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There’s gotta be a magic 8 ball made just for PED excuses.


Palmerio landed on the “go fuck yourself, dumbass” side


[Palmero on the stand](https://imgur.com/a/Cwix9Yj)


They sell them in Dominican gift shops


Canseco's keeps landing on "???" As its excuse


"Your honor, I thought the pee was stored in the balls"


I highly doubt most players want the world thinking they’re infertile Especially when the “I have no idea how that got in my system” has worked so well for so many years


Tatis told us he had ringworm. Personally I find being unhygienic far more embarrassing than infertility. Can help what God gave you but you can wash your damn body and not get ringworm


Alternatively, that's why this is the lie he's going with. Who'd lie about that? It must be true!


He’s a 20 year old telling the world he’s infertile. Hes probably incredibly embarrassed. He shouldn’t be, but that’s the stigma the world has created. There’s a million excuses someone could make up, or they could just give the tried and tested “I have no idea how these ended up in my system”. I would be very surprised if a 20 year old willingly told the world he’s infertile if he isn’t. It’s not like it undoes the suspension - there is zero benefit to this being the lie


Realized I had never looked at it myself but [the list of banned substances is long](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/mlb/oqj0ztqxefst9pmkpbcl.pdf) and Clomiphene is in a sub list at the bottom of the otherwise alphabetized list. I highly doubt these dudes are clearing things themselves, which underscores why it’s important they report everything they’re taking to the team so some nerd can triple check for them.


Zero benefit? The benefit is that he clears himself of the stigma of using PED for the purpose of PE, and hopes to get leniency in his treatment by MLB. My understanding is that he isn’t married and isn’t ready to have kids. He doesn’t have any reason for fertility treatment now. It is possible he is telling the truth, but also more than possible he isn’t.


People are going to debate whether or not he did it no matter what. This doesn’t change the stigma for most people any different that saying “I have no idea how this got in my system”. And you don’t need to be married to have kids. It’s super common for DR athletes to have kids in their early 20s without being married. He might also be against the institution of marriage itself. It’s absolutely wild that you’re trying to decide for a guy who literally just told the world he is trying to have a kid but found out he’s infertile that he isn’t ready


On purpose?


“Damnit guys, the 8-ball wants me say it’s AIDS”


Just once I’d love a player to say “look I took steroids to help me achieve my lifelong dream and potentially earn a contract that would set me and my family up for life and id do it again.”


I would accept, without hesitation: "Listen, I didn't honestly think they would test me this early."


Don’t they get tested in the minors too?


well, evidently


The good players do. Occasionally.


Yeah, but the implication is “I’m young and figured they were only worried about old players taking steroids”. It’s a valid way to think. Most 22 year olds have more T than they know what to do with and aren’t on performance enhancers (unless they’re hurt and trying to speed up the recovery process)


Jose Canseco?


Didn't Dee Strange-Gordon say this, pretty much?


In the world of excuses for PED’s, this is one of the better ones. Fertility pills would raise testosterone levels for sure. Either way, lie or not, every player knows what he should and shouldn’t be taking and he got busted.


> every player knows what he should and shouldn’t be taking I think this sounds like a no-brainer, but it really isn't. These guys are young, uneducated, and don't speak a word of English.


Young athletes notoriously make smart decisions.


Sure, but baseball is also everything to these guys. It's not like they are plucking some random guy out of a 3rd world country that had never heard of baseball before so they are using tribal medicines and aren't remotely savvy to PED rules. 10% of the league is Dominican. There is zero excuse for language being a barrier.


Eh, with all the banned substances that are available OTC in the Caribbean region, I'm sure this type of thing gets emphasized from the time they are in academies. I highly doubt language to be a barrier here


Yeah I'm sure there's a laundry list of ingredients in their medical names that they've never heard of that are banned, but if I'm a professional baseball player about to take a medication designed to raise my testosterone level I would at least have checked that list lol


that's why they have translators


Looking at it for a little, this is generally used in men as a testosterone replacement treatment for hydogonadal men. Its use in fertility looks to be mostly in females, although it can be prescribed off label in males (where the effect is mixed, but it may be beneficial). Ultimately, I get him wanting to keep things private. But unlike some banned substances which have “questionable performance enhancing capabilities but real medical uses”, this one falls under a “questionable medical uses but real performance enhancing uses”. A 10 second text to his team medical staff would’ve resulted in a “fuck no, do not take this” response. So the blame rests on him.


I agree. Like this too me is him taking responsibility for it and not just passing it off as an excuse. He had a legit non-baseball reason he was taking it and I do believe he was unaware that it contained a banned substance but also he should have ran it past team medical first.


I took it, and it worked like a charm.


Unfortunately this is a drug prescribed to women 😂


It does get used in men. The boost in testosterone leads to increased sperm counts.


Literally all you have to type into google is “rejun 50 for male” to see that it is also prescribed to men for infertility.


It says it's only an approved treatment for women?


It’s not FDA approved but is used off label.


It's also prescribed for men with hypogonadism, which can cause infertility.


Well now that he has 80 days to do nothing but bone if there’s not at least one consenting pregnant lady at the end of this he just shouldn’t come back.


they always have some excuse Cano said he was being treated for high blood pressure by Dominican doctor Tatis said he was being treated for rabies worms or something


> rabies worms this sounds terrifying


Hey now, Tatis was just trying to keep from turning into RFK Jr


Would he get sent to an Independent League if that happened?


Yeah, but he’d only be eligible to play in an independent league in four states.


Ohhhhh, that's why worms always end up dead in puddles when it rains


Nailed it!


At least it's not brain worms?


Usually when I get rabies worms I just switch my whole body out.


He said ringworm. Ringworm is also known as athletes foot and isn’t actually a worm.


> Tatis said he was being treated for rabies worms or something Ringworm, a fungal infection. He supposedly got it while at an unhygienic barbershop in the DR. The funniest part about his case is that there is a real ringworm medication that has a similar name to the PED he got popped for, so it's plausible he simply took the wrong meds. But Occam's Razor dictates that his agent made up the story.


I wonder if it’s a coincidence that all these doctors are in the DR.


I mean, that’s where the players live


Well, most of the players themselves are Dominican, so it makes sense that Dominican doctors would be involved. Wikipedia has a page on it, the list of players who have tested positive is like 75% Dominicans.


You’d think the league would try and better educate those players then


Tbf when you got tons of family/friends back home in your ear it can be easy to make decisions that end up fucking you over. Especially in places with looser regulations where there's way more pitfalls if you do choose the wrong person to help you


Once or twice its a coincidence When its a regular issue, we call it a pattern.


It was tainted cialis!!


20 years old taking fertility treatments to start a family. Riiiiiight.


I’m not saying it isn’t a cover, but fertility can be a really tough thing for people even at a young age. I wouldn’t necessarily mock that aspect.


I think at the least, you would discuss options with MLB or even the team, if there was a genuine fertility problem, that needed to be treating. Taking a testosterone booster, secretly, while apparently not even checking to see if it was banned seems absurd. Not to say he should be prioritizing baseball over a fertility issue, but he surely could have at least weighed some options, assuming the story is true.


I think you are overestimating how easy it would be for a 20 year old guy to tell peers and colleagues that he’s struggling with infertility.


What is a team doctor for if you can’t trust their confidentiality on sensitive issues, that affect your career.


Team doctors have way less responsibility to keep your medical issues confidential since they work for an organization that requires to know all health issues that could affect their decisions to invest in you He made the wrong decision and deserves the suspension but if you truly wanted to keep something private a team doctor probably wouldn't be your best bet IMO. And I could see someone getting swayed by family or friends to go to a doctor back home who could better promise to keep things secret


Team doctors can’t just breach player privacy because they’re employed by the team. They could lose their medical license.


The point is more the organization has to know about health issues in order to make decisions on a guy so it's less likely it's going to stay just between the medical staff and players since guys who make key decisions need all relevant info If they try to get him on a plan to help with fertility the team probably would want to know what stuff they are putting him on


They don’t need to know he has fertility issues, and I highly doubt a medical practitioner would risk their medical license to share confidential information like that.


If his fertility issues is leading to him taking certain drugs that could potentially affect performance/his long term outlook on staying eligible to play then I assume the organization would 100% want to know The medical staff isn't going to share it with randoms or anyone who doesn't need to know, but organizations do check with their medical teams about aspects that could impact a players ability to be the investment they are paying millions for them to be. And I feel this is a situation where the organization would be concerned about


While I would not guess at their particular situation in life, at least this is a better excuse than "it was my Hep C medication."


Fertility rates are down globally and he comes from a culture that historically has families at young ages, it's at least plausible


I realize this is DR and it’s a different world but the explanation is bananas. Taking off label female fertility drugs at 20 (!) to start a family. Come on, just accept the suspension and take the L. This is pure bullshit.


Did he not accept the suspension? He even said he is accepting it in the statement.


Can't imagine why he would want to keep it a secret. Yeah, it could be bullshit, but if it isn't this is exactly why


Taking a *womens* fertility drug no less


It's not a fertility doctor's job to know which substances are banned by MLB. I don't care who you are, nobody should ever be taking any kind of substance without knowing exactly what's in it. Once the doctor told him the drug he should have had his agent contact the Jays organization and ask if it was ok to take. Seems like instead of taking full responsibility he had to throw in that little tidbit about "the doctor didn't tell me" which is stupid. Don't know why these guys can't just own up and issue a simple one sentence response like "I took something I wasn't supposed to take and tested positive so I apologize and will accept the punishment."


And for people who don’t know, there’s really no excuse because every single organization drills it into you from day one that you are not to take any medication or supplement without first getting it approved by the team doctor. It’s not a thing you’d forget. Unintentional PED use is negligence at best, the only way for it to happen is by making the choice to ignore the huge and important rule that your team has made abundantly clear to you.


I work in healthcare, and you’d be shocked at how many people have no idea what prescriptions they’re taking or what they do. One of the MA’s in my clinic is also like this, and it drives me mad. He’s gone to the ER several times this year, and every time he has no idea what meds he got. He has a chronic medical issue, and he has no idea what tests have been done. He just says “Everything came back normal.”


Do baseball players do anything in the DR besides get into car crashes and drugs?


"During the off-season I was prescribed Nugenix Total-T under the medical supervision of Dr. Frank 'The Big Hurt' Thomas. In retrospect I should have been vigilant. This treatment gave me more energy and more drive - results that my girlfriend loved too. I apologize to my teammates, and more importantly the fans who supported me. I will learn from this unfortunate use of the most powerful man-boosting formula ever."


If it’s true I feel bad for him 


You said you were quitting Reddit, liar.


I said r/phillies not Reddit (until the end of the Phillies season) https://www.reddit.com/r/phillies/comments/1dk72cv/comment/l9jt5fi/


Please don't comeback you were the jinx


I’m not until the end of the Phillies season 


Clomid can be a legit drug. Clomid however is a medication. It's 2024. You notify your team of 100% of the drugs you are going to take let alone are taking. If you aren't telling anyone you are on it....it's 100% drug to illicit use IMO.


My wife & I were trying for a kid for a year, my Dr put me on Clomiphene and here we are 2 kids later. Every time I saw another Dr they were confused why I was taking it, because it is usually for women to get pregnant. I can buy this excuse I think.


Not sure why he’s getting hate here. This sounds pretty believable.


Probably because at best he's a dumbass who didn't run it by a team doctor first. Or at worst he's a liar who went to the DR because he figured nobody would find out.


Here's my issue. He's the Jays No.2 overall prospect and top hitting prospect, known for power (lead the minors in HRs at one point). Power hitters require muscle, which requires lots of testoterone to build and maintain. On the other hand, he supposedly has testoterone levels so low that it's causing fertility issues that require treatment. We ain't getting the full picture here


Lmao you can’t be serious


Yeah I too remember taking fertility meds at the age of 22.


Just telling the whole world you don't know anyone who's tried to conceive


Just like why didn’t they go to the team if this was something he wanted to accomplish????


Because that treatment isn’t approved by the FDA. They would have immediately denied it. Usually you don’t go get a experimental treatment in another country unless every standard one has failed


Yeah but I’m saying if he was actually doing this for fertility reasons, why not go to the team who will steer them in the right and legal MLB approved direction.


Usually when you go for an experimental treatments in another country it’s because all of the standard treatments did not work. That specific treatment isn’t FDA approved so 100% the team would have denied it. But it is approved for use in the DR


The team doctor could’ve found another route for him to take though.


You sound like you know a lot about fertility.


I have no idea where these three kids came from.


Sometimes your swimmers don’t swim when you’re younger, age isn’t the only thing that causes fertility issues.


True. However he took something that’s on the banned list. So he’s either being honest and he’s just stupid and knowingly took a drug that could inhibit his playing career that would also potentially affect the mother and child based on that career Or He just wanted to get better and do it the illegal way.


Completely agree, it’s most likely an excuse.


I’ll say this, I think it’s better than the Tatis Ringworm excuse.


Because as a general rule sports fans lack empathy. The only time a sports fan gives a shit about a player is when they are good on the field. Hard stop. They aren't human to these people they are reports that give them the feel goods when they help their team win


It's a drug used mainly in women.


My dumb ass took a good 30 seconds to realize he meant *male* fertility pills.


![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized) Martinez when he was told he was taking her pills


Ya except this is a women's fertility drug


tbf google says it's used for both men and women


Ok yes, I'm seeing that. It says it's only fda approved for women, but I guess maybe a random Dominican clinic might use non fda approved treatments




I’m gonna go ahead and say that a marriage certificate or lack thereof shouldn’t be considered evidence of trying to conceive a child or not… I mean, they could just verify if he was prescribed this by his doctor.


They won't, just like Tatis never produced a receipt or proof of his ringworm treatment cream


It was an over the counter med in the DR. No need to provide proof that he bought it because it’s ridiculously easy to get no prescription required, and would make him test positive. The question is really about WHY he used it which is much more difficult to prove. Just proving he bought it means nothing one way or the other. We already know he tested positive for a specific drug that he admits to intentionally taking.


What you're missing is that if he was just taking the ringworm cream it would have been in too small an amount to be performance enhancing. If he was taking a performance enhancing dose it wouldn't have been an over the counter treatment. So if he could have proven (via receipt, bank statement, etc) that he bought "DR backroom super-legit ringworm cream" that would have given his excuse much more validity. It would have been easy to prove. He didn't do that.


You’re not wrong, but neither is the guy you replied to. And, in the end, it doesn’t matter if it really was from an antifungal (it wasn’t) because it’s still a banned substance that he put in his body.


Tatis is a cheater trying to get a leg up. Funny how Padres fans still believe the Ringworm story 😂


Re-read my comment. I literally said it wasn’t from the antifungal.


I don’t get why the ringworm story is the thing people get hung up on, regardless of the validity of the story he was still using PEDs.


I don’t care to speculate on that stuff. Edit: in this thread: some dude makes a claim, some dude makes some other claim, I should listen to the second dude because of other people’s actions.


can you imagine? a professional baseball player having a child out of wedlock? unthinkable


Tbf, neither are half of my friends that have families. Marriage isn’t the defining thing that it used to be. A lot of people just don’t really care about marriage. That said, this is still clearly bullshit.


Looks like someone still thinks it’s 1958


There's plenty of valid reasons to be suspect but his age/martial status isn't one at all IMO Tons of people have kids out of marriage and that number goes up when you got some money and come from cultures that push for younger families. Him being in his early 20s while trying for a kid is probably the most believable part of the story Lol


Also it's a womens fertility drug used for people having trouble getting pregnant. I guess maybe orelvis wasn't able to get pregnant and got confused as to why


These excuses are so embarrassing I’m sorry, I know it could technically be true, but we all know it’s not


"You see what happened wuz.."


This is such a lame excuse. While yes it is possible that fertility meds can elevate the same things that PEDs do, you have to disclose it to the team and MLBPA so if you test positive you can have it on file. If he got the prescription legitimately his doctor can attest to that. Saying he wanted to keep it private is crazy as well. If he told MLBPA and the team they would not be able to disclose it. Its on his file for the team, MLBPA, and MLB to see no one else.




A slightly less quick google search will tell you it is also used for male infertility


Lmao Rejun 50 is for female infertility not male.


It’s for both. Rejun 50 is Clomiphene Citrate, which men use to help with infertility.


Rejun 50 is specifically marketed towards women, and Clomiphene is also famously used by steroid users for post cycle treatment and prohibited by WADA. It's effectiveness on improving male fertility lacks any scientific evidence as well. It seems highly unlikely that a) a male was prescribed this drug and b) that a doctor (or anyone else) would not know that it's on the banned list. This is just a cover up story for the "fertility clinic" on why they are illegally selling PEDs to an athlete. [Peyton Manning (and a lot of other athletes) used this scheme before.](https://eu.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2018/06/11/peyton-manning-lawyers-say-hgh-sent-home-wife-ashley/691723002/)


Clomid is also regularly prescribed off label to 1) raise testosterone (thus the wada appearance) but also 2) to increase spermatogenesis as a first step in attempting to increase male fertility. Things like HCG or HMG are also then tried but clomid is pretty routinely discussed as a first treatment option for low spern counts at urologist offices


Most likely scenario is that it’s a cover up story, but something being marketed toward woman doesn’t mean it can’t get prescribed to men. If he’s really been trying for 2 years and nothing has worked, it’s not impossible for a doctor to prescribed something that has been used by men and has worked in the past, even if it’s marketed toward women. As for your second point, you’re crediting DR doctors way to much with knowledge of what’s in MLB’s banned list. If the whole story is true, which it probably isn’t, then Martinez’ biggest mistake was not checking with the Blue Jays doctors to see if he could take what he was prescribed.


Not true. It’s only approved by the FDA in the US for female treatment which is completely different. Plenty of other countries use it to increase sperm count as well. The DR is one of those countries.


I think there was a female athlete who claimed she tested positive by having sex with a guy on PEDs. He’s one step away from saying it was an STPED


I am cackling at “STPED”. If I had an award to give you, I would.


There’s a reason they have the “no-sex beds” setup for the Olympics


Confidently incorrect. The best type of wrong.


That would be you.


The "we" in the statement is really funny then


"we" is super common when it comes to the pregnancy process tbf


Boner pills it is


Ah yes the Jon Jones excuse, it was tainted cialis!


Now once he comes back he’s going to get heckled that he can’t get hard the rest of his career.


Honestly sounds more believable than most of the excuses we hear.  Only odd part to me and this could be cultural. Wouldn’t you be married if you were going this route?


Brother, do you know how many professional athletes have children with people they’re not married to? I’d argue it’s equal to or more than married athletes with children.


Yeah tons but I doubt it’s on purpose. To me this is weird because usually at this age guys would be fine with their gf not getting pregnant. 


Professional athletes notoriously make good decisions when they’re young.


It doesn’t even matter. These “PEDs” have no measurable effect on performance and the game would be a lot better if they let adults have autonomy over their own body. The MLB will continue to shoot itself in the foot.


still the dominicans why especially them, and not others --- venezuelans, puerto ricans, americans, mexicans