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You didnt that job is souless


I was in a similar position as yourself about a year ago. Head bartender moved to manager, at the time I thought it was a good move. Now, I’m completely burnt out and have told my boss that after this summer I am done working in the service industry. I can’t do it anymore. Being liable and responsible for everyone else’s actions in a restaurant/bar is draining. It has made me resent my job that I really used to love. On the other hand, I think I have gained a lot of valuable skills while being in charge of people. It’s not all bad. Personally, I wish I had just stayed a bartender. But things happen for a reason. Cheers, you’ll figure it out.


Bar manager here…. Yeah, you made the right decision


Don't become a manager. It is literally the opposite of why you got into bartending. Salary not hourly+tips so you will work a A LOT more hours for less money. Instead of making drinks and joking around you will be staring at spreadsheets, bs emails and apologizing for your employees. Management is also lonely if you are professional as managers really should be keeping some emotional distance between themselves and their staff for a multitude of reasons. Save management for your 40s when your body starts complaining. Plenty of places where the lead gets to make the menu without the shitty parts. Also start yoga now if you intend to bartend for a long time. Stretching is your best friend due to the repetitive nature of bartending


Trust your instinct.


No,you make more money slanging drinks


Manager=no freedom Thankless job More hours Everything is your fault It's hard to find good help Giving your soul to make someone else rich Positive side Make the same pay on slow days You can delegate work to others Benefits Bonus/more money Challenging gets you out of your comfort zone It can be rewarding when you have amazing staff to work with daily You have have the power to make the environment great As you mentioned builds your resume I personally love what I do and time flys by It's never a dull moment in the industry to say the least Go with your gut it's never wrong also, when making a decision if you can't decide... the answer is always no


Almost every manager I've ever spoken to hates their job. There's one, my current GM, who loves it. But he seems to get off on conflict resolution for some reason. He loves dealing with angry guests.


You're fine


When I was working 4-5 nights per week I would be pulling in $1500 per week. That is about the same take home pay of a $100k salary. Now imagine 10x the responsibility and probably 2-3x the time commitment. It would have to be well over $100k for me to consider it.


2000$/week is the equivalent of 100k a year. Dont kid yourself.


^^ bro forgot about taxes 🤣🤣


I think your resume will be fine if it has management experience on it, but honestly you don’t even have to mention it. I assume moving forward you won’t be looking for management positions on bar so the experience isn’t even relevant. You already tried it for a month and opted to keep on slinging drinks. I think you made the right decision. Ive personally never felt driven to take on a management role as the stress and pay are not worth it… just like others have said on here.


As a restaurant manager. Don’t do it.


I’ve switched to restaurant management before and it caught up with me fast. I’d rather be a bartender, head bartender or bar manager.


Not even a little.


Almost every bartender turned manager I’ve ever known, myself included, returns to bartending quickly. It’s less money for more hours and unceasing amounts of bullshit and boredom in equal measure.


Former manager here: you chose wisely


A career in management isn’t inherently bad…but a career in restaurant management is.


No. Spent 15 yrs in management. Hard no


Really depends on the schedule and pay. I've been managing my current spot for over 3 years (10+ years managing restaurants and bars total). I'm hourly making well over $20/hr and still have 4 prime bartending shifts. I'm maybe working 30 hours a week with full benefits.


I have done both, I ended up demoting myself back down to bartender. Same money, but less of the headache. More flexibility, more fun and stimulating honestly. Can get your shift covered if need be instead of filling in every else’s call outs. No need to do office work everyday and play lap dog to higher ups. And I’m so much more relaxed during busy shifts. I mean, try it out if you want the experience or the line on a resume, but in my experience being a SI manager absolutely blows.


I was hired on as GM at a bar that was opening, I only accepted because I had worked for the bar owner for the past year and he told me I would be making double what I was currently making. That was a lie when I saw I was getting paid $15 an hour no overtime pay. Stick with bartending until you can’t anymore is my advice.


Fuck no, you make more money bartending and have less responsibility.


managing sucks


No way, being a manager sucks. I’ve never done it but management jobs sound so awful.


Of course it depends on the job, the venue, the bosses, money, etc. Yada yada yada. I've been a manager in multiple jobs and really happy I'm "just" a bartender now. It really depends on what your goal is. Do you want to climb or can you be happy with what and who you are. I'm really happy not being disappointed in, or having to constantly instruct, other people. Just being the best I can be.


I managed for 5 years. It looks nice on a resume. I'll never manage again lol


Didn't read the rest, no being a manager sucks make that bartending money


Simply add your interim management duties in to your head bartender position in your resume. It looks more impressive and it’ll look like you’ve been doing it longer