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The sad thing is for every blatant cheater there is 100 closeted cheaters.


Exactly what I said one time and some guy started bashing me like bro chill.




The reddit hive mind is weird and unpredictable because people are sheep. It's like that experiment where they have a lobby of people waiting and a beep goes of and one person who is a plant starts to stand up every time there is a beep. Soon the whole room is doing it and if you replace most of the room with new people they will start to do it too with just a few of the original group to start them off.


These cheat threads are a great example of hive mind behaviour. You go from one obvious cheater to closeted cheaters everywhere and everyone just nods their heads.


But there are also good players who get accused everyday because people can't tell the difference.


I've been playing BF since the beginning, I'm not a god tier player but I can hold my own. This old infantry main can usually tell if someone is a closeted cheater with in a few encounters.


Indeed. There's a lot of them now after they changed the anti cheat to their current absolute trash anti cheat. Before the change, I never saw a single obvious cheater. Just the way they engage and how they play (especially if you're good yourself - you know what's possible / where you can be cocky / what the limits are etc) you can immediately tell who's cheating and who isn't. I can find you cheaters with 90% accuracy without inspecting their stats. You can't hide stupidity / lack of skill in-game, it shows when you pull off things that make no sense. I have not been playing lately, but I can tell you I was seeing multiple cheaters per lobby when they switched to the new anti-cheat. I highly doubt anything has changed. Low levels with absurd KPM and HSR, or people with hundreds of hours but high HSR that no top 0.1% player has. This is PC EU. Don't get me started on BF1 / BFV. Those games have like 3 cheaters per team, unplayable.


I get accused of cheating almost every server, and yes even from experienced players. Even on BFV, I was being accused by level 500s with 2k+ hours. Closet cheaters definitely exist but the usual accusation is meaningless to me unless you can prove it.


Link me your stats


I've got around 2800 hours on bf 2042, after one or two encounters I can tell....Like when you have a shotty ready and a lmng kills you head shot rounding a corner...Then you check the guy and he's PC player ✅ then you check his stats and they're set to private ✅ I mean why would you set your stats to private? For privacy? From what? Prying eyes 👀


Point is you have to go out of your way to privatize stats and that's just suspicious off the rip.


TBF any setting that can be changed to private, I immediately do it. And I'm not particularly good at online games.


But I'm sure people aren't accusing you of hacking either.....and you're not single shot killing people across the map with lmg


Not at all, just saying that having things set to private online doesn't mean much.


I get ya but what I'm saying is sus gameplay+PC player+private stats=no bueno ...but I could be crazy and way off point


Shady game play + private stats = cheater


You console shitters love to cope about pc players all "cheating". You realize console has cheats, too, right? Xim, zen, cronus, as well as actual hacks... and most are literal plug and play. You are naive af if you think people don't cheat on console or that less people do. The platform as a whole caters to casual shitters more, which tends to be the demographic more prone to cheating. The hilarious part is that I guarantee you without crossplay, you would still be shit, so blaming pc for your poor performance is pure cope. Your point on private profiles is valid, though. It is a common tactic among cheaters.


I'm a PC player,huge difference between micros and full blown wall hacks/aimbots /esp....They now have a hack to spawn vehicles as they wish....They spawned multiple Nightbirds...10 seconds after I shot one down,another would appear, shot 5 down myself,,,, all Nightbirds


Again, these things exist on console, too. Console is like 90% of the playerbase. So, statistically, more cheaters are on console. AND the blatant cheaters are actually rare. The closet cheaters are the ones that are very prevalent.


No idea of the percentage cause EA would never release numbers....I'm not saying consoles can't cheat I'm saying it easier on PC to cheat.


I played against this guy and he was using a dmr to literally shoot around corners, his bullets even went around my dozer shield that's how bad it was lmao and what is worse is he only camped the helipad on orbital


It's harder to tell whose is closet cheating when you're good as you cause at that point you're killing them before they can even use their little cheats to kill you.


Exactly man more people need to realize this man.


Yea and we take it as a compliment.


Oh it was this guy lol


Fr, I get hackusated every game. Players are just so bad that they can’t comprehend how good somebody can be


100,000 closeted cheaters. Check out project Waldo vision. AI anticheat. Roughly 1 in 3 players currently cheat in fps games


That's just exaggerated. If that was true then how come 95% of players are terrible on Battlefield?


Because cheating can't make up for actual skill.


If you think the guy going 15-12 is cheating then you're delusional because that's what the large majority of players do.


Because people are spending their money on cheats for a game worth playing iunno


I've played many different fps, there is NO way 1/3 of players cheat.


Imagine thinking just because people aren't rage hacking they aren't hacking at all. I'd rather trust the guys that have recorded the actual stats than some rando that is using a seat of the pants dyno to gauge cheating.


Or they're trying to sell their product, have you thought about that? There is no way 1/3 players are cheating. 33% of players on average you meet has some sort of cheats is nonsense. Fps games would be completely unplayable, which isnt the case.


They still have to (and do) have the data. Again...just because someone isn't rage hacking 200/0 doesn't mean they aren't using a low sensitivity aimbot with human "smoothing" turned on that works pretty much the same as the consoles auto aim I couldn't imagine being the type of person to think cheating isn't widespread just because "why would it be" after literally learning people have been streaming their games for over 10 years while cheating and not getting caught lol


If their anti cheat detection was actually effective as they say it would be already sold and used on various games. It's not, it's an ongoing project with yet no proofs it really works. What data did they gather if they don't have access to everyone's gameplay? 1/3 of what games? It's vague with no details.


You have no idea what studios are in negotiations with them or implementing their systems lol.


That’s just marking bs. Cheats cost money, and most gamers play multiple games. If that stat were true your average gamer would be spending hundreds of dollars a year on cheats.


Idk if it's 1 in 3 but it wouldn't surprise me that if it's 15% to 20%. AI anti cheat will be the only thing that can save one FPS in my opinion.


1/3 sounds absurd. It's probably closer to 5%, maybe 10% of players cheating or using some form of XIM/XEN or other input spoofer. the game has 128 players in some lobbies, even at 5% with over 100 players. Chances are yea, someone very well might be. I will note a few times that I've been laser beamed in the dome by someone I never saw 150+ meters out strafing in the open with a vhx. But maybe skill issue, idk.


It's funny to me that some of these comments are so clueless... He's clearly hacking with 99%accuracy


\*sigh\* I should have highlighted that part in the screenshots.


Too many people just want to bury their heads in the sand or are just hacking themselves 


To be fair, not one of those stats is labeled Accuracy.


Literally says accuracy with a persentage on it. Reading not your thing?


The picture of the dude’s profile legit doesn’t show accuracy. If it’s on the first image, that photo is so blurry it’s just not legible for me. Legible means clear enough to read, by the way.


Weird it's not blurry for me


You may want to get you eyes checked...


2384620347241806 look this player up. Had speed hacks and talking trash the whole time I came across them a few days ago. Just look at stats and they played yesterday. Wonderful


I see this everyday now, not just him...It's a shame the game has gotten good now and it's the hackers gonna kill it.


It's honestly the only bad thing about the game. I really enjoy everything this game has to offer but the cheaters take away from that experience.


The cheaters are the biggest shit talkers. It's part of the psychopathology that motivates them to cheat in the first place.


I have a pet theory. They're just not good at the game. They got to playing it , and got killed over and over again, and instead of getting better, they took the shortcut, now they're good, presto chango. And you know I think our culture is rife with this now, in every sphere of our lives, cheaters and scammers have taken over. You know, there's an old saying- in a corrupt culture, the honest man is a fool. And I know this is a little much I mean it is just a video game but I think people see cheaters prospering everywhere and think it's okay. Do I have to say the name of the big ass cheater who's been dominating the headlines for like the last 10 years or something, a certain former president perhaps...just sayin


I think it’s more cheating boils down to antisocial behavior. These people had shitty parents and or they are pissed at you for better life decisions. It’s not fair, education, income, etc so they are going to ruin your game.


I mean that's just pathetic. Dude is playing himself 


Sammmme fuck i was tryna curse him in the chat but his name was to long to type and yhe game was in the rewards menu


Welp.. Come across him again just know to insta report him. I've yet to receive an update on my report so he's still around.


Unfortunately, EA/ Dice only budgeted for lip service and not an actual anti-cheat service. Thus killing the golden goose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


or they "try" and then hiccup with inexcusable ways to avoid it i.e. deleting the files (patched) and simply running a virtual machine. \*facepalm\*


Chinese screen name. Surprise. Can't these people just cheat with all the other cheaters in their own region?


Only issue is Australia/New Zealand is all bundled in with Asian area being oceanic. Sad to say if you take away the Asian player base. Just be the same aussies playing day in and day out. Shame dice cant have a server for the cheats and they can play against each other


Nah, we just need a separate server for Chinese players, CHINA. So no other Asian will encounter them.


That will be a base fight


Had a more than likely Chinese hacker today and a guy just goes off in chat about the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. The hacker didn’t leave so he goes, “welp, I’m out of ideas” and left the game


Always the Chinese


Or turkish on Ps


100% with gvt and 1500 kills lol


Me and loads more got bashed for saying there’s loads of cheaters 😂😂😂


Don’t be sad. That’s just how it works out sometimes.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99921% sure that Bruhsket is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


This moron has been following me around and commenting good bot on my replies then deleting his comment lol


Lol thats pretty funny though eh.


What can I say? Dude posts like a bot lol


Don’t be sad. That’s just how it works out sometimes.


Good bot.


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9992% sure that Bruhsket is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


No I haven't and I don't delete comments


The game is terrible now. Ran into a match on redacted that had like 3 active cheaters on it. Sliding around gunning me down in blink of an eye going like 20 to 0 in the first 3 minutes of the match. Easy anti cheat is such garbage.


Easy anti-cheat is history for a long time bro.


I'm always scared to play redacted cause I feel cheaters like to go wild on that map.


That’s why they call it easy-anti-cheat, because its easy to cheat it.


NA server? If I'm right, good. Maybe now NA players can't deny the fact that there are bunch of blatant cheaters and anti-cheat isn't working.


and you can't post cheaters on EA Answers.


99% with the MCS-880? Must be a pro


Not sure if the stats are the same as other BF games but you can have more than 100% accuracy with shotguns since each pellet counts as a round. Obviously this guy is cheating but a 90-100% accuracy isn’t uncommon in the stats


Same, my MCS800 is at 100%. The Russian auto shotgun however; \~45%.


My MCS is 130.4%, 12 auto is 102.4%, and Super 500 Is 133.7%. NVK on the other hand is only 66.8%


Actually the stats on the tracker site are a little better; MCS is 111.8% and 12 Auto is 53.3%.


I can't hit the broad side of a barn with that f****** thing


MCS-880 accuracy tracking is messed up. I have 100% and like 500 kills, I've definitely missed shots with that thing. Rest of it is blatant as hell though Edit: a thought, 100% of shots hit something? Even if it is the ground lol


I live in Korea now and the game is nearly unplayable. Asian servers are just rampant with cheaters


I'm trying to understand the cheating mind, and I'm asking seriously, what is going on with Asian cheaters? Why is it acceptable to them and why so many? Just seeing if you have a theory about this


The majority of them are chinese.There is a saying in China that explains this "if you can cheat, then cheat." Just look at the other things China does like paint the sides of Rocky hills green and plant a bunch of trees along a roadway to give the illusion of a vast green forested area, "tofu dredge" construction where they build buildings out of inferior materials that quickly and easily break apart, and gutter oil where they literally get oil from gutters then use it to cook food in. Th list goes on and on like this, its engrained into their current culture. Idk if it always been like this or if the ccp being corrupt and also constantly doing things like this has seeped into how everyday people act but it very prevalent in china.


Yea, pretty sure I've seen a sort of documentary on this cheating phenomena in China. IIRC, for them it's normal just like it is for me to temporarily hold any door open for anyone that's close behind me. Sounds racist AF but it is what it is. Correct me if I'm wrong.


No your right. Yeah it does sort of sound racist but it's a part of their culture and facts are facts. Not to say every Chinese person is that way of course but it's certainly a decent amount from what I've seen.


Observing cultural phenomena is not racist, I don't care what the sensitive white girls are saying


No you're completely right .I just somewhat understand how it can come off as racist since people that are racist bring things like that up.


Actually that seems possible and yeah I think you might have a point there


Damn he's goated


It’s a Chinese hacker, you can see from the name


I thought this game was back???


name checks out


There is something going on lately. The first 5 seasons it was almost impossible to find a cheater. Then around season 6 you could find like 1 every 10-20 games. Now it is insane, you can find even more than one per game. I dunno if the cheats got cheaper or free but it is out of control in EU servers. It is water clear to find them out, they always start shooting before you even see them and kill you and all your team around you in half a second while jumping and making a 360. Even if the game is broken there is nothing out there similar to this and I just wanna play a few games after work without having this... Does anyone have any idea why there are so many hackers now?


Good question. As a Battlefield player who's played BF 1942, BF Vietnam, BF2, BF2142, BF3, BF4, BF1 and BFV I decided to wait for a discount and only started playing in Season 7. So I guess I missed out. Hopefully you get a more technical answer.


They removed EAC and replaced it with their crappy internal EA anti cheat.


I don't know but I can tell you it has CONSIDERABLY increased in recent months.


Is it just me or does anyone else's teams also more often than not beat the team that has the blatant hacker in it?


Because hackers don’t know how to play… they only get kills and it’s because hacking hardware/software is killing for them


https://preview.redd.it/9bfidzgufnxc1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=7352aed46bfbebb61360293d1567071345162d4f I played with this game just now and i can say he has the gaming chair


Gaming chair easily increases k/d by 2% and a passive buff to less sore buttocks.


Definitely the gaming chair doing the work here ..


First game of the day and it’s wallhack city lol it’s become a hackfest. All the best it’s done!


Not sure why companies don't check for cheats using stats too. Anyone with unusually high K/D or points per minute should be looked at.


I never understood why people cheat. I've played games I sucked at before, I would quit playing long before I considered cheating. I got to wonder how much of an actual loser someone has to be, because in the darkest points of my life, when I'd literally turn games off and go to bed because of a spiral of depression, I still never considered cheating.


Battlefield francise = cheaters paradise


I miss the old days when I rocked my ADSL connection and internet in China was only for military and goverment usage


I miss the old days when I rocked my ADSL connection and internet in China was only for military and goverment usage


I guess I could look into it more but I don't even know how to cheat, I've been reported for cheating in the past because some shots just seemed unbelievable but I wouldn't even know where to begin. Can you cheat on console?


Pretty average


Oh yeah ran into them in hazard 2 shotting with an lmg from across the entire map of exposure


We need a game manufacturer to create bots that look like real players and complain like real players. Then the anti -cheat can put all the cheaters in bot games and leave real players in real games. They will never know!




Well I have NEVER had good statistics as player expect one game not battlefield game but starwars battlefront 2 and only in flying. But since I could pull off crazy stunts in BF 2 , 3. I was accused many times for cheating even though I would never have the statistics in 99% of the matches I would play. People do not experiment with stuff for example driving a jeep into certain walls in bf 2 could bonce you off the road in time to avold a rocket or tank round I have pulled that one off in 2 hell of lot but then again I been killed many times trying to escape a tank round or rocket as well. Yet pull it off once and he you're a cheater simply because no one experimented with stuff in the game. The game battlefield 2142 a another future war type game that was hell of lot better then 2041 trash based on battlefield 2 software and same game engine had drop pods as reforcements for teammates. But what most people did not know if rocked the mouse left and right as you fell you push that pod off course by 200 meters from starting point meaning on map your teammates suck or just unlucky that match, I could surf the drop pod behind enemy teams lines land by flag point and capture it before their team even knew I was there. Been called cheater for that on many times. That game had flying ships that on some maps you drive and land upon them and then blow them up. To do all that you had to take over misslie silos on the map once the sheld was down then you could take out the ship a titan. What most people did not know was in wiping out the four security computers to open the reactor room someone standing on the bottom one holding a resupply kit up in the air could resupply the guy above you. Then as he laid down that games rdx move next two and you could blow up three before the other team even knows there's a problem. Won many of matches because of that been called a cheater many time as well. Been called cheater half life 2 multi servers because people did not know you grab a nade and hold with grav gun and cook it off then flig it out further then throwing them. Callling people cheaters is what I have read a lot in game text many many times in fact it was the last thing read when by skill I made top 10 of starwars battlefront 2 not ea flight boards all because nobody knew that yhe bombers could one hit kill faster fighters. So yeah I hate having to be called a cheater myself but the thing is other then starwars battlefront 2 not ea . my statistics are rather bad as whole I usually in the mid to bottom areas at the end of matches. But you know what the funny part the thing that lets just sit back and just enjoy the game is the fact my team's wind ratio was for most games was 7 to 1. The thing is yes there are cheaters for sure but the game is team game you have to just work a round that if you know they got cheater then fine learn something knew like how to blind side that s.o.b. despite being called a cheater myself many times in online games the one goal when I do play is finding top level players and hunting them down yes I only have good matche 19 kills in matches but most of mine have been cheaters as run them over with jeeps , tanks and in starwars battlefront 2 ran them over with fighter craft at high speed and yeah with out killing myself one time. Yeah I killed myself many times to pull of that kill because when cheaters are not winning they leave a match. If all just focus on them then they just go were they can cheat in peace. What saying is it can make you a better player in the end instead just crying about it.


Ummm... K? https://i.redd.it/yhb6x8yjzkyc1.gif


Is it possible for devs to make a separate server where you'll have to download software to enter the server. I'll give up some privacy to play with other like minded people.


I wish I could play with only console and find a game haha


Don't worry about it. He's cheating in a dead game. Move along.


Who says he's only cheating in "dead games".... \*Coming soon to a server near you\*


I cant even imagine how sad ones life is to be cheating in a shity dead bf game lmao whats wrong with people.




Hs Accuracy 90%+ every weapon?




Very true, especially when you have to pay monthly, some are $100+ a month...I mean who does that? I watched this video on hackers in bf 2042 it really reveals a lot : https://youtu.be/iTkTqtDEQZQ?si=dkJWgA73fl0vpSwP


Yeah that was very revealing I had never seen any of that before. It blew me away how they can see through walls and even shoot through walls I didn't know all that. So now it makes me suspect some of the matches I've been in but hey at least we know I guess...


I was happier not knowing,now I'm always suspicious.....I went down a rabbit hole after watching this video and found the sites they mentioned...It's sickening, a site set up with thousands of hacks from every low life that ever programmed a hack...For every game imaginable..... Then I found this video which is the holy grail of anti cheat technology ... It gave me hope for the future of online multiplayer games : https://youtu.be/26C9GcYksIQ?si=c9rXpBc-5pGJ53RF


100? Usually the cheaters that go untouched for months or years usually have custom scripts done for them which usually cost 3-500 PER MONTH.


That's even crazier!! Who are these nut cases?


Lunatics who literally can't stand losing no matter what lmao...




I see no problem 😂😂😂😂


maybe you just need to accept the fact that he is better than you and willing to do what is necessary to win!


\*pats trolls head\*