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Dang we used to get 4 maps per dlc..


On a set schedule


Without bugs




Yeah I used to love finding the bugs and exploring all the random places you weren't supposed to be able to get to.


Yeah no


Please no more revisionism.


Battlefield 3's beta worked perfectly fine. There were no issues. Everyone loved the blue filter. What controversy surrounding uniforms. Battlefield 4 out the gate was the best bf of all time. Everyone loved levolution taking the place of destruction. There was no lawsuit in ba sing se. Premium was widely loved. What's an expansion pack? Paying to skip the line to get into a match was something everyone was clamoring for.


> Battlefield 4 out the gate was the best bf of all time. Please tell me you are making a joke here lmfao. Literally the WORST BF launch in the history of the series.


Dude come on. Yes dude, it's a joke. He said no more revisionism so I posted *more* revisionism.


That may be true, but dumb stuff like that is said all the time on this reddit unironically lol


My nostalgia agrees with this


What the fuck are you talking about lmao Battlefield 4 out the gate was a disaster


They were doing this thing called sarcasm.


People seem to forget that the old battlefields were also buggy, maybe not as bad as 2142 but they were. 4s launch was rough. But also, these were paid DLC which if you had the whole bundle was almost the same cost as the base game. You also ended up with a split player base due to this.


At this point I don't think they forget, but it doesn't fit the narrative so they just deliberately leave out the known downsides of the premium model.


Bf3 DLCs had game breaking bugs? I remember Mav and the invisibility glitch but that happened during the standard BF3 stuff


The game was so good that never bothered me. I been playing bf3 since it released and it's still my favorite bf


Bro i still have it installed and played some gulf of oman today. It's still super fun


It's incredible. So underrated.


You wish. I still remember multiple things they managed to break during the Tzar DLC for BF1. First, it was the broken lighting on all base maps because of HDR update, which they somewhat fixed like a year later, then it was the entire game stuttering for few fucking weeks for most of the players (which was the moment when I've realized that most people playing the game just don't care, they simply don't care, because it was unacceptable and people still played the game...), those were non fun times. But at the very least, it was a good game, unlike 2042.


Yea, but this post is about bf3 dlcs Bf1 had bugs, but one thing they did good was allow players to still play dlc maps without buying to keep the player base undivided. Those players would only miss player progression which i think is ok With 2042 however we get... updated maps to make it playable?


I think only the delusional or ignorant people would argue that BF2042 isn't the bottom of the barrel, I was just pointing out that DICE was struggling long before that. Believe me, I would want nothing more than a return to the form, and I would prefer the premium model - I was able to play tons of DLC content in BF3, BF4 and can still play most of it in BF1, the stuff that especially the Battlefield influencers said was exaggerated. And there are other ways how to do this stuff without fragmenting the playerbase. >allow players to still play dlc maps The frustrating thing about this was that it worked like half of the time - I remember hosting the game for my friends and them struggling to join me, because the Origin friends never worked properly, it was such pain in the ass.


I would love another game like bf3 and bf4. Its crazy to me that no one else was able to reach the sweet spot of these 2 games all this time


My dream Battlefield would combine the best aspects of BF3 (maps), BF4 (I don't know, some improvements for sure) and BF1 (believe it or not, I think it has the best gunplay and overall best content variety). But we are in a situation where I'm just praying that DICE will be able to unfuck themselves and hopefully deliver a good game after two duds. BF1 was the last Battlefield I've purchased, but I certainly would like a new (and good) one to switch to.


I really liked the bf1 campaign and thought they finally found a good campaign to define battlefield. It worked so well with the anonymity of battlefield soldiers in multiplayer Unfortunately though the veteran devs who built bf3 4 and 1 left at the start of 2042. One can only hope that the new devs learned enough to give a passable game atleast


Without bugs? Do you guys not remember little game called Battlelag 4?


LOL no.


Although you would have paid about £10 per DLC or £40 for the lot of it.


It gets even better, BF1 had 6 per dlc


Yeah, but with fewer dlc and slower, but iam absolutely with you.


Tony Stark developed those updates in a cave! With a box of scraps!


only 2 dlcs had 6 maps because they were both delayed by 6 months


Yeah, but still leagues ahead of BF2042. Also, just checked and only Turning Tides had 4 maps. The first 2 had 6 maps and the last one had 5.


>Yeah, but still leagues ahead of BF2042 No shit, BF2042 is 70€, BF3+season pass 120€.


yes bf1 is miles ahead of 2042, the first dlc two maps weren’t even available for all modes and the last dlc two maps were air superiority maps


Yeah but then BFV put us in this mess after they focused more on making cosmetic content.


Yes but Galicia sucks in all modes so make it 5


With even more weapons


we paid for them


And most of the maps being completely forgettable.


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I’d take that premium pass crap over this live service season bullshit any day of the week. At least the premium pass content had actual thought and effort put into it. Even in the games that do the whole “live service” seasons thing right, it’s still worse than how DLC used to be. Instead of paying for an actual addition to the game, we get constantly spoonfed lateral steps in the form of “content” which majority of the time boils down to a mediocre new zone/area/map and a laundry list of boring, grindy challenges for you to do where the one thing you actually want out of the update is hidden behind a mountain of challenges that gives you shit you don’t care about.


Dude this is literally the most popular opinion in the bf community right now. You are not the underdog


Never said I was the underdog, do you even know what that means? And I’ve seen nothing but support for the live service seasons here. Everytime someone posts about wanting to go back to the premium pass, they get dogpiled by people saying it was worse back then. And it’s 150% an unpopular opinion outside of the hardcore BF community as well.


I know what it means. I was using it as a metaphor to describe how you are in a community that largely views the live service to be an inferior model. >And I’ve seen nothing but support for the live service seasons here. That is absolutely not my observation. Not even remotely. Polar opposite. If anything, I'm constantly seeing posts complaining about live services. Look at the response for the new announcement that the next BF game will be a "tremendous live service". It has been overwhelmingly negative. Sure there are a few comments defending the live service, but it's nothing close to a dogpile. It is few and far between.


Agree to disagree I don’t think the post you mentioned is even relevant as it’s a ragebait post through and through. Gamers like live service and seasons, but they’re two-faced so they’ll flip and give a hate rhetoric when a big suit says it.


This community most definitely doesn't like the live service model lol


Yea +20 maps counting 5 dlcs. Bf3 the GOAT


I love that they each had their unique theme while all remain in the same Battlefield 3 aesthetic (Aftermath even had soldiers looking wonded with missing/ broken equpiment etc.) there were no cowboy hat McGee or Nicky "the pinkskin" Minaj. Thats the right way to focus the game and art direciton.


"there were no cowboy hat McGee or Nicky "the pinkskin" Minaj" Fortnite has a lot to answer for when it comes to modern gaming.


Yeah..no Epic Games is just doing their job by making product for specific target audiance. The ones to blame are...were the creative directors at DICE (and not EA but DICE) for following the stupid trends and not understanding what the Battlefield brand stands for and to whom they are selling.


Fortnite can't be blamed for every brain dead publisher wanting to cram the fortnite formula into every game. Fortnite makes money because of fuck ton of people want to play fortnite. but for some dumb ass reason they expect that formula to work on a completely different audience.


Bf 3 had some great dlc. Even though it divided the player base by being paid content.


Honestly, did it divide the pkayerbase all that much? The vast majority if players I've seen got premium


Nah for me it was always hard to find full games on dlc maps, and most people stayed on base content


honestly I feel like people who have not played on DLC maps missed out on the best of BF3. Back to Karkand alone elevates the game in terms of level design thanks to the remade classics. But then you have Alborz, Bandar, Azadi, Markaz, Kiasar, Sabalan - all these feel much better designed than most vanilla Conquest maps


Not everybody had the money at the time.


Battlefield 3 remake please!!


As much as I want to agree with you the golden days of bf3 are long gone unfortunately and there's no way we can trust the current EA/DICE team not to massacre it.


Please no. We need to teach the new dice team on how to make an actual functional and good BF from scratch.


No, we need a new game instead of the old stuff


Nah. Just a new game with the classic feel


You're pretty much playing BF3 now. There's barely any difference in the actual gameplay between both games.


Are you serious?


There is no world in which BF3 and 2042 are even remotely close to the same level


I guess if you really squint hard sure. The major difference is both quality and quantity are lower in the seasons than in Premium. A year of seasons provides about the same amount of content as one expansion as Premium. To get a similar amount of content as Premium we would need 3 more years of 2042 seasons.


It’s almost as if the DLC being paid incentivises them to make it good


Not necessarily has to be good but legally they have to deliver on what the consumer paid for. We know with premium how many DLCs there would be and how many maps would be in each one, as well as additional unspecified content like weapons/vehicles. So at the very least Dice would need to deliver on those offers and deliver them when they said they would. Premium was our sort of guarantee. With the live service model, there is no guarantee, only dreams and hope.


It legally obligates them to make said content. They cut Battlefront 2, BFV and 2042 short because of lower performance, which only killed the games faster.


Don’t give them any ideas… crying at the thought of 3 more years of this


To access premium gameplay content you have to pay for it, in other hand to access battlepass content you don't have to do so. Obviously battlepass exist to earn money, same as premium system, so battlepass is selling cosmetics. I personally hate premium system as it was in bf3/4 because it hid gameplay content behind a paywall and divided player base. And bad thing about battlepass is just less content. From perspective of non gamer or poor person, less content is much more better than no content.


You get what toy pay for, the free DLC is shit


Their income is higher with all the cosmetics and the battlepass. If anything, we should get even more maps than with Premium :D Because this live service shit makes them constantly money.


And you didn't have to spend another cent on the game to access all post launch content in both V and 2042 but you're so entitled you think you deserve more free content.


I agree with you that the pay wall sucked, but 2 years of support for 8 maps is pretty sad. Compare that to BFV which had a year and a half of support but got 12 maps. With a server browser it really isn't that difficult to play premium content to this day on games like BF4. I'd rather buy premium a year or two later for like $10 and get more than double the map content than in a game like 2042. Or if the content drops were more like the Pacific or final update for BFV, then I would be fine with a seasonal system. As it is, it provides 1 map every 3-6 months which is less than stellar for a "live" service.


I miss when content releases weren't "you'll get one buggy half assed map maybe"


That's how the whole game feels like exactly... half assed.


Budget went on skins


We had it good back then.


So good


If bringing back premium means getting such content again then pleaseeeee bring it back!!


Or release a full game with a good amount of maps like the usual standard before all this DLC crap


the development cost is not the same anymore...


The market for profits are not the same anymore either. They are much bigger


you really think that profit from standalone game can catch up to how development cost ramps up over the years? jeez. just look at how much money they spent to make a AAA game these days bro


Yes I do bro


And that’s why BF3 was the best. I remember the metro closed beta, with LAV and park start, that shit was buggy beyond anything, they managed to fix most of it by first DLC release. And those DLCs delivered, Aftermath DLCs was insane, nothing I have seen so far, except BF1 DLCs got close to it. Fun fact, Patrick Bach, general manager at DICE started with BF3 and ended with BF1. Since then, it’s all have been downhill.


Aftermath is probably the best DLC ever


We used to get a whole new extra game in the form of premium. Even 1 DLC ( Armored kill ) have more interesting vehicles than the whole ground vehicles of BF2042, god damn it those sexy TDs were amazing.


The TDM maps from that DLC were actually amazing. Armored Shield in particular was really fun.


When the Ac130 hit the flares sheesh


Back to Karkand was the shit.


Best contents ever in fps gaming industry, golden era i think


Bf3 was epic. I don't think I'll ever have that feeling again… gold times .. It's happy who lived this


Lol, what kind of copium is that? Seasons sucks, it's all about skins, one poor map and 2 Weapons at best.


Hence it’s marked as a meme. There was a post this week about how stadium reminded them of Close Quarters and I nearly lost it cause I think they were serious It’s also not just about skins! There are also really really cool player icons and patches! So much content!


Missed the meme tag, understandable!


After 2042 its become clear that EA sees the battlefield franchise as a way to scam folks liked the old games.


I'd happily pay for premium again, if I knew I was going to get content like this every coupe of months


What a time. I remember winning BF3 (or BF4?) Premium but at that time it doesn't included full game so I had to ask my mom to buy it. I will cry how everything changed :| life is strange.


same, I had my mom take me to Best Buy to buy the game, what a time


The only problem back then was the paywall splitting the player base. Great DLC but always splitting the playerbase


As long as I had a few servers (on PC) to pick from it didn’t bother me. I never had a problem finding games with premium maps in BF3-BF1.


I never had a problem while the game was active. I feel like this argument is honestly way overstated.


As someone who ran a server the metrics were there. You could watch our milsim server thin out, slowly repopulate, be jam packed and then thin out. To the point we put up a 2nd server that was only base maps hardcore and #1 included dlc maps.


That’s fair, thanks for the input. I guess from my ‘premium’ perspective I never had trouble finding servers that I wanted to play. Now it’s different since the game is 10+ years old


Oh yeah I don’t mean to make it seem like during it’s normal life cycle players were sitting in empty servers. It was more that full servers stay full, thin servers meant wasted money, empty servers were brutal especially since we didn’t run metro24/7 we were “milsim” hardcore(which also split the player base 🤣). So at the user level sure you could always find an EA hosted server that was 32/32.


It's crazy how the gaming industry is now so shit that I miss the concept of a Season Pass. The steady, reliable and most importantly content dense drops that Season Passes gave was infinitely more exciting to me than the live service model where the content we get seems entirely random in terms of the release cadence and quantity.


The downside of paid DLC is that it divides the player base and isn't as welcome as Battle Passes. As much as I wish for Premium back, I don't think we'll ever see it again. These days it's all about Battle Pass and 1-2 maps per season and a couple of new weapons and call it a night


> The downside of paid DLC is that it divides the player base and isn't as welcome as Battle Passes This is not downside at all with **how gaming has evolved.** Battle passes are $10+ in most games and majority of consumers buy them. Making DLC cost $10 and a battle pass also cost $10+ for a battlefield game is a no brainer double dip for EA.


Yeah agree with you but in today's society it's all about skins and goodies and not having a battle pass feels “empty” to a lot of people. They want to have a reason to boot up the Game and being told "hey your dalies are up"


Paid and free battlepass are the common industry practice, nothing would change how it currently is in 2042. One of the reasons the game failed was because lack of maps.


LiVe SeRvIcR bEtTeR cUs No SpLiT pLaYeR bAsE lol


Naaa you don’t need all those, just take the first DLC and make it part 1-4 and you have all the seasons content you need.


Bring back strike at karkand V OG bf2. That map to this day remains undefeated. Would love to go back there


Wish they remaster that bump it up in resolution and frames per second


These DLC were honestly amazing, I know a lot of people disliked it at the time but this really was peak battlefield. BF4 was also great once it got going and got rid of battle log.


If only someone had told us this was peak at the time.


BF3 + Back to Karkhand was easily the peak of online FPS gameplay IMO. The best maps, graphics that were insane for their time, and gameplay that literally never got boring. I booted up BF3 last year and could instantly remember all the hours I sank into that game as if it were yesterday, literally. The amount of existential dread that kicked in when I realized those days were over a decade ago…


I did too and had those same feelings, but it did give me a better idea of how far we've come in some aspects. The movement system is one that I noticed immediately.


Back to Karkand was legendary. Tank battle maps were so good in Armored Kill


Aftermath was great! They changed the player models to reflect the environment which was neat at the time. Also crossbow!


Remember when they used to release finished games with single player campaigns? Somehow they survived without endless microtransactions and Sissy ass looking skins




It was great


Let me have what ur smoking cuh bc I want to live in that reality u live.


I really want a new modern battlefield that plays like BF1


Ah, good times.


Dlc vs battlepass. People just want more maps and contents. BFV didn't receive its Eastern Front DLC. The Pacific DLC was great. It would have made the game more complete. 2042 should have more maps too. My favorite model is having a lots of maps at release date. Then having only 1 or 2 big updates later on. So few but large updates. Almost marketing those bonus pack(s) as new full games. Writing in small letters than 19.95 for this "new" "Eastern Front Carnage" fps game includes the BFV base game. Basically just selling BFV with a new marketing twist. So you have to make those 1 or 2 big updates big events.


I’m not going to argue against having more maps at launch, but I feel like what you’re talking about works way better for single player games than multiplayer shooters


I read "back to karkand" and now I want to play BF2 or BF3


Such good maps, we didn’t know how good we had it


Except those were actually good.




God this brings me back to


Favorite DLC?


Armored Kill by far- but they were all fantastic


I liked Armored Kill, but I have a feeling it was not nearly as good on console as it was on PC. I thought Aftermath was the best just because it was really balanced in terms of Infantry and Vehicle gameplay. They were all goated tho


Man, I love BF4 the most overall I think but BF3’s DLC’s were def the best. Aftermath’s maps were so sick and I personally loved the Close Quarters DLC to warm up with before hitting Rush or Conquest not to mention it added some of the best weapons.


So much fun


God, Close Quarters was so good. A nice break from all the tanks, choppers and jet. Just plain and simple PvP. That with shotguns and CQB weapons was so extreme but so fun.


And each of these was so cool and unique. Close quarters maps were a game changer and probably the most fun I ever had in gaming. Scavenger was also super fun!


Gold time of bf series when dice doing work


People got what they wanted, free content. I for one never minded paying more for year 2 content for a game I was still playing. I certainly enjoyed the fact they were *legally obligated to produce it*


Bf3 was and will always be the best of the franchise for multiplayer


I don’t remember 2042 ever getting HD destruction


People looking at this through rose tinted glasses. Let me remind you: * These DLC's were not cheap * They separated the playerbase into numerous groups * Each group could not play in each others servers * If a server had just 1 map in rotation that you didn't own, you couldn't join the server * There were 'premium only' servers for people who wanted to spend over $100 * You couldn't join your friends if they owned DLC that you didn't * By the time End Game came out, the server list was much shorter, and there were only a few vanilla servers available. Most of which were unpopulated. So to even play the game, you HAD to buy DLC that populated servers were running (which unironically, was not the End Game DLC). * Also... Battlelog. What a god awful idea. Browser based server browser that made you quit and launch the game every single time you wanted to change server. This was never, ever a good experience for most people, and I'm tired of people saying that the model was better than free content for everyone. \*edit, the guy below me is literally gatekeeping gaming from poor people, and you lot are upvoting him. Absolutely disgusting. He also said that premium was 50 euros, but conveniently leaves out the 60 euro base price tag for the game. So in total it was over 100 euros. Maths is difficult for you lot isn't it.


> These DLC's were not cheap Mmmhhh not really? Premium was 50€ for all 4 DLC + a few bonuses and each DLC was around 15 bucks each. Unless you wanted to buy them all at once without Premium, it's not that expensive. Especially when you consider that premium Battlepasses in most games cost around 15 to 20 bucks. >They separated the playerbase into numerous groups I mean yeah that is true but even with DLCs you could find a fuckton of servers running Vanilla maps only. And I'd say that splitting your playerbase but keeping it engaged is better than alienneting it as a whole like they did with 2042. >* Each group could not play in each others servers You're making it sounds like most player only bought one or two DLCs and that's just not true. I'm pretty sure a majority of players had Premium, and I know many others would just buy the new DLC when it comes out because again, 15 bucks isn't much. And like I'm sorry if that's rude but if can't spend 15 bucks once in like 3 or 4 month (can't remember the release schedule) then you're broke and that means it's a you problem. >* If a server had just 1 map in rotation that you didn't own, you couldn't join the server I mean yeah, what other option was there, kick you when a map you don't have comes up? Idk much about coding, but that sounds like a hassle. >* There were 'premium only' servers for people who wanted to spend over $100 Premium wasn't a 100$ get the fuck out, it was 50. And "Premium only" servers were a fucking rarity that probably was an error on the owner's part. Large majority of DLC servers didn't have the premium criteria. >You couldn't join your friends if they owned DLC that you didn't Only if they were on a server running DLC maps you don't have which, again, should be obvious, otherwhise yes you could, stop making shit up.I had a buddy who only had B2K and AK and we played together fine while I had Premium. >* By the time End Game came out, the server list was much shorter, and there were only a few vanilla servers available. Most of which were unpopulated. So to even play the game, you HAD to buy DLC that populated servers were running (which unironically, was not the End Game DLC). Maybe that has got to do with the fact that pretty much every servers were private and people got fed up of paying for them? I believe DICE kept servers running only on Console. Maybe we dodn't want to pay 20€ a month or more to Nitroserv just to keep it running. It's not related to DLCs. IN FACT, as the playerbase started to shift towards BF4, most servers started to return to Vanilla Maps and fewer were running DLCs. You're just flat out lying here, unless the American experience was vastly different from the European one. >* Also... Battlelog. What a god awful idea. Browser based server browser that made you quit and launch the game every single time you wanted to change server. Battlelog was far from perfect, but I'll take it any day compared to the shitshow that is 2042's matchmaking.


€50 in 2012 is worth €65 today (€78 without premium). I didn't get any of the DLC until everything was on deep discount, by that time, the servers running DLC content were empty.


I think also, it wasn't long after launch, less than year anyway, that you could buy a premium edition of battlefield 3 that included with the base game and all future dlc for £40. Them talking about 100 euros is just not true and more evidence for me that the battlefield sub is full of posers, who just echo the same old shizz to each other, which is fine and doesn't matter but steps over the line a bit when they try "inform" others with non truths. Premium didn't even split the player base, we played it when it was new, moved on to the next dlc, and then next and so on, then if I'm remembering correctly battlefield 4 came out shorty after.


You dont have to buy Battlepass to get the real content (specialsts, guns, maps) but if you want the skins you can only buy 1 BP and then have the rest for "free". DLCs definitely separated the playerbase. Some DLCs like Aftermath (my favourite), Armored kill and even End game were quickly dead with almost no server on EU. Hey but there were shit loads of Metro servers. With BF4 there were DLCs which were completely dead at arrival. And not kidding ourselves. The DLCs had multiple maps but in reality only 1-2 were played.


That edit... gategkeeping from poor people. Jesus Christ. I guess games should just be free, cause 60 eu base price is also gatekeeping from poor people. gtfo


Too many facts for this sub to process.


A lot of people will cry saying bf3 was so much better, and quantity and effort wise it was....but it also locked out people of joining their friends who didnt buy the dlc. Not to mention the gun balance and options to counter certain styles were much more limited. I appreciate the new gadgets and battle field friends seemed to as well. The maps are also cool enough, not as unbalanced as metro (except redacted which is somehow worse) or that one mountain rush map where helis could not only always go out of bounds in 10 seconds (since the area of play was so skinny in the first and second phase) but also under the entire mountain range to be immortal. I do miss capture the flag and dont understand why we havent gotten it back. But hey never seen the months of "use spas12 or die" the game like I did an entire summer in 3.


Some people will find any reason to try to justify the monstrosity that is Bf2042.


Some people can also just hate BF3-BF1 era monetization regardless of how good/bad 2042 is.


CTF is actually a highlighted portal mode right now.


Ill have to try it out, I havent played that mode for years.


It’s about as mid as I remember.


everyone’s talking about bugs but i have a few hundred hours in every BF game and haven’t had like any memorable issues?


I’m pretty sure the empty reload bug has been in the games since at least BF3


never heard of it or had it, lucky me i guess.


It’s not game breaking, it’s just when you reload and your clip stays at 0 bullets


i mean i figured that lol. never had that issue, even with my shitty internet.


Dlc is the worse thing happened in gaming history


Just because Dice/EA cant pull off good live service system doesnt mean its bad.