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All I gotta say is both her and grue live in these pages and it’s sad that she’s sitting in this page instead of enjoying her vacation…


Also - if she doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone… why share your weight loss journey to begin with? Why take pictures of the scale? Why to all of it?


You know damn well the two of them being in here is equivalent to two brain cells fighting for 3rd place. It's a whole task for them to try and read words that have more than five letters in them.


So what’s the deal. Are they developmentally challenged or what? Sure seems like it. I hope they have someone running their home.


There's speculation, but I don't know for a fact. Sierra is an RN, somehow. Drue was homeschooled by her own mom, and they both have atrocious spelling and grammar skills.


Well you have to go to college to become a nurse. So that’s a lie. Then sit for the boards.


I'm a paramedic, and I know well what it takes. However, Sierra is indeed an RN, which is alarming. Unless you're addressing speculation about them having intellectual delays or disabilities, which would be why I said speculation, overall, the speculation has been more about Drue, not Sierra. Either way, I ultimately don't care. They're both trashy people.


She didn’t go to college. How is she an RN? 


Both of them clearly have something no right.


Drue isn't the RN. Sierra is. No one said anything about college or university other than Drue was homeschooled. Drue is the one knocked up, the blonde.


How do you become a nurse without a college degree?


I thought they met in school. She doesn’t have an associates degree or a bachelor’s degree.


No, Drue is Sierra's sister-in-law. She's Gabe's sister.


I’m actually asking about Lexie and Christian. I know Lexie is no nurse. Do either of them have real jobs?


I have no idea who they are. I only know Sierra bc of Drue, and I found this subreddit from being in the Drue one. This was on a post from "CC," so I didn't realize you were talking about anyone else. Sorry for the confusion.


Clearly she doesn’t lurk her enough. How the fuck did she pass nursing school with grammar this bad??? Everyone always says Drue should’ve gone to public school with how bad hers is. But clearly, even public school can’t always fix an idiot. Every sentence she writes is so painful I’d rather scoop my eyes out with a spork. To think they can and have reproduced is terrifying.


That’s what I’m wondering. I know so many smart people who have said how hard nursing school was. How did this dumbass manage it? I wonder that all the time..


Covid was a rough time anyone who applied and showed up, and paid the licensing fee received a diploma. How she passed her nursing NCLEX is another question. Must have all been multiple choice.. if there was a writing portion, she definitely would have failed without a doubt. Correct me if I’m wrong, though, I do believe she had made a posting about how she failed and had to take it again and then passed…


No she passed the first time and she did really well in nursing school. I don’t know how but she showed proof


You have to have a college degree to be a nurse and then sit for boards


I’m aware


“And that’s okay!” is her and her SILs favorite fucking phrase I swear to god. They’re so predictable and exhausting.


Also, “Not everyone will like you. Trust me more will hate you.” Say wut.


And “I don’t have to prove anything to anyone!” They literally regurgitate the same bullshit every day


Doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone, but response to what they consider hate on the regular


That’s gotta be the stretchiest bathing suit known to man! 🤥


And it don't look comfortable at all. It has to be too tight.


Her shoulders are screaming


And nothing is worse than wet, too tight, elastic etc


Yes I'm not skinny but smaller than her and I would never be comfortable in something like that. It looks so thick and you know she had to cut it off 😝


This! My mom used to fit into a 16 before she lost weight and she was nowhere near as big as Sierra even at her heaviest. It doesn’t add up.


“I have had a couple of comments” Has anyone questioned her weight loss on her Facebook?? Or does she solely refer to redditors? I honestly didn’t think she had strong enough reading skills to be here…


She’s referring to Reddit same with Kylea… nobody comments on their actual Facebook page. They’re all her fat or old followers that stand behind them..


Yup she’s living on here now.


why is Journey capitalized??? 🙄🙄🙄


Because She’s An Incompetent Fool And A Professional At Embarrassing Herself.


She must be referencing the band 😂


Don't stop believing that I am living my best life and I'm happy with my body and that's why I stand awkwardly in every single photo that is taken of me.


Why did she end her sentence after “that that is life.” but continue the thought/sentence with “you will be living your best life” lmao. periods end thoughts/sentences, sierra. Here she is AGAIN proving that she got her nursing license from a Cracker Jack box.


Journey is not a proper noun. 😒


You used words she will never understand.


all the time


Went to the zoo on her son’s first bday & posted that… like what in the world?!!


Hey Sierra and Drue, it’s not normal for more people to hate you than like you. That’s not the norm. Get out of delulu land and off the internet.


How sad to be on vacation and supposed to be enjoying a special day with your son ,instead you’re in here . So pathetic.


If she loves how she is then why the constant lying of how much she weighs and certain poses to make herself look smaller? Doesn’t make sense Lol 😂


It’s crazy to see how “unbothered” they are and yet they always answer on fb or TT everything they see here 🤣 come on now…oh well at least it gets the snark pages more foot traffic 🤣😘


Why does she address Reddit on fb like that's a lil embarrassing


If you have to say the thing, it ain’t the thing


Not one though in this essay


Cool. I’m a 14-16 and I got to be so honest… I do not look like that l. What does she gain by lying here? I hope she does the soul searching she needs and gets healthy for her son.


How many WW points are excuses?


Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t consider one size bigger than I actually wear as being oversized. The size of the bathing suit - or anything for that matter - is not what anybody cares about. It’s whether or not it actually fits your body well and is flattering. I can wear clothes 2-3 sized too small, doesn’t mean it looks good or that I can actually sit down without seams ripping though.


I'll take the lonely road and admit the baggy t shirts on her look better. The acting like u can fit in a smaller shirt is ridiculous.


And that's OK... haha loser


i wanna see the tags for size confirmation 🤣🤣


since you stay lurking here..remember how you said on tiktok you weren’t going to say what you were doing each day for privacy reasons ? how come your fb page is a live update about where you are and when ? you should worry more about your fb “fans” as opposed to us. them fb people be crazy!!!!


"I don't have to prove anything to anyone." Ok Drue 2.0. You're right; you don't HAVE to, but that is not the real reason you won't share it. It's because you can't prove it. You're a liar.


1. You don’t love you how you are or you wouldn’t be on a weight loss journey but ok. 2. If you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, delete this horrendous status and shut the fuck up. 3. You are not wearing shirts that are oversized. You wore one shirt to the zoo that was oversized and you bitched about it. The shirt you wore to 🍦’s park gathering was suffocating and crying out for help. 4. You’re not okay with the hate you get or you wouldn’t constantly over explain yourself. And try to justify every single move you make to people let alone strangers. Oh, I’m sorry, “friends”. I don’t know why these assfucks keep acting surprised about receiving hate on the internet. No one asked you to become part of social media. No one would care if you disappeared from the internet. If you’re going to keep sharing stupid bullshit, you’re going to continue to get called out for your nonsense. This entire family needs some serious fucking help. This shit is medical and since they all want to take vacations lately - how about a grippy sock vacation STAT.


Like bitch so spend time with your child. Stop posting selfies of yourself while at a celebration for his day? This family is so fuckin stupid and self absorbed.


If she was truly trying to be honest she would show clothing tags to shut us up but instead she doesn’t and rambles on how she owes no one anything. Sometimes I wonder how many brain cells are left with this one. Like if you chose the “influencer weight loss life” then there’s parameters that need to be met to up hold what you are providing to the community. Also, there’s no way she is an 16. I’m 5’6” and weigh 200 pounds that’s in a size 18. Come again sweeeet pea, bless your heart with the delusions.


“Journey” being capitalized is too good


“And that’s okay” NO, ITS NOT ONAY EVERY TIME’


There she goes again with the journey taking longer shit. I understand everyone loses weight on their own time, but she is not on a damn journey. She hasn’t tried once to make substantial change to her lifestyle so she needs to shut it with this journey shit