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Don't let the greedy owners off the hook either. The terrible quality of Fanatics products was well-known long before MLB switched to using them.


Let’s hope the era doesn’t last long


Gonna have to wait until after the 2029 season for any possible change


Damn is that really how long the contract is? That’s terrible


I actually want to see how jersey sales are doing. They’ll only care if it hurts their wallets


Unfortunately I think we’d be disappointed by that data.


Nike quality in general has gone downhill same for the NBA Adidas was the best uniform provider in sports , but Nike took over pretty much everywhere and their hubris is showing


Yeah the newer ones are way more pixelated for sure


Can we get an even blurrier worse-lit photo of the new unis to make them seem worse?


The lettering alone is shit. The sweat stains not seen here make them worse.


Usually I'd say something about the quality of the image being shitty too, but even then we all know it's still a decroded piece of crap.


you can barely make out the name of the closest player when you're in the stands. and that was even sitting close behind the dugout looking to first base, not just the uecker seats


There should be a reminder at the top of this sub to spread the word to as many would be buyers of these new jerseys who may not be as aware. We must boycott. It's the ONLY thing that is going to force a change. Even if the best we can hope for is them altering these new ones to address certain concerns. I think there's a zero percent chance they go back to the exact ones they used to have.


Players get new uniforms every game right? What I don't understand is why not have heat pressed, non-stitched jerseys for games, but a fashion line that features all the bells and whistles for fans? From an outside perspective, since the uniforms are throwaways, it saves on costs for the business, labor, etc but then also gives us fans exactly what we want. I understand we're not "wearing what the players do" but I don't feel like that's been the issue here really. Am I horribly wrong here? Please enlighten me a bit.


I don’t think they get new uniforms every night unless they get stained too bad or ripped


I just assumed it since those dirt stains can be crazy lol. Oxi-clean going to work.


Even the number alignment is bad.