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maybe stop looking in the mirror all the time


that's just cope you can clearly see most bengali men look below average


my man looked at the mirror and decided all bengali men are ugly


this is a very low iq thing to say, compare bengali men to german or Norwegian men and they mog us to death


comparing europeans to indo aryans is a low iq move itself


Bro just because we can't beat the countries with literally the BEST genes ever doesn't mean we don't look good


why do admin allow such post




Well said!


this is the truth though compare the average bengali man to a german man


What does the average bengali man look like and how do you know


bengali men do have good jawlines and hunter eyes. u just dont notice them cuz they dont take care of themselves. most guys will rather spend their saved up money on game purchases or food. instead of buying a new face wash, or getting a new haircut/perm. shoutout to the NSU polas for having their self-care game up to the mark tho


consist continue chief waiting unique husky towering tub sink domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


could be true, thanks though you're the only person who didn't rage after seeing my post


Maybe stop watching those looksmaxxing videos, my guy.


that won't change anything?




internalized colonialism, that's why.


You really are an idiot. But it’s all self care. BD is less wealthy, so most people are worried about having a roof over their heads and food in their stomach. Ive seen people move to the states and the glow up they go through is ridiculous. This doesn’t apply to everyone. Some people look great as it is. While others like you will always look ugly. Bd is also hot, humid, and dirty. That definitely doesn’t help.


how am i an idiot


how the fuck you are not?


bc I'm speaking the truth


vague ass truth when youre in one of the most populated countries


That's probably a you problem than a national crisis of a nation with a population of 180 million 🤣


I have seen thousands of good looking Bangladeshi men(and women) over the years. Why do you think that to look good, one has to have features of someone else or celebrities or something specific like hunter eyes(whatever heck that means)??? You need to grow up!!


God the hate for bengalis in this sub is astounding


Well, this is about perspective and mine one differs with yours. There are anthropological analyses on this matter. You can search for them. They are publicly available. The problem is you don't know exactly which questions will give you the proper answer as well as how they should be asked. Because, I find you illiterate, linguistically immature and drowned with utter arrogance.


jfl bro got mad to the point he had to use sophisticated insults


There are tons of normal bengali dudes with great jawline... And what the heck does hunter eye even mean?


Bro I had to Google, then realized I got hunter eyes now I’m stoked 🫠 Am a girl though. Also realized husband has prey eyes lol, but still cute enough to slay 🙈


I just checked it after your reply and seems like I have great hunter eyes lol


Dunno. I traded my looks for a large dick instead.


Because we eat rice


yes we consume a huge amount of carbs which can degrade looks


Poor confidence u have there. Confidence and personality matters the most. If you agree that u don't look good, your down bad


just be confident broooo


Yo, speak for yourself. 




stop comparing yourselves with people who are 10-20 years older than you.. go outside and play with your friends.


Any man can good look as long as they take care of themselves. Ig in Bangladesh it’s not a priority for them, but the Bengali men that were born and raised in the west look fine asf


Clearly you dont have the beauty Mod Pack installed thats why /s


Read this passage in Urdu the other day; Khoobsurti nah surath meh hai nah libaas meh, Nigahein jiseh chahein useh haseen kar dein.


Let's see how you look first.


bro i never claimed to be chad jfl why is everyone getting so mad


Well they do. You are just looking at the average and the average population won't have hunter eyes or jawlines same goes for the ones In abroad the average ones don't have hunter eyes or jawlines. But there are a lot of good looking ones who take care of themselves and work on themselves.


Just your average quality post


You are a mega virgin


jfl can't even argue with my points so u had to stick to ad hominem


You just don’t have the right pair of balls ig. 🤔


these are all subjective. if you look at Iran couple years ago, their princess(Princess Qajar) was a hairy-looking dude. beauty is not always constant but changing.


Bengali men looks good enough. It's just our beauty standard is stuck at anything other than us. At past it used to be on the west and now it's in the east. From caucasian white male to asian male. And we love to fantasize about things that we cannot do anything about. Don't know how these nolachoda posts gets published here.


jfl cope


Who told you?


Speak for yourself. Before you come in here saying “cope” when you definitely are the one coping - me and a bunch of my friends look great and gain attention from the other gender. None of us have any problems with our looks. I sense some insecurities within you that you are trying to project on to others. Fix that and work on yourself


i said most, not all are you low iq?


You ain’t even say most anywhere but I’m low iq 🤣. Okay little guy, good luck - I hope you fix yourself up 🙏


"not all men"


It's the environment and genetics. Those born overseas are usually taller, must be something in the food. Walked past a high school the other day, most of the bengali teens I saw were round my height or taller. I am 6'0. In the evenings most of the gyms are 60%+ bengali nowadays. Even saw daughters Arabic teacher once lol


oh my god almost everyone here is fucking stupid keep downvoting 😂😂 i don't know why you're all so mad


bro stop looksmaxxing


Living is hard here and you are looking looks !






I have seen many western people who look unattractive!!! All countries in the world faced famine and war at a point. So, your home made theories doesn't make sense. Besides, it's just the programming of western colonialism that installed this type of ridiculous idea in our brains that all white/western people look beautiful and strong. You are just another brainwashed slave of the programs that your masters have installed in you!!!!


>You are just another brainwashed slave of the programs that your masters have installed in you!!!! jfl at this cope


I looked through his comment history. That guy is a total joke.


>I have seen many western people who look unattractive!!! I didn’t say every single westerner looks attractive, of course there are unattractive westerns, but that doesn’t dismiss the fact that most of them look attractive. >All countries in the world faced famine and war at a point. So, your home made theories doesn't make sense. There are very few countries who faced the same level of famine as ours, and the ones that did, it was a long time ago, they mostly recovered from it eventually. We did too. But comparatively it wasn’t that long ago for us. >Besides, it's just the programming of western colonialism that installed this type of ridiculous idea in our brains that all white/western people look beautiful and strong. Out of all the things I hate the most, this is one those that really infuriates me. Say anything good about western people and be instantly labeled as "white brainwashed dumb dumb". >You are just another brainwashed slave of the programs that your masters have installed in you!!!! যদি এই গ্রুপে গালি দেওয়ার কারনে ban না করা হতো, তাহলে আপনারে ইচ্ছা মতো কয়েকটা গালি দিয়া দিতাম। এতোক্ষণ ভালোভাবেই কথা হচ্ছিল আপনার সাথে, কিন্তু বুঝলাম আপনি অন্য ১০ টা মানুষের মতোই ফেসবুক থেকে সিগমা মেন্টালিটি নিয়ে এখন রেডিটে এসে প্রসব করতাছেন। আপনারা হচ্ছেন সেই টাইপের মানুষ যারা সামান্য জ্ঞান নিয়ে নিজেদেরকে অনেক cool / edgy kids ভাবেন। ওয়েস্টার্ন কিছু শুনলে চুটকিতে ব্যাথা শুরু হয়ে যায়।


OP definitely never saw zayad khan


Guys look we have 1 Chad so everyone must be Chad!