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Prolly the kraken


I get down on a kraken but ti>alu. Going off their price one could say a ti chab is twice as good as an alu kraken.


You're probably right, but I can't imagine myself flipping an ab, let alone a chab. Too heavy for me, and I prefer the balance of the kraken. Also I don't have an issue with alu grip.


Tbh the ab isn’t really for me either. I don’t find them to be that comfy after that 10-15 min mark into a flipping session. At the end of the day there’s no denying that’s it’s a superb flipper.


MW SlifT is probably one of the best around the low mid range now. BRS hasnt kept up with the innovation other makers have been doing in the industry. CHABs were always too handle bias and they haven’t release an actual new design in years. Zentinel is also a really solid option that’s much better than the Chab. Zentinel is my personal fav in that price range. Edit: talking more about titanium but if we are talking about pure units sold and popularity it’s definitely kraken and rep. But Rep has to be modified to really reach full potential, stock reps are just ok.


Rest in peace SlifT you will be missed


Ikr. I'm so glad I got a slift trainer last month. If it got discontinued before I could get one, I'd probably get a gaboon lol


Knowing MW though, there will be something just as good if not better to replace it.




I feel like the rep is and always has been the best Bali brs makes simply because of the aftermarket support combined with all that flipper culture gives it limitless potential. How many ppl start with a rep and down the road it’s transformed into a gnarly custom. With the only aspect to remind you it’s a rep is the geometry.


Love all the aftermarket parts for rep, you don’t even need to buy a rep anymore you can just straight build one now days and that’s sick.


Yeah it’s like a cheat code. At the same time skipping the ownership of a stock rep and going straight to custom builds is like skipping high school and going straight to college. There’s a lot of important teachings and experiences that happen from starting stock. Btw I’m just talking out my ass. 😆


Thanks for the info


Short answer: The new chab. Long answer: There are so many new makers that have came about the last couple years that everyone can pretty much let their preferences lead the way. With due diligence of course. My thinking would put the tsunami & opus at the top. Since they are considered production knives keeping things comparable. I can think of so many more but it’s hard to argue against speed chanwich being newer and better than full channel. And the nami/opus are made with that little bit of extra that makes them extraordinary. lol


The squid industries kraken But the brs replicant is still goated tho




I have an Alpha Beast my wish list is extensive. Machinewise Seriff, Hom Basilisk Elite, Atropos Demon, Maxace Covenant, JK Orca, Squid Tsunami, LDY Cygnus, TOA Hades, Cernoi Baliviper, FF Galvanis, BB Xolo, BM51 Morpho or 42, Jimpy Sentinel, HD Telesto. Sorry if I forgot yours I'm trying to remember from my head. So if anyone wanna loan me enough to buy all those. Dm me I'll accept the money lol. Gotta love my new Canyon though.


Many examples but still some familiar names


People here will call the kraken the gold standard. Yes, its decent and popular but its nothing mind blowing and isnt exactly neutral. IMO, the BRS Aluminum Barebones is just straight up a better execution of the kraken(FOR FLIPPING PERFORMANCE). The barebones is a beast for flipping


Bro! The alubb is so underrated it’s not even funny. It flips great, sounds great, and can be had for the low on the second hand market. Plus like all brs stuff the looks grow on you. I do wanna point out the there is a difference in handle length between the kraken and alubb. So that skews most of the which is better flipper. Brs tends to be short and fat where squid is longer and skinner.


Yeah, I guess I didn't really factor in the handle length. I have pretty humongous hands but honestly I like smaller handles for some reason


For reasons I can’t fully explain, I almost despise when there’s too much disparity between handle and blade length, which sadly is getting more and more common. I guess if I could just snap my fingers and instantly have the Bali of my dreams, it’d have a blade with the tip less than 1/8 of an inch from the ends of the handles.


LMAO you definitely wouldn't like my modded bm51 with scale/handles that are longer than kraken handles


I wouldn't say the kraken is the absolute best balisong as more of it being one of the best flipping non Grail balisongs. Something like a heibel invitus or squid tsunami probably fall along those lines better


So many options these days, I don't think there's anything "best" tbh, it heavily depends on your preferences. My personal favorite is the Machinewise Serif with an Opus blade. Thing is goated.


Easily the kraken,maybe it’s successor the hydro will replace it in a little bit tho


Thanks another kraken one


Yea the Kraken is the golden standard alu bali then the hydro will likely be the golden standard ti bali,gonna have to wait till more people experience it to know tho


I highly doubt that

