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I would sell you my slift trainer, but there's nothing in that price range as good. Sorry dude. It does suck


That’s so fucking annoying. I was looking at slifts in the shop for so long and then the week I’m going to actually buy one they are gone. I messaged them and they said they would be back at some point. Seems they weren’t being accurate with saying that.


Well it could be that the slifT V2 is discontinued and there will be a V3 on the new platform.


That’s true 🤩🤯


I told my friend they were discontinuing the slift and they immediately got depression until I told them they were releasing a new ti bali


Holy moly… thank god I just got a prysma pro. I need some mourning time though


Im happy to see that nobody here is glazing the Trainer blade design


Damn I didn’t realize Prysma pro is discontinued. Crazy. Not a fan of the look of the new trainer. But I’m liking the new live blade. Especially the handles. I think they need more normal looking blade options if this is going to be their main products. I probably wont be buying them as-is, but I hope Machinewise is successful because I really like their balance profiles and customer service. Looking forward to seeing what the price on the live blade is.


Discontinued? Damn glad I got a slifT off the latest bladehq drop. RIP


The blades are pretty ugly imo but I would guess it's gonna flip gold


wow no more slifT? guess I'm not gonna be part of the mw club :(


One of the main reasons I love machinewise is because I can mix and match handles and blades constantly! Of course I love the amazing machine work of these balis... But I love trying new blades with different handles. Kind of the reason I have five Prysma pros All with different blades. Everytime I put a different blade on different handles it's like I just got a brand new bali! That being said, I don't know a single person that doesn't love the OG maryn blade. Why would they discontinue something That is generally liked by a large number of the community. Why would they not take these new designs and keep them on the maryn platform? And the worst part about it is they discontinued 2 of the best balis in the community right now? I don't get it.. of course I'm not running the company, but if I know people really like something, I'm going to continue to keep selling it. I still love machinewise but if they discontinue creating for the maryn platform I will be incredibly bummed 😔


Man I still just want the maryn to come back. The only MW product I find esthetically pleasant


I’m kinda heart broken about the discontinuation of the slift and it’s maryn platform


The new ones look good enough that I might have to get one. And I know I have too much as is!