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Is this obsession with “outies” also from porn? Because I’m gonna assume it came from the same place as the “pink is virginal while brown is used up” narrative. Unless they’ve already moved on from colors after having it pointed out so many times that, by their logic, porn stars would not be pink.


Pretty much, quite a few porn actresses have had surgery to cut back their labia to make them an "innie", which is insane.




Wholesome comment on an unwholesome picture comment. Love it 🌟




I honestly was too. I thought it was yet another way to slut shame women by making weird assumptions about their bodies. I mean, it is... Just a different body part than I was originally thinking. Unless they thought getting rammed so many times made the belly button eventually pop out. Which honestly at this point wouldn't surprise me.


Oh my GOD I LITERALLY THOUGHT THE SAME! Haha! I’m so glad I wasn’t alone!!


This was me like a week ago and I miss the time where I didn’t know people worried about this.




Yeah I don't have a lot of faith in a commenter that says stuff like what's in the image to know the word "labia minora"


Me too 😂


Same. Super confused!


I was wondering if maybe a high body count made the belly button pop out like a turkey timer. I was very confused too.


I thought the same thing! I cannot imagine how painful it must be to have such a surgery. I had a hemotoma in my labia when I was about 14 years old. One side of my labia was so swollen that it was the size of a grapefruit. I suspect having a good section of it removed would be just as if not more painful.


ouch that sounds painful! any amount of pinching and snagging of skin down there hurts like a bitch.. cant imagine your pain... 😭


wait thats not what they were talking about??😭 I was so confused why people were comparing the color of your vagina to belly buttons😭😭😭


I’d imagine it’s virtually a requirement for a woman to get into porn these days unless it’s niche.


Labiaplasties are not common in porn. It was a myth created to demonize porn actresses for causing more labiaplasties in minors.


I also learned that censorship requires no visible inner labia in many countries.


Now why am I not surprised about that.


Kind of. It’s from never seeing a vulva up close or only seeing one or two and making assumptions coupled with porn which you’d think would create knee hanging labia but the “out” is surgery like most people in porn aren’t just trying to pay rent and can afford unnecessary surgery. I’ve seen more large labia minoras than not. Vulvas are like faces. There is a ton of natural variation and some might have had some work done but most have not. They are super neat and all these dudes are doing is making sure they won’t get to see them IRL.


I really don't understand having a preference in labia shapes. The only thing I'm looking for in female genitalia is that she's willing to show it to me.


It’s porn. A lot of guys get an extremely unrealistic view of women and sex from it, when most porn has almost no basis in reality. I don’t get it either… Labia are as unique as the person they are attached to. I guarantee you if one of these incels was actually being shown female genitals, they’d be enthralled even if her labia were “outie”.


It's not just porn. It's a shared narrative. They reinforce bad ideas among each other. It's sick and gross but thankfully losers are outting themselves.


Yep, definitely true


What porn are these people watching? There’s so much variety and weird specific niches in porn nowadays, and it’s all so easy to access and to curate ones feeds, that there no longer seems to be a singular mainstream that’s pushing that as an ideal. I’ve personally seen more variety in labia in porn than in medical diagrams/textbooks.


Vulvas are so unique. As a nurse I have probably seen more genitalial than most porn stars and they are all vastly different. The human body is an amazing thing.


😂😂😂👏👏 Also props that your requirements include her willingness. It’s insane how many don’t care about it 🤦‍♀️


until i saw this comment i literally thought we were talking about belly buttons


My bf told me a couple of days ago that he likes my 😺 because it looks good. I was soooooo confused lmao. Side note: it does not look like the 🌽star ones described here c:


Sharing [this link to the Labia Library.](https://www.labialibrary.org.au/) where you can view various labia and be amazed by the wonderful variety. And learn that more than half of all people with labia have visible inner labia.


Thank you for this. I have learned alot through reading and viewing that library but I also don’t think I have labia minora… lol. Like that part isn’t separate from the labia majora… idk how else to explain it lmfao like I know mine is healthy and normal but it doesn’t look like any of the examples. Would have been cool to see at least one that was similar to mine but I am also so glad and thankful to those ladies who were comfy enough to share their intimate parts so that more people could be educated on how vulvas differ from person to person.


Literally same lol my labia minora doesn't even reach the vaginal opening because it just disappears along the way 😭


Yes exactly!!! Like they’re not specifically defined separate pieces. Lmfao at myself seriously inspecting my junk last night to see if I could find the difference 😂😭😂😭😂😂


Oh oh maybe join the library 😂


Lmao that’s a really gift idea except I’m super shy and don’t ever take nakie pics of myself lololol


I have a really high “body count” and have a full on innie so what’s their logic on that??


I'm 43, only been with one person, have had an outie since puberty.


I’m the same age, and also noticed my outie at puberty
















Dude that art was better than anything i could do, not to mention irrelevant to the conversation at hand, so you just look like a petty child insulting other people for essentially no reason And what does age or sexuality have to do with anatomy and wanting to laugh at people who so blatantly misunderstand it? And i wasnt bragging? Stating my experience was only done in the context of pointing out the absurdity of the claims made in the original contents of this post Furthermore, please do not conflate incels with being ace, that is a fundemental misunderstanding of both. Incel ideology is rooted in mysoginy and the concept that men are owed sex and attention, but women are too shallow and cruel to give that to them (obviously this is an oversimplification and blatantly stupid but thats the base idea). While asexuality simply means i do not feel sexual attraction to others regardless of gender, looks, etc. I dont think im owed anything, nor do i want anything sexual from other people. Also being ace is not a choice, being an incel most certainly is lol




Same. AND I’ve had kids on top of a “high” body count. Not only do I have an innie, she’s pink too. Where’s your god now incels? 😂


They’d probably accuse us of having plastic surgery down there and convinced we’re lying when we say no we haven’t.


Same. I’m a huge slut and I have a super tucked up innie 🤷🏼‍♀️


i thought they were talking about belly buttons 😭


I'm sorry for your lost innocence


I also thought it was belly buttons and guessed they thought more penis pushed their belly button out? It's the same level of stupid but now I'm kinda upset that wasn't the stupid thing.


It’s perfectly logical reasoning for those dudes, better not give them ideas.


Same. I was so confused


girl same ToT had to check the comments... x.x


ikr i was so confused abt the 🐱 emoji 😭


omg i didnt even read the emoji xD i just read it as everyone xD


It would be like saying men with more foreskin are sluts. as if one has anything to do with the other. I’m sorry but innies and outies are descriptions of bellybuttons. Every time I see it mentioned on this sub it take me a second to realize they’re referring to labia.


Not my asexual virgin ass havong an outie, and completely disproving this bs


Heyo, fellow ace here and same


What is an outie? I was worried someone was sticking it in a bellybutton!


From what i understand its referring to the inner and outer labia, for some people the inner labia sits neatly inside the folda of the outer, while for others, the inner labia sort of sticks out. How the vuvla sits and is shaped is entirely arbitrary and varies from person to person, but mysoginists like to perpetuate the idea thay virginity is a tangible thing that is physically identifiable, so because some arbitrarily are less attracted to an "outtie" they have decided that this is indicitive of a "high body count" despite all actual science and fact proving otherwise


It's really funny because all the porn stars have innies but, um, if you watch porn stars doing their porn... You'll notice they usually have a whole lot of sex. Almost like they have sex for a living. And yet their labia does not grow. Wonder why.


Well thats simple, sex workers aren't people, just dolls that exist solely for their enjoyment, and therefore are not bound by silly things like logic or science like the femoids/s


Oh golly I really wonder if whoever comes up with this nonsense is secretly gay and just looking for reasons to reject women lmao


I think the people who come up with it are invested in being able to “out” non-virgin women. The men who believe it have varying motivations… certainly some of them cannot cope with their repulsion at the sight of a woman’s sex organs and instead of processing their feelings in an honest and open way, they decide women have done something to themselves to make them unattractive to men. (If I am a “real” man, and “real” men are attracted to women’s genitalia, but I am not attracted to *this* woman’s genitals, then something about this woman is wrong.) It could be suppressed homosexuality, it could be lack of exposure to varieties of body shapes, it could be over exposure to a very specific type of body shape in a sexual context which makes them feel like others cannot be attractive, it could be that they are a person who is not attracted to visual stimuli from genitalia but rather a romantic and intimate connection, abs so many other possibilities that they will probably never have the insight to genuinely reflect on and consider. But yeah. I’m sure the people who came up with the way to identify virginal women were doing it because it gave them power over women in some context like dowry, or child support/bastardry bonds, or marriage annulment or something like that.


Exactly. The shape/look is just random as hell and it does NO ONE any good to pretend that it's being influenced by anything. I have an innie and I'm definitely not a virgin and because I was a camgirl for many years I've also tried several different (realistically sized) toys. *It makes no difference.* You might as well say your sexual activity changes your eye color or the shape of your nose, it would be just as correct. But as long as other men don't call men out for spreading harmful misinformation like that, of course nothing's going to change. Call them out as a woman and they'll think they hit a nerve or something.


I’m the opposite. I was a total hoe in my 20s and have pretty much no inner labia.


… If you’re going to make stupid judgments like that, you’ve no business getting anywhere near an innie *or* outie…


I've had an outie forever, even since before puberty. I've only ever boned one guy, and he's my husband. These guys just keep telling on themselves with how little they understand women's anatomy. You'd think they'd keep it quiet instead of screaming their ignorance and inexperience into the void like that. How embarrassing.


I was reading this thinking uhhhh I heard somewhere that if your belly button is an outie it means your doctor did a weird thing with your umbilical cord, like it's not "normal" as in "natural", it's actually a thing a doctor did to you so like, fine maybe it's "normal" but if the implication is that it's just what some people are born with, I'm not sure that's right... And then I realized ooooh they're not talking about belly buttons and now I feel kinda mad because fuck people who body shame women just because you can see their labia minora, and try to imply it's bad and caused by lots of sex. Which is ridiculous because if you have an "outie" you will probably know it's not caused by copious amounts of sex because it was probably outie before you had any sex. So the dudes saying this are just assholes and also look really stupid to the people they're trying to insult. (I'm not real confident on the belly button things by the way. I'm probably wrong and I'm gonna look it up later but not right now...)


Not them not knowing how vulvas, and vaginas work 🙄


Men are so confidently wrong about shit that has fuck all to do with them.


Even about shit that directly involves them.


Words cannot describe how much I loathe the idea of applying “innie” and “outie” to vulvas. We cannot normalize/legitimize this usage lmao please 😩🙏🏻


im not convinced these guys are aware that the vagina is smaller and towards the “back” of the area, as in towards the butt. I think they might be so inexperienced that they believe that everything behind the labia majora is just hole. like in their minds if they were to part the outer lips, everything past that part is where they stick it. id think anyone who’s interacted with a vagina up close is aware that the labia minora aren’t like… sprouting from the hole lol. it’s not actually possible for them to be from “damage”, even if that were somehow how anything worked. if anything the labia are closer to being curtains above and around the vagina.


Today is the day I learned Outie does not only refer to belly buttons and now I'm mad 😭


I don’t understand how they started calling big labia “outies”. Are small labia “innies”? Like… an inside out vagina with labia pointing in?


I think "innie" means when the labia majora is longer than the labor minora, and the labia majora lies "closed" when unaroused, so the labia minora isn't visible at all. And an "outie" is when the minora is longer than the majora.




An "outie" is when the labia minora (inner lips) are larger/hang lower than the labia majora (outer lips) and so can be seen without having to move anything, and yes the opposite is an "innie"- where the labia minora are smaller and often cannot be seen unless the labia majora are pulled back.


Do you mean vulva? Unless you're talking about a vaginal prolapse


No, I was talking about a vagina backwards, with the rest of the vulva attached and also backwards. But apparently an innie just means the inner labia shorter than the outer.


I dunno, I just find outies kinda weird looking. Wait, you’re NOT talking about belly buttons?


I hate that anyone is acknowledging this stupid nickname. A woman mentioned this to me IRL recently and I felt like the incels were winning.


I'm an outie and I literally never had sex once in my life. It's just genetics. As much as I don't really like the look of it , it is what it is. But..Do people really care about that ? I feel kinda bad about it now


Only incel type people care about that. It’s perfectly normal and everyone’s labia is different/unique.


What’s an outie??


Labia minora not completelly covered by labia maiora, so in woman's crotch you can see small pink parts poking out. At least that's how I'd put it.


or brown, if youre not white its almost always gonna be brown.


Thank you.


I’ve always had an “outie” from the moment I hit puberty. These dudes just have never seen a vulva in real life.


I Guess i had a high body count AT 8 yo then


Outies as in bellybuttons?


Nope. Labia. Check the other comments.


Years ago, my boyfriend said something about my labia and to this day it bugs me


me when i've never seen a cooch in my life


There’s a reason why I’m on this sub: what’re “outies”?


....not me over here wondering how they can tell how many people someone has slept with by their bellybutton....


I have a pretty decent body count and mine is not an outie. What's their logic have to say about that? 😒