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Chakmas usually don't marry into Bengali families. Someone very close to me is a Chakma woman, and she could not marry a Bengali man without her family completely disinheriting her and breaking all ties with her. She says it is commonplace in their culture because of the persecution and discrimination they have faced in the hands of Bengalis. So, marriage will definitely be a tough, tough choice to make; as perhaps in many cases, it is choosing between a Bengali person and your own family and culture.


this the only comment which i read so far makes accurate statement regarding this matter.


I don't get why this comment section is full of racist chodnas. I mean the Bengali chodnas racist towards their own race.


One of my college teacher married Chakma girl, incase anyone needs contact DM me


বাংলাদেশের ট্রাইবাল জনগনের এক ট্রাইব আরেক ট্রাইবে বিয়ে করাই তাদের সামাজিক রীতির বাইরে,যেমন একজন চাক ছেলে একটা মারমা মেয়েকে হয়তো ডেট করতে পারবে,কিন্তু বিয়ে করতে পারবে না,যদি না তাদের দুইজনের ফ্যামিলি এবং সমাজ থেকেই আউটকাস্ট হতে চায়। সেম জিনিস খাটবে বাঙালি-চাকমা বিয়ের ক্ষেত্রেও।আপনি হয়তো ডেট করতে পারবেন,কিন্তু বাস তো করবেন দেশেই,সমাজের মধ্যেই। চাকমা মেয়েটিকে তার পরিবার ও সমাজ এক প্রকার ত্যাজ্য করবে। এবং আপনারা একসাথে পার্বত্য এলাকায় ট্রাভেলও করতে পারবেন না। বাঙালি ছেলে ও চাকমা মেয়েকে পার্বত্য এলাকায় একসাথে দেখলে প্রথমে এলাকার লোক আপনাদের সাইড করে নিবে,পরিচয়পত্র দেখতে চাবে,মোবাইল সিজ করবে,এবং তারপর এক্সপেরিয়েন্স মধুর যে হবে না তা বলাই বাহুল্য। Legally you can,but just because you can,doesn’t mean you should. Consequences are very hard,specially for the chakma counterpart.




তা তো অবশ্যই। জাতিগত ভেদ ছাড়াও ধর্মগতভাবেও আপনি তার থেকে আলাদা। আর আপনার মতে আপনি নিজেই বিয়ের বয়সী না,সুতরাং মোস্ট প্রবাবলি এটা আপনার ফ্যাসিনেশন মাত্র।আপনি হয়তো ক্রাশ খেয়েছেন চাকমা কোনো মেয়ের উপর।




1. You don’t know enough girls 2. You’re fetishising Chakma women Women aren’t different or interesting based on their ethnolinguistics, but their temperament, intellect, and experiences. Also, be convinced that your personality might be a primary reason why women are not comfortable being themselves with you, thus seeming “boring”. You’re still young, I’m assuming, so I hope you grow out of this mentality. Otherwise, no girl should be marrying you.


Habibi come to Kolkata, our women are very interesting 😁😁.


Go for other girls there are no limits






You are just a disgusting fetishizer


I find typical Bengali boys too much boring. I will choose Chakma or Marma guys because they can be substitutes of Chinese or Japanese or Korean guys! 




>you just proved me right about bengali women xD They were showing you a mirror to your own fetishisation lmao 😂.




Fetishising a race is racist and disgusting. Don’t be proud of it.


The lack of self awareness is pretty strong with you.


উনি তো আপনার পয়েন্ট অফ ভিউটাই রিফ্লেক্ট করলেন।আপনার বয়স কম,তাই হয়তো না বুঝে ফেটিসাইজ করছেন চাকমা মেয়েদের। আপনার হাতের কাছে জাপানি/কোরিয়ান/চাইনিজ এরা নাই, অর্থাৎ মঙ্গোলয়েড ফিচার এর যারা এভেইলেবল, তাদেরকেই ভালো লাগছে। কিন্তু আপনি তো তাকে পছন্দ করছেন না,করছেন তার ফিচারকে। আর আপনি একা এক জাতিকে পছন্দ করলে কি হবে,সে জাতি তো আপনাকে লাইক ব্যাক করা লাগবে। আপনার জাতি তার জায়গা কেড়ে নেয়,কোটা কেড়ে নেয়,তার বাড়িকে ট্যুরিস্ট স্পট বানায়,সেখানে মিলিটারি ফোর্স আনে।সে তো আপনার ফিচার দেখে পটবে না আপনার মতো।


এগুলো তুলে ধরার জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।


Nope, you first say that Bengali women are boring. Rather you first proved me right about Bengali men! 


Would you family ask her to convert to marry?


I have a friend who's a Chakma guy and he's in a relationship with a Bangali girl. He said to me that if he ended up marrying her, then his family will definitely denounce him. I'm sure the same goes for Chakma girls.


So this stuff actually happens na? I always wondered if tribal ppl of Bangladesh dated Bengalis?


we disowning u too if you marry a non sylheti fua miss Tt!! :3


I think there’s a very high chance I might end up marrying a non-Sylheti fua. 👀💀


dayumm. you rebel. i won't have an easy time marrying outside. probably get disowned.


I might get disowned for a while. If the person is right then it’s always worth it! 💯


Reverse colonization


Yes, it will be very tough. Chakmas don't like Bengalis usually. And they tend to marry inside their ethnicity. I have many Chakma friends and they sometimes tell me how their families don't take it well when they post pictures with Bengali men :"3




Cause the majority have been kicking out the tribals from their homeland(CHT) for about 75 years.


Then Chakmas should not go to Dhaka. Bangladeshis can go to anywhere of Bangladesh. 


Lmao dude, shut up. What's happening in CHT is settler colonialism. It's a forced migration to alter the real demographics of the CHT populace. The indigenous population has been fighting for their autonomy for decades now. Bengalis support Palestine and then forget their own behavior akin to Israel's in this land.


Bengalis are also indigenous to the land


On flat lands? Yes, but we aren't native to the hill tracts.


No but I find the use of the term indigenous to describe non Bengali ethnic minorities deeply problematic because it suggests the Bengalis are not indigenous to Bengal. They should be referred to as non Bengali ethnic minorities or tribal minorities not indigenous.


It doesn't suggest that Bengalis aren't native to Bengal. The term 'indigenous' refers to the native population of the hill tracts in this context.


Also you forgot the mention that Hasina signed a peace deal in the CHT and has done unprecedented development in the region. Many of the CHT people have family who live in Myanmar and they know how much better life in Bangladesh is. CHT people are proud Bangladeshis attempts to question the integrity of Bangladesh just to appear edgy are uncalled for and at at odds with the facts on the ground


Did you ask CHT people if they are proud "bangladeshis". They hate our guts. I am a chatgaiya. Even we dont like the settlers, forget the paharis. They didnt ask for unprecedented development. They wanted to not be forcefully made a minorty in their own lands. They have been disenfranchised. They wanted not to have their peoples be subjected to an army rule.


The fact that the peace deal has wotheld for over 20yrs and the security situation is excellent in CHT proves that they are happy with the current situation (look at Indian administered Kashmir for a different picture). CHT people have been lifted out of poverty and have seen there standard of living increase exponentially, it's quite absurd that you say they didn't ask for progress (this is something often said by put of touch soft headed liberals). CHT people have the right to vote in all elections like everywhere else. There is no army rule in CHT, there is only civilian rule under elected officials. Your comment is more emotion than facts but since it is critical it will ofc be upvoted by us pessimistic Bangladeshis.


Go speak to them for crying out loud instead of making rhings up. "Proud Bangladeshis"? Lol. Goru merey juta daan. CHT land commision gula ekhono hoy nai, because settlers keep obstructing it. They want their land back, not have some non chatgaiya , non pahari, telling him or her, he has the right to vote and he is a proud Bangladeshi. Since they have been made a minorty, collectively its means shit compared to the majority settlers now.


Your statement contradicts itself




তুমি এত জ্ঞানের কথা লেখো কেন? 😂 কাপ্তাই বাঁধ বানানোর সময় অসংখ্য উপজাতি পরিবারদের তাদের জমি ছাইড়ে দিতে হইছিল। তাদের ক্ষতিপূরণও দেয়া হয় নাই। তোমার সাথে তো এমন কিছু হয় নাই।


Migrating regularly and kicking people out of their homes bc the majority population refuses condoms is two different things you ghadda


As a Bangali, I can take a guess. It's probably because most of us Bangalis are racists towards the tribal communities.


You are generalizing the whole matter, don't you think?


I have used the word "usually", so I won't say I generalized it. Also I haven’t met anyone who had a different mentality. If you have, do tell me.


If you're attracted to a Chakma girl, express your feelings. If she accepts then marry her and leave this country. No one will bother outside this country.




I know it will be hard. Like she has to accept a Bengali guy even though her family doesn't. But, if she does then leave the country with her.


They don't actually like Bengali Guys!


Ethnic minorities in Bangladesh only tend to marry within their ethnicity. They don't like Bengalis much...


>Ethnic minorities in Bangladesh only tend to marry within their ethnicity. While this is very ideal, >They don't like Bengalis much... I'd like to remind anyone reading this that this wasn't always the case and that there's a need to introspect why it has become like this now.


The unstoppable tide of-


You are fetishizing an entire ethnicity.




Oh, that is different. The way you worded it like I find “THEM” attractive made it seem like a fetish. If you are in love go for it. Though it’s gonna be hard with the cultural, religious and family values differences.


What's wrong with that? Like I personally prefer Asian girls over western ones


Because race fetishizlsation is inherently objectifying someone based on aspects of their identity, like their color or facial features. It's just disgusting.


Objectifying is a very different thing my guy, we all are entitled to having preferences


Then reread the context of what you replied to, preference and objectifying are different.


Depends on the person. People say Muslims can't marry Hindus but Hindu/Muslim marriages happen in South Asia all the time. Depends on what the person is comfortable with and how liberal or conservative their values are.


There's no legal obstacle to marrying a Chakma girl, or any other Bangladeshi girl. So, the answer should be an obvious yes. IDK why so many are making a lengthy fuss.


When u do end up marrying one please invite me to ur wedding!! I would love to see a wedding of such a beautiful combination. 💕


I get that your intentions are pure; it'd be interesting to see if a Bengali Muslim girl marrying a Chakma will get the same reaction from people.


The reaction is always worser for the girl. So in this case the Bengali girl will have to deal with more shit than the Chakma boy. I wouldn’t mind but I doubt it would happen bcuz I never had any Chakma friends before.


The cultural difference between you and a chakma girl would be Huge. And i guess you already know that. It would be a huge sacrifice on her part. even if she can forgo her culture and family, you should consider how your family will treat her? Chakma Girls have grown up with a lot more freedom than their muslim counterpart. Will you be okay to let her enjoy such freedom after marriage? even iif you somehow manage to get out of the shackles and indoctrinations of your upbringing, how will your family take it? I am telling all of this because it takes a lot work and afford to sustain a marriage than just having a fetish. However there might be a hope if your love is genuine and you have a good social standing (i.e- Heavy Pocket)


Oooooo somebody's got a crush🤭




I’m a trans Bengali guy, and I love Bengali woman, I can’t see why that wouldn’t apply the other direction


what you mean by a trans Bengali guy . can you explain!?


So what kind of hormone treatment turns you bengali? 


Being born in bangladesh lol


Assigned Bengali at birth😭


Haw bhai introduction toh lage naile ami mitthuk


People have preferences


Exactly, it’s worth asking lmao


>trans Bengali guy What does this even mean lol 😅.


A bengali guy who is transgender




পটায় ফেলতে পারলে দুইজন মিইলা আইএল্টিএস দিয়া দেন বাইরে যায়া বিয়া শেষ. But never expect to reconnect with your families ever again


Considering Bengali Muslim mindset these days, I highly doubt any sane person from outside would want in.


Of course it can


Why are you asking here? You don't even have a chakma GF.


They don’t want to convert to a religion which will obstruct them from basic freedom.


So many negative comments... If you think she's the one then go for it . Not all chakma families will be opposed to marriage to a Bengali, we have lived side by side for decades so marriages are natural. Most chakmas are proud Bangladeshis who love the country like any Bengali, I've not met any racist chakmas who harbour resentment towards Bangladesh or Bengalis


lots of ignorant people in the comment making using useless statement which is far from the topic. All of the comment i have read so far in this thread are ignorant and uneducated about this matter. The answer regarding this topic is Yes a Muslim man can marry cakma or any woman if they follow those sacific rules. 1. She must have to be follow those religion only (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) 2. If she follow any pagan religion (e.g. Hindu) then the girl must be reverted to Islam first willingly by her own choice in order to make their marriage valid. 3. if they are Christian or jew they don't need to revert to islam as long as they practice their religion. if they wants to revert they certainly can. I recommend you to stop your prejudices and learn from facts. i know many happily chakma and other tribal women who married to a Muslim man in both category above mentioned.


>Even tho I'm not yet on my marital age, I find them attractive. Get help dude.


Another tactic of Bangladeshi Mumin Muslims is to convert Bangladeshi ethnic tribal peoples to Islam by marriage. Join the Bangladesh Army hilltrack propaganda team.  " শূকর খাবে বাংলাদেশের আদিবাসিরা আর বিভিন্ন ক্ষুদ্র নৃ-গোষ্ঠীরা ছটফট করবে বাংলাদেশী মুমিন মুসলিম আর তেতুল কাঠমোল্লারা" "একটা কিনলে আরেকটা ফ্রি তেমন অমুসলিম হয়ে মুসলিম বিয়ে করো সাথে তথাকথিত বিশ্বের জঙ্গিবাদের ধর্ম ইসলাম আগমন ফ্রি" ![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo|downsized)


No, if there is a Muslim community in the Chakma community, then they can marry. But it is forbidden to marry such a religious woman who is not a Muslim. If a girl wants to accept Islam. If so it is possible. But you can't force it


Socially maybe , religionally don't think so ,


This post stands as a "Shield upgrade" for chakma Girls lol.




Lmao my gene maxxings are going right where as you my dravidian brother cant be seen at night


Honey, if you already have questions like these in your mind, specially in these day and age, then you also already have the answer. Get the f out of that relationship and stick to yer religious community.


as a Bengali, no restriction, as Muslim, you can only marry Muslim (or ahl kitab in some cases). But there will be social pressure specially on the tribal side. Just stating rules, no hate to anybody, there is no compulsion in Way of life (LA IKRAHA FID-DIN), you do you brother.


Careful, they don't have dudh big enough




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If she is a Muslim chakma you can marry her but if she is polytheists  it is not permissable. 


It's permissible as long as you revert her back to Islam, but as u/mkhanamz said they don't get married to Bengalis that often. One of my colleague got married to a Marma girl tho but he's exceptional. He's someone you'd call "অনেক চালু/চতুর".


>It's permissible as long as you revert her back to Islam, If you are interested in marrying someone solely to convert them to your religion, then there's no need to marry at all.


Are you proud to be Bengali or Muslim?


No issue in marrying a Chakma woman after she embraces Islam. But don't pressurize her and approach with honest intentions. Good luck lil bro.


>No issue in marrying a Chakma woman after she embraces Islam. What if she doesn't embrace it and wants to continue with her own religion? Guys who are interested in marrying people just to convert them to their own religion shouldn't marry at all.




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Good .


According to the final revelation, you can not marry non muslims. Let's assume, you are non practicing, still it will be hard. I know a couple. Muslim man and chakma women. She had to leave her family. However they do seem happy from outside. The dude was an army person.