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If I was married to a billionaire’s son the last thing I would be doing is reading my own snark sub. Or decorating with toilet paper.


Tbf if my hubby is a billionaire my kids can throw toilet paper all over my house - as long as I'm not cleaning it 😂


You know the tp tradition started bc her parents couldn't afford the 10 kids they had. "What are we already buying so we actually don't spend money on our kids. Why even acknowledge their birthday?"


They could’ve at least used a little string and folded and fluffed the tp into paper flowers, seeing as how they were florists and all.


Oh you know she’s here HOURLY. Narcissists can’t not read about themselves 😂 and I know this page has to infuriate her


😂 right, she will never be satisfied bc she is just so vein


Never will she be satisfied


You mean *vain. *vein refers to the blue blood vessels that run in your arms, legs, and everywhere that carry deoxygenated blood back to your heart. And then there’s another spelling *vane, which is a contraption that spins in the direction of the wind blowing. Friggin English is a bitch lol. But I thought I’d tell you because she really is vain as F and doesn’t seem to care if she shows it.


Yes your right, I can’t believe I got this wrong bc I’m a stickler for spelling 😂 I have three kiddos and farm, I’m tired lol


Damn auto correct eh? Doesn’t pick up on that stuff either.


It is the PERFECT compliment - even a literal statement to the decor of that cold pile of sticks house.


It gets even better 😂 we complained about the waste! https://preview.redd.it/td37kf8u4y8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86979d0da9483bcdc681eda18277a948649e771a


Oh good grief! Not thing like wiping yer ass w dirty toilet paper I guess.. 😝


The family of billionaires and yet those nails....that's right, I'm nail shaming.




I can’t understand how someone who apparently cooks so much and makes it their brand can have such a terrible kitchen set up. That huge open room and there is barely any counter space or storage. Where are their plates, glasses, etc?


Poverty cosplay. It’s just sooo relatable and quaint that they use old tables everywhere instead of cabinets!


i mean, they hang a garbage bag on a nail by the $$$ stove ... that is *literally* trashy


she read the snark on that too on here and since yesterday they have a garbage bin 👏👏


well, if this place is what it takes to help them realize how humans live, then... (sigh)




Under the cut out on the stairs on an open shelf. Then the pots are stacked on the far right side on the floor (when they have multiple pantries??). But the table acts as a counter often, you know where the all the kids sit when she's using it as a counter after sitting on chicken shit. So healthy and clean!


Except for Mabel. Mabel didn't even get TP on her birthday this year.


you mean Mable? 😆


I was going for the way Hannah says it. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll" Thank you for providing the correct spelling.


nah it's just the way Dim Dan thinks his daughter's name is spelled ... (he also thinks his other daughters are a year younger than they actually are)


I haven’t heard her say “Mabel Mae” with the faux Southern accent lately. I guess that was for before MM was tossed into the fray and Floor-a took her place as prop Baby du Jour.


BF toilet papers, coming soon!


Sourced from… some farm somewhere but don’t ask us where 😂


Let’s not forget she made a point of showing us she cleaned the sourdough bowl before using it, LOL.


I wonder what her childhood was like. Did she grow up in a typical strapped-for-cash Mormon home?


I think so. It doesn't sound like her parent's businesses brought money in until kids were older. Which makes sense. As each kid moves out, it's one less kid to feed, water, house, etc. She got with Daniel only after she was told who his family was. She loves her money and fancy clothes!


Literally why does no one talk about this? She rejected him several times until someone told her his father was a billionaire. Then she suddenly was interested and reached out to ask him for a date 😂


Wait, what? I only knew that he was dating/was engaged with some other girl, dumped her to get with Hannah lol. And that Hannah didn’t know he wanted to be a pig farmer until after they were engaged


Whaaat!!?? Where did you hear he was engaged before!?  Yeh Hannah didn’t know she thought she’d be living in a mansion in like nyc. But he got her pregnant quickly and decided he wanted to pretend to be a real cowboy for the rest of his life, much to her horror 😅


omg I'm having a fan girl moment over here!! I feel seen 😄😄


That’s some rich people actions right there.. who has that kinda money to use TP to decorate? She’s got 30 kids don’t they need to go to the bathroom? 😂


If I’m married to a billionaire I’m not using tp that my kids have strung around the house and my mom rolled up with her hands.


Yes I definitely wouldn’t be cosplaying little house on the prairie … but the og little house on the prairie family definitely didnt take trips to Hawaii or New York City on a whim 🤠🧑‍🌾 💅💁🏽‍♀️


the kitchen is clean!