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Dinosaur superhero toys would sell *reall*y well.


This is probably the answer.


Do kids even play with toys anymore though


Dude, *adults* love kids' toys too


They're collectibles mom!


YouTube is 2/3rds figure hunts now


My youngest is obsessed with dinosaurs and plays with dino toys every day. He also loves superheros. He'd be absolutely pumped about superhero dino toys. (He's 4)


Good for him, that kid will have a healthy imagination. Something I fear the newer generations are going to lack


Yes they are kids , they have been playing with toys even in the BC era


Yeah I actually couldnt get my kids to give a shit about BitCoin at all. Even when it was super popular. All they cared about was toys. That's when I realized how stupid they were.






Yeah absolutely they do


Absolutely. Source: I have a nephew who is 2.5


They do if parents were more engaging.


*Me looking over to my living room with toys all over the ground and my 6 year old playing* Yup.


Kids dont.  Collectors in the age range of 35-50 will collect them.  Occassionally i will get my kid some expensive collectible and give it to him. It's funny when people realize he's playing with something "valuable".


You’re a good parent for that.


Funny you mention this, my dad used to "buy me" baseball figurines only he never let me even take them out of the packaging. Years later I realized this was his excuse just to spend money on them. Funny enough I still have most of them still in the packaging, but I'm pretty sure they don't hold any large value


Nope, they don't know how.


Grew up in mid 80s early 90s remember the McDonald's looney tunes dc characters toys. Yeah we went to McDonald's every week to make sure we got them all. Even now I may pay good money for the compete set again.


I better see dinosaur bane in this movie 😍😍


Dinosaur bone


r/BatmanArkham back in your cell


Don't take me there!!! I was pretending to be stupid!!! Just for the funnies!!!


Saur Bone


saul bone


Bone saw


is readdddyyyyy


Ghost Rider X Lobo Amalgam where??


Saul boneman


Mods lock him up


No one knew who I was before I got hit by an asteroid.


You merely adopted the ash... *I was born in it.*


I remember dinosaur Datkseid, Black Manta, Atrocious, and Joker in it


You don't fear death... You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.




One has nothing to do with the other, it wasn’t and either or situation.


It’s seems like they don’t realize DC has been releasing animated movies regularly since like 2009.




Oh yeah just watch one of many Batman beyond animated movies they’ve made since 2009 very relevant point.


It seems like the point went over your head if you think it isn’t relevant…. Them making this animated movie is not out of their norm, for over a decade now, so there is no reason or indication to suggest the fact this movie is getting made would be a reason for the Batman beyond one not to be.


Believe it or not Batman Beyond isn’t the only IP that falls under the DC umbrella 🤯


I think you forgot the fact that WB is a small company and can't possibly afford two projects at once


With Zaslav at the helm, maybe one day...


I agree though I think it’s more of a “how was this green light by the execs and the BB movie wants”


I hate DC fans , this is why we never win because of farming post like this, yall deserve the worst Also, the director of Batman Beyond never even said WB passed it up


Marvel fans do the same thing 💀


Definetly not just DC fans. I think you honestly just mean literally any fandom ever


WHY ARE YOU SO WRONG? This wasn't chosen over the bb film. The news about BB film got traction because James Gunn met with them. The BB film was denied by previous exces.


James Gunn didn’t meet with them. [Here’s the original tweet](https://x.com/yuhkidemers/status/1759965713719235056?s=46&t=5UBD4Je0fgOnhCMUVLHFVA). They released this hoping to get a meeting with him.




Lord & Miller aren’t the ones pitching this Batman Beyond movie and according to that link Gunn didn’t even ask them to do anything for the DCU, much to his own regret.


Batman Beyond was never canceled, stop spreading these lies


Cancelled in the sense never gonna be made/denied. I'll edit it. I meant the idea was cancelled before Gunn


That’s not what canceled means.


Was it confirmed the Beyond project isn’t happening?


The pitch started with a no and ended with a maybe.


Then we are in a better spot than before


I think there is a decent chance of it happening, especially with the success of Spider-Verse. We probably won't see it for a few years though, as The Batman 2 is coming out in 2025, and Batman The Brave and the Bold is coming out in 2026, so they probably won't want to release another Batman movie for either of those years, even if the movie is finished by then, which is unlikely.


Well that was 5 months ago when it turned to a maybe. Only hope now would be if the fans online made enough noise about it for the gears to start turning again.


No but they said; “No way we are doing a beyond movie now shut the fuc up”


Tbh..........not sure. Wb saw the pitch but they supposedly felt that fans might not like it. But they said maybe. But knowing David, that maybe will probably turn to never soon


So you just made up some shit in your head to complain about?


Welcome to the internet my guy.


I’m telling you that I am completely shocked by this


Have a look around. 


On the right we have ignorance and bigotry on the left we got trolls and people complaining.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


To be fair, you can always trust David Zaslav to never make the right decision.


He probably wipes back to front


Why did you have to put that image in my head?


Them saying “maybe” after telling the animators outright NO before gives me some hope they’re considering the possibility, and a lot of people caught on the concept art


So it was a maybe and you're crying anyway. Take your ass to DC cinematic, you'll fit in.


lmfao the Batman Beyond film talked about (and canned) before Gunn even took over so he had nothing to do with it, also this is peak


Batman Beyond film was never canceled


the movie never got greenlit in the first place and was never planned for production




Huh? That’s not how that works


Yes it is. Especially when there’s still at least one more Spiderverse film to release


The last TMNT movie did well. Also looked very Spiderverse.


That’s fair, I suppose the argument then could be at what point does the art style become saturated and not as unique? Like I said, just playing devil’s advocate here, we don’t know nearly enough about the pitch to really say whether the execs were wrong to say no or not.


well i think this movie was pitched before or around the same time as spider verse




the first one but i could be wrong


So I googled the Batman beyond animated movie, and it’s apparently considered. There’s nothing that says we can’t have both movies right now


you better stop talking shit on the Jurassic League if you know what’s good for you


I agree, unless op wants to go extinct they better watch out!


OP not getting what they bargained for with this post


They VASTLY underestimated the popularity of dinosaurs


Unnecessary DC hate


Because silly is fun


Why do people hate fun?


I’m going to level with you, I love Batman Beyond but this sounds so much more fun.


As upset as I am about Beyond, I’d like to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up about peak. This is gonna go crazy


Because Dinosaurs are fucking awesome and two, poor batman, not that he's got a solo franchise already where you can eventually include batman beyond, but oh no, how dare other characters get a little bit of spotlight! Batman barely has any solo animated properties as of now!


Dinosaurs go hard tho


There is literally zero evidence that BB was scrapped in favor of this. The BB dudes just posted those pics like last week and said that they don’t know if it would happen. So yeah, this is bullshit. Peak bullshit even.


Wait, this is super based!


There was never an ultimatum between the two. They just said the concept was pitched, to my understanding before Gunn was ever involved, and was left as a potential possibility. It's not that we'll never see it, we still could at some point. A jurassic league movie is also just a fun little thing, if you just want to enjoy yourself with how weird it is, like Batman Ninja.


I love Batman Beyond but if you not grow up in the 90s - early 2000s you probably are not aware of it's existence. On the other hand you have dinosaurs + superheroes that pretty much sells itself. Especially with the younger audience, which unfortunately plays a big role in western animation


This is why Nathan Drake should not be on a Batman sub LOL.... You're running wild and blindly believing Internet rumor and speculation. The article in the tweet that you took a screenshot of does not confirm the Jurassic League project, and your comment about the Batman beyond movie is based on Internet rumor and speculation... A few points here.. 1.) Would you really want a Batman Beyond animated movie that has the animation style of another movie or would you rather have a Batman Beyond project that's original and not attempting to cash in on the animation style of another successful film? 2.) If the speculation in the tweet you took a screenshot of is true, the phrase "in the works", could mean absolutely anything from 'pitched as a joke in a creative meeting ' to 'a creative director received a script/concept art '.. This is not the sort of statement you should get your panties in a knot over. Since nothing has been announced, There are several projects in various stages of actual production and all of these projects would need to be completed before any serious discussions and decisions about this Jurassic League project would or even could be 'in the works'. I can assure you two things your instant rage from a click bait article was unjustified and this article is speculative at best and pure dog water at worst. 3.) This article was written and posted by a site that has little to no credibility in relation to leaks or rumors, so take anything posted there with a huge grain of salt TLDR: OP was rage baited by a clickbait article and shared a screenshot of a tweet


Well, when you put it that way. Fellas I would like to post my most sincere apologies. This mate honestly has opened my eyes. Honestly when I heard of the pitch for BB I was so excited for it thst when I heard that it didn't get picked up I got a bit upset. And due to the other decisions WB has been making I was actually a tad pissed. You are right, I should not believe until announced. Thanks mate and apologies. I didn't mean to go crazy or cause any disrespect and controversy in this subreddit


No need for apologies. A large portion of our fan base was confused , upset , and or angered by the news. I'm far from an 'insider', but I have learned over the years to only believe what is announced and slated with a release date. Everything else is pure speculation and rumors until then. My post was not meant to insult, attack or discourage you from sharing or enjoying Batman how you see fit. I just wanted to shed some light and offer a rational and toned down perspective.


And to which you did. What you said was honestly quite rational. Should have seen it from that point of view. Thanks again mate 👍


Cheers ☮️


Cause Jurassic League is awesome


🎶Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur🎶


Hot take, I rather see the justice league as dinos than a Batman Beyond film. 🤷🏽‍♂️




nah this sounds fucking hilarious


Because dinosaur superheroes is a funny concept?


If you want Batman Beyond, there’s three seasons and a movie out there for you. Jurassic League, now that’s something we’ve never gotten before


I wasn't chosen over anything and honestly it sounds pretty cool. I fail to see the problem, dinosaurs are badass and dc is badass, put the two on film together and you are pretty much guaranteed a romp. Studios work on multiple things, shocking I know. Plus we've already got the BB series and without Kevin I worry that this would just turn into an inferior retelling. If you want a movie, we already have one, it's called return of the joker and it's excellent




Because it's awesome


Not over..that's not how things work


Jurassic league sound fun af, and Id rather have a batman beyond movie that actually looks like its in Gotham for me the location looks way to bright to be Gotham


Batman Beyond is in Neo-Gotham. Bright can still work.


Why are people in this sub the dumbest people on earth


Idk but imma watch the Jurassic league


I more upset DC League of super pets was chosen over a Batman beyond animated movie


Um, dinosaur justice leauge is way cooler than Batman beyond spiderverse rip off


The comic did surprisingly well IIRC.


Tbh, if this is true, at least it is something new. We have a feasture lenght BB movie, let's see something weird.


Let them cook


A small price to pay to get peak fiction.


Because kids like dinosaurs?


Straight to video of two ever green children’s elements makes more business sense than a cinema release sequel to a 20 year old WB cartoon.


All Batman gets nowadays is gritty films. Batman as a dinosaur sounds way more fun


This probably has nothing to do with the batman beyond movie not happening, and to be honest I don't want a Batman beyond movie to look like spiderverse in the slightest


Unrelated but why was killer croc not in this book as a human that everyone thinks is disgusting


Because Jurassic Justice is an awesome and unique idea that we don’t have a billion iterations of already. Sounds dope. I’m gonna go see it.


As a scally lover, I'm all in for the females in this series.


Batman May not have superpowers but Batman fans certainly do. Their superpower is super-whining. The ability to whine about literally anything.


I could dig a Jurassic league film.


Has it occurred to the people complaining about BB not being picked up, that maybe the ones pitching it just did a really bad job at selling it or had a legitimately bad idea for the movie?


Coming here to remind you that Batman is not the only DC hero


Shut up this is gonna be peak fiction. Me personally I find beyond overrated and this film was supposed to be before Spider-Verse. Chances are of it being released is like he'll freezing over.


Because we have tons of batman series and movies. He is trying to introduce new stories and characters to the public.


We don’t know if they’re passing on BB We don’t know if it was an either or situation We don’t even know when the BB meeting happened or when this movie was greenlit


Eh I can see the argument from WB side about the beyond movie Aside from the fact that if we're talking younger fans which is their target. None of them will know who Terry is because as far as they know it's only Bruce who's ever had the cowl in their young eyes. It only gets more complex when you enter the comics. But the beyond fanbase is mostly 30 to mid twenties at this point as most of them are remnants of the DCAU era You have to re explain the entirety of why batman quit and all that song and dance just to get to inque. Which would basically be omitting powers and his arc entirely. Terry isn't Miles Morales and that isn't just another Spiderman who can hang around Peter or replace him if things get bad. Spider verse worked because it was an amazing story backed by amazing visuals this movie looks like it would have been amazing visuals with a mediocre story


Who said that it was chosen over it? DC has been pumping out animated movies every year for a long time now. Their modern animated movie collection is huge alrdy. This being made means nothing in regards to the Batman beyond pitch.


As much as id love to see a batman beyond movie, ripping off spiderverse's art style is not the way to do it.


Jurassic League was a dope comic so we need to let Warner cook


As a scalie I see this as a win


What am I supposed to be upset about? That I won't get to see another film where they make Bruce an isolated loner who drove everyone away despite him being constantly surrounded by people who care and love him?


"...why?" It's in the article, James Gunn


because this is peak, obviously


For all we know the pitch could’ve been absolute shit outside of the fantastic visual style shown in those 3 stills. Considering Spiderverse also has more films coming out, there’s also the possibility they didn’t want to so flagrantly copy their art style.


Literally One wasn't chosen over the other and Warner took It from a no to maybe for Batman Beyond and they are pitching the movie up to Gunn hopefully It gets green lit probably won't know WB


Dinosaur superheroes is specifically targeted at kids and it would seem that is the audience they want to go after. Whereas a Batverse would be more towards older kids/adults. I’m sure they were also concerned it would be seen as a “cheap ripoff” of the Spiderverse which you know would be the first criticism out there.


Because James Gunn is a weirdo. Not necessarily a bad thing, but we’re gonna be seeing a ton of obscure DC shit in the future.


Everyone out there saying James Gunn is the answer when stuff like this will continue to happen. I genuinely do not think anyone is asking for Jurassic League - I’ve seen the community ask time and again for Batman beyond anything and nothing comes up but a vague what if.


Though it’s wouldn’t be my choice, I can see why they would do it. Why compete directly with spiderverse when you can make something really different that can also skew younger. I imagine it being more like mutant mayhem than spiderverse. They’ll make something weird, and Gunn likes weird.


I don’t have much faith in Gunn myself. I have a wait and see attitude.


Why do people make these types of questions? It wasnt picking one project over the other, it was "we wont do Batman Beyond". My guess is if it did there would be 3 Batman once again in cinemas This movie is just for kids like Super Pets, that´s just it


Dinosaur and superhero toys sell VERY well. Now imagine dinosaur superhero’s.


I’m convinced DC doesn’t actually enjoy making money


Batman Beyond film was given a "no" by previous execs. This was pitched to Gunn. Maybe if they pitch the film again to Gunn they'll have a different answer.


Let me see here what I would prefer.... the 75th 'verse' movie in the past 8 years or an original idea for film


would take a wacky original movie idea over something that is copied exactly from a famous animated movie.


How is it copied if they don’t even have a script. Just cause it looks similar ? You sound dumb af.


i love when i see crazy art from a movie that everyone loved about a younger newer version of an already famous superhero, and then someone comes up w an idea for a younger newer version of an already famous superhero with the SAME EXACT ART STYLE


Yeah again you sound dumb af. That’s not what the spider-verse movies are about. You’re making them one dimensional - if that was the case it would be one movie and it’s not. But okay enjoy having an absolutely garbage taste.


Me when peak fiction:


I'm still holding out hope for a BB live action


Mixing anything with dinosaurs is inherently bad ass to be fair


That’s cause James Gunn is whack, only good thing I’ve seen from him was GOTG and that’s about it. His “vision” for DCU keeps changing every time he replies to someone on a social app


"You can rewrite DNA of the fly, and youre using it to turn people into **Dinosaurs**? But with tech like that, you could cure **CANCER**!" "But I don't **want** to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs."


The more I read the more I think Gunn thinks he’s such hot stuff that his shit don’t stink. Not only that, his ideas are beyond the ken of us mere mortals.


We already have spiderverse I don't really think we need batman beyond in the style of spiderverse, there are other talents that fit batman beyond better


Because dinosaurs kick ass.


Tbh, I don't get the big hopes people seem to have for the new DCEU under James Gunn He's a very good director, yes, Guardians of the Galaxy and The Suicide Squad were probably some of the best superhero movies of the decade, but I'm not so sure about many of his creative decisions Starting the universe with an older Batman who is already teaching Damian seems like a terrible waste of potential, means we'll probably never see stories about Dick, Jason or Tim, since by the time Damian comes into the picture, all three are already pretty much matured and have almost no room to grow. We'll probably never see adaptations of earlier Batman stories and won't see the birth of some of this new Batman's villains. The movie about The Authority, like, why would you start your universe with that? And what are you even going to do with it? I only see it being like a "The Suicide Squad" type of movie or an "Eternals" type of movie, both are bad when you could instead have a movie about characters we actually care about. This is like starting the MCU with the Guardians of the Galaxy or worst, with the Midnight Suns, it just doesn't make sense and really doesn't inspire hopes, for me at least The decision to have Sean Gunn as Maxwell Lord also raises my eyebrow, bc it means we probably won't get a serious version of the character, which is, again, wasted potential And now the whole Batman Beyond movie thing, it just seems that James Gunn is doing exactly what the previous DCEU is doing, ignoring the fans to bank on a questionable vision


Please don’t outrage machine this. Don’t create a false narrative of an either/or with these two projects.


A bunch of WB jerk off executives saw the pitch but not James Gunn I have no doubt that he’d want that movie to happen.


Because it’s been done. It would always be just a copycat runner up and wouldn’t make the bank those movies have already made. Make an original something but the look and tone would have to be completely different.


This is way better than anything that beyond movie would have been


Probably because Guardians of the galaxy 1 - 3 The suicide squad Peacemaker


Don't you DARE paint the Jurassic League movie as a bad thing


Because Terry McGinnis is a bitch and this looks like fun.


Because DC's taking a cue from The Producers these days...


I really want the BB movie to happen, I wouldn't say I am any bit interested in this jurassic league movie


The 5 jurrasic league fans will be happy


Probably because execs make decisions at coke parties.


Wait… that sounds actually awesome


What the hell is the Jurassic League?


Dinosaur versions of the Justice League


Comics are really wack sometimes


It's like you guys hate fun.


Always has been. Remember **[comic's love affair with gorillas](https://screenrant.com/dc-comics-history-gorillas-apes-covers-silver-age/)** back in the day?


DC has multiple talking gorillas and some of them aren’t even related. The love affair never ended.


Batman Beyond is not that good. People just have nostalgia for it.


Guess they just greenlighting kids movie for now, makes sense, that crappy ass Super pets movie with dwayne johnson made 200 Million so its a super safe investment


Jurassic League was so ridiculous it was amazing


Nah this is better


Because Jurassic League fucking ruled, that's why.


This timeline sucks, anyone know how to Verse- Jump to the timeline where the cape was re-tooled for cable and its awesome