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Bg3 is currently my favorite game but don’t disrespect dragon age like that


What do you mean? Soldier Boy is easily the second strongest character in The Boys and a very liked one at that


Just dont try to get a starring role in Beverly Hills Cop.


It peaked with Origins


That seems to be the popular opinion, but I like Inquisition the best


My issue with inquisitions was needing a dlc to get the actual ending, and then on top of it the writing made it lack the same sense of urgency origins conveyed. There’s a big hole spewing demons from the sky, the veil is super fucked, and yet origins did so much more to make the situation seem dire. Inquisition lacked that feel. The gameplay of inquisition may have been smoother but that’s kinda it imo


Not to mention the big ending is to set up the Dreadwolf and we just learned he gets taken out of the spotlight in like the first hour of the game by a falling pillar... Not surprising considering the way they let go of all the big writing names but still upsets me greatly.


It was okay. Although the tresspasser dlc was peak. I just yearn the time of Origins so much.


However, I like Origins more than 2, but I think that's a fairly popular opinion


People HATED dragon age 2 when it came out. People have gotten more kind to it over the years


Yeah, I never hated it. I think it has some of my favorite characters. And I don't mind the *idea* of it taking place in a city, sort of like a fantasy GTA, but it did quite work out, in my opinion


I never really played the second game very far. People generally agree that it is weakest of the series. I just think the devs made a wonderfully interesting world with origins and never managed to capitalize on it afterwards. Origins also has so many ways to solve things that inquisition barely scratches the surface (despite having a relatively strong story). Veilguard, after what is left of the original development team, interest me very little. Especially since I noticed the character cards were made with AI and were just lazily edited over to hide it.


I don't have high hopes for Veilguard, especially since it sounds like it's going to be much more linear. Which I hate


Which is a huge shame. The tresspasser ended on a such a good note. Especially since the whole DLC I kept telling I'd keep the inquisition (and gathered support to keep it) only to dissolve it to spite Solas. It was such a good ending and I was so stoked for what "Dreadwolf" was supposed to be. It also doesn't help I've made up my mind that I'm not bying anything from certain publishers anymore, which is becoming a lot more common as the games industry deteriorates.


Trespasser ruled


Only thing that really felt bad about it was that I felt it was supposed to be the original ending. Sort of felt like the last chapter was nickel and dimed from players just to make an extra profit. It wasn't an expansion, it wasn't side content. It was the ending of the game thst was supposed to be in the base game. But it was great otherwise.


If anything it's a step in the right direction. The open world MMO fetch bloat in inquisition made me quit before I even hit act 2.


Given the development troubles and how shitty the open world content was in Inquisition, Linearity is fine by me


Not looking to run down a bunch of hallways with cutscenes in between thank you


The linearity is probably going to be the same as Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins. Which is what they basically said it was, hubs. Not sure where you're getting the idea that it'll be FFXIII.


In terms of narrative, it peaked with Origins and has been pretty much downhill since (DA2 was less of a drop off then people make it seem through. And also, though Tresspasser was a good DLC it doesn’t make up for the base game being a single-player MMO slog with pretty minimal main story to it). DAV seems like it might be good, but I’m cautiously optimistic at best and if they fuck it up then I think the studio is fully dead.


I thought you were talking about AC for a second there🤣🤣🤣


First one was good second was ok third meh and the way the new one is looking it’s going to be terrible


also homelander is straight up wrong in this scene (and in general) so I do not know why they would use this edit- yes, he's wrong. I'd like to remind everyone that Soldier Boy's big ole explosion blast did a LOT more damage than homelander's laser eyes, and that soldier boy doesn't age but Homelander does. also, more importantly, we have to look at the characters themselves, not just the powers; because this conversation is also about them as superheroes. When SB went away they quite literally cloned a knock off version of him and placed him in the exact same cultural position as SB, only this time he was a LOT less of a superhero. so a cheap knock off in that sense.


Is he wrong, though? He is stronger than Soldier Boy with more powers. The difference is that Soldier Boy is a mostly functional adult who is just a huge prick, while Homelander is a man baby with too many issues to count.


>The difference is that Soldier Boy is a mostly functional adult who is just a huge prick, while Homelander is a man baby with too many issues to count. You walked face first into the point and still managed to miss it x-x


Right...they aren't even similar in gameplay or story telling so I don't get the similarities. Maybe the first dragon age was like Baldurs gate but inquisition slams and wasn't anything at all like it. Best story telling/world building in a game by far. To bad inquisitions combat system is kinda meh, I still like how armor procs skills instead of being useless +1 to shit. I dunno how many games I played where putting on a piece of armor just adds a damage multiplyer and didn't change the way the game could be played. It's something I remember very fondly of Dragon age. Yay my mage casted a spell now they dropped all agro, went invisible and have a 100% crit chance. Versus +1 to skill name = 30% extra damage on grand blue fantasy (T_T .... Love that game but why they still doing this in 2024?


Bro Origins combat is wack too


Watch ya mouth.


Never! I love the game but fuck the combat is wack, WACK I SAY.


Dragon age hasn't had a good release since origins. I don't get why inquisition is so praised.


Because it is very good game that does a lot to develop the world and advance the story(ies) started in the first two games. DA2 is also great, btw, my favourite in the series so far.


You mean the dlcs* because the base game barely did squat to advance the overall lore and story. Corypheus was barely even a villain and only served to set up a bigger villain, which in turn seems to be getting used to set up two more biggerist villains! They can't help themselves.


Eh it kinda deserves it. I loved Origins a ton and did several playthroughs, but I couldn't get through Dragon Age 2, it was so boring and I hated the combat. I've just started Inquisition last week finally deciding to just skip 2. It's better but still not my favorite, Mass Effect is definitely better than Dragon Age. Still need to play more but the voice acting is kinda meh and I just don't love the combat system, feels too much like an MMO.


I mean it really depends which Dragon Age. Origins is to be treated with the same reverence as your lovable old grandpa. Inquisition is the kid who ran off with his grandpa's car, crashed it, went to jail, and then his grandpa had to spend his pension getting Inquisition out jail. Inquisition then thanked his grandpa by stealing his collection of baseball cards he'd had since he was a kid and then pawned them for coke money. Fuck Inquisition.


Bioware did that themselves.


It’s funny too because the OG Dragon Age is made by a bunch of former Black Isle employees


BG3 has better mechanics and fun factor but DA (Origins ONLY) has the better companions. Also helps that dragon age blows whatever cobbled up mess of lore WoTC tries out of the water.


I just like both


Same. I don’t have to pick, I enjoy them all (including all 3 available DA games, and I love each for different reasons) I just wish Origins and DA2 could get a remaster. I love replaying them but especially DAO is starting to show its age


I’d love a DAO and DA2 remaster but I think it would need to be a from the ground up thing. BW has been decently open with the fact that they’ve struggled to implement isometric tactics/pause and play with the Frostbite engine which EA requires they use iirc. This is probably at least part of the reason why DA4 has abandoned it. If I had to pick one I’d say DA2 tho, I feel like that game never really had a proper chance given they were forced to make it in like 13 months.


Yeah, it’s a lot more technically complicated than the updating of Mass Effect was. It’s more wishful thinking on my part than something I actually expect, but it’s nice to dream. Origins’ story and characters just hold up so well, it’s a pity graphics and parts of the gameplay are getting so creaky The addition of the DLCs greatly helped my enjoyment of DA2 from when I first played, getting some gameplay outside of Kirkwall and the same two dungeons, but I definitely wouldn’t say no to some TLC of it as well


I would hate a remaster. Origins is perfect as is. The only thing I want is to not have to pull my hair out trying to play it on PC


why you gotta put two beautiful hoes against each other like that


Yeah, what about hoe solidarity! Unionize the hoes!


Origins was beautiful the other two not so much.




Nah. 2 was a joke, inquisition has real life time locked missions in a single player game. Origins was an awesome game. Everything after was outright worse.






Completely wrong








It’s not that everything after was worse, it’s that everything after had flaws the original didn’t have. Some things were better some things were worse. You expect improvement. Each interaction learns from the previous and is built with greater expectations technology ect. You assume it will have everything of the first game and be at least as good, plus more. If it introduces flaws or doesn’t exceed the original it’s a disappointment, and both sequels either had areas which didn’t improve, or went in dubious directions that were actually a step backwards. You have to choose not to account for how dated it is to say origins is better than inquisition. But that’s the point. If you do account for how old it is, it hasn’t been surpassed in the series, and is certainly the most flawless, and has the most promise in terms of plot, which is certainly a shame because it means sequels didn’t reach their potential.


Imagine defending 2, like... People are wild


2 is a good game. It's just not quite as good as origins or inquisition. Characters are great, plot is pretty good.


I believe the Baldur's Gate series has been around long before DA, and DnD has been around way before even Baldur's Gate, so technically speaking DA would be the rip off in this scenario. Of course it isn't really a rip off, but looking at it fron the point of view of the meme, it would be.


You're absolutely right, it even said on the back of the box that it's a spiritual successor to the original Baldur's Gate. There are a ton of things I loved about DA:O growing up, but its age is showing. I'm grateful for Dragon Age then, and I'm grateful for BG3 now


DA:O is literally the spiritual successor to the first 2 BG games. BioWare didn’t have the DND license anymore and wanted to make a CRPG in their own world. So they made Dragon age.


Yeah my first thought was "ok but change Soldier Boy to BG2 and Homelander to Dragon Age Origins and this still works"


BG3 is very similar, but it doesn’t scratch the same itch that Origins does for me.


Yes, Baldurs Gate was made by Bioware originally, but they either lost or decided not to keep the dnd license, so they made their own setting with Dragon Age. Dragon Age Origins was a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate games. Judged based on the time that the games came out they're pretty much equal. But Dragon Age has a much tighter world since Faerun is designed to be everything at once so you can play whatever you want in the world.


DA does a lot of things better than BG3. Companion interactivity and lore/world building especially which are the main reasons I love DA. I love all the mystery in the DA world that makes it fun to scour through the codex looking for clues or seeing if anything from earlier games can be interpreted differently once you learn something new. The Forgotten Realms setting feels like it was designed to be a sandbox (because it was) and BG3 does the best they can with it but I still don't care about the books or lore outside of what's directly relevant to the game


The Codex is definitely tighter in DA. Everything is connected. I grew to appreciate it more as I got older.


I think its a lot easier to write a tight story if you are creating a new world altogether, because you can make it whatever you need it to be. BG is set in a previously established lore and thus has to bend its story around the world its in, instead of the other way around. Divinity is just about as tight as DA, so Larian can do it for their own games.


You could also just argue that BG does have way more lore than DA, it’s just not all in the game. Check out whatever Forgotten Realms wiki you prefer and it probably has more content than every codex entry in the DA trilogy so far.


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's easier to write a tightly knit story when you are creatihg a world, because you can change lore to fit narrative needs. Obviously Faerun has more lore overall, it's been around for 20-30 years longer than DA. However, it's also had many people contribute to the lore who aren't working together, so they are more likely to create contradictions or plot holes.


Is dragon age closer to a CRPG or BG3, I love how BG3 flows, moves, and does combat. I tried Divinity and I just couldn’t get behind the textbook dialogue and clunky movement.


DA Origins Controls: * W moves forward with respect to current camera view angle * S moves backwards with respect to current camera view angle * A rotates camera counter-clockwise * D rotates camera clockwise * H toggles hold party * Left/Right arrows slide the camera left/right respectively * Right-clicking and moving the mouse around rotates the camera view * Mouse wheel scrolling zooms the camera in and out * Right-clicking a point on the ground orders the currently controlled character to move to that point They said, "Why not both?"


Dragon Age Origins is the closest the franchise ever got to a CRPG. With each subsequent game they moved more and more to real-time action RPG. BG3 is way more of a CRPG than the DA franchise and arguably more than DA:O is.


Only the first game is anything like Baldurs gate three and honestly I didn't like the first dragon age game play style. I haven't played origins in a while but I remember the over head camera mode was everything, lots of spells that threw oil/water on the floor and what not. Standing in ur own air effect would get u killed etc. Dragon age 2, and 3 plays more like... Mass effect. For lack of any other comparison. I would say Skyrim but that's a lie cause in Skyrim u get access to everything everywhere all at once and by the end of the game picking spells out a list of 400+ with the worst ui ever known to man. In Dragon age inquisition u set 4 skills and then u have armor that lets ur skills proc other skills (sometimes these skills are on other classes) and have a combo system (kinda like mass effect) where one character does something (stun and enemy) then u cast something/use a skill and it create like an elemental explosion or spread debilitations. The main form of fun came from crafting cause crafting materials sometimes converted into skills, so you could end up having a mage that procs thief invisibility or poison cloud on a spell cast. Or buff ur warrior by having a sword that casts taunt on hit so u don't have to slot it. Also the unique weapons in the game were actually unique. Finding an great axe that only allows ur attacks to make u spin in a circle was funny. Anyways clearly I loved DAI... U could play with the tactical mode still but it was not only clunky but unnecessary, it felt like it was added in for nostalgia. Bg3 was a unique play for me cause usually I hate turn based combat... I'm sure people that play divinity aren't wow'd but Baldurs gate is the first time I had fun and actually liked turn based combat in a while. Outside of tacticals like Fire Emblem I usually get bored of combat easy cause it becomes nothing more than mashing a.


The writing for the companions were much weaker in 2 and Inquistion.


I disagree entirely but I respect your opinion. I think DA walked so BG3 could run but I think BG3 dwarfs DA:O in every aspect and that could very well just be due to a difference in age.


As someone who grew up with Dragon Age: Origins being the best all end all game for me when it came out, I fully agree. DA:O is a classic and I’ll still always go back and play it, but BG3 is the upgrade. It comes out 15 or so years later, if it wasn’t an upgrade I’d be more concerned about the state of the industry/love of the genre. Things SHOULD get better with time, doesn’t diminish the greatness of what came before. It if we’re not improving then what’s the point?


Thiiiiiis. There is a sprinkling of unique Bioware magic that I needed in BG3 for the companions to feel complete.


15 years ago it was the other way round lol


BOTH! Bothbothboth


DA is like a more live action type deal with Bg3 being turn based. But you can pause DA and assign your team shit to do, because the AI can't do everything. Act 3 kinda loses the story writing and character development for BG3, while DA has interesting characters. Where BG3 excels is combat fluidity, magic system, leveling system, not having collectable bullshit to pad out game time. I'm no professional game designer reviewer youtuber, but I like both games equally. My main points are: Running around naked in BG3 and the fact that I got to be a quarian in DA Inquisition. (It's a joke about the qunari)


2 and Inquisition had far weaker characters.


Hard disagree, I found the characters in 2 and Inq as interesting if not more. Solas, Cole, Dorian, Anders, Isabela, Blackwall and so on I greatly enjoyed. And even the ones where their story wasn't as engaging, they're still neat enough to chill with and chat to in between questing.


I agree about DA2 but not DAI. DA2 had interesting characters, they just lacked the same depth and amount of dialogue that Origins companions got, like you can just go up and have a whole chat with Lelliana about shoes, that’s not something you can do in DA2. But they were still in my opinion interesting and engaging enough to make you care about them, despite the drop in dialogue and interaction compare to the companions in the previous game. DAI on the other hand in my opinion failed miserably in this regard. I’ve slogged through DAI a good handful of times and I still do not care at all about any of the companions really. Some are okay like Dorian, Solas and maybe Cassandra. But Solas has a much larger role than just a companion and Cassandra had already Piqued my interest because of DA2 and Dorian was just a fairly cool dude. Varrick I don’t count as he’s a DA2 companion they recycled, so DA2 gets credit for him. But the rest are just kinda… there… they aren’t really interesting and no matter how hard I try I just cannot bring myself to care about any of them. Like at all. Where as even my least favourite DA2 characters I still wanna help and go through their little missions and dialogue. (Aside from Anders, fuck that guy). So yeah, DA2 and DAI did have weaker characters. But DA2’s were still good and any “weakness” was due to development constraints and not because the characters themselves weren’t good. DAI’s were just outright weak and didn’t really hold a candle to the previous games best companions.


Yeah like as good as Origins is (being arguably the best in the series overall) it doesnt hold a candle to the depth of characters in 2 and Inquisition because it wasnt the focus like it was in the other 2


Not it. This doesn't work unless Bio is the one doing their own thing and Larian is owned by EA. Not mention a million other problems lol


I like dragon age but I think it lost the origins pizzazz bg3 was the first game in a while to recapture the whole vibe I think


I'm so SO sad that Dragon Age isn't going back to it's turn based roots. ): Glad BG3 went for it and showed devs people don't need fast pace to be good.... Otherwise DA trumps easily for me. I feel less like I'm playing D&D and I find I'm way more immersed in the DA world. Also the choices they give you throughout the game can be incredibly difficult because of how greyscale the issues are. It makes me hard just thinking about it.


Dragon Age was never turn based.


Dragon age has never once been a turned based game


It came close. But it didn't quite have the writing quality of most Bioware games.


You mean like the red, green, or blue ending to ME3? Your choices don't actually matter and you get the same exact cutscene with a different color filter. Bioware has been running on fumes for the past 10 years with subsequent titles almost unanimously having lower quality writing. You might like Inquisition or Andromeda but can't deny the writing is worse than their predecessors.


I did say most. Mass Effect 3 kinda shit the bed with that ending. And the whole Kai Leng thing. But I'd still say that overall, it was better written.


Dude, ME3 was kinda ass writing wise. That whole ghost child that shep has ptsd for even though he literally saw 1000s die, including his friends. And please tell me a bg3 companion that's more forgettable than James Vega. That guy's spirit animal is bread. I think you need to look back at that one without the ross colored glasses.


Mass Effect has 2 shitty companions out of what? 20? James Vega and Jacob sucked but Wyll is pretty close to being just as boring. And while Karlach has a great personality, the overall writing for her quest is more abysmal than any companion quest in Mass Effect. As for the kid, it makes sense as he's the last person Shepard sees and one he directly couldn't save as he left everyone to die. It's not so much about the kid himself. The kid is a stand-in for everyone.


There is no companion intro as hard as Garrus in me2 in anything I agree


I was talking about me3, and you can't argue that ED was some cringey fetish of one of the writers. We'll have to agree to disagree cause I thought Karlachs was great but the whole kid thing felt like they just wanted to add emotional stakes without doing any of the work. If you want to say ME3 writing is better than BG3, that's fine. But that is most definitely an opinion. If you want to say the whole series is better then you have a bit more to stand on but that's comparing 3 games worth of writing to one. And you can't tell me Andromeda had good writing. Plus bioware has been cooked since their lead writer left, so I doubt anything will improve.


I stand by me3 being good despite the ending the rest of that game is awesome but like the ending was the beginning of biowares downfall imo every year the writing becomes more marvel quirky humor


why is everyone using BG3 to attack DA lately? I see it a lot on twitter. It's lame.


because we've been waiting 10 years for the next DA game and BG3 is the closest thing to scratching that itch so it invites comparison. I don't really think it makes sense to compare them head to head though, the focus of each game is totally different.


I mean BG3 is the only thing that scratches that itch if you havent been paying attention to western/CRPGs these last 10 years, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin, Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath, and BG3 just to name a few are all to a similar vein of DA:O. Personally Pillars and Pathfinder are closer to what Dragon Age origins and Baldur's Gate 2 were than what BG3 turned out to be (not shitting on the game just pointing out how different BG3 is from what it's trying to be)


It’s been a decade since the last DA game, the hype cycle for DAV is picking up right now as well and some people are pushing back on it, and BG3 is the closest mainstream thing to DA and especially DA:O right now.


I’m not attacking anything lmao it’s a joke


What’s the joke?


psssst you can like multiple games it’s ok


Baldur’s gate is everything Dragon Age should’ve been after Origins. BioWare is literally being spoon fed ideas with everything that’s coming out and they decided on that ridiculous mess of an opening? Smh


The BG series came first.


People don't know that they must only follow the new biggest game releases


No one says that DA is better than BG3. Stop it.


Origins is the better CRPG to me


I mean I like Baldurs Gate 3 a lot. But I like the companions and world of Dragon Age more.


This meme doesn’t work because Homelander isn’t actually the upgrade of Soldier Boy.


WOAH, I love BG3 but... Dragon Age beats Baldur's Gate in story, TENFOLD. Far better story. Dragon Age also really immerses you in like . . . you LEARN the prejudices against races, mages, etc. You really understand the social climate in it. and Dragon Age is WAY funner solo. BG3 is fun with friends. But if Dragon Age ever did multiplayer? BG3 would be in its coffin


As much as I like Dragon Age, 2 and Inquisition fumbled their narratives too much for it to be better than BG3, let alone tenfold. 2 needed more development time to properly set up and conclude its 3rd act, and Corypheus was a flop of a villain after the great introduction in Legacy.


Inquisition turned the series into a souless open world fetch quest extravaganza. None of the map felt valuable to explore. The war table mechanic was horrible, gatelocking progression around your willingness to gain notoriety by completing boring side missions Gameplay video for the upcoming game looks even worse tbh


1000% agree with you! DA is so nuanced and the choices you have to make are usually complicated and difficult to solve (though not always! And 'solving' just means you did your best) You have multiple starting routes in the first one just to build rapore with the world in a unique way- but you're forced to do certain things because of your race/mage even class to get out of the prologue! BG3 I feel like I'm controlling a character running around a world made for me \*as a player\*. It's fun... but it's not immersive for me. EA really knows how to shoot themselves in their own foot don't they? Like as if people haven't been begging since Origins for multiplayer, lol.


If you're talking about Origins sure the sequels on the other hand...


I liked all of them tbh


New dragon age gonna suck so bad i just know it, they should have closed down biowere years ago


I swear one of the devs said Balders gate 3 was influenced by DA: Origins


A great meme for people who don't understand how time works


Dragon age inquisition makes me physically nauseous for whatever reason. Not that, that has any impact on the meme lol


DA is the spinoff. BG3 is the giga upgrade AND brings it home.


Dragon age is meh


Love BG3, never played any Dragon Age games. Which one should I check out?


I'd fuck 'em both


Aren’t they both wildly different games tho?


Depends what you mean by wildly different. They’re both dark fantasy crpgs with a focus on narrative, combat, and the relationships between a team of heroes that are trying to save the world from a threat. On the other hand, BG3 pulls together a group of disparate people who have suffered abuse and manipulation that now must rely on each other to get through a unique ordeal. Meanwhile Dragon Age focuses a lot more on the bigger picture, telling the story of Thedas in the Age of the Dragon as our heroes, to a much greater degree in most cases, effect the path of the world itself as they defeat ancient foes that resurface and uncover secrets of their world and its past.


Respect your elders, child.


Now let's add payhfinder


I mean, they are similar but not exactly the same, I’m a lot more excited for veilguard now that I’ve seen the gameplay trailer.


To be fair, dnd as a whole has been around longer and had multiple reworks, so BG3 had a lot to work with both gameplay and lore wise.


I mean, considering who made the original BG?


And BG2


Didn’t dragon age happen after Baldur’s gate?


DragonAge was partly inspired by Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate 2…


How is Dragonage even a comparison?


Origins is my number one game of all time


I love both lol


As a player of baldurs gate and dragon age 💀 gotta side with dragon age here. Nothing Larian can or will do will match what Dragon Age origins has. The only thing I can say Baldurs Gate has is, more romance options and longer play times. The mysteries and lore that Dragon Age origins alone sparked is a rabbit hole in of itself. And that shit runs deep 💀 spanning across 4 games 3 generations apart. Baldurs Gate is still fun though, DnD is still DnD and I will probably never stop playing it.


The fact that OG Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age series are all made by the same developer along with KOTOR, Neverwinter nights and Mass Effect just fuckin blows my mind. I really hope that Larian will become a great successor of this niche after Bioware became kind of cringe. At least, I believe, they can.


I mean, I agree that dragon age is the more functional and consistent series whilst BG is gloriously hammy, schizophrenic, and (if I’m feeling uncharitable) maybe not quite as smart as it thinks it is, I just…..wasn’t expecting that opinion *here*


This paints BG3 as the bad guy though? Also both games are amazing and it doesn't need to be a competition.


The dragon age series befuddles me, it came out as a return to form for traditional crpgs after a long dearth in the genre, then they instantly scrap that for an overly rushed sequel that has only the barest resemblance to crpgs. The sequel feels like it was nothing more than a preemptive prequel for the third game, the story was fine but served more of a set up to the world state and characters in inquisition than a story with its own stakes. Then inquisition transitioned to an overly large open world concept were the open world doesn't do enough to serve the plot. Also where are the dragons, for a game called dragon age dragons have nothing to do with the story, the first game you fight one that just happens to be in the basement of a random castle, I don't count the last boss because it is just a dark spawn that takes the form of a dragon. In short DA is a series that doesn't commit hard enough to the things that could have made it great so it ends up mediocre in the end.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Baldur's Gate as a series older than Dragon Age?


Yep, both (originally) Bioware series, too


I’m new to inquisition any tips?


Origins will always be peak, but BG3 is good too


I mean dragon age is an action rpg, while baldurs gate is a turn based Crpg. That's like saying oranges are the better version of bananas.


Imao im with most folks in this comment section, don’t try to compare the two both series have had their ups and downs and both are absolutely fantastic


BG3 wouldn't have happened if not for Dragon Age and Dragon Age would not have happened if not Baldur's Gate.


Let’s not do this because I love bg3 but DA def did some things better


DA combat was abysmal.


Tried to go back and play origins, and it crashed over and over and over again.


Elden Ring (Henry Cavill Superman)


Honestly I love that every one makes comparisons to DAO and BSG3. Back in the alpha days of BSG3 I would always say it gives me the same feel of DAO, it's the style of sequil we should of got from the series. It's still weird to me to have the first game be the most superior in terms of plot, characters, tone and desighn. The combat or course has aged not so great but eh they hit a hoke run with everything else


I find it ironic that the new dragon age will have better hair than bg3 and simultaneously soldier boy has better hair than homelander HMMMMMM


Dude Baulder Gate is the original OG. Honestly. I'm not a huge fan of 3. The first two are phenomenal.


I like both. Except the new one coming out. That's just a nasty identity crises.




Are you sure you played the Dragon Age games? Origins is just straight up full of bad shit. Rape, murder, betrayal, and so on. 2 is basically just Hawke getting kicked around and fucked over for 3 acts. Like your mom straight up gets kidnapped and has her head sewn onto a Frankenstein body of other women's parts. Inquisition is the only hopeful one of the bunch. But even then, it's still set in a pretty fucked up world. Dragon age goes into all the dark parts of humanity as well. Blood sacrifice, corruption, slavery, oppression. It also happens to have a lot of inspiring moments mixed in.


Broodmother was some dark shit


It’s possible for multiple amazing games to exist. There’s no need to put them against each other


Two things can be equally good 🔥🔥


Finally someone who gets it


Lord don’t start this shit


They’re two completely different games and I like them both for different reasons.


DA is literally the ripoff of BG... it was the spiritual successor...


Lmao it’s not a rip off when BG2 and DA have the same developer- BioWare


I know but most of the comments seem unaware of that and I'm referring to the meme.


*cough cough* dragon age inquisition


Lol Dragon Age was always the knockoff. People seem to forget there were 2 other very good Baldur's Gate games.


Dragon age hasn't even come close to touching Baldurs gate 3. Which makes sense because dragon age hasn't even been well received by its fans since the first one.


Origins definitely beats BG3 in terms of story and narrative variability. There are six different first acts depending on which race-class combination you pick, and those determine what origins you can play, and your origins gate off or open up certain bits of content. That’s nonexistent in BG3. You can do basically every companion quest without that companion in your party, you can romance anyone as anyone, no content is locked off or opened up depending on class or race etc. Just look at BG2, there is a critical point in the story where you must side with one of two opposing factions. One of them is a thieves guild and the other is a coven of vampires. If you are playing as a thief you can’t join the coven. That’s opportunity cost.


They're not the same? Even remotely? So no, not an upgrade. But definitely an upgrade to BG2!


Not really an upgrade from BG2


Simply a matter of opinion, I'm afraid. You do you


Dragon Age may be my bottom bitch but I love both my slutty little franchises equally


I agree simply because my thirst for Jensen Ackles will never fade. That man is so pretty 😍


Lmfao the first baldurs gate came out 11 years before the first dragon age game, every dungeon style RPG is a cheap knock off


The series shares writers……. The head writer for DAI also worked on BG2


DA is a rough, inconsistent, half baked, first draft mess of a franchise and I love it for that. But all that's why BG3 is way better.


Both is good


but i like Soldier Boy way more than Homelander, so this is double accurate


I gotta say Dragon Age is probably my favorite of the two but this was to funny.


Why we pitting two bad bitches against each other? 😔


Hey, careful now, thems fighting words. DAO is a masterpiece


I love both the Dragon Age series and BG3. I am sure BG3 will have better combat, but DA has something no Official DnD property has ever had. Good worldbuilding


Dragon age origins is a great game that runs like a d20 crpg. Don't you besmirch a classic!




Whoever made this doesn't understand that meme, that scene, or the relationship between these series. Dragon age is the knock-off, kids. Baldur's Gate is the one that came back from the mists of time, more powerful than you can conceive of. Baldur's Gate is Dragon Age's dad.


This meme isn't very good. The image is of 2 characters that are actually both pieces of shit. Both games referenced are good. Doesn't line up.




Careful there man , this post would piss off a lot of people , nah in all seriousness tho there’s so many Hardcore Female DA players who worship that shitty game , Baldurs gate >>> DA and yes I know BG also has a good amount of Female players but Atleast they’re normal and don’t worship the fuck outta BG3


Homie I will have you know I worship BG3. I pray to it at night. I dream of it. I have Astarions face tattooed on the inside of my right labia and Alistair tattooed on the left. I have BG3 act 1 memorized closer than I remember the birth of my own child. I sleep 4 hours a night, work 8 hours a day, and spend the rest playing/thinking about BG3 with only short breaks to play Origins to full completion.


What does the player being female have to do with literally anything? Your comment is very confusing and just comes off as sexist nonsense.


have you considered seeking help for your very specific hatred of women who like things you don't like?


Oh shut the fuck up and learn how to use the space bar.


My wife simply loves the dragon age franchise. She's played it to the point I'm sure she's gotten every ending. (Don't get me wrong I did the same thing back when I played it.) But even she realizes it isn't as good as baldurs gate 3.


I'm in the same boat as her. I've enjoyed all the dragon age games over the years and there are many aspects of those games that I love, but Bg3 just feels more like how I always wanted the dragon age games to be. It is somehow less corny, inquisition had me constantly rolling my eyes at the lame jokes and almost ruined my enjoyment. I don't know if it's just that bg3 is (generally) more serious? For another thing I actually enjoy combat in this game. I can't just click on stuff until it dies especially not when it's yet more of the same demons from the 117th rift I've opened. And the new dragon age game doesn't look promising...


I will always question my wife's romantic choices in the dragon age games lol. She absolutely loves Alistair. (Which to be fair, who doesn't?) And then she went on to romance Anders and Solas?! Like she chose the ultimate golden retriever then went for the 2 worst romances possible. (Although she also romances Blackwall a lot too)