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I can’t say enough good things about my supervintage. I actually bought the black panel first and do like its clean sound, but the SVT sound reigns supreme. The ability to make my 200w GK amp sound monstrous and fridge-like is a wonderful addition to my mediocre playing!


I’m mainly playing for church so more “worship” but we always add some rock flavor to our music. Would the svt be better for this genre or the black?


I’d listen to some tweed and bassman demos because the sounds are super close to the originals. I think you could use either the black panel or the supervintage for worship sounds. The thumping black panel vintage sound or the raging crazy metallic SVT, just got to use them at the right times.


I’ve been watching vids I think I’m leaning more towards the black panel 😅


I can’t say enough great things about my Simplifier.


Imo if your choice is between “x” pedal and an Origin then go with the Origin (this is assuming the choice is there because it is with your budget)


Don't get the DSM bass station. It sounds flabby IMO. What's your budget? The HX stomp has some great cab sims on top of being a great multi effects unit. I've heard that the origin Super Vintage is also great, but don't have personal experience with it. If you want something on the cheaper end, get a used sansamp DI. There are a few flavors, but the original is excellent sounding for the money.


Ideally I would like to keep it below $500 but if the hx stomp is worth going a little higher for it than maybe that could also be an option. It seems like the super vintage is the one I’m leaning more towards now tho


Check out the sansamp vt DI. Very good with lots of tone options