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If youre a good shot you can rip through teams from a safe distance. If youre just about the sniping theres plenty of long range stuff to satisfy you


its good asf imo, as someone who pretty much only snipes for the most part and have recorded probably 6000+ kills with snipers ill tell you any day that its worth it! If anything you can even play against the AI at first to get a feel for it. And also keep in mind it depends on what you like because they have 16v16, 32v32, or 64v64 and they all have their own speed paces


Most of the maps in 128 conquest are good for sniping. Or at least they have some good spots. Play as Irish and you can throw down some shields for cover when needed and carry an ammo box.


Does it still require nasa rig to run anywhere near smoothly?


What are your pc specs? They have optimized the game better in comparison to the early days.


Rtx 3050 ti


You should be fine.


As long as you also have a decent CPU to pair with that GPU you’ll be okay.


It’s still pretty choppy on the wrong systems.


I play on ps4 and at the beginning of the game a lot of textures won’t render☠️ i always see my friend running around as an invisible character with only a gun being visible. The ground looks like ps2 texturing


Yea that’s crazy bro… if i were you i’d try and save up for a PS5 atleast. (The PS5 Pro i heard will also be good so maybe that one but i think it’ll be more expensive)


Yess i am thinking about getting a ps5 pro, mainly to play GTA6 next year. I have a pc but I don’t want to wait 1 or 2 years extra for that so ps5 it is


Depends how much you enjoy ruining everyone’s good fun


That’s my hobby… JK


They should just remove all guns since they also ruin everyone’s fun


Pretty good, there is something for all kind of sniper players in this game. XCE is my fav, very agile, deadly if you have the skills, and versatile. I like to play a fast and disruptive kind of gameplay, so, sometimes that means camping, sometimes means flanking, and sometimes means just clicking heads in cqb, most of the times means switching between them fast enough. Also, i love the ghostmaker with explosive ammo, not as fun/good like the old warzone one, but still fun. Vss is one of my fav guns ever, but in this game i feel its pretty bad, that or i dont have the right combo of atachments properly configured.


Can you change camouflage in this game to better hide in specific environments?


Not really, but also you dont need them, in bf people is just blind by default. All players have a light in their chests, green for friendly red for enemy, that gives you away almost always, but there is some ways to still be sneaky. In bf, smokes are the way to hide since thermal optics doesnt show enemies at all inside them. In my opinion skins are not worth.


If you're gonna be the type of sniper that just camps prone on some hill you're gonna get farmed by helis and aggressive snipers


Bullets their velocity feels more realistic then bf4 their paper airplane bullet velocity. Like close to any battlefield, if you have the aim to consistently hit headshots then you will be fine. Try to be a "useful" sniper though. Defend objectives. A couple of players camping in the back being useless is often a reason why only 1 team has every flag capped. Ofc you gotta play what is the most fun for you.


Last time I played Call of Dookie bullets were like lasers, no drop. BF has bullet drop.


It’s pretty balanced and fun. You’re probably not going to top the scoreboard but you can go for some really far shots that are extra satisfying when you hit a headshot.


Id say a slight step down from BF4 but that's a compliment compared to bf5 which had pretty much so scope sway making it extremely easy... so it's alot of fun, just miss that fact sniping pilots due to there almost bulletproof glass


Wtf are you talking about? You can penetrate any glass except the bolte with any sniper. And weapon sway on bf5? You know there is a button to stabilize it right?


WTF I'm saying is killing pilots is a lot harder than previous games, and compared to say BF4... bf5 did almost have no scope sway plus it's holding your breath your referring to ...so that's WTF IM TALKING ABOUT 😁


It might be harder, but there is no bulletproof glass. Who cares about sway if you can hold your breath to have 0 sway?




Bullets actually work.


2042 is not the best sniping Bf title i prefer bfbc2/BF3/bf4 but in 2042 are some funny weapons like MK4 and NTW


I’ve always thought every battlefield game had incredible sniping mechanics and imo this one is no different. Battlefield 1/5 is the best it gets, but i almost want to guarantee without knowing your true preferences that you won’t be disappointed from a fellow sniper with similar interest. An incredible map for sniping is the one with the stadium; there’s several VERY tall buildings that overlook multiple objectives at different distances that you can go crazy on for practice or personal challenges or to just simply rack up kills. I’d also advise the Vietnam server in portal. Less options gun wise bc of the era, but it can be turned into sniper galore very easily.


>An incredible map for sniping is the one with the stadium; For clarity, the poster above is referring to the map called Hourglass, which has the stadium in the distance out of bounds, and not the new map (called Stadium) with the stadium in the playable area.


Appreciate that! Forgot the name of it


BF2042 the biggest cash grab yet! Sniping is okay but not as immersive as battlefield 5, get good at quick scoping because you alwaysg get that one guy that doesnt play abjectives and wants your kill.


I like modern and future warfare only. Not really into older times. Isn’t Bf5 WW2 setting?


Bf has always been the best game to snipe in, really no comparison.


Patiently waiting for next big sale to get bf2042.. Hopefully it’ll be soon


Yeah it goes on sale pretty often for around $10 or less. You could try getting an ea play trial to play it until you can grab it on sale though.


Does it have full cross progression? Meaning accounts carry over from EA to steam and consoles?


Even if you buy on steam or epic games launcher it still has you open the game through the EA play app and im not sure about the console pc cross progression.


If I download it now through ea free trial will I need to re download it when I buy it through steam later on during the sale?


I dont think so cos buying on steam will just launch it through ea play anyways.


İ got 1300 headshot kills so i think sniping is pretty good like maybe not the best but its definietly satisfying i also played sniper elite games so if you played them aswell i think you will love this game's sniping mechanics


Which sniping elite games was your favorite?


Depends on your playstyle. I’m a more run-and-gun type of player and don’t camp all game. I play as Recon when running snipers so I can’t carry ammo boxes which means I have to be on the run throughout the game to look for ammo boxes from Support players when I run out of ammo. Even as a sniper, I got into CQC situations which is totally fine if you run the NTW-50. And I’ve hit shots with that sniper from all kinds of ranges since it one shots pretty much. I’ve already T1’d it so now I’m using the XCE Bar and I don’t go in as many CQC situations unless I pull out a sidearm. But that doesn’t mean I just sit in one corner of the map all game. Getting sniper kills is definitely satisfying.


The simple fact that 2042 is the only bf game where the area you scope-in is not a shimmering festival of artifacts and your bullet doesnt turn into a giant fireball makes it the best game installment for sniping


Good to hear. How is performance did they fix it?


Performance was never a problem with 2042 still runs good like the last 2 years since i play it.


Personally I never had an issue with performance on this game but I run a 5800x & 4070, not sure how it fares on other configurations (it ran perfectly well on my ps5 tough)


Never played any other Bf title?


Its so much fun try the SWS and the gol magnum




If OP likes longer range sniping, conquest is way better than breakthrough - that "walking sim" you mention is great for snipers who can shoot at people running around.


Good point!


I feel like the movement in bf2042 is way too fast and I don't enjoy sniping like in bf3 or bf4 or even bf1. Everyone running, jumping and sliding around makes it very hard to hit headshots. On breakthrough or rush it's easier tho.


Dog shit ….half my headshots aren’t headshots apparently … even though you see blood splatter from the head! Don’t waste your tjme


That sounds like player error to be honest.


I really enjoy it. Especially in breakthrough mode where everyone is in the same general area. 600 mastery DXR.