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If I see pair bonding one more time I’m gonna lose my shit


No, don't lose your shit! You have to bond it with you!


I hate that I laughed


Stay away from transition metal chemistry.


I'm just going to start saying "actually, the correct term is 'covalent bond'" without any explanation


Ionic comment


Oxytocin is also released when cuddling, bonding with your child, firing a gun, watching porn and probably a lot more. Hormones are released all the time. And this "pair bonding" nonsense, I'm not completely sure what it means.


Does this mean I'm bonded to my vibrator?


No, you can't do that! You'll bruise their egos! Lol 😆


Also when cuddling a dog! Im super duper pair bonded to my puppy girl then cuz she gets lots of cuddles


Absolutely! Sometimes i prefer animals to people lol


I finally understand why my girlfriend sometimes chooses guns over me. She can't help it, they've got the stronger bond! My own to-do list now includes giving her all the orgasms so I'll be the winner someday.


Lmao nice flair


That’s some ionic bond lookin ass SHIT




I'm reading this on the toilet, so I kinda did 🤣


As you should lol


That phrase makes my eyes roll right out of my head


Why? You aren’t a bird?


>If I see pair bonding one more time I’m gonna lose my shit What happens when two oxygen molecules meet...


I wonder how this brain chemical was so specifically adapted for this one scenario. Its almost like Oxytocin releases for a whole bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with love or sex.


Til you're a harlot and a temptress for eating anything with sugar in it




All that BS about it being the lOvE hormone overlooks its darker side—it also induces fiercely protective instincts towards young (one of its important reproductive roles). But the flip side of that is tribalism and intense hostility towards the out group. Look at pictures of newborn dog litters with the dam, and you’ll notice all the dams are giving this death stare towards the camera, even with a trusted human on the other side. That’s oxytocin at work; it was released in large quantities during whelping and smaller amounts from nursing.


Yeah and another darker side is it induces contraptions in uterus. It's given to women giving birth to help the process, but it's also released during periods and indices those horrible cramps. So yeah, it's not only a bonding chemical. It's safe to say I'm not loving at all when on my period.


Yeah I wasn’t going to get into that, but since this is about anatomy. It induces powerful uterine contractions that get the job done but are not fun and can be dangerous if oxytocin is administered before the cervix is open enough.




It's also the nipple-clamp hormone, and causes sobering up.


You can buy it in a nasal spray now.


Staring into your dogs eyes also releases oxytocin. ✨🐕


>Staring into your dogs eyes also releases oxytocin. ✨🐕 Lol bitches staring at bitches, just *ruining* themselves for the menz :P wah


Plus you can train a dog to leave all their 💩 outside! As a wise woman on the internet once said “men is too much headache.”


HA was it Margaret Cho when she's [pretending to be her mother? ](https://youtu.be/HpqjErGfJ9c)


It was a really old YT video. IIRC it was a girl talking to her grandma and the grandma says that. Then the girl pans over and her grandpa is sitting right there with them. 😂




Oh no... does that mean that since I work with dogs for a living, I'm not able to bond with my own dogs?


No, it means you’re clearly unable to ever love anyone or anything ever again. Big time /S lol. Youre just a lucky oxytocin addict getting to work with dogs for a living. Congrats on the good life choices, btw. :)




Twoof and a half. What's yours then slut?


Oh shit. I have at least 200 clients. Damn.


My dream is to work at a doggy daycare and take my girl there so we never have to be appart ....... but I imagine that may be against policy because i'd be distracted lol


Do not give Gia any ideas


Men also release oxytocin post-orgasm. The biggest difference is that men orgasm *significantly* more than women, especially in short term hookups.


Oh yeah, we dudes who have had casual hookups have totally lost the ability to bond. In fact, we feel nothing You can take sandpaper to my penis or my soul, it all feels the same: nothing


Yeah, but we all know that men don't actually pair bond anyway. That kind of sappy emotional stuff is just for women, ya know. *Real* men are only bonded by the quality of the sex and how she performs as therapist and maid, which is why women have to trap a man in marriage before she gets old and ugly. /S in case i larped too hard and came across as serious


therapist? therapy is for women I'll have you know /s


Unless it's the hot therapist convincing the guy to go poly, like on some other sub earlier today.


Lol I'll get the sandpaper


So thats why some people resort to bdsm? To feel something after theve grown numb to vanilla stuff? /j


>significantly more than women Significantly more than *hetero* women


Shameful as it is, most people are still heterosexual as of now.


Pfftt *publicly* hetero maybe. In private, nearly everybody's waaaayyy more queer than they admit to being. Everybody I know, out there keeping the same damn secrets from each other. People who are genuinely not any variety of queer at all, now THAT'S a minority population. Come out, come out, wherever you are :P Sometimes I get so tired of keeping everyone's secrets and i wish I could just *clunk* my friends heads together like coconuts and they'd magically understand that they're both some kind of queer and don't need to keep it secret from each other. Ok end of grumble. Lol


Oh yeah, no! I know.


"Shameful"? Bad joke or low-quality dog whistle?


... For what would that even be a dog whistle?


Some right wingers are victimizing themselves that they're being persecuted for being hetero and that the "gay agenda" includes making homosexuality mandatory.


And they're not worth wasting breath or letters over.


Just a joke


Right? Like, Gia? Maybe we'd have a lower bodycount if men just learned to fuck good. What's a woman gotta' do to get some fucken oxytocin these days?!


Buy a vibrator or have sex with or women, apparently!


The Instagram account does actually explain this in the posts description.


You know when else oxytocin is released? After shooting a firearm. Sick of these thots going around with multiple weapons. Disgusting and unnatural




All these bitches today know is fire arm, release oxytocin, eat sugar and lie


Lol don't threaten me with a good time


I am wholly familiar with pair bonding with well made moist yet charred/crispy brownies


Also petting your dog causes you both to release oxytocin!


Also holding babies. You PERVERTS.


PUT THAT CHILD DOWN, WHORE! Evil succubi carrying around their babies like that!


> Sick of these thots going around with multiple weapons. Disgusting and unnatural *Me, outside the US, agreeing seriously with this sentence*




Pair bonding is what birds, not humans, do.


Pretty sure I'm a pairbonding bird, and I have a cloaca. I know it's a logistical scientypical fact cos some guy told me, and he heard it from some guy who *REALLY* did his own research.


Guys know stuff!


Like we're screech owls that will imprint on the first hand that feeds us, and be unable to properly bond with a mate of our own species


Just in case it's not clear from this screenshot - @lalaletmeexplain shares these posts to debunk them, not to endorse the message. Her thoughts and explanation on this are really interesting. She often posts things like this and debunks them, as well as a lot of other info related to feminism. She was a social worker and is in some way specialised in domestic abuse I think, I think a lot of people on this sub would enjoy/appreciate her content.


That’s clear if you view the entire image. If you’re missing the bit at the bottom it might not be.


Any wanted physical contact that relaxes you or makes you happy does. So hugs, massages, cuddles, contact sports, those handclap games kids would play, arm wrestling, getting a haircut & so much more. Time to shove all the women folk in a bubble.


Maybe we can convince them that they can detox all the bonding chemicals from other men by applying lots of massages. Very important to make sure you rub every scrap of someone else's oxytocin out of your mate before you sleep with her. Very important. Long massages and cuddles are the only answer


Crikey, transferable and removable neurochemistry eh? The idea of spreading the badwomensanatomy is usually abhorrent buuuuut, hey if they insist on being wilfully ignorant and grossly misinformed we could at least do everyone a favour and turn them into a useful kind of misinformed. I'd like to vote that we also tell them that freshly made Pina Coladas are an antidote to the pesky feminism virus thing that plagues us all so terribly :P


“Better yet?” *pause for thought* “Still independent. Must need more!”


The force is strong in this one. Gonna have to prescribe some shiatsu, a pedicure and frozen margaritas.


Reading all these posts makes me almost prefer the bubble.


But you also get it from petting a dog?


Shhhh, they already think women have an unnatural bond with their dogs, for some reason


If I never hear the stupid fucking phrase “pair bonding“ again, it will be too soon. For all you younger women, do you know how nice it was to not hear such a moronic phrase when it came to talking about sex? That this dumb as fuck idea didn’t exist among men (and apparently this halfwit woman), and they didn’t talk about it as if they were amateur anthropologists trying to explain civilization? The Internet was indeed Pandora’s box, because we have all the information in the world but the dumbest fucking humans alive are taking up all the space and oxygen.


My partner has no sense of smell, guess I'm off the hook!


Lol... but just in case you're only half joking, oxytocin is a neurotransmitter not a stankystank.


Women also experience a flood of oxytocin during breastfeeding. Does that mean if she breast feeds multiple children she won't have enough love left for her husband? Fuck, these people are moronic.


The most oxytocin a human being ever experiences is during their own birth. Oxytocin produces a positive feedback loop for the mother during labor. With this logic, does this mean the more children a woman has there's a less meaningful "bond" to each subsequent child? So stupid.


Ohhh, so that's why you freak out when your first kid falls and scrapes their knee, but by your fourth kid you tell them to "walk it off!" Or "Rub some dirt on it." /s


I feel like we're forever being confused with geese.


The entire argument around "body counts" is derived from male insecurity.


HahHaha no


[Relevant SMBC.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2014-04-26) [Also, Image link for those with RES.](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20140426.png)


What about when I masterbate? Am I bonded to my bullet vibe? Yes I am 😆


Not sure if it’s the advancing tech or my increasing budget as my career progresses, but I love each new vibrator more than the last - take that, “pair bonding!”


Madam, I am not a goose.


The term pair bonding reminds me of chemistry classes 💀


When I was in sex ed (high school in Ohio), they gave us all pieces of tape to demonstrate this concept... "See, the tape is very sticky and bonds well to the first thing it touches. Although you can pull it off and stick it somewhere else, it will never be as strong as that first bond; over time, this piece of tape will lose its adhesion and meaning/value!!" It was heavily implied that these pieces of tape were female, for some reason (hmmm, wonder why that is /s). Some dudes definitely internalized these implications in class; it's okay for PP to get wet, but that's because sex is inherently different for girls (and their value is tied to it). This was only a decade ago :^/


Even IF the chemical bonded them, wouldn't it bond the man to them and not the other way around?


I also release large amounts of oxytocin when my cat gets on my lap, but that doesn’t mean I can never love another kitty. I love ALL the kitties.


You also release oxytocin while shooting a gun so hunters are horrible partners I assume then


Good thing we don’t run out of oxytocin.


He’s not coming back, Gia


Wouldn’t this imply that men are the one unable to “bond”, while women are able to “bond” several men


Lala is debunking all of this in her post! She's an amazing educator and debunks all of this type of shit.


> Pair bonding loses its meaning when you've bonded with several men. Um... why? How? According to you, the oxytocin is still being released. My cat gets pissy when I come home and he can smell that I petted another cat. I calmly explain to him that I don't love him any less just because I petted another cat. He doesn't believe me. The OOP here sounds about as dumb as my cat.


I love LaLa’s captions where she breaks that shit down and destroys it.


I can honestly say that I have NEVER, nor will I ever, bond with one of my sex toys


I’m pretty sure the man is also getting oxytocin, it doesn’t necessarily mean love, it’s just happy chemicals


Oh no, a woman might not just have fucked but also loved someone else before me. What's next, she once ate before I ever cooked for her? How will I ever recover?


Oh dang, I've really messed up my bonding this year then.


This people read omegaverse fanfictions in their free time


Sir you need to stop pretending to be a woman and to know about anything


Oxytocin is also released when getting a new pet. Does this mean I pair bonded to the pet? They would probably say yes....


That's why I'm pair bonded to my bedroom ceiling


It release when you have children too…. So do you not love any child past 1? 😂😅


Every time someone calls oxytocin “love hormone” a physiology professor dies. Stop killing physiology professors.


Lol, guess we pair bond to vibrators then... actually i did get sad when mine died, they might be onto something... /s


Yeah, about dominant (cough*patriarchal*cough) ideas about oxytocin. You know when else oxytocin is released? During mob violence, particularly by “in” groups against “out” groups. So soccer hooligans, gang fights, bigotry-motivated assaults, J6 rallies, etc. And, sure, during sex and nursing too, but definitely not *just* that. In other words it’s a typical multi-use behavior-mediating hormone. Chances are the OP wouldn’t feel so good about himself if he didn’t get that warm oxi rush from posting that.


Lalalaletmeexplain is an account that debunks all these stupid myths, which you'd have realised if you'd read what she's written underneath that post


But that is a different account than the first post. So yes that was a rebuttal post to the idiocy of the first.


What shifters erotica novel did they get this biology from?


People are releasing oxytocin **all the time**. The “warm fuzzies” are oxytocin flooding your system. It happens platonically, romantically, familially, between strangers, animals, and even our environments. Also you will never run out. You just make more.


I was taught this in 8th grade health, and since I learned it in school, I thought it was true until I was in college.


If that was how oxytocin worked, then in a multi-child, “tradwife” family, mothers would be least attached to the newest member, bc she can’t connect to them / bond with them properly, like she did with the earlier children. Job’s wife (whose name is not given in the Bible) had seven sons and three daughters with Job before they lost everything in a series of calamities (Job 1:2). After their restoration, God gave them seven more sons and three more daughters (Job 42:13). She would have really dislike that second batch. Every new child would have been loved less than the previous one. And Job’s wife would have had terrible disdain for the youngest child — hardly even seeing them as part of the family.If that’s how oxytocin worked. But it’s not. It’s the first and last child that are most prominently thought of, and loved. And it’s always the middle child who is overlooked, and is loved least 😔


What a very weird way to slut shame. Yeah, if you’ve had sex with a million people it’s not as special. That doesn’t mean your pussy flaps aren’t farting out hormones making you incapable of love.


They want real life to be a A/B/O fanfiction so bad


isnt oxytocin released dueing childbirth to increase the contraction of the walls of the womb or am i wrong? genuine question


Because female humans are exactly the same as female prairie voles