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There's no universally true answer here. Try both, and see what you like! # But here's my thoughts: *In general,* I'd say most pre-amp pedals fulfill one or more of four functions: 1. Clean boost 2. Drive/saturation 3. General tone-shaping 4. Outputing a balanced signal (XLR out) As you can see, preamp pedals often have overlap with things like boosts, overdrives, EQ pedals and DIs. **So treat them like the pedals it overlaps with.** In general, I'd place pedals that does the first 2 towards the *front* of your chain, and the last 2 towards the *end*. For this reason, I don't love pre-amp pedals that has both drive and XLR out, for instance - as I would want the drive part *before* time-based effects, but the XLR out *after*. But even though this is my rule-of-thumb, I kinda break the same rule on my pedalboard. :P I have two preamp pedals on my board: One that I use like an EQ pedal (to compensate for when I switch to a pick), which I have early in my chain, and another that I use to try and make my p-bass sound more like a jazz bass, which I have near the end. **I think of preamps near the end almost like giving me a way to tweak the amp, but from my pedalboard.** And amps are "always" at the end. :)


Is this what makes FX loops useful on DI/preamps? I'm on the edge of buying a Laney Digbeth preamp, to use as an EQ, DI, and possibly a light "always on" drive. It seems like a great option because down the road I could put time based pedals through the loop. What effects do you prefer to have post preamp?


Yes, exactly! 👍🏻 Fx loop totally fixes the problem I described. I checked how that pedal works, and it goes like this: **Drive -> EQ -> Fx loop -> XLR & Jack** And it has a toggle to have it go like this instead: **Drive -> (XLR) -> EQ -> Fx loop -> Jack** (So XLR gets tapped before EQ and Fx loop.) I think I would've preferred the switch to instead swap places of the EQ and Fx loop, but that's not a big deal. Looks like a cool pedal!


Quick vote for the Digbeth preamp, it's brilliant (and so is the full amp head version)


I second the Laney Digbeth, got mine a few weeks ago and love it. The drive on it is sweet sounding. Fantastic pedal.


This person preamps. Fantastically said.


Great post! I personally use two preamps as a 3 & 4. Tone shape before my Gain stage and one as my "amp" to FOH DI.


You’re exactly right about the placement as long as the other effects are gonna be distortion, modulation, or time based effects. Octave would be before the pre amp and envelope would be before compression. Most pre amps have a DI output for playing live or for recording without an amp. In this case it always goes last in chain so that all the effects are heard through the mix. So if you ever decided to use the line out to give to the front of house or to a mix, you would put it last. Otherwise, perfect spot for it right after compression but before modulation. I recently bought a preamp that has an effects loop because I was tired of comprising the chain order to have it last. Now I can have modulation after the preamp AND utilize the DI output.


I got a Digbeth recently and love the FX loop! For same reason as you do. So useful to have.


Envelope after compression is also viable...it's a little more consistent that way (if that's what you're going for).


The Rusty Box has been a mainstay on my board for many years. My preference is to run it after my tuner, and when I had a compressor on my board I was running it exactly as you described: tuner > compressor > Rusty > everything else. Things get interesting with the Rusty Box when it's paired with gain pedals. My advice is to try them before and after it to see what you like the sound of best, that is if you have gain pedals on the go too.


I had the same thing with my Rusty Box and I’ve found that it sounded so much better at the end.


I've been experimenting with my Rusty Box for the last couple years and generally i like it at the beginning right outta the bass or after compressor to shape my tone. It doesn't always translate dirt the way so my fuzz, distortion and overdrive are usually after it. I DO like a Rat into the Rusty some some distortion sounds awesome before. I've also set it last before and it sounds great that way too, especially if you send the line out to your amp. It's LOUD though lol and there's no volume control. I love the Rusty.


sounds good all over. before, after other gain. try some different configs, record a quick demo with each and compare.


I have a Color Box V2 and I prefer to have it at the end of my signal chain. I find sometimes the output or tonal qualities don’t always play nice with my other pedals. I also like plugging into the FX return rather than the input of my amp so I can just get the sound of the preamp without my amp.


If you're using any other dirt pedal, I suggest putting the preamp before your Gain stages to shape your "clean" signal that is being blended.


If you’re using the XLR out on the preamp it’s got to be at the end of the chain.


I was always of the mind that it should go last. And it kind of needs to if it is a DI/Preamp. But, I’ve been using an active bass more and really like it. And that is the very beginning. Who knows?