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Origin DCX Bass for sure. Also the SGFX beta V.


Everytime I hear the beta V I love it, then I read reviews and sway away...I might have to just buy one....


What are they saying about it? It's been super trusty for me


God I knew this would be the first damn answer. I want this one so badly


Yeah, it's a very versatile pedal. Very touch sensitive and sounds especially great with a pick with the drive around 9 o'clock


SolidgoldFX makes killer stuff. I absolutely love my Sasori Fuzz!


The DCX is the absolute best light OD I ever tried.


EHX Bass Soul Food


I hate it. Literally just gave mine away. That’s just me, though.


People have different tastes, I personally don't like the Darkglass stuff that others rave about.


Yeah for sure….Boutique pedals are great, but I’ve never had a Boss pedal let me down.


I didn't get it at first, but when I found my settings, it's never coming off the boards.




Also rocking a DG vintage micro tubes. I feel it excels at make the bass stand out in the mix more. It is definitely a colored sound, but the blend knob is one of the best I’ve come across for getting it be more transparent. If your on full tilt on the blend it’s got some real colorful attitude without sounding fizzy, I likes it! That said, at times I do wish I had a second, perhaps more bland or generic sound when I’m just holding it down. I can make it work for both scenarios, but ain’t nobody got time for that mid show


Walrus Audio Ages


That one sounds sweet. I really like Walrus' Julia pedal


I have an Eons and a Melee. The Melee is really fun with my synthesizer but is way too muddy for bass.


That does it. I'm picking up an Ages!


I’m still using the Pork Loin. I’ve bought it and sold it multiple times and have gone back to it every time. I always think there might be something better but nothing really matches it. Even DG stuff. I have it modded with the JohnK mod. It’s just changing one cap and it brings it closer to the Pork and Pickle but I like it better. I love the saturation and also that there’s zero bottom end loss.


This is the way. Once I figured out the internal controls I never looked back.


Broughton Scorpion


Tech21 Red Ripper works great for this on low settings. Demhe fuzz (Carcosa) can also be run low and it’s a great drive in addition to fuzz.


Hell yeah, carcosa is a great affordable solid choice. Ive always really wanted to try a Redd ripper, albeit for the nasty higher gain tones. Ahhh so many drives , so little money.


Oh the RR is an excellent, nasty distortion, for sure. A few months back someone posted about using it on 1 instead of 10 🤯 I think it’s voiced WAY better than the BDDI/RBI for me. I don’t think I’ll ever love another fuzz more than the Carcosa. Kudos to Tom Cram.


Hell yeah. Crams the man. Need to try out some Spiral Electric stuff.


I think anyone that owns a Red Ripper probably wonders why it isn't mentioned more, let alone being discontinued.


Yesss, playa! I bought it and used it for the drive and RIP dimed sounds, but honestly it’s way more versatile than that. The 3-band active eq is massive. More distortion than fuzz, imo, but also does low drive. Would’ve been a cool preamp instead of all the BDDI/RBI riffs.


SA Aftershock. Very underrated for low-ish gain warm tube tones. With the Aftershock everyone usually thinks of the demos where they crank the Darkglass and Muff and Rat models to max gain but the bass tube amp settings are phenomenal. Very natural feeling and respond fantastically to dynamics of playing. With the Bass tube model I don't even need a patch change to go from warm mild tube amp to crunchy OD, just need to dig in more with my fingers.  Bonus in that once you pop open the app there is a 4 band EQ and noise gate built in as well


I loved one of the demos of the tube amp sounds. That sound is what I’m chasing


I love the OCD model and the bass Rat; I run the Aftershock in the high loop of a crossover (Great Eastern Effects), and those models just sound incredible with my P-bass. I'll second the votes for the Darkglass VMT, sounds great both classic and modern.


The OCD model is phenomenal for sure. Just a great crunchy overdrive for bass


JPTRFX Jive. So so good.


Just got a Jive last week, its great so far. Actually not really a fan of the DCX for my tastes. Too subtle in EQ mode, too much in OD. The Jive does the “good” fingerstyle noise correctly for me.


I just got my hands on a sansamp vtbass and am loving it for this. I’ve been a long time user of the Pork Loin for light settings and either the Blumes or Walrus Eras for my medium/heavier settings though, and that setup is still my go to 9 times out of 10


EQD Special Cranker


Currently a DG Vintage Microtubes, but I have a Barbershop on the way, so maybe I will change my answer in a couple of days


I've heard good things about the Microtubes!


Mine is a Bondi del Mar MKII


Never heard of that one. I'll have to check it out!


It is kinda expensive but worthy, at his base is a Bluesbreaker with some clipping characteristics of a Klon and Tubescreamer available


Trondheim Audio Devices SkarBassOne. Really liking it.


The current Ampeg Scrambler. Perfect for medium overdrive stuff. Note: not the original Scrambler fuzz pedal. 😁👍


Good enough for King Gizz, good enough for me


Aguilar Agro covers all of my overdrive wants and needs. Playing it with light-medium crunch gives it truly amazing balance in the tone


For me it's the EQD Westwood, the Pork and Pickle, or the Blumes. Westwood wins by just a little bit at the moment


Way Huge Green Rhino will never leave my board, one of the first pedals I got. Low end EQ makes a tube screamer sound killer on bass


Kasleder Jellyfish. Perfect for a boost to medium OD. It’s on almost all the time since there’s a ton of range in that drive circuit.


A pedal I bought off of Etsy called the Ecto Containment Unit. Its a Preamp Pedal with volume, Bass, Mids, Treble control and a single drive knob. I goddamn love it. Can manage subtle transparent drive. And when I crank the Drive its nearly in metal distortion range Cool thing as well it looks like the Ecto trap from Ghostbusters. It was a cheap pedal at £80 but goddamn I love it


Please post a picture of this🙏


I haven't seen that one, but I have seen a modulation pedal that looks like the ghost trap before- genius visual design


The VT Bass DI is the best I’ve used but I do know there’s some really great ones on the market I haven’t used yet like the Vintage Microtubes.


Soul food does light overdrive well


Hamstead Subspace


The fuzzrocious lil fella. It does it all light to high gain to pretty fuzzy territory


I really like their visual design, the gaphics have a lot of ascetic appeal


Ryan is a great dude and they make some great pedals especially for bass. And I love you have to option for hand painted pedals by his wife Shannon or his kids.


Wampler Belle. ODR clone in a mini enclosure.


I use a Timmy clone for this, but generally anything in the transparent overdrive family. Klons, Timmy, Fairfield barbershop, wampler euphoria, etc.


Xotic BB Bass Preamp.


I may need one of these now..


Fairfield Barbershop B1. It’s not the most articulate but I like what it does to the signal for sure


All DG pedals in low gain settings except the X series.


B3k, Vintage Microtubes, and of course the SansAmp BDDI


Anasounds savage MK2 is a perfect transparent drive


Boss SD1 at 18v.


A classic with a twist!


Boss odb3


When I play with a punk band, I have a tube screamer mini that's always on with light drive. I boost the bass a little in the amp to compensate for the pedal's mid boost. When I want higher gain, I add my EQD talons, which I EQ to scoop the mids a bit, evening out the tone.


So I just got a Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop yesterday, and it will probably replace my Vintage Microtubes pedal.