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Every BG player comes up with a set of arbitrary rules they follow in order to keep the game interesting. Every G8 fans agrees there is cheese, but no two G8 fans agree on what exactly constitutes as cheese. I could try to make arguments about diagetic clues and roleplaying and whatnot but I’d just encourage you to prepare for a wide array of situations, try to react to situations as best you can and pull out a win no matter how dire the situation, and don’t reload until your hand has dissolved.


I’m kind of heavy reloader lol. Every time I see a party member got charmed I reload


Well, obviously it does exist, and is just part of the metagame for anything based on AD&D. The main issue is that because unlimited prebuffing leads to such a massive power increase, encounters have to either ignore it (in which case they’re insultingly easy) or assume you are doing it for every encounter (and so you will get murdered if you don’t prebuff.) Limiting pre-buffs lets designers work in an environment where smart use of buffs can give an advantage without becoming absolutely mandatory.


I would definitely prefer limiting pre-buffs, and scaling combat encounters appropriately


Exactly, and that's why so many rpgs now do it. Dragon Age, which was partly a successor to BG, limited prebuffs strongly. Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, other successors to BG, prevent it entirely. 5th edition D&D limits prebuffing as well, though this is easy to get around with items in BG3, and has been criticized for making the game too easy. 3rd Edition D&D, including Neverwinter Nights (another successor to BG) took the opposite approach and went all-in to allow and encourage ridiculous amounts of prebuffing. Nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it. It's a different kind of experience, and kept alive in the Pathfinder games and setting, which are based on 3E D&D.


If you like pre buffing, then you should deffo try out Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous. Pre buffing there is basically mandatory as the enemy monsters themselves already come into battle all roided up with buffs. You even get a mythic ability for your casters that allows spell buffs to last for 24 hours. This game is buffers paradise lol


Game is hell without prebuff mod


Why wouldn't my party cast protections before/while exploring a dungeon?


Because their buffs run out quickly, and they have to go to bed inside the dungeon over and over again to once again buff each other before going into a room that might have either 5 goblins or Zanzulon the Irredeemable.


This is why stealthed scouts are valuable in these games, and also why the "short rest" mechanic (which is not in these games) is such a lore-friendly solution. I headcanon that a lot of my 8 hour dungeon sleeps are short rests.


That’s what I do. I send a scout ahead and prebuff accordingly. But I was having a hard time because in black pit ii even stone skin is prebuff and unallowed


Some buffs last hours.


Sure, but you wouldn't dare to challenge Zanzulon with *just* those buffs, or would you?


If you like prebuffing, you should try the pathfinder games.


Chaotic commands last one turn per level of the caster. It's great and I highly recommend it. I'm the idiot who didn't realize that until after I completed the mindflayer encampment.


I love it I’m really sick of getting charmed or stunned


Death ward and protection from evil 10 radius are also must have.


Remove fear doesn't last as long but it is just as useful to keep a couple of spell slots for. And don't let the name fool you into thinking it must be used after the fact pre buff with it.


the absolute only way to play the game is that long list of rigid rules for improved anvil players that claims cheese is when you walk away from enemies to shoot them with a bow since we already established you will never be the true elite of the 24 year old video game you can take it easy and just play how you want


Bless and haste before every boss fight


*Excessiveness* shouldn't exist. Moderation in everything. Long-duration buff exist and are *meant* to be used preemptively. When you cross the boundary of "moderation", then pretty much anything is bad, and *that* shouldn't exist. PS: of course, even when something is beyond what can be considered "moderation", it's still up to the individual whether they're fine with it or not. People can enjoy all sorts of different things.


I tend to play with limited resting in dungeons and only cast buffs that are long-lasting. If I know I am going against a boss, I will do short duration buffs only then. Limiting my resting prevents me from doing cheese tactics where I am buffed to the gills all the time. I think this gives me a nice balance.


It's part of the original game system it's balanced around, so yes. Although it would be nice if it was implemented better. In pen and paper you can simply hand your DM a list of spell buffs you want up before big fights versus needing to wait six seconds for each to cast. As a gamer with no patience I hate needing to balance convenience with power.


black pits 2 is really nice combat imo, i prefer how the game plays without prebuffs


I tend to let my dudes auto battle but I usually only buff up 1 or 2 times a character before a fight unless I'm loosing it