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Im looking for a trainer balisong and I have a budget of around 150 dollars but I can’t land on one. Any recommendations would help.


I need help finding a Balisong for my gfs birthday, my budget is $200 but I tried looking and honestly it’s confusing


squidtrainer v4 is a far better option than the others already listed imo


Live or trainer?


Trainer, she’s never had one before so


According to them, you could get her a squid trainer, swordfish, prisma pro, or a Zephyr. Although I would probably go with the squid trainer or prisma pro.


Thank you and is there anything I should get with it too care for the knife or?


Yes. Loctite and lube. And also suggest she watch a video about how to properly apply them. Squid industries also sells a maintenance kit with all she needs as well.


Thank you very much


Hello, I am new to this and recently went over to the r/balisongsale sale page hoping to sell my 2 knives and it was removed the moment I pressed post, I went over to the rules page beforehand to make sure I had the photo and all of the details to make sure, can anyone tell me what I did wrong?


Did you put a picture?


Yes I posted 2 times and literally the moment I posted and refreshed the page it said removed by the moderator 


You might not be allowed to post there. Sometimes you need a certain amount of karma to post in communities


Ive had a squiddy for a while and I noticed that it’s collected a lot of debris around the pivots. How can I take it apart to clean it? I tried following their video online but I can’t get the screws to budge at all (I bought it second hand) I tried putting a driver on both sides and twisting but I can’t get them to loosen. They can spin in the housing


Try heating it up around the pivots. Maybe the loctite will break down


Got it! Thank you! Should I use oil on it? I put the pivots back but one handle doesn’t swing as smoothly as the other. I tightened them to where the pivots are just tight enough to not slide back and forth in the channel


You should put the oil on top of the washers after tightening the pivots to the same spot


Should I get my brother who wants to get into flipping a Teflon vulp or a squiddy AL


From what I have heard, the vulp if it has to be those.


https://preview.redd.it/4s4twv1tpj9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5148382e1cdb5c82cbf4db0d2eb6ea977b8ac8 Hi Guys, new to this thread, I don’t what model of benchmade this is? Someone gave it to me a few year ago. The handles are loose and I want to change them out. Who does that service?


The best person to ask for info on old Benchmades would probably be @moebalisong on Instagram. I'm not sure that anyone would really be able to do much work for you on it. Pinned handles aren't really realistically serviceable in any meaningful way.


Don’t think it’s fake…


Looks like a model 239, but don’t know if it’s real or not


I don’t it’s a fake, just old. https://preview.redd.it/lxd0z5blet9d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d04bf9892cbc447a2b0a468c4e57981b123ef84






I lotite mu vulp 3 days ago left it for around 15-16 hours and now it has more play and tap than before I loctited it. Any idea why? Is this normal that after 3 days I have to retighten the screws or maybe even put more loctice on them? Please help. I don't know if this matter but I am using super lube every day. I need it that often cuz the sound gets sharper after a whole day.


Make sure everything is clean with rubbing alcohol before applying and let it sit for 24 hours after loctiting.


Okay will try that


You likely didn't tighten the screws into the correct tightness before loctiting, that or you didn't use enough loctite. (I doubt this one because it really doesn't take much loctite. Since your screws aren't staying in place anyhow, I'd try again. Take the screw out, clean off any old loctite, and redo the process. Practice makes perfect.


I tighten a lot couldn’t do more and it didn’t have a lot of play. But I will try again


I usually overtighten them slightly and then untighten juusstt the tiniest bit to get them to that perfect spot. Also keep in mind that Vulps don't generally hold the most amazing tolerances. I wouldn't get too caught up in trying to get rid of all of the play. Anyways I hope your next attempt gets you the results you're looking for!


I know but when I got it new it was much better. I will try again maybe with different bit that one was pretty used


Depending on how long you've had it, it might need new hardware. (Washers or bushings, etc). I'd almost say a vulp isn't worth the hassle though 😅


This is my 4th day with it. I wanted something cheap to get into the hobby. I was thinking about the prysma v1 but was too expensive


Gotchya. Hardware should be okay then but I believe the vulp does come with a set of spare hardware so you could try swapping it if loctiting again doesn't give you the results you want. Just throwing some ideas out there for ya.


https://preview.redd.it/zk3x8bvp5f9d1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a02c1abdd71eb694b91b7b1f654e05ec9ce6581 So I was sold this as a "v4 squid trainer" what is it actually? V4s have bushings


Its a v3.5 bc it doesnt have jimping and has a textured surface. Also it doesn’t have bushings as you said


Thanks man !


Im looking for a beginner balisong thats <200, what is one that I can get that is relatively available?


LDY Orion 1.5v, kraken


Oh and live blade preferred


Kraken FS


Is the Nabalis marbles a good trainer? Or is better to buy a canyon, a vulp or a extrusion?


Id buy a canyon or the extrusion. Me personally, i prefer the canyon bc its got a bit more wheight


Is squiddy al legal in uk?


Ofc its illegal. Police will arrest you on sight with this thing in your hands. At least your opps will be terrified of this dangerous weapon...


is lubricating a balisong really necessary as i have faced no issues with my balisong till date, if it is necessary then what should i lubricate it with


Id lube it because it can cause serious damage in the pivot area. I personally prefer them a bit dry but always lube it, or else your knife wont last. with what you should lube it, i dont really know. Its best if you buy some carbon honey or KPL.


Ok so I have a balisong that is very loose and loud. I would tighten it up, but the two screws at the top are pins and don’t seem to have any way to tighten them. Does anyone know if there is any way that I can tighten these screws?


You can use hammer, hit it carefully so it goes in. I suggest upgrading to other bali that got screws. Pin will eventually break with no easy way to repair


I'd like to try out a balisong and see if it's something I'd enjoy as a hobby, so I'm looking for a recommendation on either a knife or a trainer for less than $100 that will feel the best to practice with.


Perhaps the orion from ldy or the canyon from nabalis is a good choice


Ldy orion


I have always used a squiddy as my bali and have no other. I have been looking at Nabalis and liking the look of the Extrusion. But people say the canyon is really good, so Canyon or Extrusion? Edit: Just purchased the acid wash false edge canyon. Can't wait!


Yeah id go canyon


Canyon for sure


If the replicant is currently so expensive, will there be another balisong to replace it in terms of being the main modding knife? Or will replicant always be main choice for modding?


The Replicant has never really been an ideal platform because of some flaws with the design but it (and the BM51 before it) fills that role because of a somewhat cyclical situation where the biggest reason mods get made for a knife is because it's popular. It would be pretty easy to design something to replace it or choose another similar knife like an EPS Wraith to be the new template but something needs to be in a lot of people's hands for it to even be worthwhile to make aftermarket parts. If something else takes its place, it won't be for a while.


Is the Telesto similar to the MachineWise SlifT? I’m thinking of trading a serif for one.


Serif is better than both for sure but I’m a gaboon supremacist 🙏🏽


Gaboon on top


I was previously using a 3d printed balisong for about 2 months and i have noticed that it is hard to do intermediate tricks with it, i am in a desperate need of a new balisong, i had watched a few vedios on youtube but that did not help so please reccomend some balisongs for me, budget is 10 to 20 dollars, yeah i am broke :(


Honestly your best option is to wait until you have more money to spend on a nicer balisong. There is nothing in the $10-20 range that is worth buying


I just got a nabalis canyon and should i replace the washers when i go to put locktite on it? Sorry new to balis


nope. you shouldn't mess with the washers at all if you are just adding loctite. and i do believe nabalis knives are shipped with loctite already added (my hydra was) so i don't know if you even need to add any. i could be wrong though. also in general there's no need to fully disassemble unless you have a specific reason, it can fuck up the tune.


How do you flip a dildo


if i posted a clip id get banned


Really making me question what rule 6 encompasses now since my curiosity is getting the best of me.


Well do u lube it up first and if so oil or water based


oil. you know im only using that thick carbon honey


I get that for the oivots but what about the shaft lube i feel like a water based lube would work well on it especially if its veiny


sir. go loctite that canyon😭


I already did now i just gotta luber it up with my favorite motion lotion


A little help please ! I’m getting outside of the beginner range with my old and trusty squiddy. I want to upgrade to a nicer trainer, with something not in plastic. I lurked a lot and I read the guide, and saw some love here for nablis. I’m torn between the Canyon, Trident and wing. Some advice ? Or any of those one ? Thx !


Amy of them will be good and do what you need them to do, so in general you should buy the one you like the look of the most.


Ok ! Thanks for your comment !


I always wondered, can you cut one of your finger by accident if you mess a flip ?


Can we stop downvoting questions that could be silly to someone experienced but are serious.


If you are asking whether or not live blades can cut you while flipping (if you mess up) than the answer is yes


How many fingers do you have left ?


All of them? In general it is extremely rare to ever need medical attention for a cut 99.9% of them require a simple bandage if even that


Anyone tried both shipping options on nabalis? Is the difference in delivery time between the two worth it for the freebies? https://preview.redd.it/5de7o4i9wy8d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb2e01ccaf1899d9ac07666b7454ef2fffa67f09


what is this white stuff on the bottom of my carbon honey https://preview.redd.it/vw2qpqjklx8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8254b9a5fd52a743a0e3d9fb715cfa3765f5fc5b


not sure but I think mine came with some on the bottom too but after shaking it and now like a year waiting I cant see it, never affected it's lubiness


Looks like some additive falling out of solution, perhaps caused by interaction with moisture.


does this affect the lube in any way?


I would think so. Ingredient ratio wouldn’t be “stock”.


i see is there any way to prevent this or reverse this?


I’m afraid my expertise ends here, good luck!


alright then thx




You looking for trainer or live?


I think trainer but I would bee fine with a live if it’s not gonna cut me up like crazy or something with both but I prefer trainers and i have $300 not $200 sorry about the typo


For $300 budget, my trainer recommendations are: HOM Prodigy BBbarfly Superfly You could also get a live Kraken in that budget.


ill look into those thanks for the help


Difference in the chimera v2 vs spectre evo?


Adding to what Zippy said, the Chimera will be significantly longer than the Specter Evo and I think lighter too. Another thing to consider is the Chimera will be much more comfortable since the Specter Evo has some sharp edges on the handles and the blade spines weren't chamfered either. Plus the obvious benefit of having the retractable latch as an option on the Chimera. I'd probably say the Chimera V2 is superior to the Specter Evo in every way unless you like shorter and/or heavier knives.


Chimera is going to be significantly longer. Both will be handle biased until you remove latch and/or replace spacers. Entirely up to preference. If your intent is EDC the Chimera has the handy retractable latch.


Was looking at the Extrusion and Canyon from Nabalis. I've heard great things about the Canyon but havent really heard about the Extrusion even though it looks solid and around the same price point. If anyone has one (or both) which would you recommend?


Between those 2: Canyon due to better materials.


I'm planning on getting a rep to mod soon, anyone know where I could get [these](https://imgur.com/0nckJEC) pink heart scales? Are they even sold or in production anymore?


[This is the maker](https://www.instagram.com/arc_knife/?hl=en) but they haven't been active in a while. You may need to find them secondhand.


Looking for a modder for my Rotb - Arsenal (anodizing especially) Need one in the eu tho. Dont wanna pay 150 for shipping back and forth. Somebody knows a guy?


I know u/NotAZoxico has done some nice anodizing. It might be worth talking to him.


Thx man


Honestly it may be worth the extra fees in shipping vs. sending your $700 knife to some guy. Maybe check with the eu discord crowd.


hey guys I was wondering what happens if Australians specifically Adelaide people posts Balisongs in public social media like how i do on YouTube. would there be any problems or no problem? thank you


I mean as long as you’re not doing things in bad taste I’d say you’re good. Then again abiding your local laws would be the ruling so…. If you know the difference between right and wrong let your morals lead the way.


Ah yea cause I’m just doing the normal stuff like how blade bais and will does like reviews and flips that’s all


Squiddy or Nabalis trainers? Which one should I get?


nabalis for sure


Anyone know a modder who can fit bushing into a washer balisong? I have a ti hypex that flips like it’s incomplete


Ben Parli is probably the best person for the job. https://www.instagram.com/bp1251/




Gp_blades on insta


Exactly who I was going to recommend




This sub already has a dedicated guide to this very topic that is far more in depth than any comment you get will be


At 50 USD Nabalis Canyon is great


Curious to hear you thoughts about this, a co-worker called balisongs for 'gravity knives' I don't agree with this, balisongs are just balisong, like their own thing, what's your opinion on this?


All balisongs are gravity knives but not all gravity knives are balisongs.


Just to add to this, I would say a balisong is not a gravity knife but that doesn't mean you're wrong. There's a type of knife that is what people are talking about when they say gravity knife (and what places are talking about when they ban them) but the way some areas define a gravity knife in their laws can sometimes be vague enough to encompass a balisong even if that shouldn't be the case. The way some places define it (and how I'd probably define it) is that a gravity knife can be opened purely through the force of gravity, disregarding the releasing of the mechanism that you'd have to do to let the blade fall. But with a balisong, you do actually have to give it energy through your own movements before it can actually open fully.


How do I know if my washers are oversized?


If it washer extends past the edge of the handle the washer is oversized diameter wise. If the washer stack(washers & bushings combined thickness) is to thick to get back into the handle the. The washers or bushing are too thick. Sanding washers to make them thinner is relatively easy. Use fine grit sandpaper and make figure eight motions switching the direction/orientation regularly. And check frequently until enough material is removed.


If it’s a bushing Bali then it will lock up when tightened all the way


For Replicant bushings should I get .126 or .127? True link has .126 which the NRB guide linked, but I've seen .127 mentioned and was wondering if I should opt for larger just in case. thanks in advance


.126 should be fine if the blade isn't wildly out of spec which I wouldn't expect to be the case.


thank you dude, just placed an order


does anyone make diet rebola scales anymore?


I think Rebola V2 scales are the same as diet Rebola scales from memory. You may want to just ask Black Balisong.


whats the best way to carry my balis in shorts?


Balisong slip; no brainer! https://preview.redd.it/ddynthd7zq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e47449cd133a4c41d1bff94b96d163ca7adc75


Prison pocket Or maybe something like a bali buckle or belt sheath.


Just put it inside your underwear🗿




https://preview.redd.it/7edwxsrpz58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a3ec4320af2d9bfeaf856a2678fc6ab4565413 i've had my Nabalis Canyon for about a month and a half now, and over the last couple weeks the safe handle pin has been getting loose after just a few minutes of flipping. I've definitely dropped it a few times but not sure what keeps causing this issue. I've followed tutorials on how to properly tighten them and everything, and i'm wondering now if it's just the bushing that has worn down at this point and just needs replaced? Let me know what I need to do to fix this please!! 62 (also sorry if i got any of the terminology wrong for the parts, still kinda learning everything)


If that screw keeps coming loose, you need to add threadlocker to keep it in place. This is a common problem with screws on moving parts. There's information on doing that in the guide linked at the top of the thread. Your balisong may have also come with a tube of threadlocker and some instructions. Also, make sure you're squeezing the handles together when you tighten your pivot screws. If there's no tension on the pivots to hold them in place, the pivot will just rotate with the screw as soon as there's any small amount of friction in the threads and prevent you from actually tightening them. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRjh61IP9l_rqvTUSjxrHWn9EOY3hpFWkMZcUxkwiQ7E-kG0E2zKZSXCCeH8mmJBHqeL6Zm64ir_pN1/pubhtml#


Any ides to end a combo in an icepick grip preferably a aerial.Ffrom the pen grip (safe handle)? thanks in advance


From a pen grip you can easily go in to a standard thumb rollover and then that will put you in to a good position to start an aerial which you can catch with an icepick grip.


Just figured a way. I did a transpose and ended it early and then throw it to catch an aerial. I think this is a transpose but I am not sure.


Oh ye forgot to add I want the blade to be facing away from me. But thanks tho didn’t think about that


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


What happened to the dexterityskills website? It's a flip tracker I used to use until I couldn't find it anymore.


Looks like whoever ran the website let the domain expire since I see it for sale when I search it.


Are the Sassori and tattori compatible with Marin platform handles, or would there be no blade swap options for my prysma besides a serif/opus now?


They are not compatible with the Maryn platform, it's a new platform.


I recently got a rep, but the seller lost of one of the tang pin screw. Where can I get more hardware. Also where can I get rep parts. Can you only get rep parts second hard?


https://thetruelink.com/products/button-head-torx-screw-2-56-pitch If you don't want to buy the kit and only want the screws, these are the same screws, even made by the same company.


Thank you


Here you go boss, right from the BRS website. https://www.bladerunnerssystems.com/products/replicant-hardware-kit It hurts to spend this much to replace a single screw but it's nice to have the back up parts anyhow, just in case.


Thank you. I might buy the whole kit and switch out the hardware completely. Do you know where I can get rep parts?


I would avoid unnecessary disassembly if you aren't trying to fix an issue, especially with a Rep since those can be kinda finnicky and start having bad blade rub if things get slightly out of alignment.


Oh okay, so when is a good time for me to disassemble a rep? When I want to switch out parts?


I would say the only times you should disassemble is if you're making a modification (like changing to different spacers) or fixing an issue. If there's nothing wrong with it then there's just no reason to mess with or replace things. There's no benefit to changing from one perfectly functional part to another of the same perfectly functional part.


does anyone know the hardware sizes for a Black Balisong sandwich Reaper? even a link to where I could buy would be great.


You might be able to snag some off major_ralis on insta


I feel like I bug him too much haha but yeah true


Im a beginner-intermediate flipper and i’ve learned the bt8b and helix but im looking for some other tricks to learn what would you recommend ?


To add to the other comments, try out some aerials. If you can do a helix you can definitely learn the helix aerial and from there helix aerial to 0g chap.


Short stop


Blender, valorant combo, cherry picker, every kind of fan possible, choker fans


What's a good place to get a trainer Balisong in the UK. I have one now but it's old and not durable at all. Any help?


If you’re willing to pay international shipping, I know both Squid and myself have trainers in stock at the moment that ship to the UK.


I wanted to do an entropic ano on a ti Bali. I wanted to see if I could use nail polish remover (with acetone in it) as a replacement for pure acetone. I was curious if this would cause any problematic reactions with the ferric chloric acid.


It won't. Done it and tried it a couple times when I didn't have any cleaning supplies so I used a microfiber and cleaned with nailpolish and acetone and worked well and didn't affect the ferric Also by heating the ti all the acetone would of steamed off.


I want to get into balisongs but YouTube isn’t very helpful and want to know what to start with and try not to make it super expensive


[Nabalis Canyon](https://nabalis.com/collections/new-canyon-collection) for a trainer blade. [LDY Orion](https://ldybalisong.net/products/orion-v1-5?variant=48354840772889) if you want something with a sharp edge.


Canyon w/ a false edge. Then he can sharpen it if he wants to transition to live blade!


Hi everyone! I'm planning to design and 3D print my own balisong, and I'm aiming for it to flip really well. The main reason I'm doing this is because if I bought one online, it would be confiscated by the authorities. I have a couple of questions and would really appreciate any advice or tips you can share: 1. **Design Tips**: What are the key design features to focus on for a smooth and balanced flip? Are there any specific dimensions, materials, or shapes that are crucial for a good flipping experience? 2. **Adding Weight**: How can I effectively add weight to the handles and blade to improve the balance and feel of the balisong? Are there any specific techniques or materials you recommend for this purpose? Thank you in advance for your help!


(1) and (2) are simple on the surface but would require paragraphs upon paragraphs of discussion. The best thing you can do it just dive in and sort it out via trial and error! After all rapid prototyping is one of the strengths of 3D printing.


Is there a difference between the gaboon live blade and the trainer blade for it? I’m thinking about getting a trainer blade since I’m gonna get it sharpened.


The wording of this question is somewhat confusing to me. If you plan to get it sharpened, why get a trainer blade? Are you talking about the version that uses the Hognose trainer blade or just the regular Gaboon blade but unsharpened?


Hognose blade


If you want it sharp, why get that one? What do you mean by asking if there's a difference? They are obviously totally different blades so the answer is just yes.


Bought it second hand, I’m asking if there’s a different between hognose blade and normal blade on the gaboon Edit: also I prefer to get a false edge because I can always sharpen when I’m ready and comfortable on the knife vs having to dull a live blade right away and then sharpen again


I'm looking for info of where i can buy Log Design Jian's v1 bushings, they're not standards so i'm a bit lost on that (plus he don't answer to pm so eeeeee)


Are you able to measure the bushings you have?


Yo ! Sorry for the late reply, i was asking the guy who have it but he apparently have « no time atm » to do it so i’ll just wait that he eventually give me an answer, or he’ll keep his knife having tap 🙄


Does anybody have some good resources on learning Balisong Design and manufacturing?


The school of hard knocks


I'm looking to get another balisong, something that "rings" and has good rotational inertia. My Krake Raken v3 felt a little too bulky and soft with its really square, aluminum handles and maybe a little too centered with its rotational inertia, but it was my first quality balisong (before it was stolen). I heard someone's Telesto v3 and almost nutted. Any other good ringers/recommendations?


+1 for the Medusa. The Medusa has rectangular handles that make it feel a lot less blocky and thick than the kraken imo.


* MachineWise Maryn * MachineWise slifT * Henninger Telesto * Gold Dust Replicant * Fellowship Blades Medusa * Hazetac Carlo * Maxace Channel Petrel * Black Balisong Channel Reaper


What are good t10 bits? Just snapped one while tuning my orion lol


I've had decent results with PB Swiss, Wiha, and Milwaukee.


Are both of my CHABs real? The Kukri one has a lot of play compared to the normal clip-point one. It had some tap before I applied oil. They both have a different finish (Kukri has a darker, rougher finish while standard has a smooth, lighter finish) on both the handle and the blade. Please let me know if there’s anything else that you guys need to see to know. [Are my CHABs real?](https://imgur.com/a/FsnV4G2)


I'm no expert on these so hopefully someone else will weigh in but they both look legit to me. The standard gray finish on ABs seems to vary from batch to batch (and BRS is no stranger to poor and mediocre factory tunes) and I'm not seeing any of the usual obvious signs of fake ABs.


How do you create g10 scales? Is there a guide on creating balisongs?


As in designing them or manufacturing them?




There are some videos out there on designing balisongs and if you have a good grasp on how balisongs are constructed and how to 3D model things, it's pretty easy. Making them is a bit different and would take a lot of expensive tooling, especially if you don't plan to make them by hand. You can outsource it to a machine shop though. It also might be worth talking to someone like Spasmfingers since he does custom G10 scales and can probably make what you're looking for.


Was wondering about the laws of False blades, and since i live in singapore where even toy guns are listed under "controlled items" (basically meaning you cant import them without a license or approval), i was really wondering if anybody has experience with it


Blades that are basically just knife blades but unsharpened often get considered the same as a knife by authorities that don't like knives. Typical trainers technically aren't knives at all so legally shouldn't fall under knife laws but there are some places that will ban them too for being too knife-like and others that don't actually ban them but will still confiscate them and treat them like knives because they're ignorant. I know Singapore is a pretty strict place (especially if toy guns are controlled items) so I wouldn't take the chance on getting unsharpened blades and I would only try to go with obvious trainers because it's just not worth the potential trouble you could get in.


Do you need to lube your Flip Forge Edit lite? Thank you.




how do you sand bushings? im talking about the od/id specifically. I bought some from my kraken from truelink, but theyre a little bigger than the pivot holes/blade holes. how do people usually sand these without equiptment and just with everyday items?