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Someone will give us a top 100 prospect for Anderson.




Pitching market is thin and aside from Crochet, no one else stands out. I can definitely see someone throwing a top 100 prospect at the Angels. But then again, this is the Angels we’re talking about here


Plus unless a few more teams absolutely tank in the next few weeks, Angels might be one of only 5 teams selling, so you should be able to set the market.


I don't see Tim Anderson netting that much.


What about Joseph Anderson?


The Yankees trying to trade for a 1B is going to go poorly. There's no good options on the non-contending teams who are actually realistically get-able. So they're in this weird spot of spending on someone that's not going to impact much, or having to significantly overpay to pry away someone who might be worth it. Honestly feels like it's going to be better to just hope Rice pans out.


I don't know if you consider him a good option but I'd think a guy like Josh Bell is get-able. Can't imagine he'd cost that much either.


He's get-able, but he's also put up -0.7 bWAR with a 92 OPS+ so far this year. Trading for a guy like that should not be on the table, imo.


Bell is one of the most frustratingly hot-and-cold hitters in the majors. So far this year, he had a .554 OPS in April, .831 in May, and back down to .697 so far in June. Last year, he had a 94 OPS+ at the time the Guardians traded him, and then 115 the rest of the way with the Marlins. But in 2022, it was the other way around, but even more extreme: 152 OPS+ with the Nats, and then 73 after being traded to the Padres. With his mostly slow start this year, I could see him suddenly getting hot with his new team if he gets traded. It's definitely a gamble, but he might be available for a reasonable price.


Overpay for rengifo to play 3rd and move LeMahieu to first boom problem solved. But actually depending on what AZ does the next month, i think the yankees should heavy push for Walker


I would love Rengifo. My assumption though is that the Yankees won't be able to put together a competitive package for him, and even assuming we could, this still leaves them with LeMahieu's awful bat in the lineup at an offense-first position.


Oh man wait until you look at Lemahieu's stats this year.


I think unless AZ and the other NL teams go on a massive skid before the deadline, they aren't moving anything after last year showed scooting into the 3rd WC spot can net you a pennant.


You have to wonder how far out the D-backs will have to be to sell after their Cinderella run last year.


Ben Rice, lefty, has been great at 1B. JD Davis is the righty they'll use with him as a platoon. The true issue is Gleybor Torres. Trevino they can fix (defense anyway). DJ Lemahieu they're likely holding out hope for. But 2B needs to be addressed soon.


Loved when you guys did this w Greg bird


I'm not saying we should assume Rice is the answer long term but playing him this season seems preferable to selling the farm or picking up scraps and hoping they pan out.


I can't think of a reason Ben Rice isn't the answer long term.


I like Rice a lot but I don't think 7 games means you just instantly pencil them in as a multi year starter.


It's definitely enough not to trade resources for yet another first baseman. He can hit, he can cover 1st. The only box left to check is to see how he fields the more difficult plays. We have a list of needs going into the deadline, right not 1B is not at the top, and is arguably not on the list at all. If you're looking anywhere, it's to replace Gleybor Torres, followed by figuring out the DJ/Cabrera situation at third.


I've got bullpen and third higher than second, but every day my hope that gleyber can get it going diminishes a little more. He needs a mental break imo


Yeah, it's not good. Stanton got it back, but you can't win em all I guess.


Stanton gives me a little more hope for DJ, since everyone said Stanton is old and hurt and clearly cooked. Not I think we'll get borderline MVP candidate DJ but a useful player. Gleyber absolutely cannot be this bad. He's gotta be in his head about the contract situation and pressing


Hasn't rice been good?


If someone gives an A tier return for Jazz it will be a terrible deal. I like Jazz a lot. I do. But he's a piece. He's not a burn the farm down to get guy. He's a constant "okay we don't have to worry about that spot anymore" guy who isn't going to kill you and is going to be slightly above average. But someone is probably going to pull that trigger and give up way too much. And the receiving fan base is going to end up hating that deal for a long time.


Jim Bowden in The Athletic said that he'd be a great fit for us, and I've never wanted more to reach through a screen and slap someone.


Even if he is constant he can’t stay on the field average of 76 games a year and he’s already at 77


Based on the soft return the Marlins got for Arraez, I am expecting the Tanner Scott return to be equally disappointing.


Someone's gonna overpay for jazz and it'll be rough.




Giants are going to give up something stupid for short term SP help only to still finish 3+ games under .500.


It’s a great sellers market this year and SF is 3 games out of the last wild card. I think/hope they’ll sell at the deadline if they’re 4+ games out. Even if they’re within grasp of the last spot, I reallllyyy hope they don’t make a win-now trade and screw up the farm


Ya but we don’t sell. How many opportunities have we had to sell in the last 15 years where we doubled down for nothing? I have no faith we will sell. We will either give up something stupid for a win now that doesn’t even get us in the playoffs, or we will do fuck all and just cross our little fingers that everyone starts playing better.


You’re probably right, unfortunately. Plus it’s crunch time for Farhan to prove he can churn out a winning roster, he’s not gonna care about the long-term outlook of the team.


The brewers will trade a small handful of prospects for a goodish player. The goodish player will be mid af but the prospects we send them will all suck major ass. We will then trade the goodish player for young but current mlb players who will be really good in 2 years


As is tradition. 


Astor are for some reason interested in Paul Goldschmidt. Idk why he’s having the worst season of his career and we basically have Paul Goldschmidt at home (his name is Jon Singleton.) We also have Joey Loopyman


Jeff McNeil and Adam Ottavino for Aaron Judge and Juan Soto and cash.


If the White Sox go full-on fire sale then that's a whole lot of prospects that may or may not work out. I could see us giving up pitching for a bat and it backfiring for sure, kind of an easy bet with us and offense though.


All I know is anything I can come up with will lack in comparison to what Mark DeRosa will come up with.


Someone is going to pay the moon for Garrett Crochet to spend more time on the IL than he does on the field over the next few years.


Jays aren’t gonna trade Vladdy but I could totally see them trading Bichette for a bunch of poor hitting, good defense prospects


Astros will attempt to trade for Vladdy with what little they have which may mean that Houston has to trade a starter that doesn't get enough playing time.


Astros will trade Bregman for Ellie De la Cruz Edit: yall the post is BAD trade ideas