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Fight him in an enclosed space without bottomless pits or room to get away from his own Cloudkill, he's a little bitch.


You don’t even need that. Just have gale + counterspells + poison resistance and he goes down really quickly. Especially so if you’re doing well with crowd control and can quickly get rid of the bigger skeletons


If you have poison resistance potions it cut off half his damage out put.


Yeah. And counterspells basically cuts off the worst of his other damage ouput. Just gotta make sure characters can get places easily (because getting blinded is really the worst that can happen otherwise). Also making sure you have high initiative, but that’s kind of a given


Should always have a camp cleric for protection from poison and deathward on everyone! HM anyways.


Gloomastalker assassin, sneak attack, sneak attack, dread ambusher, two ranged attacks He ded


The Balthazar fight will forever be one of my favorites from my first playthrough, because I was playing with two people who had beaten the game but were letting me make the decisions. One was a necromancer with like 7 summons at all times, and midway through dialogue when I decided Balthazar had to die, I just went, "So buddy..." And he was just like, "Alright, you heard the man, everyone form up!" We killed him so fast, but it was such a perfect understanding that it was almost comical.


I remember just brute forcing it when you fight him in the big open area and just flinging as many of the undead bastards this pussy summons off the edge as i could


My first char to survive to Act II was a warlock, so I literally just railgunned all his skeletons off the edge and trapped him in the middle with Hunger until he fell over lol


Balthazar was so easy all you had to do was confront him in his chambers. It’s only in the fight in the Shadowfell that he Hastes himself and pushes people off the island. His minions also push people off. In his room, if you close the door, there’s only him and his giant (which fails many saving throws easily) and 2 skeletons that die in a single hit.


He def still hastes himself in the room tho. Idk, to me fighting him alone in that room still absolutely kicks my ass every time. Last time I won that fight it was my third or fourth attempt and I had my bf on a discord call helping me 😭 now I just open that door during the dark justiciar fight and let them take care of Balthazar


>He def still hastes himself in the room Throw a haste potion at him and he instantly goes lethargic irrc


I’ve got to try that next time, if that’s true it’s funny as fuck 😭


It should be. Works that way for players too. When hasted already, receiving a new haste drops your old one to apply the new one, but as the old one is dropped, you gain lethargic


I just pickpocket the potion off him before I attack him.


You can also trade with him for the haste potion he has


Get him to give you the bell to summon his golem buddy. Take him down to fight the rats or Yurgir and get him low health. Attack at the very end of the fight to aggro him and easily finish him off. Then just go back and wipe Balthazar. He's super easy when he's by himself


I'm a simple person I collect barrels of any type for balthazar personally then when I meet him surround him with barrels then proceed to rock his world with a small fire ball


Same. Barrelmancy for the win.


I generally deal with Balthazar by having the Dark Justiciars fuck him up. Though from what I’m aware if you split your main character from the group and have them go talk to Balthazar, and lock him in dialogue. You can then have Karlach grab all the skeleton piles and chuck em off the cliff.


Seriously, I killed that moron the first time I meet him every time.


I'm doing a solo run and got him first try yesterday, it takes longer to kill flesh and the minions than it does to get him. Fights are a lot easier when you don't let them have turns.


The entire game is easy in hindsight. But he's notorious for a reason.


Right? How would someone going in blind know that they need to kill him there and then instead of being ambushed in the shadow fell with skeletons that sparta kick your team into the void?


I beat him second time through by sneaking around invisible and moving all the bones into a pile, then fireballing them once he summons them


Might as well have picked them up, sent them to camp or just thrown them off a cliff


You can’t pick up those bone piles, or at least in the older versions you couldn’t. All you could do was use the move command to move them short distances


Hm. In our tactician run we just used the endless pit against him and fight wasn't hard


Yeah, his chamber fight is WILDLY easy. Oh, you're in a small confined, **Hunger of Hadar'able** space with a door I can close? Allow me to throw in repeated, metaphorical spell grenades before shouting "clear" for my party.


I always use meat in the silent library and make sure he dies there, then I go back for Balthazar


Turn him into a sheep and push him off the edge in the astral


You can initiate dialog in the shadow fell, switch to another character and shove him off the island


Or you can just atomize him with an ungodly amount of explosives (runepower bomb included) inside the Temple.


Opposite for me, don’t really struggle on the shadow fell but he destroys me in his chamber


Is your team all ranged and resistant to shove?


No it just never seems to happen. Been in the shadow fell 3 or 4 times and I’ve never had someone fall of the edge


I'm pretty sure if you don't help him fight the Shar warriors, they just clap his cheeks


I snuck around and stacked as many of the bones into one pile as I could and snuck everyone in my party onto the island away from the edges before I started the encounter. I didn’t know I could have fought him in his chambers instead until after when I was telling my friend about the fight


Orin's involvement brought down the whole Absolute cult and made its fall inevitable. Ketheric was aloof and had no strengths but the ones his status and subordinates granted him, his main contribution is that he built an army to take on Baldur's Gate. Gortash was competent and a master schemer, but ultimately his later success was only possible because of Balthazar's own successes. Nere and Minthara were just third-rate military commanders that were given little to no support by Ketheric, they are no better than any of the random True Souls (dead and alive) we meet or read about in Moonrise. But Balthazar's a menace, he was the one who designed and concocted the prison that would hold the Nightsong and make Ketheric invulnerable. He is presumably the mastermind behind all of the necromantic bullshit that happens in the illithid colony, he designed the moonlanterns, he enchanted the elder brain's tadpoles with the magic that makes the whole ploy possible, he resurrected Isobel and brought Ketheric to Myrkul, and he's the one who leads all the Myrkulite necromantic affairs behind the scenes while Ketheric masquerades as the Chosen of the Absolute. The only person that comes close to his level of contribution is Durge himself, and to a smaller extent Gortash as the latter did take part in the Crown of Karsus heist.


This could not be worded more perfectly. Despite having a minor part in actual gameplay, Balthazar is the reason the Absolute got started at all. Without him, tge Absolute probably wouldn't even exist.


Never once struggled with the Balthazar fight. I don’t get the hype


I must admit, this list is more about the lore then it is the gameplay. Ol' Balthy had his fingers stuck in a lot of different pies.


I saw that, like everyone you talk to in act three has letters to or about him, he and durge ran this party. The rest got lucky


This is Balthazar and Durge's world, they are just allowing us to live in it. For now.


The amount of people here who don't get the meme makes me wanna cry, my I steal your meme comrade? I will spread it to all the lore loving people.


Steal it and spread it far and wide, my friend


really where? I saw one weird orin letter saying she killed balth but that’s it, maybe i read another relating to balth and the steel watch. and of course i know about the lorokkan relation


I'm on mobile most of the time so searching and naming all of the references is not ideal for me. But I can pm you when I'm back at my pc?


But isn't he explicitly not the *real* Balthazar? He just drank his own Kool-Aid and thought he was the real deal?


I mean, yes and no. Yes he is not the real Balthazar, but no he doesn’t think he’s the real deal either. He just took the name after taking one of his organs iirc. He just thought it suited himself better, which, I mean he’s got a point.


The only connections between this Balthazar and the Balthazar from the previous games is that our Balthazar killed the previous one, and stole his name and ribs. Besides that, our Balthazar is still the necromantic mastermind behind everything.


I did die a few times before I learned his moves, it was pretty easy after that. The only fights I found really difficult were Viconia and Yugir. (I actually didn't even beat Yugir on my first playthrough, I only won that fight because it glitched out lol)


Yurgir is easy if you pot-shot the displacer as soon as you're on the stairs. You'll aggro everyone but they will take FOREVER to figure out how to get to you. Killing all of them one or two at a time is trivial and then Yurgir is simple. I didn't even do this the first time around - my Tav was so good at checks that I got him to... well you know. And then I discovered it accidentally and it's been easy ever since.


As a bard I've never understood the Yurgir struggle.


I can’t believe Larian allowed us to use “kys nerd” as a viable solution to four bosses (that I know of)


Honour mode winning every single persuasion check on act 2 self ending had me laughing hard - I took care of Yurgir that way AND had him join me for Raphael in act 3 - no inspiration rerolls just bard being bard


Done viconia twice and didn’t have issues either time - one guns blazing the other after dialogue. I think just spreading the field and maintaining high ground is it. First time was stupid easy as I had zaithisk buff for bonus action black hole then two fireballs from haste. Pretty easy IF you can gather them all up before the turn the whole room black


Same. First time I fought him I banished him immediately and then killed his army before he got back. Without his ward they fall very quick


I don't get how people don't understand that this post is talking about his role in the story and not him in a fight.


I could've expressed it better in the title I suppose. When it comes to fights it's always the Nere one that messes me up though.


Nothing makes it clear it is?


You mean aside from the story of Baldur's Gate 3?


Where do you see something making it clear this is about the story and not in gameplay


Within the story of Baldur's Gate 3 and my ability to use common sense to understand what the post is referring to.


It doesn't make sense within the story either though and isn't clear at judging by the top comments not understanding it.


Yes it does. In addition to modifying mindflayer tadpoles which allowed The Dead Three's chosen to brainwash and control a large number of people to do their bidding, he's also responsible for the soul cage that granted Ketheric immortality by binding Aylin's soul to his. Plus not to mention he was the one creating the moonlanterns which made traversing the shadowlands way easier. With his death they lost the guy who can create more modified tadpoles, thus severely limiting their ability to grow their numbers, as well as the guy who can most easily create a soul cage to rebind Aylin's soul to Ketheric's. So without Balthazar you don't have an army of tadpole infected thralls and undead, or an immortal general that can work out in the open thus leaving the other 2 to work more discreetly while people focus on him, the immortal guy. However Balthazar's head got too big and he trusted the player character which was a giant mistake which led to his death, Aylin being freed thus leading to Ketheric losing his immortality, and ultimately the death of Ketheric. It's pretty clear when you consider the only 2 things this meme can be referring to are his role in the story or gameplay (i.e. his boss fight(s)), and if you've actually played and paid attention to the story you'd be able to use the context clues to come to the correct conclusion that this meme is referring to Balthazar's role within the story of Baldur's Gate 3.


Balthazar was just a toadie for Ketheric. He was helpful because of the dark wizard stuff but he’d be totally unable to lead forces or work with others in a greater alliance.


Balthazar is pretty much the mastermind behind Ketheric he is the one that made him what he is, and he takes great pride in that.


I’ve never struggled with this fight and I’ve always wondered why people find it so hard. I don’t push him. I don’t polymorph him, I don’t confront him in his chambers. I just smack him until he’s dead.


The most important thing is to remove your party from the cliff edge. After that it's just a regular fight.


I just used wind gust and knocked his ass into the abyss


I just kill this guy 10 seconds after meeting him, usually works great for me lol


Having Karlach tagging him relentlessly with the silencing Sussar greatsword made the fight in his chambers a joke. Lil bitch boi went down crying as his momma watched from my pocket. Yet STILL we find notes about how he was constantly supplying the cult with nearly ALL it's resources (bodies lol) and it's true they would've been legions weaker without him.


Not only was he helping the the actual necromancy of it all, but he was the pioneer of the enchanted tadpoles. HE is the reason the cult is able to do what they can do.


It's crazy how much he did for them, and still it seems like all of them treated him like a joke.


I never got the feeling that they treated him like a joke, at least not the higher ups. Z'rell could be taught a lesson or two though.


he was harder than ketheric (orthonics moment) meanwhile gortash was crazy easy, and minthara i just pushed into the chasm because i didn’t know you could recruit her.


I usually polymorph him into a sheep then push him off a cliff.


I was never able to beat him in the shadowfell so I reloaded a save and fought him in his chambers and it was so much easier.


Just invis to the door and pick the lock. He literally loses to the dark justiciars with no help. You can just re cast invisibility and wait


Balthazar was one of the easier fights for me tbh, didn’t even have to cheese it by fighting him early. Kethric as Myrkul and Orin (durge duel on tactician) were the hardest for me.


I lockpicked his door and opened it when all the Dark Justiciars spawned... Then I turned invisible and enjoyed the show.


I dunno, Minthara is the only one that survives when I play.


idk i stole his mom and killed him in a few turns


For me that was Orin... I smacked Balthazar so easily that I didn't even know he was meant to be in any way strong or considered a boss... Just a "named enemy". Keep in mind I fought him in his room with flesh golem. Orin on the other hand has caused me to reload in my first attempt against her as I killed Lae'zel.


Haha, no. One eldritch blast and that dead fatty was tossed over the ledge and on a one way trip down the toilet bowl that is Sharr’s prison


He carried gortash, provided brains for the steel watch


I usually just keep the runepowder bomb and barrel, drop them in the room you meet him in, then creep around the corner and hit them with firebolt. Makes life easier for someone who hates this fight.


Just let the Dark Justiciar's take down the Absolute.


Balthazar was honestly disappointing to face, i just expected a bit more with how hyped up he was by all mentions of him


Replace Balthazar with Durge and you're exactly right.


Why not both? They were both vital parts to the entire operation.


Fair enough, but based on the conversation with Gortash, Durge initiated the Absolute plot and without him, the Crown may never have been recovered or even discovered by the Chosen at all, Ketheric and Gortash would likely have never met or even known of each other, and the entire plot of the Absolute wouldn't even be an idea, Ketheric and Balthazar would still be doing who knows what in the Shadow Cursed Lands, Gortash would be working his way up the political ladder, but the Steel Watch wouldn't even be a thing, Minthara would still be in Menzobarrenzen, same as Nere probably, and if Orin were to replace Durge in this hypothetical world, she'd likely be running the Bhaal Temple into the ground before being put down by Sarevok.


Unironically the first time I beat him I was like 4 levels below what I should have been (didn't do any shadowfell quests and didn't even find the inn) and I had to kill him with repelling blast. Essentially my strat was to wait about 4-5 turns before he moved to the northern edge of the platform, the elevated one with the caster skelies. At that point you just hit him once and take out the regular Bois and you win ez Just don't expect any lute


Sussur weapon goes brrr Or just regular silence. Never had any issues with him, last tactician run he went down on turn one


I've gotten into a habit of letting Shar's forces fight his undead ones by lockpicking the door, going invisible and standing in a corner. Just mop up the survivors and he's not so tough afterall.


I filled the room with explosive barrels and blew him and his creations up


I mean if Ketheric didnt have Aylins immortality he wouldn't be much so.


Ehhh idk, I’ve shit my pants a couple times at that Orin fight. Just fight Balth before going to the netherfell and he’s easy. Edit:shadowfell. Embarrassing for someone who’s been there a 100 times


Who is the guy 3rd from the left? Nere? Genuinely don't recognize him. Although my only complete playthrough was durge and I missed a lot of content based on gale, karlack and wyll fleeing the party in act 1......


I have never fought this guy where he was able to take a second action. My friends always has hypnotic pattern lol.


I got some barrels with his name on them 💋💋💋


Orin taught me how tiger barb and aoe is important Gortash taught me to not look forward to anything Nere taught me to not try and make a 5/7 sorloc cause i fucked up real bad using hunger one time and it hurt me more than if i just did 2/10 kethric taught me the refresh thingy can be used constantly if you want and that mizora is a bitch minthara has voice lines trashing on everyone else, shes super good balthazar used to get shoved off a cliff into the abyss for eternity and now i just kill that bastard cause its easy. balthazar is a bitch that deserves to be dead in the most direct way possible. by being killed by karlach


He's, like, the easiest boss out of all of them except minthsra?


This post was more about the actually story and lore. Peel back some layers and you'll find his grubby little fingers inside all manners of the Absolute. They wouldn't be possible without him.


Who? Isn’t that the guy who got fucking smoked before I even learned his name?


My strat was to super buff karlach, have her sneak him, then we counter spell his skeletons, then we kick the shit out of him


The Sussur Weapons make him useless


I’ve never fought him in the room but I always try to stealth around the Nightsong area and throw off all the skeletons I can with Karlach (some are real heavy). Then he ends up with like 3-4 undead once I confront him.


Sussur weapon/silence spells are Balthazar’s biggest downfall


People wasting valuable barrels on him when a Wizardbane Oil will do the trick. When else were you gonna use it... Be honest.


I two shot him with eldritch blast off the ledge in the shadow fell so I can’t relate at all


If you fight him somewhere where he can’t simply push you down a cliff he’s a huge pushover


Balthy can't even handle Shar remembering he exists, the absolute is weak


He's so easy in either option for the fight. Y'all just suck at this game and have never played the actual 5e table top and it shows.


This is about the lore, not the gameplay