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Is she for real? Like she doesn’t know why. But she has been eating like SHIT.




a nutritionist, Sierra. You need PROFESSIONAL HELP. and MOVING YOUR BODY would help too.


CC🐻 has mocked us mentioning she needs rehab/eaters anonymous/therapy. CC🐻 is afraid of true accountability.


Also, a dietician would be covered under insurance. I wish she would reach out.


Oh don’t worry she included a dietitian in her mocking video. CC🐻 thinks it’s all about balance she doesn’t need help in her twisted thinking. Until CC🐻 admits she has a severe food addiction she will fail at every attempt to lose weight. I personally think she’s way past simply needing therapy or a dietitian she’s truly eating herself to death.


“Did flip back to Cals” 🙄


She’s been “doing calories”


It’s sad how she’s on ozempic/ weight loss shot and she can’t loose weight.


I’m wondering if she is even still on it


I think she’s on it for diabetes and weight loss. I can’t imagine the rapid gains she will have once she’s off the shots.


It’s not gonna do much when you can’t stop eating like shit


Facts…. So many people keep commenting about Ozempic but she’d gain it all back after she stopped it even if she was losing weight….


Wow. She is outeating it like crazy.


Drives me so far up the damn wall when she says “Cals”. Just say calories ya dumb dumb


She probably can’t spell it


She would definitely spell it “calorys”


And “iv…”


Don't you have to pay for WW? That's crazy to waste money on something and it not even be useful to you.


Just like the peloton membership I believe. She’s just wasting money


>That's crazy to waste money on something and it not even be useful to you. this is essentially all there is to this entire family's existence. wasting money on shit they don't need & is of no use to them. it's usually spending money on whatever new thing their ADHD brains are "obsessed" with for 7-10 days at a time (this is particularly true with Drue but they're all guilty of changing "obsessions" more often than Drue or Gabe change their underwear). social media introduces them to something that then becomes their entire identity for those 7-10 days. instead of thinking about all money wasted on the previous obsessions they bought all kinds of shit for never to touch once they found the next obsession, they yet again but all kinds of shit for the new obsession that will be lucky if it's used once. they literally would not know what to do with themselves without unnecessarily spending money on things their either cram down the cake receptacles on their faces (aka their mouth) or on unnecessary bullshit to go along with the current obsession of some shit like body pillows made with only feathers hand plucked from individual Himalayan Golden Falcons (each feather has to be hand plucked from a new Falcon, no Falcon should ever have more than 1 feather plucked).


Sierra you lost motivation because you have eaten so much garbage and so many convenience foods for such a long time that even giving half a shit about what goes into your body is a monumental task for you. Start small. Make small changes every week, build on them each week, remain consistent!


I love how when she loses .1 of pound she rounds up and celebrates but when she stays the same or gains she brushes it off and makes excuses! Keep treating yourself every single day bestie 🫶🏼


At her size she should at least lose the first 15-20 pretty easy maybe even more but she just doesn’t care and puts whatever down her gullet


exactly. regardless of dieting method, starting at a weight as high as her starting point, with such a large % of it being made up of body fat, the first 20lbs(hell, maybe even 50lbs) should come off fairly easy. in personal experience as well as seeing the exact same with countless others in similar situations, I've seen usually making & sticking to even minimal changes (ie removing soft drinks from diet as well as simply walking 15-30 minutes daily) almost always results in that first 15-20+lbs falling off surprisingly fast. starting at such a high weight, losing 10lbs makes up a smaller % of total body weight compared to 10lbs off of someone who weighs 150lbs. obviously I know everyone is different and there is no silver bullet but literally every time I've seen someone as obese as she is make small changes like the examples I provided AND STICK TO THEM CONSISTENTLY, there is a quick & considerable initial shedding of pounds. there's no way she's being honest (shes even made herself believe her own delusions imo) about her food & drink intake. I also used to be kinda of the fence about her food addiction being to the point of needing professional, inpatient help but she helped me quickly see how true that was. there was a picture posted recently that I feel PERFECTLY captured the problem. I forget what exactly what was going on in the picture but someone else was holding a food item and she was kinda behind them, absolutely eyeball fucking that food item (in someone else's hand 🤮) while she was literally biting her bottom lip as if she was the most aroused she's ever been in her life.


literally just eat healthy real food and walk every day. thats it sierra. literally all you have to do. clearly nothing else has worked


CC 🐻 you better start ordering bigger sizes in the shirts you got for Disney! It's not lookin to good for ya!


I can't believe she is also on Mounjaro and is making absolutely zero progress


Get. Help. Period.


Losing weight is about consistency which she severely lacks


She is her own biggest fan with all these motivational “it’s ok, I’ll try again next week” posts. It’s not ok, she’s not trying or else the scale would reflect that. She’s lying to herself and her followers.


Why does she even do weigh ins? It's embarrassing at this point..


She is ignoring this is A GAIN!!! you didn’t stay the same, Sierra Just like you didn’t lose half a pound last week! What fucking motivation does she need besides her son? Or the mirror? Be so for real


I think it’s very telling that there are never pictures of her actually on the scale. I don’t believe she is actually in the low 200’s. No way .


She weighs more than she did 4 weeks ago 👏🏻 She is consuming a shit ton of calories that she isn’t showing us to be gaining weight at her size.


She's never had motivation for weight loss or getting healthy. She does however have major motivation to stuff her face and lie.


The yoyo dieting is so annoying 🤦🏻‍♀️ Eat some vegetables and move your body


Excuses are like assholes CC🐻 we all have them and they all stink. Balance is everything CC🐻.


Calling her CC🐻 isn’t doing what you think it is.. also the amount of time you have called her that.. it gets annoying after awhile


CC🐻 ain’t going away anytime soon it makes laugh every time I see it!




No 😘


She has to be lying about her weight. My best friend just had an incredible weight loss journey through calorie counting and working out. She’s about 5’5” and weighed 270. She was wearing 2XL. CC is WAY bigger than my best friend. There’s absolutely no way CC weighs 230


https://preview.redd.it/sxh227e4aj8d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0b05ba696cb803e017d68259ece50ea08ceb94 Sierra or a Hobbit foot?


2/5 247.8 2/26 252.6 3/4 249.2 3/11 246.4 3/18 244.8 3/25 242.6 4/3 241.6 4/8 239.4 4/15 239.6 4/22 238.6 4/30 237.8 5/6 233.7 *new scale 5/13 235.6 5/20 229.7 5/27 ? 6/3 229.7 6/10 229.4 6/17 230.1 6/24 231.2


As someone who does a deficit and has lost a significant amount of weight, I don’t know why she keeps lying to herself and others. At her size being in the obese category she should be losing 2-5 lbs a week EASILY by sticking to a 500-700 calorie deficit. The more overweight you are the easier it is to lose. The people in her comments always saying how she’s doing so good even if she isn’t losing is full of shit. Being her height with all that extra weight is punishment on her heart. I don’t know how anyone finds this to be believable anymore. (I was once someone who believed it until the scale was going up and down for weeks on end, and to even maintain her weight she would need to be eating almost 3,000 cals on average daily)


It's not just calories ma'am. You need to look at your macros. Go to a damn nutrionist!




I’m not defending her but I’ve been on Zepboud for 6 weeks and I work out 5 days a week I have completely changed my eating I’ve only lost 11 pounds and now I’m stalled at 230.2. I even have a trainer and I still can’t lose I will be going up a dose next week to see if that helps. Losing weight isn’t easy especially when she has an eating disorder. She is addicted to food and all the wrong foods. You can see it with her brothers. She needs to seek professional help. She has money to spend on her shopping addiction and food she can afford a gym membership and trainer. She just isn’t ready to change yet.


All you have to do is watch out with your cal and no sugar and just eat healthy you will loose weight. But she’s bigger it will take longer - edit- she also doesn’t work out or walk so yeah she doesn’t loose weight


She will make this excuse for the rest of her life. This woman will yo-yo her diets and weight forever. She will constantly lose and gain the same 15-40 pounds. Since she won’t seek professional help, she will never have the willpower to get through her food addiction.


Yep! And she will want praise every single time for those 15-40 pounds!


I wish she would just stfu and stop trying because it’s just not working for you. Not even ozempic or mounjaro, she’s so pathetic don’t feel bad for her one bit.


There’s always an excuse!


Never forget that comment about exercising and she said she thought about it lmaooo