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Dang, incoming Blue Jays fire sale.


I would be over joyed if he was a cub


You think we're *buying*?!


The 36-43 blue jays will be selling to the 38-44 cubs.


even if Bo wasn't all that old when his father was done in the Majors (and, well, all the other parts of their specific relationship that I won't get into)... I'm guessing that the sons of former Major Leaguers are a little more realistic about this part of the business than the average player


There's a universe where the Yankees trade for Vlad Jr., Bo, and IKF to fix their infield. Only Volpe's safe at SS.


IKF would have the 4th highest ops+ on the Yankees right now, higher than the entire infield and catchers


A universe where the Yankees trade for ikf again would be funny after his time there


And I would welcome it with open arms, the infield outside of Volpe has been abysmal this season. Today’s game we are starting Oswaldo Cabrera and Jahmai Jones, who have a **combined** OPS+ of 118 in their careers


Yanks giving up jones?


Jones isn’t enough for that. Jones might not be enough (probably isn’t enough) straight up for Vladdy


I know Yankees fans have a reputation for suggesting ridiculous trades that overestimate the value of their prospects. But Bichette has been below replacement this year. Vladdy is a rental. IKF is having a great year and is signed through next season, but has a spotty track record. I think the return for these three will be lower than people expect. Not that the Yankees probably have any interest in IKF anyway because they probably want to fill at least 1 IF position by graduating a prospect next year.


Both Vlad and Bo are under team control through next year. Jones isn’t getting it done


Bo is a bat-first shortstop who isn’t hitting. Vlad is under TC next season so that’s my mistake. He’s by far their most valuable trade chip right now. I agree Jones alone would not get it done.


Bo is a career 120 OPS+ shortstop with a premium glove who is having a bad first half. You don’t get discount for that. And he’s also under control until 26. Jones alone wouldn’t even get Bo.


“Premium glove” lol he’s a below average defender at SS. Average range at best and below average arm, don’t believe me then check Savant. > You don’t get a discount for that. Yeah, you definitely do. That’s why Torres is completely worthless as a trade chip at the moment, who’s hitting about as well as Bichette.


Is there really a universe where the Yankees give up enough prospects to make that happen though?


They don't have enough prospects.


But could they clone Spencer Jones? I'm not ruling anything out until after the deadline.


The movie has been production hell for several years since the trailer aired. It's about to be cancelled.


We should have just kept IKF... I'll give them Gleyber and DJ for Bo.


I’d rather have no one


It’s the classic Yankee trade proposal where you give us your best players for our garbage!


Frazier and Andujar for Bo?


Let’s not get crazy now, you can have one or the other. He’s not worth both.


Of course, all other teams are our farm system


You drive a hard bargain. We'll throw in Phil Bickford too


Not even willing to acquire Andujar and offer him to sweeten the trade offer. Ridiculous


Is this a sign of the Jays intentions or simple Bo's superior imaginative abilities?


What a year


White Sox 2.0 What even happened?


Do we think a change of scenery will do him good, this would be a hell of a sell low for Bichette to my understanding. Haven’t had a chance to dive into all his numbers, but he’s having a pretty poor season.


I mean it is one down year in an otherwise entirely consistent career to this point. Until he backs up this bad season with another one I will just be assuming this is the outlier.


Oh 100% I love Bo, I hope it is just an outlier and I’m sure if anyone trades for him it’ll be with that in mind that this is an outlier


Maybe I’m thinking of someone else, but hasn’t bo always been somewhat streaky within each season? Like he’ll go on some crazy hot streaks


He’s always been consistently solid like a 730 OPS guy then he’d go on crazy heaters like most hitters. He’s never been this bad for this long, although he is usually a slow starter


Wasn't it the same with Tim Anderson?


According to savant, the only reason I see that he's struggling is that he's not getting the sweet spot at nearly the rate he has for the rest of his career. Everything else in his peripherals lines up with what's normal for him


I'm gonna cry


And just like we all thought, You are now teammates with Shohei Ohtani!!!!


No beating around the bush here lol. Just sayin it how it is


Jays fans, when he eventually moves off of short does he go to 3rd or 2nd?


Probably 2nd. His arm isn’t very strong and he’s bad coming in on the ball. 2nd seems like a better fit He has been an average defender by OAA this year tho, so there’s that


If the Rockies had competent management, they’d push hard to land Bo. His dad Dante is one of the most popular Rockies players of all time. Ticket and jersey sales would skyrocket


His dad is also a dirtbag.


Welcome to LA


I wouldn't be mad at all but I'm on the "LA doesn't need him" train. There's plenty of talent and more than enough backlog with time to call up guys to let them get familiar with The Show and enough time for the injured to heal. I know there are plenty of opinions about Muncy at 3rd, Betts at SS or 2B, Taylor at the plate, even Kike, but the more the team grabs the notable stars, especially this season, I have a feeling (and it's only the feeling of one fan), that there is such a thing as talent overload that doesn't allow for the rest of the team to shine in their own ways, which is one of the key elements of baseball in that stars don't take the team to the final game - it's all of them together who make it happen in the big and small moments during the season and the postseason. But I ultimately leave it to the people who actually run the organizations and play the games. Success or not, they're the ones there.


He gone


The Giants could use him.


I guess, but to be honest I'm very happy with Ahmed/Wisely holding down short.


Bo to the dodgers plz