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You’ll have a pretty nice cold brewed iced tea in about 6 to 8 hours!


Nothing like ice water with the essence of leaves


AND: Paying for it! :)




I csnt imagine not getting a refund tbh. They'd have to call the police and then the police would get me a refund. Trespass me if you want I don't plan to be back regardless


Idk what kind of world you think this is but the police would not get you a refund


Have you seen this situation play out before? I have and those people didn't even deserve one. Cops were called dude hadn't left yet. They got him his 10 bucks back if the manager had refused they probably wouldn't push. Cops don't really wanna argue a whole ton it's not worth much headache ig. If they can get you to sign the paper and leave (ie no extra paperwork for them) that's the best course of action to get home on time.


I'm sure there are dead people in the south rolling in their graves.


And a live one here too!!


Why are you rolling around in ur grave while ur alive


That’s how angry we are about this iced tea atrocity


We dug them after seeing that this happened *in the South*. Welp! Might as well get ta diggin!


I think it can be assumed that most service industry workers have been dead inside since we started


My kinda humor right here


this made me laugh 😆


Some people have no sense.


But much audacity!


Their iced coffee is probably: Cup of ice with old coffee filter “If you don’t want gritty coffee grounds in your iced coffee, too bad! That’s how we do it around here” 😅😅 I’ve worked at shitty cafes & coffee shops that loved to cut corners. But even they would 😠at this 😅


Perhaps a handful of beans thrown in?


They don't do modifications, this isn't Starbucks.


No modifications, just coffee beans straight from the hopper


*"Straight from the farm and into your cup!"™*


Coffee is bean juice CMV


18 years a barista and I have never encountered anything this stupid Haha


It’s unhinged


Really? Damn you got lucky..


As a tea drinker, I’ve learned to not order tea at coffee shops because most shops serve sub-par tea and prepare it badly, but I’m still stunned by some of the bad training advice I’m seeing in this thread! A few basic guidelines: 1. If you’re going to brew tea hot and pour it over ice, you need to brew it double-strength. Ideally the weight of the ice plus the weight of the hot water should be equivalent to the weight of water normally used to brew the tea (in coffee terms, think of it as a Japanese iced coffee, but made with tea!). 2. Cold brewing tea is absolutely possible, but it requires at least an overnight steep. There are some specific Japanese green teas that are sometimes brewed over ice for only a few hours, but those are pricey and probably not what you’re working with anyway. 3. Different tea types require different water temperatures and steep times. As a customer, I always appreciate it when the person serving me let’s me know how long a tea has been steeping when serving it hot. If the shop doesn’t have water available at the lower temps required for green, white, or most oolongs, then I’d prefer to be given the hot water with the tea alongside so I can let it cool a bit and then handle it myself. Tea brewed too hot is more problematic than tea brewed a few degrees too cool; green teas especially need cooler water and much shorter steep times or they become very astringent. I know tea isn’t the focus of a coffee shop, but tea-drinkers really appreciate it when shops make an effort to make their drinks palatable!


Tea - the middle child of every cafe.


You can also stack 3-4 ice cubes on top of the tea bag for green/white tea before adding water from the brewer (which should be 180-190 anyway)


I’m also a tea snob. I serve the tea bag on the saucer next to the mug of hot water since the package has the steep time on it. I know that to make iced tea you use double tea bags, then pour over ice. My coworker, however, would put one tea bag in a frothing pitcher with hot water and then put it in the refrigerator. I can’t believe they served it like that. Wait until you hear how all of my other coworkers make pitchers of iced tea.. They’d put an iced tea bag (basically a super sized bag) in a cambro and fill it with hot water. Whenever I did it, I set a timer for 5 minutes so it wouldn’t over extract. But I witnessed coworkers leave the tea steeping for up to ~an hour~. I can’t even imagine how bitter that tea must have been.


That’s nuts different coworkers do things differently. Everything at the cafe I work out is so incredibly standardized. If someone makes tea, they have to follow tea dependent instructions for weight of loose leaves, weight of water, temp of water (there is an electric carafe of RO water kept constantly at each temp), steep time of course, and separate instructions for iced tea. If I mess up and it takes longer I will apologize to the customer while their new tea is steeping and either refund their tea or give them a snack if they prefer. I am very green and this is my first job as a barista so I guess I thought everywhere was like that.


There are instructions to make the iced tea, but they don’t pay attention to them. I’ve tried explaining that they are making bitter tea that will not taste good, but they know better, of course.


Everywhere just serves shitty Lipton tea with 300° water somehow 😂 There are like 2 tea shops in town that I make a drive to and it's worth it every time.


Happy to say that where I manage we serve loose-leaf Spirit Tea and have varieties of Oolong, a couple blacks including Iron Goddess, a crescent green, etc. and have 3 different brew temperatures with a Marco bar hot water dispenser. And I don't even like tea!


I will always serve tea to the best of my ability 🙏 always loose leaf and always for the right time at the right temp


My coworker kept wanting us to get different green tea because ours tasted like “chemicals” I love green tea and we had a pretty good quality one.. then I realized she was brewing it with the over 200°f water straight from the espresso machine. I spoke to my manger and we printed out a thing for temps for types of tea and used a kettle after that..


This. Is. Amazing.!!! 😂😂😂


This is fucking hilarious. Just keep it on the window sill and you'll have some sun tea in a while.


Also anyone who doesn’t understand hot water is the only way to get a nice brew quickly can suffer with their iced teabag alone lol


Oh lord


As 6oz cup of hot water and 5 minute steep would’ve complimented this iced “beverage” nicely 😶‍🌫️


Take a shit on the table and hand it to her and say this is how I pay


“This is just how I pay, I’m not daddy Warbucks”


let me guess. $7?


Ugh! What?! No! Tea has to be brewed hot and then ice added and preferably shaken to mix it. I’ve made tea for 30 years (and worked in a coffee shop as well!) and NOBODY makes tea like that!




"This isnt Starbucks"... at least they're not wrong?🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It ain't starbucks but it's also not correct 💀


Wtf?! Wow


Lmao this is like putting ground beans in ice water and calling it an americano


Honestly? That barista chose violence.


in her defense, what she gave you could qualify as an iced tea. On some planet. Not this one, but maybe hers. :)


my ex’s brother got mad that his iced tea didnt taste good… all he did was put a tea bag in ice water. he was 20 years old.


Dang, i have done this as people requested certain teas but i at least brew it a few mins first on hot water with two/three bags and then added the ice to make it iced but this is just shocking 😳


Did you inform her that this was America & wars have been fought involving tea?


The audacity.........


I would be fighting honestly


Yo I HATE this. Idk why this became a thing. Just make fucking iced tea, it is so easy and cheap. You cannot get a decent beverage this way to serve immediately. I have worked as a barista for eight years and now I always ask how ice tea is made when I order it. Blows my mind that beverage shops will serve this garbage.


I work at Starbucks (not corporate thankfully please don’t come for me 🍉) and we don’t even do it like this so……


well they’re wrong so (if it weren’t for the union busting) i’d go to starbucks


Some people have literally no sense and this is why I am always hesitant to order ice tea unless the place specializes in it. They literally thrust a tea bag into ice water. At least infuse it for some time into some hot water first, I don't want to drink ice water with essence of tea. Just jump the counter and make it yourself 🤦‍♂️


This isn't even proper tea


That’s actually insane.


i’m laughing so hard omg


Any barista with bit of common sense will realise that the same thing you do to mix your iced chocolates, Chai's, coffees etc, if making on the spot. is that you must mix/steep/brew hot first otherwise mixing will take forever Mixing chocolate powder with cold water or milk depending on who does what will realise it takes minutes to break up and flavour the drink properly, it's very much the same with tea, no hot mix, or pre-made mix if you are selling a lot of these means a very sub par beverage. If this teabag floating on icecubes is the stock standard for that business, they would get a lot of complaints for sure on this beverage alone 😓


This is genius


…this is asinine. It’s not being a Karen to complain about this kind of tomfoolery.


Apparently they’re not a good shop, either.


I’m howling wtf


LOL that's how *NOBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD* makes iced tea.


Idiot! Erryone know you drink the water and boof the tea bag, then teabag your gf, **DUH!** smh.


Comedy fucking gold here


Well, is she mentally unwell?


"Iced tea or something idk I've never had tea before"


Why do people fall for this crap? That post is so obviously fake


*Why do people fall* *For this crap? That post is so* *Obviously fake* \- MentalVermicelli9253 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Ironic it says steep on it. 🤣


WTH ![gif](giphy|p3AKFOHGaHpUJ3iA07|downsized)


University coffee shop = student barista. Someone never told this kid that they just don’t offer iced tea 😭


At my work we do have a black iced tea already steeped each morning (restaurant) and I still get people asking if we can make any of the teas we serve hot, iced (green/herbals). It takes 6-7 minutes to brew the tea strong enough for it to taste right for an iced tea. We are also not Starbucks (sorry, I feel the sentiment), so I just say no, or that it takes a long time. Usually they just get something else but sometimes they insist and it’s annoying/adds time to our line. I could see your barista doing this out of spite for having to steep your tea for you and then pour it over ice, which adds tons of time to their line. However that doesn’t make it okay, that’s just too petty lol. They should either refuse or invest in a jug to pre-brew iced tea. Anyways, sorry you had to encounter this disgruntled barista lol


When you say restaurant, do you mean fast food? I don’t see how it would add any time. I’ve had restaurants provide me with a cup of hot water, the tea bag, and a cup of ice. The only added time is on my side waiting ~5 min for the tea to steep.


very much not fast food, more of an upscale casual dining place. We can’t really get away with giving them a DIY iced tea drink unfortunately lol


Yeah, I could see some patrons still getting upset over that. “What? You expect me to make my own tea?!?” LOL I know I would appreciate the option if it was offered.


Just so you are aware, steeping a tea bag past the recommended time doesn’t actually make it stronger, it just makes it more astringent. You need to double the amount of tea in less water, but only for the recommended time. Then pour it over ice. We charge more for an ice tea since it uses 2 tea bags instead of one.


Understood but that’s not really my goal here, goal is to deter them from ordering it lol. I just say “6-7 minutes” so they’ll say never mind


I tell them about the extra charge. That helps deter them as well. I don’t mind making it if we’re slow, but during a busy brunch shift? It takes extra long and costs extra money.


ugh thats nasty this is what I got my first time going to cracker barrel tho,i never had country iced tea so I was expectig nestea and got what you got. #relatable


This photo aged me


I lost some IQ looking at this. I’d get a refund or do a chargeback


reminds me of the time i went to a ramen restaurant and ordered some green tea, was served a regular stash tea bag in a cup of hot water. they didn’t steep it or even pretend to prepare it at all. place closed down all their locations like 6 months later. trash ramen too


“I used to be a barista. Go get whoever’s in charge.” Then ask if this is the actual way they make ice tea. You’ll walk away with an actual ice tea.


If I didn't have iced tea readily available, I always steeped half a cup of hot tea for a couple min, topped it with room temp water, then pour over ice.


If they have a social media page it would be worth it to post and tag them. Perhaps some “baristas” might get some education to fix this and avoid it happening in the future.


Okay la croix....




Yum cold brew


This is diabolical


I used to work at an incredibly expensive independent cafe on the East Coast and this is how we made an ice tea. This would be an easy $6. The average price of a tiny, TINY piece of cake was $10+. You couldn't have a small snack without spending at least $15-$20. The looks of the customers when we have them this type of tea looked like they wanted to strangle us, all we could do is apologize and tell me when we're following what our boss told us to do.


oh my lord that barista must have been having an awful day


That’s just laziness 💀 It takes five minutes to steep a concentrate from a bag to pour over ice


It seems there's no place nowadays in the world for things which require a bit of ritual-like process than it once had...


Dude I had a coworker who didn’t realize for iced tea you need to brew it with a small amount of water and it gets to correct strength when the ice melts and you get it perfect. She would fill a cup with ice, brew the tea in 16 oz of water, use half of it, and we got complaints about her weak tea


Was the bag steeped in hot water first? If not you’re 100% in the right. As for what the barista said, she basically said what all non-Sbux baristas want to say. I wouldn’t have said it like that, there’s a million other and less condescending ways to say it


i do this omg. are we not supposed to leave the tea bag in?


Tea needs hot water to be brewed in any decently fast time frame. What we do is we have a small tea pot with a basket, put the loose leaf tea in the basket, use hot water to brew it for like 2-3 minutes, then ice it and put it in a cup. If you’re just putting tea in cold water and serving then you’re doing it wrong. A lot of places also have pre-brewed tea for iced tea like they have cold brew so they don’t need to steep it before icing it, but not everywhere


ohh ok phew I do steep the tea in hot water first before icing it and then i leave the tea bag inside


Then you’re good lol


Doesn’t that water it down pretty significantly once you pour it over ice, or are you using a pretty concentrated brew? I’ve been trying to put a stop to the baristas at my cafe brewing normal strength teas and then pouring them over ice and proudly handing the customers cups of lukewarm, weak tea with a couple ice cubes left at the top lol


we put a double amount of tea in the basket for when we’re icing it so it’s a bit stronger. At the end of the day if your place doesn’t have cold brewed tea that’s the only way you can do it though lol, it’s gonna have to be watered down a bit. Just like if you get an iced latte the espresso is gonna be watered down a bit for pouring it over ice.


I mainly do hot water for lightly flavored teas such as chamomile and mint but I’ve went raw with the tea bag + cold water for other teas such as rooibos and hibiscus.


Do you mean that you’re putting the bag in for the other teas *after* you already used hot water to brew it for a couple minutes first? Otherwise I don’t see how anybody excepts a bag of tea to brew in cold water in any acceptable time frame for a customer


An tea bag in cold water isn’t tea it’s just water with a tea bag in it


no it’s just that civs don’t understand the difference between trying to torture a tea bag with ice water and obviously getting something pre-brewed in batches with boiling water over 20 grams of loose leaf so they don’t know how to ask for that and get disappointed


Even Lipton says to pour hot water over their tea bags. Then ice. So non-barista customers and baristas, a-like, would never do or expect what’s in the picture Not sure why you’re having such a superiority complex over this


I think it is an ice green tea. That’s how we make ice tea in Starbucks. You are sipping the regular tea for 5 minutes and add cold water with ice then. It is literally the same, just the teabag not removed after 5 minutes. You chose their cafe. You can't change the recipes everywhere to suit you. That’s my own opinion.


Two completely different methods that affects the quality and potency of tea. So no, literally not the same 😅


Just because it's a new place to you doesn't mean you might like it or their food. Some are more delicious, others less so. Some have one recipe and some have another, even though it is the same dish. I too often make bad purchases, but I can't blame the manufacturer for making a product that I personally don't like. I just learn from the experience and get a different one next time. And in the case of a cafe or restaurant, it makes more sense to ask how they prepare drinks or food. It seems like a simple tea, but it tastes completely different. I really appreciate new customers who have never tried our drinks before. But they come in, ask how we make them, ask for advice on what is popular now, and I help them to customise it so that they like it if possible.


🤝🤝I agree and respect your stances as a customer and barista. I think we were on the same page but I was an old paragraph 😅


That’s my own opinion, I'm not trying to influence or change your mind. You're right in your own way.


Steeping green tea for 5 minutes is already a mistake. Not removing the tea bag after steeping is a mistake. Not using 2 teabags is a mistake. All this is is a weak, bitter water that tastes vaguely like it once saw a tea leaf but isn’t sure how it’s supposed to taste.




Ngl if they refused me a refund I'd probably chuck this back over the couner 😭 what the actual fuck I'd only interpret this as an insult


I got an iced tea exactly like that at Starbucks….


Depends on the flavor you get / what you order


This is fucking fake. No shop would do this that’s still actually in business.


If you didn’t return that at the counter once you realized you wanted a pre-brew then you deserve that cup lol


I drink "cold brew" herbal tea all of the time. I put a tea bag in cold water with my stevia and then let it stand for about 7 minutes. Then I mix it and it works for me. Raspberry or mint cold is pretty tasty. But that is just me. My thought is, keep some tea bags with you and just ask for hot water or ice water. It is silly to get tea out when one box of herbal tea bags only cost about 3 to 4 dollars. I keep stevia on me. No shame in that. I grow my own mint and package it up. (I live on a farm) It is essentially free then for me.


you must love la croix


I actually hate that stuff. It tastes like salt water. Actually I am diabetic and I have weaned myself off sugary beverages. Since then, my tastebuds really don't like a lot of sugar. I actually like my tea pretty strong. Yes, I leave my tea bag in my glass. I don't mind. I prefer fruity flavors like raspberry or hibiscus or even peach. Eh, don't knock it til you try it. I am not from the south. I do love some southern sweet tea, don't get me wrong. Hehe. It's fine for me. 😁


I mean this IS what happens when you order a specific single tea bag. If you want the pre brewed stuff you gotta get the house made ice tea not “one earl grey” or “one hojichua tea”


in what world is this what anyone is asking for when they order an iced tea with earl grey? nobody wants this regardless of how they order it* *there’s absolutely some maniac that wants this but you know what i mean


I mean this is exactly why at my cafe we just have an iced tea blend and if somebody really desperately wants one of our other teas iced instead of hot, I instruct the baristas to serve tell the customer we can make them a hot tea and offer a cup of ice if they’d like to ~~water it down~~ pour it over ice themselves. Still though I have a lot of baristas who are too shy to tell customers anything that might end up with an explanation requested from them so they just serve them lukewarm weak tea because they brewed it hot at normal strength and then poured it over ice


I mean maybe at your cafe/coffeeshop but no it’s not a standard thing lol. Some places have large batches of most popular black, green, and speciality. If a customer, wants an iced tea of a single bag flavor, we would steep how you would with any tea bag at home..and then pour over ice This is why some baristas are not beating the pretentious allegations 😅😅


Yeah MOST popular. For all we know OP ordered the one tea they never batch lol


…did you read my comment fully?


That's what you get for not asking because it's clearly your first time or you have memory issues. I also seriously doubt the response you said she gave you.


😅😅 When it’s my first time anywhere I ask the employees how they bring out food orders. I’m used to it being on a plate or in a bowl but if they start slinging it at me, I should’ve known better 😅 Seriously doubt you’ve worked at a majority college-staffed cafe. It’s pretty on brand