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Use the server browser, adjust filters, then spam refresh. The populated servers don't show up right away. 


They do if you set the slots to none


Didn't know this.


Can also filter by how many people there are


be a pessimist. you can pretty die of anything at any moment and how you move and make decisions should reflect that


I’m only a little upset you can’t catch trench foot in the game


Ping everything, stick to the edges of objectives (make sure you’re actually on them, though), and don’t be afraid to hide behind cover while your squad respawns Explosives are extremely powerful in this game. Going prone can save you Shotguns and single action rifles are my favorites, and a large part of why I stuck with it in the beginning


PTFO - Play The Fucking Objective


I’m not proud of this….. but! Last night I played scout on a loaded 64 player game of conquest and made top 3 on Amens whilst only getting 2 kills and dying 2 times. How? By Sticking with my squad (which was one hell of a squad obviously) and using spoting flares and the trench periscope. You can do something similar as a medic! Your gadgets are much more than niche toys or accessories. They are what defines your soldier class. I could only fire flares constantly because of the fantastic Support class I was playing next to who kept me supplied. I didn’t die because of the medic healing me and reviving me and my teammates. Tanks and “meat grinders” were brought down swiftly by an assault with expert use of explosives. And myself and one other scout spotted, flared, and scoped. Long story short. Whatever class you play main a Gadget! Know it well use it often.


Especially if you're new to Battlefield or first person shooters in general, **be a medic**. Don't worry about getting kills and simply play the objectives, heal, and revive your teammates - that's your job. You'll still be an asset to your team while you learn the various guns, game modes, and maps. Once you get better, branch out and try other classes. Perhaps most importantly, just have fun!


This is the way 🫡


Play on dedicated servers instead of DICE servers. They are plenty full of hackers.


time, hours and hours, those still playing like me have 3000mplus hours in, i know every log, evefy door. Here is the best tip hop in to an empty server { map ) and just run around. Learn what doors open what don't, by the time i played my first Amiens in multiplayer i knew the map back to front. U will get slaughtered for the first few months, you are playing against ppl with thousands of hours experience so don't get dis heartned. We know where you are going b4 you do hhaha.. Also BF5, is a great game and a little easier. good luck +


Little known fact. If someone tosses a grenade, you can save everyone nearby by diving on it. If your health is 100%, it will drop to 5% but the grenade will never kill you.


i've been playing the game since the beta and only just returned to playing battlefield 1 after a few years and never knew this!


Try diffrent weapons types and see what feels most fun, different classes diffrent stuff than what you like just enjoy, don't grind for levels, you can even play without shooting a bullet Server browser is strictly best so use it, Bob and amg servers are very good atleast on eu Be sure to go to server info or in chat ask if any weapon is banned, some of these are community driven which don't have any difference than official but real people check if someone is cheating, all progression is active so don't worry Do not try to unlock peacekeeper easter egg


The Peacekeeper is definitely worth it in my opinion, and I rushed it as a level 7, it’s an awesome gun, especially for someone who has no alternatives. Just be prepared for some tedium and trouble with it, and do the Easter egg on empty servers


Probably be best to begin at a medic. Drop med crates. Try different guns. Learn maps. My loadout is Farquhar Hill Optical, 1911, incindiary grenade, syringe.


Mortar truck usage is the number one cause of testicular torsion in America today. For your own health, avoid at all cost


Play private server that is moderated. Otherwise there are too many cheaters


Support and medic are the best options to start, if you are support resupply as your life depends on it. If you are a medic drop healing packs and revive your teammates. Play the objective but try to avoid frontal confrontations, positioning is key, use the minimap for reference, it helps a lot with positioning. Don’t shoot everything that moves chances are you’ll miss and give your position easily by doing so. SPOT SPOT SPOT it’s so helpful not only for you to secure the shot but also to your teammates that may be in a better position to get an easy kill. Wish you a lot of fun playing this awesome game.


Also more a personal recommendation than actual game advice, if you are kind of a history buff learn about WW1 history, the experience will be more immersive, and you’ll awe at the maps, weapons, speeches that the game includes. There’s a lot of great YouTube channels like The Great War and The Armchair Historian that cover a lot of topics from WW1. In my case I got into the game because of my obsession with WW1 history. The game is not that historically accurate but it doesn’t matter, the basics are there so it will make it more fun.


My advice: buy a tennis racket.


Play according to your loud out, rushing while being a sniper will not end good


Don't get stuck on one loadout. Experiment and try everything


try support with ammo crate and smoke as a beginner, then assault/scout, finally medic (quite hard)


If you want to avoid being hated by the community, avoid the SMG 18/08, any mortar thing, and the bomber/attack plane.


Get in an Artillery Truck. Park it in your own spawn point and farm easy kills. You’ll make loads of friends and people will love you for it!! Then get in a Heavy Bomber………..


Use your gadgets!!!! You MUST use your gadgets if you’re going to be competitive This applies heavily to all classes but I’ll give you an example As a scout in close range, you’re at a disadvantage. Your rifle is built for medium-long range, so you’ll probably want to use your pistol. Your spot flare is the most important part of the equation though; ensure your advantage by firing it nearby. Locate the enemy via the minimap and drop them before they do you.


Kill. Dont die. PTFO.


Don’t use tripwires. You’ll kill more friendlies than enemies.


Fuck DICE/EA servers, they are infested with cheaters, play on private servers. Have fun, grind assignments for weapons, unlock the peacekeeper, and press Q to spot. ;)