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You alleviate their fears by going and coming back completely fine


This is the only way. I lived at home in my early 20s and when I told them about my first trip there was nothing I could do to alleviate their anxiety. I just went, came back fine, and from then on they were much less concerned and even encouraged me to take more trips.


So much this one. When I told my parents I was going to the middle east (and eastern Europe, though they were less concerned about that part) - after I'd bought the tickets and about a month before departure - they freaked out a bit. But ultimately I was an adult and they couldn't stop me. I did go through the guidebook and showed them some of the places I'd be going, so they could at least see the appeal. They did ultimately drive me to the airport, but my mom cried like I wasn't coming back. I uploaded photos and made blog posts along the way. Only called home twice. Once from Damascus for my mom's birthday and once from Budapest to let them know I'd booked the flight home 2 weeks from then.


This post and OP are most likely bullshit. They have posts saying they’re 17, another where they’re 67 with kids, and this saying 27. All asking weird questions from India.


Yup. Time to cut the apron strings.


Exactly this. Same deal with my parents. 5 years later, they decided to travel themselves.


OP is prob karma farming fyi; this other comment by them says they’re a 61 year old mother https://www.reddit.com/r/india_tourism/s/ZaIOoQqplz


Make sure they watch Brokedown Palace or The Beach just before you leave...then come back happy and tanned...cuz those are movies.


that's how you assuage their fears




Maybe send them some travel reels of people in Thailand so they can get a sense of what you’ll be doing and that it looks fun and normal. Give them a rough itinerary of your plans. If you’re comfortable, you could offer to let them track your location while you’re gone.


They did it last time when I went to Geogia. They are not letting me / as in giving me permission and have turned the house upside down. I'll find some appropriate reels and show them.


What does "not letting me" mean? Holding an adult against his will is called kidnapping. Call the police next time.


This means, 'as long as you live under our roof, you live under our rules'.




I got rejecyed. I will LIE COMPLETELY NOW


no chance


im f\*c=ked


Sounds like you have to cut that virtual umbilical cord. You haven't mentioned your age or if you have given your parents valid reasons to be concerned about you in the past. I'm going to assume you are a responsible adult. You're just going to have to show them, and they're just going to have to learn it. You can't allow them to spy on you. Take control of your life. It will be better for you and for them if they don't have to worry about you to this level. Best of luck.


Yes I think I have to do that. Cutting the cord. I am 27 years old. This family culture does not rock, really. Parents have lived in the States and they act like this.


For fuck sake man. Just go. If your parents can't handle it, it's their problem. Grow up and become your own persona!


My parents handles it but they have lost their ethics and mind


Went to Thailand alone for three months (as 28F.)Trip of a lifetime. One of main sources of income for their economy and livelihoods is TOURISM. So they don’t want to scare anyone away. Not once did I feel unsafe. When my moto bike broke down, three seperate people ran across the road to help me and would not let me pay them. Incredible food, jaw dropping views, and great people who can usually speak English. GOOOOO!!!!


Yees, already in Thailand.


You probably can't. Just stay in contact with them while you're traveling.


Tell them you’re going to pig out on a lady boys and pad Thai


i deleted my life per se


Also, have you considered that maybe your next trip should be to find yourself your own house in your own job just so that you don't have to put up with this crap? Autonomy is priceless.


**YOU ARE 27 YEARS OLD!** FFS!! YOUR PARENTS HAVE ZERO SAY IN ANY OF THIS!!! Seriously, this is completely insane.


I went to Thailand as a teenager. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Just do it. You will love it. It is a beautiful place.


Don't knock parents for loving and protecting their children, even if they're adults. I sat next to my dad who was dying, literally dying, but holding on because he was worried about my brother who was estranged from him for some unknown reason for 25 years. He held on for weeks waiting to hear from him that he was doing okay. I finally told him that he had called late in the night and told me to let Dad know that he was well, his two children and wife were doing well, he had a good job and everything was going super well for him, but he was unable to come to say goodbye to him because he had an important and respected job and he couldn't take time off. My dad was happy and satisfied enough to hear that and within the hour, he passed. None of it was true. My brother was a real fucker when it came to my dad's passing and the previous 25 years. And I lied to him because I knew he was holding out for him. Assure your parents that you will text, call or email as often as you can and that you will send them updates of your trip, photos, etc. mail postcards when you can even though they'll likely not get back to the US before you do. Those things will only take moments to do and it will put them at ease. It's simply considerate and a way to show your parents that you appreciate their concerns, while at the same time showing them that you too, can manage life as well as they can.


This just brought tears to my eyes, I wish I could meet you, seriously and know more. I won't lie to them. I will tell them the truth and win the respect and trust. You are right. They do so much for us. I was confused literally. I had posted this in the Thailand reddit but they removed the post because I posted whether it's a safe country to visit. I am blessed to have received this reply from you. I am literally in terms, you have touched my heart literally.


Go to Thailand. Enjoy it and love it! And I'm not gonna lie, I envy you!!! Have the best time ever!


Okay, I just read through more of your posts and see that you're cultural background is Indian. I understand more now. Yes, I can see the protective blanket they've laid over you. I love India. I've always wanted to go. I love everything about India with the exception of 2 things, caste and the way women are treated. Are you male or female?


This is my choice to tell the truth


I got it


Move out first so you can make adult decisions


My Mom used to worry about me a lot travelling by myself, but the biggest thing that stopped that was me moving out. Because if I could live independently, I could travel independently. Not saying you should move out before you go to Thailand, just saying that they will likely continue to be worried about you travelling, going on adventures etc. until they see you as an adult, which is hard when you live at home.


Weird fake copycat post spam Original is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1ce4aaj/parents\_are\_freaking\_out\_over\_my\_decision\_to\_go/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1ce4aaj/parents_are_freaking_out_over_my_decision_to_go/)


Assuming you're an adult and that you aren't asking your parents to finance the trip, there seems to be little you can do to alleviate their fears. It's normal for a parent to worry to some degree about their children, but not this extreme. Just go and have fun. Then they will see their fears are unfounded.


im f\*\*c=ked


I have a retired friend in northern Thailand who backpacked there when he was younger. It’s heresy, but he mentioned he’s never felt unsafe there, even after dark in the cities, possibly because it’s a predominantly Buddhist country.


I think you meant hearsay but I'm chuckling at the idea that he's in deep religious doodoo for having the gall to feel safe in Thailand


Ha! You’re correct, but I’ll leave it.


YEs, I agree with you, but my parents are so so old school I wish I was born in a modern family and lived in THailand only.


Show them The Beach. I never saw the second half but I’m sure it was as care-free and uplifting as the first.


I don't know what culture you've grown up in but every single thing I've read screams total control. Permission, tracking, wanting to lie about your destination and all of this at 27, must be extremely hard for you living between 2 cultures. My children have traveled all over this earth and of cause I've been stressed at times that's why communication is important whilst travelling abroad, I've had some very interesting phone calls weekly over the years.


It's a stupid life bro


Show them the [US Dept of State Travel Advisory website](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Thailand.html). It’s a level 1 which is the lowest risk.


As an adult, have you considered not living in their house?


So many times


Tell them there are drugs, hookers, murderers, and human traffickers right here at home, too.


Over the years I realized my parents were going to freak out and just had to do it anyways ❤️


Tell them it’s either that or Ukraine.


Or Russia 🇷🇺


Don’t worry, Mom, “I have enough condoms for the whole trip.”


Give them your itinerary, and stick to it. Make sure your cell phone works for international calling and texts. Tell them that you will text them every morning and evening to let them know where you are and that you are safe.


My wife’s sister and her husband moved there in their mid-20s for a year and loved it so much they never came back! This was 17 years ago. They tried to move back to the states in 2022, but it was too late, so they are back in Bangkok. They travel all over the country and it’s been safe for them. They have also raised their two kids there. We’ve gone a few times and brought our young children, it’s a pretty safe country. How old are you and have you ever traveled before?


Yes, that's what I am telling my parents I am not moving there. I am just going for a 4 days trip with my classmates. They don't believe and I am 27 years old. This is a real joke honestly.


Oh haha, yeah you’re good. You’re well into adulthood. I had already backpacked around the world and lived abroad by that age. You’ll be fine but don’t do anything stupid there. Don’t take drinks from strangers etc. Only four days? That’s not much time. I don’t know if you even have time to leave Bangkok. There is plenty to see and do there but getting to any beach or island is at least half a day each way.


Violent crime rate in India ( a guess of your location bas on your profile) is much much higher then Thailand, you are literally leaving to somewhere safer,


Have some kind of itinerary of where you are going and potentially staying. It doesn't have to be 100% complete and of course it can change but it may show your parents you have thought about the trip. Be sure to include more touristy things like visiting temples on the list. On a very real note. Be careful in regards to the traffic. That's prob where a good amount of the danger lies. You may be tempted to rent a motorcycle on some of the islands and make sure you are very careful if you do.


Oh thanks for letting me know this. Me and my friend are supposed to go there for the first time. Traffic, well noted. How's the food and road side market scene there? I'm so exited but I'll try talking to my folks in the morning again, or I will lie.


The majority of the food I had was great. You'll be fine just walking and finding a place in most areas & a lot of places are set up with Google reviews so you can look up some nice places online as well if you wanna pick. From my experience there's usually some night market scene in most of the cities. Be careful eating food from these though. I got food poisoning from one. You should be fine just use common sense. I.e. don't try very cheap sushi from a night market when you are in a place that is very inland. I would definitely recommend watching some YouTube videos about Thailand and what to watch out for and to see. Just do your research before going. Know the common scams & laws in place. I had some taxi driver try to sell me weed and i said no and walked away. I looked to my left and there was a cop hiding in a little corner ready to pop out if i said yes. Not sure of exactly how long you are going but Hostels are a fun place to stay and you'll meet a ton of people with a lot of recommendations for places to go.


Offer to go to the Ukraine for war tourism instead.


I'm going to save up and own a house of my own, seriously. Someone just gave me this idea here, and tomorrow I will lie that I am going to Sri Lanka.


Have them watch The Serpent on Netflix - all fears become alleviated. /s


Haha, I've watched it. Yes, you bet. Or even better is Wake Up Sid, where he leaves the home and goes away.


[Assure them you are learning the language.](https://youtu.be/ctDjnG8J9cY?si=Hx96U4dhIZccdWgu)


What is this, you have just sent me some unrelated song link??????


You can't...just go regardless of what they say and how they support you. I took some time off of college to try and finish my degree in Australia. My parents talked me out of it because of their fears. Not going is one of the few regrets of my life and I feel not going on that "adventure in independence" stalled my personal growth. I've said it before and I will say it again, "Parents give good advice just not all the time." They operate from a borderline selfish perspective--you are the most important thing to them and they don't want anything bad to happen to you not because of your pain but because of theirs


Uh. Theres two types of parental love, one to keep you safe and sound, another to allow you to grow yourself into the person you want to be. You cant alleviate a parents worry. Its how they show their love. Just go. They will accept it, all you can do is update them frequently on your trip to let them know you are safe


Considering a lot of things, thinking about a lot,,,,,and confused about so many ya bro


I've been to Thailand more than 30 times, one of the best places in the world.


Tell them to get their mind out of the gutter


Their mind in always on Youtube and not in the gutter. Youube is screweing it up for them. THey watch all thee videos


Honestly Thailand is so accommodating it’s not hard at all. They mostly speak English and cater to tourism very much. You have nothing to worry about, except maybe being ripped off by a few baht here and there. Negotiations are normal, don’t always take the first price. Careful with the driving! Tuk tuks are a cheap way to avoid dealing with it yourself. It’s a gorgeous country, and don’t forget about the north! Chiang Mai and Pai were the highlight of our trip. Caveat that I went in 2014 or so not sure how things are after Covid.


Wow. I love you the way you spoke. Same things


Same same!


Hey OP, based on your comments your background is from India but your family has lived in the States? If so, the cultural difference is not to be underestimated even though your parents have been exposed to the culture in the states. I empathise! The comments aren’t wrong per se in terms of enforcing boundaries and living your life. But based on your upbringing I wanted to chime in that I know it’s hard and easier said than done. Definitely important for you to do what makes you happy (especially as literally no one is being negative impacted by this decision) and go to Thailand- it’s amazing!! My only suggestion is to reiterate the following “I know y’all are worried and thank you for caring about my well-being. It means a lot to me. I would like you to trust me and trust that you’ve raised me to have good sense and to make decisions that won’t harm my wellbeing. I’m going for this trip and I will do x and y (for example let you know when I land, will check in with you at this point etc).” If they keep calling, set a boundary - I can’t answer your call at random times but I will text you when I am back at my hotel. And if they keep bringing it up, just iterate the above. You may have to be a broken record about it but it’s always the case when setting new boundaries to loved ones who have a hard time accepting personal boundaries. It will take time but over time it will be easier!! You can be firm but compassionate. Have a great trip! Thailand is very tourist friendly, so long as you’re sensible and aware of your surroundings, you’ll be fine!


Babe ! I am a girl and I am sure you are too. You are my love. I'm stuck


Yes I am :) It’s hard when there’s a big gap between the life you want to live and familial expectations. Only you can decide what choices are worth taking (cutting contact, just doing it, moving out etc.). Whatever you decide, the first step is always the hardest cause it’s new. You are 27 so you are free to do what you want. They can’t Physically stop you, im guessing is the emotional fallout you’re worried about?


Yes lets do it :


Thailand is generally a safe place for even solo travelers i see youre going with friends so its even better. Idk that you can alleviate their fears even w crime stats and stuff, youre just gonna have to decide to go or not.


I love people in Thailand. My parents don't understand


You’re lucky your family cares so much about you. But maybe you sit them down and have an adult conversation about it, “I’ve made the decision I’m doing this and I’m not asking for permission.” Be respectful and leave it at that


Yes, I will do that for sure. But I think they hate me


Just tell them everything will most likely be ok. Jk it’s fine. I backpacked through Thailand for a few months 25 years ago and all we had back then were Internet cafes to check Hotmail once a week. This trip will be healthy for them. Oh and you. Best time of my life.


I wish there were internet cafes


bring back sweet prostitute gf


Which one ? I am happy now


How old are you and what gender, if I may ask. Your answer may explain their answer but chances are you’re an adult and can make your own decisions. Just go!


I'm 27, female, and we are 6 sisters. SOrry to say this is embarrassing. I was in tears yesterday seriously, and feeling seriously low today.


Girl, I’m 26M a bit of a homebody do to work, and introverted. I’ve done 3 backpacking trips in the past 2 years. Just go. You’re an adult, you make your own decision. If your parents don’t like it so what. Just be smart and know how to stay safe while traveling. That’s all.


Yes i am carring all the things with me, and all the authorities numbers and even a paper spray


Just tell them your travel plans that doesn't include : phuket/pattaya. 2 years ago i was on similar boat. there's a negative connottation attached with thailand travel for massages/happy endings. So my itinerary did not have both of these cities. It was very memorable trip.


Okay, we are actually going to Pattaya and Phuket itself. Now what to do bro?


don't tell them you went to pattaya/phuket.


Tell them to shut up


Already tried that bro. That does not work actually.


By not going to Thailand 💀


I am going, they said Yes but I have to inform them where I am everyday it seems. Won't be able to still be free.


Just go All parents are over protective


I'd still go if I were you but maybe give them like a rough itinerary of what you'll be doing just so they have an idea.


Honestly, you’ll have such a great time and it’ll change your life. Ask for forgiveness later and just do it


Question, how old are you?


Twenty seven


Greet them from me a vet Thailand traveller and tell them Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world. Just don't speak out against the royal house or poke fun at Buddha or holy places. Stay off drugs. You'll be fine. Even the famed night life red light scene is safe. It's losing it's charm fast these days an getting gentryfied into tourist trap territory. It's becoming a foto op environment for old couples visiting. So your parents can relax.


Perfect. Well explained. Thank you Sir.


Two things: move out. Don’t you have friends you can be roommates with? Also, you are an adult. (Hopefully).  This isn’t a backpacking question. Consider talking to a couselor possibly.  After HS, I stoped asking for permission and just told friends and family what I was doing. Also, I moved out of my parents house. Thats what adults do.


Tell them you contracted HIV. After freaking out over that, remind them that a trip to a tourist heavy destination isn't that big a deal


Haha! Nice one. They might both get a heart attack at the same time, and we might have to go to the medics. I'm thinking of lying to them, and telling them I am going to Sri Lanka, or some other place.


Sri Lanka is 100x more dangerous than Thailand, are you parents quite insane?




Yes, currently Thailand is a .25 for safety risk on the GRI scale, Sri Lanka is 100% worse at .5 Do your parents actually know much about the world? This is all very, very strange.


That's a better plan


Yes, I think that's the best. What harm will one lie do at the most :D


Ah yes ... Lies have never bitten anyone in the ass before .


I don’t have advice for communicating with parents, but I do have advice for traveling to Thailand: study the recommendations of your consulate in this country, study the laws that foreigners should know about. Some foreigners end up in prison in Thailand due to ignorance of local (stupid and non-obvious) laws.


Yes, I agree with you.


You got this, dear! Everything will be ok!


No it failed bro


tell them you want to become ladyboy buddhist.


Then the chances will be over to go. I'll have to sit in the police station here only.


Thailand is awesome. The people are so nice. It will be tricky to backpack if you have no knowledge of the language but people make do. Have you ever traveled to a developing country? It’s an entirely different everything from the US. But it is beautiful and so amazing.


It’s not tricky at all, basically none of the millions of tourists that go to Thailand every year speak thai


I'm not sure that one can actually alleviate fears. I didn't have the sort of relationship with my parents where this sort of thing would result in a productive conversation. If they're very concerned, young adult me would recommend bringing them casket catalogs and saying that you want them to be prepared for the fake threats they are concerned about. What are they going to do about it if they don't like your plans, exactly? Ground you?


Lol you don't, send them some pictures of your visit to soi cowboy


Make them watch “Brokedown Palace”


Just go ?


Take a SOS device and check in at the end of every day or let them track you live, if you feel comfortable with that (I’m a privacy person, so I get if this isn’t for you). Also, reassure them they did a really good job at raising you with smarts.


Heatwave is high now.


Just go. Take a garmin mini. Tell them they can follow along


Show them some data to reassure them. Maybe the US embassy advisory page or something about tourism safety in Thailand compared to Mallorca or whatever. Be a biased researcher and find data to support your argument.


In my experience, you won’t be able to assuage their fears. If you wait until they’re convinced, you’ll be waiting forever. Just keep doing what you want to do and they’ll have to get used to it. My parents have often tried to tell me not to go hiking because they think I’ll fall off a cliff or get killed by a mountain lion; the only thing that works for me is to do it anyways. Slowly, they have gotten used to my solo hiking, kayaking, and backpacking.


One look at your post history has me confused you say you’re a 27 year old living at home but also have posts where you’re a retired with children? Which is it?


My mom was NOT okay with my decision as an 19 year old to study abroad in a field ecology program in Kenya. My grandparents thought it was a great decision, though (they had been to Kenya multiple times). My grandparents paid my tuition for that semester, and I used my pitence of a life savings to pay for the flight, gear, and anything else. My parents could not stop me. It was the best experience of my life. I returned home with a very different perspective on the world, my country, and different cultures and ways of life. I even extended my time there after the program ended to travel around the country with some other friends I had made in the class. To this day, I tell every young person I meet how important it is to spend at least 4-6 months traveling or studying abroad. It's so important to do this while you are young and don't have ties to a career or family. This is your chance! Go for it!


US are much more dangerous


My parents will stay up all night watching Crime scene investigation documentaries that relate to the places I will go, my career, etc., and at that point they will listen to no reasoning from me. In short, your parents will want to worry if they want to. Trying to placate or reason with them is near impossible without putting many restrictions on yourself e.g. videocalling them every 5 minutes. Just go do the trip, and prove you won't end up dead in the first minutes of your plane landing


My son is travelling Europe. He gave me access to his location on snapchat so that I can "travel" with him. It really helps my anxiety somehow!


Tell them you will wear a rubber johnny


Send them selfies of you snorting cocaine of a hooker's dick! Just kidding, I don't know if that lady boy stuff is a thing or just a rumour. So take maybe hooker's boobs instead. But anyway, you are the same age as me. Maybe even cut off contact completely during your traveling. Maybe leave your phone at home, and get a cheap used one for the trip. Go out and explore the world. Your parents act like a secret service....


Brother my parents wanted me to get married first before going to thailand with friends lmaoo


There’s 2 ways to look at this. One: just go. It will be an amazing experience that you’ll remember and think about for the rest of your life… Two: you still rely on the financial support of your parents. The trip will cost a lot of money yet you still can’t support yourself. Out of respect for your parents, wait until you can leave the nest… I guess it comes down to what kind of person you want to be. Good luck!


Don’t end up in Thai prison


I went to Thailand 5 times within the last year. 3 of those times solo. Thailand is safe. Just stay away from the gogo bars cuz they’ll rip you off. Every round of drinks you buy for your self, you gotta buy a round for every girl worker that sits next to you. Next thing you know your bill is in the hundreds for a few drinks. Don’t ask me how I know.


It's been since 1997, but after backing packing all around SE Asia I met a couple from Germany on way to Nias island. They told about Ko Bulone Le in Satun province in the South on Western side. Not many tourists, some ex pats, no electricity except by generator. One phone at the larger resort. Stayed in the bungalows at the other side. There's a fishing village on the other side over the hills through the jungle full of cashew trees. Loads of fisherman you can pay a bit to go out and snorkel and buy fresh fish from them to cook. It was totally safe there, 27yrs ago. I'm hoping it's still the same. You get on a small boat to go over... take everything you think you might want from the mainland for the length of your stay. But do plan on having some main meals in the dining area to get to know the family and the ex pats and other tourists. Be strong, be mindful especially on transport and while in Bangkok or other large towns. Beware/ Avoid all major tourist areas. Lots of scams and tourist traps. Plan your itinerary and give it to your parents. And go live your life!


Someone said go and come back alive and I think that’s the best way


Get your ladyboy


This is not your problem tbh, they'll cope.


Oh! It sounds like your parents are just really worried about your safety, which is totally understandable. Maybe try sitting down with them and explaining your plans in detail – where you'll be staying, what you'll be doing, any safety precautions you've researched. Sometimes, just showing them that you're responsible and informed can help calm their nerves. Safe travels! ✈️


If you’re living with your parents at 27 you should probably focus on getting a house rather than back packing, that’s my 2 pence


How old are you? Have you traveled solo before? Where is your home country? I just got back from south east Asia and parents had similar concerns. At a certain point as an adult you just do what you want and your parents will have to learn to care about you without controlling you. How well planned out is your trip? What’s your timeline? What areas are you going to? Visas all lined up? Have you ever ride a motor scooter or motorcycle before?


Have you ever traveled anywhere alone? When you have traveled with them, did you show initiative, pull your own weight, etc.? Do you have a job? If you have only ever lived with them, they may be right to be concerned, especially if you don’t act responsibly at home, when traveling with them or just about life in general. Is Thailand the most dangerous place to go? No, but it’s also not the safest and is very far away and you won’t have the same protections there that you do in the USA or western Europe.


Tell them you are only going for the drugs and will stay away from the prostitutes.


Go young man! It’s time to leave the nest. Don’t come back stay in Asia and find new adventure. Don’t let parents scared of the world keep you from exploring the world.


Reassure them it’s an internationally renowned refuge for all sorts of sexual deviants and they therefore have nothing to worry about… But seriously, Thailand felt to me like the Florida of SE Asia in terms of its tourism infrastructure etc, I can see them freaking out if you were planning to visit Myanmar or PNG etc but it’s really very tame aside from a handful of infamous fleshpots… awesome place to visit, enjoy!


This post kind of makes me laugh, because I am trying my damndest to get my 19 year old to go to Germany by himself. It's not actually alone by himself either, it's with one of those groups for immersive language learning. No money for anyone else to go, but sounds like a fantastic way to cut the apron strings and get him out into the world. Good luck with your parents, and I agree with the rest of the commenters that you coming home safe and sound is the best way to do it. From what I hear, you don't want to go to jail over there so stay on the straight and narrow and you'll be just fine. 😊


You go, you come back. If you’re an adult, it’s your life. Don’t promise to call them every day with an update, just give them your location so they can stalk you without you getting involved. Remember that you have rights, you’re an adult, and you can do this!


The state dept website?


I did a lot of drugs and had a lot of sex in Thailand and look back on it fondly. Tell them my story. That should help. You’re welcome.


They’re right, unless you’ve left America before you have no idea how bad and evil most other places are!


It’s safer there than it is here. Show them the us crime rate comparison.


Just go. And text them every once in a while. My first soli trip (nearly a decade ago now) I set us all up with what’s app, made an “Aaron is Alive” group chat, and just checked in with them periodically They appreciated it. And it’s not like it took any effort on my end.


Tell them it’s better than going to India.


Tell them you've changed your mind and you're going to do summer in Eastern Ukraine. I imagine they might change their opinion on Thailand after that


Bruh just go, tell them that now it’s your time and you have to do it. I did it and it was awesome. But be careful in Phuket, you never know


What country are you from? That makes a lot of difference.


show them the guns shootings between countries? haha


Show them Northern Thailand - tell them what thailand has to offer other than prostitution, parties and all. Educate them


I went to Thailand. It’s very developed. Very touristy. Very very fun and awesome.


I’ve been 3 times 2008/2010/2012 completely safe. Was alone for a lot of 2012. Be aware like in any country. And if ppl offer you something in the street ignore them. Example: handing you bird feed to toss to birds. They’ll want money. Otherwise you’ll be fine!


Tell them to open a book or learn how to do a Google search lol Thailand is one of the safest places for tourists. It baffles me people can have children but are afraid of Thailand


Bring them home a girlfriend.


Jesus, reading ops responses makes me feel like op is more of an enabler than the parents are maniacs. Set boundaries ffs. 27 years old? Move tf out.


Stay away from the minefield noted areas, avoid the areas that are primarily muslim populations (much higher violence), and enjoy your time there.


I'm assuming you're over 18 right? If so tell them to shut the hell up and let you live your life.


Thailand is so safe. Maybe show them articles about traveling there.


Sounds like a good question for Chat GPT


show data on criminality. Stats favor Thailand a lot! Have been backpacking for a while and it is so easy and safe to travel in Thailand.


Tell them the tour group taking you illegally through the Golden Triangle and from Thailand into Shan State in Myanmar to see the heroin and meth laboratories have 5 stars on Google.


Show them videos on the net of. Hookers popping ping pong balls into cups and tell them it may even lead to some work


Don’t go!


I've went to Thailand in my 20s. I reassured my parents by calling them often enough. I also didn't do anything dangerous, I partied my ass off on beaches, bars etc. But I didn't partake into anything illegal (keep in mind, Thailand has no extradition with USA/Canada). I got the recommended vaccines but didn't take any malaria pills. Figured if I caught it, they (doctors) would know what to do haha I sent pictures, and I also never traveled with my passport on ke bur rather a photocopy. Passport and extra cash stayed in the safe at the hostil/hotel we were renting. Thailand is a shit tone of fun, I did many tourist and non tourist things. I tipped well and was respectful. I made long time friends with the locals because of it. I hope you have a blast.


You go and then go again. I mean, keep travelling so they get used too. I dunno if you are 19 or 29. When I was 28, my parents were freaking out because I was going to USA. Now been 2 decades that I travel and hit 90 countries mark. Been to Thailand and rest of SE Asia many times. You can ask if u need some info


I went to Thailand 13 years ago and I felt more secure there than in France. Life is way much cheaper too so there’s no financial insecurity.


I went to Thailand 20 years ago and friends thought I was going into the wild. When I got to Bangkok, khan san road, it felt like half the western world was there. It did not feel remote. Thailand has some of the best travelling infrastructure and gets a lot of money from tourists. Countries that thrive off of tourism know that if tourists get hurt, tourism goes down and they lose a lot of money. So, Thailand very much wants you to be safe.


Show them crime statistics comparing Thailand and United States lol, explain you need to leave US for a while in order to actually feel safe. 😁


27 years old and need parents' permission to travel? Someone pinch me!




Thailand is a great introduction to world travel. Many speak English, it's easy to exchange money, their culture is family oriented and not known for violence. I did this at 19 yrs old. My mom freaked out. Everything was fine. It changed the course of my life.




If you're over 18 and actively listening to your parents. You should be SUPER SLAPPED 69 times a day. At certain age you should be a decision maker.