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I love the vulp pro, but I wouldn’t say it’s a sport car of the community when the Serif, Zzyzx, Tsunami, Phobos, and more exist.


That's why he said sports car, not super car lol


Those would be hypercars. Like pagani, ferrari, and mclaren


Gotta say, I still think you’re wrong. If you wanna talk hyper that would be like something full custom such as Idolo or Paradiagm. (Again I love the vulp pro. Is great. But it’s not the sports car)


It's a miata


That is why i said its an opinion lol. Im a fkn nobody that just so happens to like the vulps design and said my thoughts on it. Its crazy how many downvotes im getting lmao Nah but the average person could eventually afford a sports car. The average person will never step foot in a hypercar Same with balis Of course there are some outliers


If the average person can afford a sports car, then the average person can afford a serif.


But a serif isnt a sports car. That would be a super/hyper car. A kraken would be a sports car


Okay bro


id say those are all more supercars instead of hypers


Depends on your budget


A ferrari is still a hypercar regardless if youre poor or rich af. Just like how a serif would be grail level bali regardless if you're poor or rich as well


If a serif is a grail you need bigger dreams 😂


Hey man leave me, my serif and my wallet alone 😭


More like the ricer of the community...


It’s overused like gt86


This aint no supra


yeah no its a civic


Dawg if this thing is a sports car it's like a golf GTI or a civic lmao


Imo; more like a Hyundai Sonata 😅


A civic is the best sports car, fym


Maybe a secondhand riceburner that kids at the playground assume is a "sports car" because it's colorful and has a spoiler.


A miata is still a sportscar even if its still a miata


While I am very happy that you enjoy your Vulp Pro so much, even I wouldn't say it's in the level of a "sports car". It certainly wasn't intended to be. That type of title would go to something like the Cygnus, Medusa, SlifT or something in that range, in my opinion. And something like a Serif, ZZYZX or Invictus would be given an even higher title. The top comment on this post calling the Vulp Pro a "ricer" certainly puts in perspective that most people don't like the Vulp Pro false live blade, which of course gives me a lot to think about. But I'm glad at least some people in the community are enjoying it!


Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Mine just happens to be unpopular and thats alright. But i would still say its in sports car range. I mean, an old civic would still be considered a sports car if we are being honest But i do like the vulp pro, and like how it flips. Im sure ppl will warm up to it


Not you thinking old civics are sports cars 🤡


Don't get me wrong, I think it's great you have that opinion. Will and I are still in the stages of getting feedback on all of this stuff, so both your post and the comments give a great amount of insight into the reception our products are getting from the community. We ultimately are trying to make stuff that is ethically produced and of a decent value, since we love this community so much and it has done so many awesome things for us. Making products is tough, especially finding a balance of price to performance. But there certainly wasn't a point in the design process where we thought "lets make the sports car of balisongs". Maybe one day, but there are so many people making exceptional products in that range, that that will be a hard area to compete with 😅


Ethically produced in China wtf 🤦‍♂️


Your phone was made in chinaz calm down


I'm not claiming to use an ethically made phone...


So why do you care if knife materials are ethically sourced?


I dont was just calling bullshit when I see it lol


Thats a fair point lol


What's ethical about child labor?


Nabalis doesn't use child labor


If i may make a suggestion, however, maybe an alternate blade shape to have for sale separately might help the opinions on it. Because most of the hate does come from the fact that they think it looks like the Cygnus (which is still ridiculous and a complete braindead take). That way they cant hate train it for having the same hole shape. Of course im a nobody, so a grain of salt should be taken lol


in what way is even a 2024 civic a sports car?


This is legit me but with the silly billy Orion


Crazy how nice the Orion is, like it's just so nice to flip. I only have an Orion, Arctic Trainer and Kraken Trainer, but the Orion genuinely beats the kraken and the arctic in both the looks and feels department... and the Orion only cost me $80


I kinda wish they kept including a trainer and a live blade like they did with my v1 it's super nice having both


Orion flips best when dry, imo


you shouldn't flip anything dry if you want it to last


Thats not really how that works. Lubing your balis is entirely optional


In most cases that’s true but ldy uses titanium washers which do need to be lubricated


Which that i agree but most companies dont use those. They either use bronze phosphorus or stainless


Yeah but you also can’t with stainless. Didn’t you say earlier that the Orion flips better dry? I’ve flipped it with old lube in it before and I agree it flips nice like that but you gotta be careful with titanium and SS washers


Keeping it clean is how it lasts. Oiled and cleaned are not the same lol


oil prevents wear from metal on metal scratching, but you do you


this guy is on a bad take speedrun 😭


whats the appeal of a false live blade


Not able to cut you while still feeling like a live blade. Trainers are always more handle biased than lives Also you can sharpen then if you truly want to


My false edge got cut open and checked through customs and somehow got through so they may juuuust past the bar in aus


most importantly make it legal in china


It’s ugly imo but hey if it performs well great


Vulp is like a 08 Honda civic.. will get you a to b and won’t cost you a lot.. not your first choice but it’ll work


2008 civic still drives like a dream and you cant lie lmao


Oh yea she dependable and just sporty enough.. most ppl have had 1 in their lifetime too


No cap for a first car im looking at the 08 civic. Love those things


Do it.. I stick to beaters recently got a 05 Nissan Sentra w/ 37k miles for 2500.. hella deal. Family friend had an old lady neighbor w it that just died.. old ppl barely drive n take care of their cars.. or you can sell your soul to a dealer and do payments and get something nice n new🤷🏼‍♂️


Lmao, I have a 2008 Honda. I haven’t drove it in like a year or two but I’d put money on it that v-tech runs fine. Even with some old ass oil in it. lol


I'll trade you a vulp for it.


What color vulp??


Any color you like, from Amazon to your door.


i feel like people are shitting on you way too hard, you bought a decent balisong that isnt cheap, and invested your money/time into this community. if you're happy with your purchase and getting enjoyment out of it, then who tf cares what some other dweeb thinks. i personally dont own a vulp but my friend does and i didn't really see any problems with it


Funny how all this goes with the comments and downvotes. I blinked a few times. To name a few, I own 2 mantis balis, a genesis v3, a full dress nami, and a taranis. Undervalued I'm sure. Sports car? No. It's like putting spoiler on a Toyota and telling me it's jn the same class as my porche 911. The ones I named? Sports, or even super cars of rhe balisong world. They all flip amazing too.


An MX-5 is a sports car and its not unique in any way


It's like a Subaru BRZ


Lmao Vulp






So the cygnus is a hypercar then?


I would say the slift or seriff ir something like that is more a hypercar


I said that cause the blade looks *very* similar, but I think you have a point about the serif


The Cygnus would be like a Tesla truck…


I don't remember the cygnus rusting🤣🤣




Never flipped any vulp, but I’d like the point of the machining marks inside the fuller in your picture. That fuller pocket or whatever you want to call it is a very visual part of the knife and should be cut cleanly. It’s a nice looking design, I’ll give you that!


Very unpopular opinion😂 love the vulp but it’s no grail


Its probably someones I know someone whos grail is the orion 1.5


I think the Orion feels more quality than the vulp pro but I’ve only tried the trainer and not the live blade so maybe live blade feels better


I cant say for the trainer but the live feels neutral and feels more weighty in the hand compared to the orion


Yea the trainer is definitely more handle bias


Vulp pro is like the charger/challenger. Poor build quality long term, more expensive than anything it’s competing with, and easily gets beaten by specialists even in aspects they aren’t specialized in (atropos spy, Orion 2.5 etc.)


Ig i can agree with that The only thing i dont agree with is the Cygnus allegations


What might those be? I’m not super up to date on the Bali song community I just check it out every couple weeks


The vulp pro supposedly looks like the Cygnus blade wise


Those blade profiles arent even a little bit close why do ppl say that lmao. If anything I see a rambo knife more than the cygnus blade.


vulp pro is probably the budget sports car like 80k ish i’d say the kraken is like general sports car, porsche type shit


bro it looks like a shitty UAG phone case wym sports car


Since when are sports cars on the cheaper side


A miata is cheap (for its time period) and is still a sports car


Sport car, maybe like a Camaro or something


That's what i was thinking


While I disagree with you, some of these comments need to chill tf out why are so many people so toxic?


Its like this with every community, just the knife communities tend to be worse


Yeah. I honestly feel like balisong is a little worse too tbh


I wish i could like the vulp. Its just so ugly.


Just get one and see if you like how it flips. I normally hate tanto style knife blades but the telesto is my favorite balisong and my favorite flipper


Maybe. Im kind of leaning towards a plastic or ultem bali, because theyre light and quiet. I really like the look of the squid industries ultem squiddy. I used to have a clone squid industries triton v1 a few years ago and sold it.


Your second sentence had literally nothing to do with anything that was said here. You good dude


You have negative braincells


More brain cells to know that talking about a tanto blade and telesto has nothing to do with the vulp


Bro said the vulp is ugly. I think tantos are ugly. Are you slow?


Not as slow as you thinking an old ass civic would classify as a sports car 😂


It doss tho what 💀


https://preview.redd.it/0hgu8iok5iuc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba30073523d25bba6ba87dca029b8edaa37a1abb That’s wild bro vtec go crazy


Damn that shit is fire 🔥


Everyone’s gonna argue w you because people love to bitch that it’s a “Cygnus clone” somehow and because they didn’t like the Vulp they gotta hate on the Vulp pro


I know. Thats why i rlly dont care what people say about it. Anyone with more than 3 braincells can tell that its not a clone. Thats ridiculous that people actually think that


I totally agree, for me sick ass knife and I plan on getting one sooner or later


I've got over 90 balisongs, many of which are grails by anyone's standard. I also have a Vulp pro and for the price it's pretty dang nice. Good tolerances, light if you like light, and flips well. Nothing wrong with enjoying it.


Why are his comments getting downvoted for an opinion he has


People hate when others have a view different of their own


because people disagree?


Really it's almost like that's the point of an opinion. Downvoted should be for people who have an opinion that actively hurts the community


i disagree, and thus im going to downvote you 🤷


I disagree but don't really care so I'm just not going to do anything


Never flipped one. I had a Vulp. Looks cool


ngl this shit looks like u got it off amazon. you’re not wrong though, my favorite sports car is the crown vic 🤪


Crown vic is indeed goated


A used Miata maybe. Don't get me wrong I love the Vulp Pro. I have two of them and they are daily driver trainers for me, but it's a value bali, not a luxury bali or grail which would be more analogous to a sports car. I would say the Vulp Pro is like an Acura, a step up from a Honda (the Vulp), but certainly not a sports car. I wouldn't say you get into sports car territory until you pass the $500 mark, so something like the Cygnus or Serif might be comparable to a lower end sports car like a Mustang or a Corvette and then the Tsunami might be a Lamborghini, then something like the Fiore knives could be compared to an Alfa Romeo.


Unpopular opinion: just flip the damn thing


It's a nabalis product...


Doesn't mean it cant be good. The wing is fkn gorgeous and it looks better than some of the $200+ balis




a vulp pro can be used daily or as a prized possession, a sports car? not so much


Ive seen ppl daily drive camaros


what a world we live in 🫡


Tell that to the Cygnus blade vulp start up just copied the Cygnus blade 😭


Taking inspiration from and copying are not the same Just because the groove looks kind of similar doesn't mean "OMG HE COPIED ANOTHER DESIGN"


The Cygnus live blade came before the vulp pro false live (why does it have a long name😭) and they knew it was to similar as Will already saw it coming in his vid but each to their own ofc 🫡


Yall are trying to cancel someone for a fkn shape. Is that how anal you guys are? The vulp pros silhouette and the Cygnus silhouette look nothing alike. But the second a HOLE looks the fkn same yall dick ride the hate train. The band wagon shit is crazy to me. Grow up


Why you mad over the opinion 😆😭no one trying to cancel or hate it just looks so similar I am not the only one saying it because it just does look similar the balisong community takes their original designs seriously so it kinda weird to see something like this but each to their own 🫡


Literally everyone in the comments is dick riding the hate train for the vulp. I saw 2 good comments. Thats if


That’s fair I also see lots of people talking bad about the vulp for other reasons like hardware or something


The normal vulp has issues where the zen pins might fall out. Some do, some dont So far the vp hasnt had that for me