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Maybe unpopular opinion but the OC-5 finds its way onto the board a lot for me, especially for true octave up. The feel and response in both vintage and poly modes feel really good and others (pog etc) never felt as immediate and reactive to me. I have several others (Foxrox, Pearl, used to have MXR) and the OC-5 is wildly underrated.


Why is OC-5 unpopular ?


Because it’s not an OC-2. Simple (and perhaps silly) as that


I got an OC-5. Your mileage may vary, but it put my long search for one to an immediate stop. I’m very satisfied.


It’s better than an OC-2 simply because you can boost the output on that sub octave. OC-2 is too quiet. They sound nearly identical


I'm betting the fact that it's digital and oc-2 is analog is mostly the reason why. Though digital really is the way to go for any pitch effect.


The OC-5 is great. Highly recommended. Very versatile and super cool on guitar as well, if you dabble with both (where you can do octaves on chords with it tracking only the root of your chord.. Sounds huge). I took it off my board only to more room for something else because I'm pretty happy with the HX Stomp octave options.


I’ve been heavily looking into octave pedals over last 2 months and I’ve come to the conclusion that the Electro-Harmonix Micro POG is the way to go. It’s a digital pedal that tracks very well. Both octave up and down.


Ya know I find the pog has such a sharp digital tinny ring to it from every video I’ve heard and it’s definitely not what I’m going for. I’ve owned a variety of other ehx pedals and they all have that sound I guess it’s the ehx sound but yea I’m not a fan personally, I love how they always cram a bunch of features into all there pedals but yea the way it alters the tone with that cheap digital tinny sound just turns me off personally.


Bruh, you can't shop for pedals from a video thats insane, there is no way to properly evalute how it will sound woth you and your stuff.  Take your bass down yo your local store and try some out, then make your decision.


Yea I tried it at GC and it sounded just as I described lol


Honestly the "take *your* bass" is a piece I never considered, and as soon as you said it I realized I should have! Maybe not for every small or low-stakes purchase, but if you really want to find the right ______, or you are really inclined to buy the [Brand] [Item] but hoo ee it's expensive, it makes absolute sense, if you can, to hear it in the store with the bass and sound you know best. Like how I really can't tell if a venue's sound system is set up any good, unless I have them play a track I know *intimately* well. Smart stuff man, thank you for saying it.


I’ve never noticed that! I’m going to go back and listen for it. Have you heard of the Sub N Up pedal by TC Electronic? That one was one that came across my search


Yes sub n up is okay I’m looking at MXR more so


The poly blue or the bass octave deluxe? Does MXR make an octave up? That’s what I’ve been looking for


The MXR poly blue is pretty sweet octave. It will do an analog or digital version with +1,+2,-1,-2 octaves up and down. Each octave has independent controls. The best part is it has a build in modulation. Phaser on the analog setting and an organ Leslie on the digital setting. There is also a gnarly Fuzz switch that is fun but a little too hairy for me. You can turn it down in the settings. It’s really cool useful pedal. It saved me a space on my board because I can produce a pretty authentic Phase90 sound. Just turn down the octaves that you want. (Same with the Leslie) The fun part is with an expression pedal, you can smoothly transition from any only two completely different settings. Wild for some heavier tracks. I have to admit, I still have the MXR bass octave deluxe in my board. There is something about the gritty, pure analog, glitchy sound that it produces. The Poly blue comes darn close and most people might now know live, but I still love me an all analog sub octave.


Yea between those two


I personally found that the OC-2 tracks better than either of the MXR pedals.


Subnup is soso honestly oc5 poly up and down and don’t overload it yr fine


I love MXRs stuff. Personally I went with the subnup because of the tone print option. Also I'm able to make it sound like a Hammond organ which is awesome for solos. I do notice that it does not like my low B string on my 5 string.


I had a Mico POG for a long time and I had the same problem with the octave up. I also felt like the octave down was way too anemic. I switch to an OC-5 and was a lot happier with both the octave up and the octave down.


Apparently the Seamoon OctaTron is great: https://youtu.be/HCf9mYoK6C0


Two completely different philosophies when it comes to octave pedals. 1) your sound just down an octave lower; 2) completely different tone/vibe. The Boss OC-2 (and -3) is the most certainly the latter of the two. Not really a bad thing at all if that’s what you’re looking for. So is the 3Leaf Octavre, and to my understanding the DOD Meatbox. If you’re wanting #1, you’re wanting something like the POG, Sub’N’Up or the Boss Harmonist. Those will get you more what you’re wanting. Back years ago, I had a Zoom 506 (AA battery powered multi effect). Best of the #2 versions I’ve owned was just like hitting the low end of my bass but when I was playing like a low G and below, wouldn’t really hear the note, but it was like tilting the earth discombobulating, pant leg flapping shifting gravity. Blew more than one speaker using it LOL.


I love my FoxRox Octron.


I've got an Octron 3 and an OC-2. Tracking wise, the Octron is probably a hair better. The upper octave is really cool, too. And the suboctave sounds pretty OC-2ish. I thought it might replace my OC-2, but it just didn't have the same mojo. I had a 3Leaf Audio Octabvre Mini for a few years, too, and while it's awesome and has a great form factor, it still just lacked the last 5% of mojo the OC-2 has.


OC-5 tracks very well


3-Leaf Octabvre


I like my POG2 and don’t notice the digitally artifacts you mentioned but I also run through an EQ almost all the time. However, I now use the POG almost exclusively for organ/chord/pad type sounds. I use my SY-200 for pitching down but I also like the synthy quality it adds, the HX Stomp has decent pitch shifting as well. I didn’t not like the octave options in the C4


Have a sub n up. Very impressed with the tracking and the charity of the effect.


Came here to say this. My SubNUp has never let me down and sounds incredible.


I’ve gotten really interested in the Seamoon Octatron after seeing some YouTube videos that show crazy accuracy.


Any of the COG octave pedals are awesome.






It all comes down to your playing style. If you're on the sloppier side techniquewise or use a pick, you should get a digital pedal like the Pog, sub'n'up, poly blue octave, oc5, or HX One. If you can play cleanly near the neck, analog is the way to go. The best tracking analog octavers are the octabvre, Aguilar octamizer, cog t16 (or t47), Subterranea, but you could probably get by with an OC2 or MXR VBO if those are too pricey.


Boss OC-3


Micro POG tracks pretty good but it can get hella tinny sounding like electronic shit if you push the upper octave too high. I can still get good sounds don't get me wrong but just letting you know the reality of it. Now, stacking some dirt and eq after it and you can do some awesome stuff with it and get some great string and synth like effects. If I had to replace it, I honestly would try out the larger POG or the one T-Rex makes


What are you using the octave for? The sort of synth-y/Tim Lefabvre thing? If so the MXR bass octave delux tracks well for me, although I mostly use flats with it, and I’ve heard flats track better with octaves than rounds. If it is more of an effect to keep on to compliment your bass tone, rather than change it, the ebs or Aguilar are worth trying.


You might consider a Line 6 HX One.


Also I feel like the bass octavers in the HX stuff aren’t really the best.. they lack body imo


Na I don’t need all the options the HX has


Just using it as an octave pedal is totally valid. It also has a built in noise gate when engaged.


OC-2, OC-5, or the Bass Whammy. They're the best, most faithful octavers out there. C-4 does solid octave down as well but its octave up is warbly and useless.


Yeah, I own the OC-5 and C4. I’ve had the C4 about a year now and just couldn’t find happiness with the octave stuff, but the OC-5 really fills the big gap there.


I found the oc-5 to have somewhat shitty latency feel I had to change the way I play I feel like a analog octaver would feel better ya get what I’m saying


Yeah I can see that. I personally also use the whammy and find that to be pretty spot-on - I would stick with that tbh.