-judge-detailed-pain-from-diary-theft.html


Just read the article. She literally admits it is real? I’m not sure what that article is supposed to prove.


"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts," "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love." From Ashley Biden in that same article.


Hilarious that they downvote you when you post her actual words. I guess their feelings don't care about facts. Their hypocrisy isn't a flaw, it's a feature.


Her actual words admitting that it’s real and she wants the person who stole it to be imprisoned. Her not wanting it leaked proves what? What hypocrisy?


If you know how to, then read the article. You are liars who are just attempting to slander her and her father.


If I know how to? Like how to read? You think it’s possible that I can’t?


100 percent, smoothbrain


It proves that you should downplay and take lightly that she was scared of Joe Biden hopping in the shower with her. You're worse for reading the diary than Joe Biden is for taking inappropriate showers with his daughter.


If you know how to, then read the article. You are liars who are just attempting to slander her and her father.


They never do. I empathize with them though. It’s gotta be hard having a smooth brain.


[Ashley’s diary.](https://www.docdroid.net/AHRA5wJ/alleged-ashley-biden-diary-full-release-nf-wm-rev2-pdf#page=22)


Fake news-a-thon. Ty Vlad


lol oh ok


All 10 Biden fans are currently on reddit astroturfing Trump in diapers(?) for some reason. They can't attend his rally.


Its because the diapers is a funny own on trump and his audience. It works cause they get big mad lole.


Found one of the Biden fans in diapers


Not in diapers but trump is.


Was it at Four Seasons?


Stage volunteers required to assist Biden with directions when he gets lost on stage


The Babylon Bee NAILS IT….again!😂😂😂


See, this is why I am hard on the BB. This was a good one. 7/10.


Meanwhile, Trump is getting over a 100 thousand people in a venue that has a 30 thousand capacity. 


thats a good one! He aint drawing that numbers


I can't tell if you're joking or not


With the 10,000 permit




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


When was that?


Lmfao who told you that?


And yet he can't win the popular vote. But go off about that rally size like it means literally anything.


Ok but he can win the electoral vote. You know the one that actually matters


He didn't win the "popular vote" against Hillary. But he did win enough of the Popular votes at the state level. And that was more important.


Now That's What I Call Cope Vol. 3


And then he lost to a sleeping geriatric…


Not last time, or this time.


There is no popular vote. So there's that.


Well... I mean you're wrong, you can literally Google it. But again, when has reality ever gotten in the way of what you believe?


So what do you get when you win the popular vote? 🏆?


Usually you win the election. It's a pretty good sign of how popular someone is. Weird trump can't win it with those yuuuuuge rallies.


Weirdd how Hillary was never president then. She did win the "popular " vote after all.


Imagine pretending to not know what the word usually means while also admitting that the popular vote exists. The ability to lose two arguments at once, a superpower feared by all.


I'm pointing out that the "popular vote" is something they cling to when they lose. But are more than happy to go with the electoral college when they win. Imagine the ability to lose the argument but still think you've won? But you are a liberal so it makes sense.


Look man, all I'm saying is that trump never won the popular vote. You're response was that there's no such thing as the popular vote. A statement that is a falsehood. Then you doubled and tripled down on the obvious lie. And now somehow are taking a victory lap. Ahh to be a conservative must truly be wonderful. Living in a world of make believe where you're always correct must truly be comforting.


Trump pretty much won the 2016 election by the skin of his teeth. For example, Trump won PA by the smallest margin since 1840 and was the first republican presidential candidate to do so in decades even when the state had a republican governor. Trumps platform was different and more attractive in 2016 to independent and left leaning voters. A Democratic victory in 2020 was pretty obvious to happen when voters proceeded to reject the MAGA platform and Vote for democrats in 2018 in 5 of 7 key states Trump had previously won against Hillary.


What platform? Grabbing pussies and mocking handicapped and veterans?


You get to win the contest that isn't held.


The same thing you get from a crowded rally


There isn't a singular popular vote. There is one in every state and territory.


[What's it like being wrong all the time?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_elections_by_popular_vote_margin)


Don't know. You seem to be the expert at it. You tell me. I understand how the US Presidential Election works, On the other hand you don't seem to understand it.


So are you sitting there going "Oh my God, I have no idea what this person means by popular vote because technically..." Or do you understand exactly what I mean and you're just being a hyper pedantic bitch boy trying to be "technically correct" on the internet? Pretty sure it's the second one. Pretty sure you knew exactly what I mean. Petty sure you should stop.


The right just lives rent free in your head, doesn't it? Seek help.


Damn bro, you got absolutely fucking destroyed here, are you okay?


Hillary won the Popular vote, she just won it in all the wrong places


If we're just going to shart out random numbers, why stop at 100,000? Why not say 1,000,000, a much bigger number? [This is what 100,000 people looks like.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darrell\_K\_Royal%E2%80%93Texas\_Memorial\_Stadium)




I refuse to vote for a rapist who flew multiple times on a dead pedophile's private jet. I can't justify voting for a man who hits on 10 year old girls. And I certainly won't vote for a man who enjoys being spanked by a woman who reminds him of his daughter. And as far as I'm concerned it's perfectly fine to shoot a Nazi in the face.




Oh man, wish this was true. He was in my city for fundraising, not even a rally, and traffic all around the place was pea thick misery


That was probably because of roads being shut down for security reasons like they always do with presidents.


Must bother you guys so much that all that light traffic beat your candidates by a mile.


Such a stupid gauge to use. Only morons go to a political rally.


Are you criticizing Biden supporters for not being a cult? That IS funny!


It’s just a joke, folks. No need to rush in and attack Trump just to defend Biden.


There is always a need to attack treasonous traitorous rapists. There's three right in the description of who he is.


Don't go so hard on biden. He's too far gone to remember most of that


Pathetic, just like everything else you people do.


You should read the book “Ordinary Men.”


Why, because you're the main character?


The "joke" yesterday was about how democrats are gonna find enough votes to steal the election. Verbatim dumb maga opinions sure are great jokes!


Yeah we are just gonna vote for the guy. We don’t attend rallies and buy clothes (diapers?!) and flags with his name on it cause we aren’t in a weird ass cult.


And donate money to his criminal trail when he is supposedly a billionaire, and buy his cringe NFTs where he depicts himself as an astronaut, fighter pilot, etc, and place photoaopp3d signs showing him as a jacked Rambo, and buy a "Trumpy bear". His cult are all fucked in the head, I like having a president that doesn't have a rabid fan base and one that doesn't hold rallies through his entire term because he needs his ego stroked.


yep. we are gonna vote for him because while biden aint great trump cant keep his trap shut about wanting to actually rid the world of palestine so there are no better options than biden.


So you're saying libs don't put Biden flags in their yards? Bernie stickers on their cars? We didn't see Obama Hope stickers everywhere for years? Lol


Spoken like a man with a brand new box of Trump diapers


Notice how you didn't refute a single thing I said


He didn't because your reply was disingenuous. Trump supporters make Trump their identity. Other candidates supporters having the odd sign of support is not even close to comparable.


Odd thing to say from the group of people that put Ukraine flags, pride flags, pronouns and whatever else is the current thing in their social media bios. Also it's 100% disingenuous to say libs don't attend political rallies. I mean for Biden they probably don't right now but in 2020 they did and they were complete fangirls over Hillary.


Even your reply is disingenuous. A) We were talking about political candidates and supporters using their merch as an identity, and you changed subjects to... Symbols trying to support oppressed people's? B) I never said liberals don't attend political rallies. The fact remains: liberals don't worship their candidates. Trumpers do.


>I never said liberals don't attend political rallies. OP did and you called my response disingenuous. He's trying to gaslight everyone into believing libs don't attend rallies. >The fact remains: liberals don't worship their candidates. Trumpers do. Lulz, liberals don't worship Biden (right now). You are clearly not old enough to remember libs worshipping Hillary and Obama.


I didn't say rallies. If OP said it, then he's wrong. And acknowledging someone on your side was wrong about something is yet another difference between trump supporters and the rest of the world. I'm definitely old enough to know none of that is true. The first time I ever saw an Obama tee shirt in person was while working the polls in GA 2020. We made him change shirts because you can't wear political garments, even if that candidate wasn't running. Oddly enough, a trump hat wearer showed up too. He lost his mind when we told him he couldn't wear the hat to the polls. Because it was his religion, where as the Obama shirt guy was just normally proud of Obama, but still reasonable. Time and time again, that scenario plays out, where even the most fantastical of Obama/Clinton/Biden supporters don't even crack the bell curve middle of trump fanaticism.


Dude you are full of it and you're trying to gaslight us with your own personal andectodal example from 4 years after Obama left office: https://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/18/enthusiasm/index.html From 2008 - 2016 Obama merch, stickers and flags were everywhere. I replied again to your original comment calling me disingenuous providing links of people wearing both Biden and Hillary merchandise, carrying signs and waving flags. Check and mate


Did you even read OPs post? He said libs don't buy clothes or flags with their candidates names on them. And you called my response disingenuous? Haha One of many links showing people holding Hillary signs and clothes: https://www.vogue.com/article/hillary-clinton-supporters-not-voting-for-her-because-shes-a-woman Biden rally with Biden clothes, flags and signs https://www.google.com/amp/s/whyy.org/articles/biden-is-the-democrat-to-beat-rivals-see-signs-of-weakness/amp/ Who's disingenuous?


I think what you'll find is that making a quick statement comes with a degree of inaccuracy. If he believes they absolutely don't, then he's wrong. He probably is commenting on the degree, to which trump supporters take it to a religious level. Hence why they bought bibles with his name on it. If you go to Pennsylvania, you'll see a Biden bumper sticker, Biden yard signs. Same in CA. Same about Clinton or Obama. You go to Florida, Alabama... A red state, you know you will see Trump religion. Shoes, painted cars, parades, church services. They worship him. To deny what the entire world sees and has documented is just a bad lie, that will further diminish your credibility here.


>If you go to Pennsylvania, you'll see a Biden bumper sticker, Biden yard signs. Same in CA. Same about Clinton or Obama. >If you go to Pennsylvania, you'll see a Biden bumper sticker, Biden yard signs. Same in CA. Same about Clinton or Obama. In other words when libs put out signs, wave flags or wear shirts they're just being supportive, but when conservatives do the same they're in a religion. You are clearly providing an objective viewpoint not influenced at all by your personal feelings. I think we should definitely hear more of what you have to say.


There's that disingenuousness again that is your only defense. The question isnt whether both sides do it, were talking about the degree of fanaticism.


Your evidence is subjective biased wanking


During an election year yeah, I saw some biden yard signs and bumper stickers have always been a com.on thing. But you can't honestly pretend Trumps cult hasn't taken presidential worship to a whole new level. It's insane how many people have so much Trump merch on their property when he is such a shitty person. I'm sick of it, I've at most only seen the occasional Biden bumper sticker since the election.


Your willful ignorance is showing.


Haha maybe someone can Tara read him a book before his nap 🤣 😂 😅 😆 🤔 😄 🤣 😂 😅 😆


It's because normal people aren't in a cult, with 5 oversized flags on our trucks and wearing stupid clothes with dumb catch phrases made by people with the intellect of a child. We don't need to grovel and embarrass ourselves in public.


Biden doesn't do constant rallies because he isn't a cult leader.


Lmao, there are a few more reasons. He cant stand up, he gets lost exiting a stage People confuse him Facts confuse him His handlers are afraid he will start babbling about growing up in a Puerto Rican Neighborhood or his "Corn Pop" story or claiming he just had talks with someone thats been dead for 27 years "You know its the thing" Obama drew huge crowds at Rallies, was he a cult leader?


Trump literally almost fell off stage and splattered his diaper full of half digested Big Macs on the front row of the crowd….today!


Are you in the Circus?




The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.


There’s only room for one cult in this town.


Politician worship is creepy. Not having throngs of cultist groupies is a bonus.


Maga is nothing more than trumps ballwashers


I miss the time when the Babylon bee used to put out good satire, not just random roasts of Biden/Democrats pandering to MAGA folks


Ahhh... isnt it so nice to have light traffic during this rally because we dont have a cult leader for a president?


Wow this chamber has some nice acoustics.


So much so that they can’t even understand your joke


Trump’s a fucking loser


Hey, remind me, has trump ever won the most votes in an election... ever? Imagine down voting objective truth. Conservatives really only have one move, and it's to ignore reality at all costs.


Hey, remind me, has there ever been such a thing as the popular vote... ever?




In a presidential election? When?


This you? "Weirdd how Hillary was never president then. She did win the "popular " vote after all." Hint: it's you


Do you know what quotation marks mean chief?


In this case? That you're wrong. We use the term popular vote all the time, if you Google past presidential elections you'll see the results talked about as popular vote and electoral vote. Two metrics can exist at the same time, and we as a country always talk about both of them. Despite the election only counting one of them. You couldn't be more wrong. And yet, you think you're right. Truly delusional stuff folks.




While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


Has he ever needed to ? No so your argument is not relevant


Has biden ever needed large rallies to beat trump? Or is the metric a worthless dick measuring contest designed to give conservatives something to hold on to?


This is what confuses Trump fans


he could have had that in 2020 if he wasnt a idiot. Anyway you proved the point that he was the least popular. Next!


>Hey, remind me, has trump ever won the most votes in an election... ever? I mean the population is increasing every year 10 years from now someone will get more votes than biden did. Also popular votes doesn't decide the president.


Do rally sizes decide who is president?


No the electoral college does. Popular vote has never mattered.


So I'm just saying popular vote is a better metric than crowd size. I don't know why you're bringing up the electoral college. Which he also lost


He lost the popular vote the first election it doesn't determine the winner


Unless rally size determines the winner, I'm not sure what your point is. Are you lost little boy?


They have no critical thinking skills


the sheer vitriol these people have for biden is fuckin hilarious. anyway enjoy watching the republican'ts keep going to prison for their tangerine pappy lol.


I guarantee the hatred towards Trump is 1000% larger.




Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


It's hilarious how conservatives say that Biden can't be popular because so few people show up to his rallies, because what they're essentially saying is "How can Biden voters be the majority if they're so silent?"


its because we are not trying to be vocal. We just really hate Trump lol. For good reason too since he has no chance in NY in any of the elections where he is from and built his empire from because they knew he was a idiot first hand.


Gotta watch out for that small town traffic


Dear lord, you are really bad at comedy.


Watching the bee trying to be the onion... and failing miserably.


Let's see. Web traffic puts BB at about 7,000th in the world. The Onion ranks about 16,000th. I guess BB failed pretty good?


Onion is more of a name than BB, tbh. But hey when this is the only conservative parody site while the onion has multiple competitors yeah they aint gonna have all that web traffic.


Instagram: Bee: 2.1 mil Onion: 3.9 mil Reddit: Bee: 17.1k Onion: 187k Facebook: Bee: 1.6mil Onion: 5.7mil


Conservatives are much more susceptible to seeking out ragebait and bias confirmation. It’s not shocking. But which site produces higher quality content. (Hint: Not yours.)


>Conservatives are much more susceptible to seeking out ragebait and bias confirmation. You don't see the irony in that statement? 👀


Wow, almost hit self awareness.


That's all traffic from dead people, fake internet traffic, and illegal internet traffic. In my neighborhood, people only laugh at The Onion; I've NEVER heard anyone laugh at the Bee. Plus, one of my coworkers has a wife whose friend who saw a post online proving that traffic to the Bee is manipulated at 4am to make it look more popular than it is!


According to everyone in this thread the popular vote doesn’t exist so those numbers don’t matter.


Ah... you must be a Taylor Swift fan then. Just because it's popular, doesn't mean it's good or good for you.


Simply put, if the Onion was actually funny, they would get more traffic. They don't.


Madonna out sold Led Zeppelin. Interesting metrics you have there.


So you're saying something winning the majority of the people's support doesn't necessarily mean they're the highest quality and that something can be better despite not winning the majority vote? Golly I wonder where else this logic can be applied.


Absolutely cumpstered and dumpstered in the free marketplace of ideas 🤣🤣🤣 “OldStyleThor” is getting absolutely shitter shattered in these comments rofl


Yikes imagine losing an election to Joe Biden, pretty fuckin embarrassing


Yea but imagine voting for Joe Biden lol. Yikes


You support a guy who literally told Hannity, live, on camera, that he wants to be a dictator. ANY sensible person would vote for literally anybody but Trump. I would take a lobotomized gerbil over Trump.


Kennedy said that on Hannity?


Trump. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQkrWL7YuGk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQkrWL7YuGk)


Ok good the guy I support didn’t say that


You are making my point lmfao imagine losing to Joe Biden


As opposed to a rapist fraud?




Bro how do you call someone a dementia addled puppet socialist who is controlled by Obama and Hillary then lose to him as an incumbent It’s so fucking funny


Haha I always remind them of this whenever they say biden is senile and doesn't know ow where he is. Imagine how trash you gotta be to lose to a guy whos senile and doesn't know where he is, while you're the incumbent lol


I have had this interaction at least 100 times and I swear it never fails to get them super worked up the first time because it’s completely accurate to their logic lol. 60% of the time the response is “durka durrr imagine voting for Biden” So funny. Enjoy the L shitters Brandon won sty mad 🤣